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• Medium caliber stamen in the following colors: COLOR OPTION SINFONIA YARN (100grs with
KIT COLOR OPTION (ACRYLIC) -50grs with 120 meters- 200m)
BEIGE (100g); SAND (100g);
PEACH (100g); MEAT (125g);
PLUMBAGO BLUE (100g); NORDIC (125g);
OLD GOLD (50g); GOLD (50g);
DARK COFFEE (150 g.); DARK COFFEE (125 g.);
SKY BLUE (50g); SKY BLUE (50g);
WHITE (25g); WHITE (25g);
• 3.5 hook If you have any questions, find us on
• stamen needle Facebook or send us an email to:
• 2 PAIRS of 15mm button eyes and 1 PAIR of 15mm
button eyes ROMINA GARZA
© (55) 6194 1288
8mm safety
• Delcron filling (NOT INCLUDED)

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

With White Color
GOD CHILD Once the body is assembled, join the yarn at the opening
of the body, and do:
ABBREVIATIONS: V 1.- 1 sc in each point
Mp = half point Switch to Peach
Increase = increase in sc V 2.- THROUGH THE BACK LOOP: All MP
Decrease = decrease in sc Finish off and leave a long strand
Vt a = turn
Pto = point Neck hollan:
Pd = slipped point
With White Color
Mac = solid
Join the yarn in the free loop and make.
Triple Mac = triple solid
V 1.- *1 sc, 1 p*
Mpc = half a point loaded
Cad = string
*,* = Repeat the entire Head:
With Peach Color
V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
V 4.- *2 sc, 1 inc* = 24 sc
V 5.- *3 sc, 1 inc* = 30 sc
V 6 – 12.- All of mp
V 13.- *3 sc, 1 dec* = 24
V 14.- *2 sc, 1 dec* =18
V 15.- BY THE BACK LOOP: *1sp, 1dism* = 12
Fill the head
V 16.- All dec = 6
Finish off and leave a long tail to close

With Gold/Ocher Color
V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
V 4.- *2 sc, 1 inc* = 24 sc
V 5.- *3 sc, 1 inc* = 30 sc
V 6 – 11.- All of mp
V 12.- 10sc, (1sc, 3ch) x 4 times, 1sc, (1sc, 3ch) x 4 times,
the rest of sc.
Finish off and leave a long tail to sew.

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

Chain stitch
Single Crochet (sc)
CHAIN STICH (ch) = Chain (ch)
Double Crochet (de) SINGLE CROCHET (sc) = Half Stitch (mp)
DOUBLE CROCHET (dc) = Solid (mac)
Long into Round 2
LONG DOUBLE CROCHET (ldc) = Elongated Solid (macA)
SLIP STICH (sl st) = Slip stitch (pd)
Slip Stitch (if st)

Suggested combinations:
Arrow showing color

With Center Color
V 1.- 5 chains and close with 1 st to form a ring. Hugging the chains: ch
Center Color (V1): Sky Blue
3, (count as the first solid), ch 1, ch 1, (ch 2, ch 1) x 5 times , close
Petal Color (V2 and 3): White
with 1 dc in the 3rd ch. Top off.
Contrasting color (V4): Sky Blue
There should be 6 blocks of 2 mac, separated by 1 ch. With Color of
Closure Color: (V5): White
the Petals
V 2.- Join the yarn in the next space of the chain between the blocks of
the 2 macs and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 1mac, 1 ch, 2mac) in the space of
the ch, (in the next space of the chain, 2mac, 1ch, 2mac) x 5 times close with 1dc in the 3rd ch.
V 3.- Work 1 st until you reach the next space in the chain and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 6 mac) in the ch space, (in the next
space in the chain, 7 mac) x 5 times close with 1 st in the 3rd ch. Top off.
With contrasting color (center)
V 4.- Join the stamen at the same closing point, go up with 1ch, and at that same point, make 1sc, 6sc, 1 macA in the
space between the petals until you reach V2, (7sc, 1 macA in the space between the petals until you reach V2,) x 5 times
close with 1 st in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V5.- Raise with 3 ch (1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn in
the same closing point, increase with 3ch, -* , 2mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next
st) x 5 times , 4mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Finish off and lose If you have any questions, find us on
threads. Facebook or send us an email to:

© (55) 6194 1288

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

With Peach Color
Do 2
V 1.- Magic ring 8 mp
V 2 -3.- All of mp
Fill in as you go
Change to White
V 4-12.- All MP
Finish off and leave a long strand

Final Finishes:
1. Sew the head to the body
2. Sew hair to head
3. Close and sew the arms to the body
4. place the eyes
5. Lose threads.

