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Good morning everybody, I’m Hà My and I’m from group 6.

Our group’s
members are me, Bảo Linh, Thục Linh and Thục Anh. Today, we want to
bring you a meaningful short play. And there are 3 characters in this play,
Bảo Linh is the manager, Thục Linh is the staff and Thục Anh is the
On a beautiful day, in a shopping mall, there was a woman dressed simply
appeared and intended to buy some jewelries. Therefore, she went to the
biggest jewelry store there.
-Staff (Thục Linh): Good morning. How may I help you?
-Customer (Thục Anh): Oh, my daughter’s birthday is coming and I want
to give her a few new trinkets. Could you recommend me some samples?
-Staff: Ok, let me show you some of them. This way. *hold a jewelry* this
ring our best seller item and it’s on sale today. Because of its reasonable
price and also suitable for children so it’s very popular.
-Customer: It’s very beautiful but I need a sophisticated, classy yet casual
model, so can you show me another one?
The staff suddenly got worried, she thought this woman wouldn’t be able
to afford the expensive jewelry, so wouldn’t it be a waste of time if she
introduced them to this customer? Therefore, should she introduce or not?
While she was thinking, her manager incidentally come in and blamed her.
-Manager (Bảo Linh): What are you doing here? You’re wasting your
time! *turn to the customer and smile* We’re really sorry. How can we
help you?
-Customer: I want to buy some new, luxurious but also simple models.
-Manger: In our store, those models are sold at very high prices. Can you
afford it?
-Customer: Excuse me, what I’m looking for is your products
recommendation, not your hesitation.
Then, she began to choose adornments for her daughter herself.
After a while, the customer found the item she wanted and went straight to
the checkout counter.
-Customer: I want these things. How much do they cost?
-Staff: Excuse me, what’s your name?
The customer took out her business card and said:
-Customer: I’m the chief executive officer of this store. Can I pay for these
things by my credit card?
Of course, the staff was really surprised and she didn’t know what to do.
At the end, after the customer finished paying, she said:
-Customer: Don’t judge a book by its appearance, I will talk to the manger
After a few days, both the staff and the manager were fired and after
experiencing such a story, they feel very regretful. It is also the lesson our
team wants to send to you. Never judge anybody just only by their
appearance. Hope our play brings a useful lesson for you. Thank you for
your listening, goodbye.

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