If you have any questions, find us on Facebook or send us an email to:

(© (55) 6194 1288
( ■ )

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

With Peach Color
SAINT JOSEPH Once the body is assembled, join the yarn at the opening
of the body, and do:
ABBREVIATIONS: V 1.- 1 sc in each point
Mp = half point V 2.- All of mp
Increase = increase in MP Finish off and leave a long strand
Dec = decrease in mp
Vt a = turn
Pto = point Head:
Pd = slipped point With Peach Color
Mac = solid V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
Triple Mac = triple solid V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
Mpc = half a point loaded V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
Cad = string V 4.- *2 sc, 1 inc* = 24 sc
V ,* = Repeat the entire round. V 5.- *3 sc, 1 inc* = 30 sc
V 6.- *4mp, 1aum* = 36
V 7.- *5 sc, 1 inc* = 42
V 8.- *6 sc, 1 inc* = 48
V 9.- *7 sc, 1 inc* = 54
V 10.- * 8 sc, 1 inc * = 60
V 11 – 22.- All of mp
V 23.- *8 sc, 1 dec* = 54
V 24.- *7 sc, 1 dec* = 48
V 25.- *6 sc, 1 dec = 42
V 25- *5 sc, 1 dec* = 36
V 27.- *4 sc, 1 dec* = 30
V 28.- *3 sc, 1 dec* = 24
V 29.- *2 sc, 1 dec* =18
V 30.- BY THE BACK LOOP: *1sc, 1dism* = 12 Fill the head
V 31.- All dec = 6
Finish off and leave a long tail to close

With Brown Color
V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
V 4.- *2 sc, 1 inc* = 24 sc
V 5.- *3 sc, 1 inc* = 30 sc
V 6.- *4mp, 1aum* = 36

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

HEXAGON Chain stitch CHAIN
CHAIN (ch)(ch)
= Chain
= Chain
= Half Stitch (mp)
Single Crochet (sc)
Double Crochet (de)
SINGLE CROCHET (sc) = Half Stitch (mp)
{Ff{ffff ° Chain stitch (ch) Long into Round 2 DOUBLE
CROCHET (dc)(dc)
= Solid (mac)
= Solid (mac)
Slip Stitch (if st)
A 4+ + +4 a X Single Crochet (sc)
= Elongated Solid
TO 4p 1g
DOUBLE CROCHET = Elongated Solid

k z A. 1"a T Double Crochet (de) SLIPSLIP

STICH (sl st)
STICH (sl =st)Slip stitch
= Slip (pd)(pd)
R <) sa T

Suggested combinations:
$+ x$• C8 4 $ 9x T Long dc into Round 2

> 8 XEf3 Suggested combinations:

W- 9 4 * Slip Stitch (sIst) SAINT JOSEPH:
« *M/ i M/S N BODY:
*>*F T 4* - ____,, Arrow showing
"4L4LLB "O""g" Center Color
Center (V1):
Color Brown
(V1): Brown
Petal Color (V2 and Lemon
Color (V2 and 3): Green
3): Lemon Green
With Center Color
V With Centerand
1.- 5 chains Color
close with 1 st to form a ring. Hugging Contrasting color (V4): Coffee
Contrasting color (V4): Coffee
V1.- 5 chains and
the chains: ch 3, (count close
as with 1 st solid),
the first to form cha1,ring. Hugging
ch 1, the
(ch 2, ch Closure Color:
Closure (V5):
Color: Lemon
(V5): LemonGreen
1) xchains:
4 times ch, 3, (count
close withas1the first
dc in thesolid),
3rd ch.chTop
1, choff.
1, (ch 2, ch 1) x V ***QUANTITY
5 times , close with 1 dc in the 3rd ch. Top
There should be 5 blocks of 2 mac, separated by 1 ch. With off. 6 PENTAGONS
Color should
of the be 6 blocks of 2 mac, separated by 1 ch. With
Color of the Petals
V 2.- Join the yarn in the next space of the chain between
theV2.- Joinofthe
blocks theyarn in the
2 macs next
and space
make: of the
(3 ch -1stchain
1mac, 1 the
ch, 2mac) in the space of the ch, (in the next space of the1 ch,
blocks of the 2 macs and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 1mac,
chain, in the
2mac, 1ch,space
2mac)of the ch, (inclose
x 4 times the next
1dc inofthethe3rd
ch. 2mac, 1ch, 2mac) x 5 times close with 1dc in the 3rd ch.
V V3.- Work11ststuntil
chain and If you have any questions, find us on Facebook
3.- Work or send us an email to:
mac-,6 6mac)
space in the chain, 7 mac) x 5 times close with 1 st in the 3rd ROMINA GARZA
next space in the chain, 7 mac) x 4 times close with 1 st in
ch. Top off. and.
© (55) 6194
If you any questions, find us on AM Facebook or send
us an email to:
the 3rd ch. Top off. (G)
With contrasting color (center)
With contrasting color (center) . agROMINA GARZA
V4.- Join the stamen at the same closing point, go up with “gdm © (55) 6194 1288 me- @)
V 4.- Join the stamen at the same closing point, go up with
1ch, and at that same point, make 1sc, 6sc, 1 macA in the
1ch, and at that same point, make 1sc, 6sc, 1 macA in the 58
space between the petals until you reach V2, (7sc, 1 macA in
space between the petals until you reach V2, (7sc, 1 macA in
the space between the petals until you reach V2,) x 5 times
the space between the petals until you reach V2,) x 4 times
close with 1 st in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V5.- Raise
close with 1 st in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V5.- Raise
with 3 ch (1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn
with 3 ch (1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn
in the same closing point, increase with 3ch, -* , 2mac, (1mac,
in the same closing point, increase with 3ch, -* , 2mac,
1ch, 1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the
(1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac)
next st) x 5 times , 4mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Finish
in the next st) x 4 times , 4mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch.
off and lose threads.
Finish off and lose threads.

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House
Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

C Chain stitch (ch)

X Single Crochet (sc)

Double Crochet (de)

• Slip Stitch (if st)

Arrow showing color change

CHAIN STICH (ch) = Chain (ch)
SINGLE CROCHET (sc) = Half Stitch (mp)
DOUBLE CROCHET (dc) = Solid (mac)
LONG DOUBLE CROCHET (ldc) = Elongated Solid
SLIP STICH (sl st) = Slip stitch (pd)

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

V 7.- *5 sc, 1 inc* = 42
V 8.- *6 sc, 1 inc* = 48
V 9.- *7 sc, 1 inc* = 54
V 10.- * 8 sc, 1 inc * = 60
V 11 – 16.- All of mp

Center Color (V1): Brown

With Center Color
Petal Color (V2): Lemon Green
V1.- 5 chains and close with 1 st to form a ring. Hugging the
Contrasting color (V3): Coffee
chains: 3 ch, (count as the first solid), 1mac, 1 ch, (4mac, 1
Closure Color: (V4): Lemon Green
ch) x 3 times , 2mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Top off.
There should be 4 blocks of 4mac, separated by 1 ch.
With Color of the Petals
V2.- Join the yarn in the next space of the chain between the
blocks of the 4mac and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 7mac) in the
space of the ch, (in the next space of the chain, 8mac) x 3
times close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Top off.
With contrasting color (center)
V3.- Join the yarn in the same closing point, go up with 1ch,
and in that same point, make 1sc, in each point, close with
1sc in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V4.- Go up with 3 ch
(1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn in the
same closing point, go up with 3ch, -* , 3mac, (1mac, 1ch,
1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next st)
x 3 times , 3mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Finish off and
lose threads.

If you have any questions, find us on

Facebook or send us an email to:

© (55) 6194 1288

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

With White Color........................................2
Once the body is assembled, join the yarn at the opening of the body, and do: 2
Switch to Peach...........................................2
Neck hollan:....................................................2
With White Color........................................2
Join the yarn in the free loop and make......2
With Peach Color........................................2
With Gold/Ocher Color...............................2
Suggested combinations:....................................3
GOD CHILD:.................................................3
With Center Color.......................................3
With Peach Color........................................4
Do 2.............................................................4
Change to White..........................................4
Final Finishes:.................................................4
AMIGURUMI PART.........................................5
SAINT JOSEPH.................................................5
With Peach Color........................................5
With Brown Color.......................................5
Suggested combinations:....................................6
SAINT JOSEPH:............................................6

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

6 PENTAGONS..........................................6
SAINT JOSEPH:............................................8
With Center Color.......................................8
With Color of the Petals..............................8
With Coffee 37 cad...................................10
With Peach Color......................................10
Do 2...........................................................10
Change to Lemon Green...........................10
AMIGURUMI PART.......................................13
Virgin Mary......................................................13
With Peach Color......................................13
With Brown Color.....................................13
With Center Color.....................................14
Suggested combinations:..................................14
Virgin Mary:.................................................14
9 HEXAGONS..........................................15
Virgin Mary:.................................................16

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

With Center Color.....................................16
With Color of the Petals............................16
Suggested combinations:..................................17
Virgin Mary:.................................................17
9 PENTAGONS........................................17
With Coffee...............................................18
With Peach Color......................................18
Do 2...........................................................18
Final Finishes:...............................................19
V 22.- 10 sc, (1 sc, 10 ch, from the 2nd ch, 1 sc in each
chain -9 sc-) x 30 times, 9 sc, 1 inc, 12 sc through the ends of
the previous rows, 1 sc in the first st. Finish off and leave a
long thread to sew.

With Coffee 37 cad.
V 1.- Starting from the 2nd chain on the hook, make 8sc,
4sc, 12sc, 4sc, 8sc.
V 2.- Turn, raise with 1ch, 8sc, 4sc, 12mac, 4sc, 8sc.
V 3.- Go up the sides with 2 sts, ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF
THE START CHAINS, 8sc, 4sc, 2mac, 9 ch, skip 8 sts, 2sc, 4sc,
With Peach Color
V 4.- Turn, raise with 1ch, 8sc, 6sc, in the chains do, 2sc,
Do 2
2mac, 1sc, 2sc, 2mmsc, 6sc, 8sc.
V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
Finish off and leave a long strand
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
V 4 - 6.- All MP
V 7.- 8mp, 4mac choppy, 9mp

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

V 8.- All MP
V 9.- *1 sc, 1 dec * = 12
V 10 - 28.- All of mp
Fill in as you go
Change to Lemon Green
V 29.- All of MP
Finish off and leave a long strand
Finish filling

With Lemon Green
Do 2
Placing the Head arm, and through the free Loop of the
V 28, join the yarn and do:
V 1.- 3ch -count as the first mac-, 1aum of mac, *1mac,
1aum of mac*. Close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. = 18 V2 - 3.-
3cad -count as the first mac-, all from mac. Close with 1dc in
the 3rd ch.
V 4.- 3ch -count as the first mac-, 1mac, 1aum of mac,
*2mac, 1aum of mac*. Close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. = 24
V 5 - 9.- 3cad -count as the first mac-, all mac. Close with
1dc in the 3rd ch.
V 10.- *1st, 1ch*
Finish off and lose threads.

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

With Coffee 10 each.
V1.- Starting from the 3rd chain on the hook, make 1 mac in
each chain = 7 mac.
V2 - 40.- Flip, 3ch -count as the first mac-, all mac.
Finish off and lose threads.
Join both ends to form the Tunic.
Sew on the shoulder.

Final Finishes:
Sew the head to the body
Sew hair to head
Sew the beard on the head
Close and sew the arms to the
place the eyes

If you have any questions, look for us

Facebook or send us an email to:

© (55) 6194 1288
With Peach Color
Virgin Mary V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
ABBREVIATIONS: V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
Mp = half point V 4.- *2 sc, 1 inc* = 24 sc
Increase = increase in MP V 5.- *3 sc, 1 inc* = 30 sc
Dec = decrease in mp V 6.- *4mp, 1aum* = 36
Vt a = turn V 7.- *5 sc, 1 inc* = 42
Pto = point V 8.- *6 sc, 1 inc* = 48
Pd = slipped point V 9.- *7 sc, 1 inc* = 54
Mac = solid V 10.- * 8 sc, 1 inc * = 60
Triple Mac = triple solid V 11 – 22.- All of mp
Mpc = half a point loaded V 23.- *8 sc, 1 dec* = 54
Cad = string V 24.- *7 sc, 1 dec* = 48
V ,* = Repeat the entire round. V 25.- *6 sc, 1 dec = 42
V 25- *5 sc, 1 dec* = 36
V 27.- *4 sc, 1 dec* = 30
V 28.- *3 sc, 1 dec* = 24
V 29.- *2 sc, 1 dec* =18
V 30.- BY THE BACK LOOP: *1sp, 1dism* = 12
Fill the head
V 31.- All dec = 6
Finish off and leave a long tail to close

With Brown Color
V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
V 4.- *2 sc, 1 inc* = 24 sc
V 5.- *3 sc, 1 inc* = 30 sc
V 6.- *4mp, 1aum* = 36
V 7.- *5 sc, 1 inc* = 42
Body: V 8.- *6 sc, 1 inc* = 48
With Peach Color V 9.- *7 sc, 1 inc* = 54
Once the body is assembled, join the yarn at the opening V 10.- * 8 sc, 1 inc * = 60
of the body, and do: V 11 – 20.- All of mp
V 1.- 1 sc in each point
V 2.- All of mp
Finish off and leave a long strand

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

Chain stitch CHAIN STICH (ch) = Chain (ch)
Single Crochet (sc)
SINGLE CROCHET (sc) = Half Stitch (mp)
DOUBLE CROCHET (dc) = Solid (mac)
Double Crochet (de)
LONG DOUBLE CROCHET (ldc) = Elongated Solid (macA)
SLIP STICH (sl st) = Slip Stitch (pd)
Long into Round 2

Slip Stitch (if st)

Suggested combinations:
Arrow showing color
Virgin Mary:
With Center Color Center Color (V1): Ocher
V 1.- 5 chains and close with 1 st to form a ring. Embracing Petal Color (V2 and 3): Bone/Beige
the chains: ch 3, (count as the first solid), ch 1, ch 1, (ch 2, ch Contrasting Color (V4): Plumbago Blue
1) x 5 times , close with 1 dc in the 3rd ch. Top off. Closure Color: (V5): Bone/Beige
There should be 6 blocks of 2 mac, separated by 1 ch. With V ***QUANTITY REQUIRED FOR THE BODY:
Color of the Petals 8 HEXAGONS
V 2.- Join the yarn in the next space of the chain between MANTLE:
the blocks of the 2 macs and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 1mac, 1 Center Color (V1): Sky Blue
ch, 2mac) in the space of the ch, (in the next space of the Petal Color (V2 and 3): Plumbago Blue
chain, 2mac, 1ch, 2mac) x 5 times close with 1dc in the 3rd Contrasting color (V4): Sky Blue
ch. Closure Color: (V5): Plumbago Blue
V 3.- Work 1 st until you reach the next space in the chain You can make some hexagons by exchanging the color of
and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 6 mac) in the ch space, (in the the flowers but you ALWAYS have to close them with
next space in the chain, 7 mac) x 5 times close with 1 st in PLUMBAGO BLUE.
the 3rd ch. Top off.
With contrasting color (center)
V 4.- Join the stamen at the same closing point, go up with
1ch, and at that same point, make 1sc, 6sc, 1 macA in the
space between the petals until you reach V2, (7sc, 1 macA in
the space between the petals until you reach V2,) x 5 times
close with 1 st in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V5.- Raise
with 3 ch (1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn
in the same closing point, increase with 3ch, -* , 2mac,
(1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in
the next st) x 5 times , 4mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch.
Finish off and lose threads.

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House


If you have any questions, look for

us online or send us an email to:

(© (55) 6194 1288

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

SQUARE Virgin Mary:

C Chain stitch (ch)

X Single Crochet (sc)

Double Crochet (de)

• Slip Stitch (if st)

Arrow showing color change

CHAIN STICH (ch) = Chain (ch)
SINGLE CROCHET (sc) = Half Stitch (mp)
DOUBLE CROCHET (dc) = Solid (mac)
LONG DOUBLE CROCHET (ldc) = Elongated Solid
SLIP STICH (sl st) = Slip stitch (pd)

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

Chain stitch

Single Crochet (sc)

Double Crochet (de)
Long into Round 2
Slip Stitch (if st)

With Center Color

V 1.- 5 chains and close with 1 st to form a ring. Hugging the

Center Color (V1): Ocher

With Center Color
Petal Color (V2): Bone/Beige
V1.- 5 chains and close with 1 st to form a ring. Hugging the
Contrasting Color (V3): Plumbago Blue
chains: 3 ch, (count as the first solid), 1mac, 1 ch, (4mac, 1
Closure Color: (V4): Bone/Beige
ch) x 3 times , 2mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Top off.
There should be 4 blocks of 4mac, separated by 1 ch.
With Color of the Petals
V2.- Join the yarn in the next space of the chain between the MANTLE:
blocks of the 4mac and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 7mac) in the Center Color (V1): Sky Blue
space of the ch, (in the next space of the chain, 8mac) x 3 Petal Color (V2): Plumbago Blue
times close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Top off. Contrasting color (V3): Sky Blue
With contrasting color (center) Closure Color: (V4): Plumbago Blue
V3.- Join the yarn in the same closing point, go up with 1ch, ****QUANTITY REQUIRED FOR THE BODY
and in that same point, make 1sc, in each point, close with 1 SQUARE
1sc in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V4.- Go up with 3 ch
(1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn in the
same closing point, go up with 3ch, -* , 3mac, (1mac, 1ch,
1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next st)
x 3 times , 3mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. Finish off and
lose threads.

If you have any questions, find us on

Facebook or send us an email to:

© (55) 6194 1288

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

chains: ch 3, (count as the first solid), ch 1, ch 1, (ch 2, ch 1) x
4 times , close with 1 dc in the 3rd ch. Top off. Suggested combinations:
There should be 5 blocks of 2 mac, separated by 1 ch. With Virgin Mary:
Color of the Petals
V 2.- Join the yarn in the next space of the chain between BODY:
the blocks of the 2 macs and make: (3 ch -1st mac-, 1mac, 1 Center Color (V1): Ocher
ch, 2mac) in the space of the ch, (in the next space of the Petal Color (V2 and 3): Bone/Beige
chain, 2mac, 1ch, 2mac) x 4 times close with 1dc in the 3rd Contrasting Color (V4): Plumbago Blue
ch. Closure Color: (V5): Bone/Beige
V 3.- Work 1 st until you reach the next space in the chain ****QUANTITY REQUIRED FOR THE BODY:
and work: (ch 3 -1st mac-, 6mac) in the ch space, (in the next 6 PENTAGONS
space in the chain, 7mac) x 4 times close with 1st in the 3rd MANTLE:
ch. Top off.
Center Color (V1): Sky Blue
If you have any questions, find us on
Facebook or send us an email to:

© (55) 6194 1288

With contrasting color (center) Petal Color (V2 and 3): Plumbago Blue
V 4.- Join the stamen at the same closing point, go up with Contrasting color (V4): Sky Blue
1ch, and at that same point, make 1sc, 6sc, 1 macA in the Closure Color: (V5): Plumbago Blue
space between the petals until you reach V2, (7sc, 1 macA in You can make some pentagons by exchanging the color of
the space between the petals until you reach V2,) x 4 times the flowers but you ALWAYS have to close them with
close with 1 st in the first sc. Bind off OPTIONAL V5.- Raise PLUMBAGO BLUE .
with 3 ch (1st mac) *-in case of changing color, Join the yarn ****QUANTITY REQUIRED FOR THE BODY:
in the same closing point, increase with 3ch, -* , 2mac, 9 PENTAGONS
(1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in the next st, (7mac, (1mac, 1ch, 1mac) in
the next st) x 4 times , 4mac, close with 1dc in the 3rd ch. V 21.- 18sc, 1sc, (1sc, (1sc, 1sc) in the next st, 1sc, 3sc
Finish off and lose threads. triples in the next st, 5sc triples, 3sc triples in the next st,
(1sc, 1sc) in the next st, 1sc , 1pd) x 2 times, 13mp.
GLOSSARY: Finish off and leave a long tail to sew.

CHAIN STICH (ch) = Chain (ch)

SINGLE CROCHET (sc) = Half Stitch (mp) BRAID
DOUBLE CROCHET (dc) = Solid (mac) With Coffee
LONG DOUBLE CROCHET (ldc) = Elongated Solid Cut strips approx. 50 cm, and place them around the hair
(bruise) ONLY IN THE LAST TWIST, as if you were putting the beards
SLIP STICH (sl st) = Slip stitch (pd) of a scarf. Respect the fringe. Make a braid or ponytail
attached at the back, loosely so that it shows off.

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

Arms: V 9.- Work 1dc until you reach the next space in the chain
and work: (3 ch -1st mac-, 6mac) in the ch space, (in the next
With Peach Color
space of the chain, 7mac) x 5 times close with 1dc in the 3rd
Do 2
ch. Top off
V 1.- Magic ring 6 mp
With Plumbago Blue/OCRE
V 2.- 2 sc in each one = 12 sc
V 4.- Join the stamen at the same closing point, go up with
V 3.- *1 sc, 1 inc* = 18 sc
1ch, and at that same point, make 1sc, 6sc, 1 macA in the
V 4 - 6.- All MP
space between the petals until you reach V2, (7sc, 1 macA in
V 7.- 8mp, 4mac choppy, 9mp
the space between the petals until you reach V2,) x 5 times
V 8.- All MP close with 1 st in the first sc.
V 9.- *1 sc, 1 dec * = 12 Finish off and lose threads.
V 10 - 25.- All of mp
Fill in as you go
Change to Bone/Beige
V 26 - 27.- All of mp With Ocher Color
V 28.- THROUGH THE BACK LOOP: All sc. Finish off and Once the Mantle is assembled, join the yarn at any point
leave a long thread. (preferably on the back), and do:
Finish filling V 1.- 1 sc in each point
V 2.- Everything crab
Finish off and lose threads.
With Bone/Beige
Do 2
Placing the Head arm, and through the free Loop of the
V28, join the yarn and make:
V 1.- (3ch -count as the first mac-, 1mac, 1 ch) in the first
st., [(2mac, 1ch) in the next st]x 11 times = 24 mac

V 2 - 7.- Go with tr until you reach the ch space and make

(4ch - count as 1mac + 1 ch-, 1mac) in the chain space,
[(1mac, 1 ch, 1mac) in the next space of ch] x 11 times.
V 8.- (3 ch -1st mac-, 1mac, 1 ch, 2mac) in the ch space,
*skip 1 ch space (V), in the next chain space, (2mac, 1ch,
2mac) * x 5 times close with 1st ch in the 3rd ch.

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

Final Finishes:
1. Sew the head to the body
2. Sew hair to head
3. Close and sew the arms to the body
4. place the eyes
5. Sew the cloak to the head
6. Lose threads.

If you have any questions, find us on

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© (55) 6194 1288

Amigurumis from Mama Hen's Knitting House

6 6

Mantle: First the hexagons in the center (2, 3 and 4) are joined, then the pentagons and
the square.
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