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1.1 Crafted and submitted the Main MOV
School Improvement plan 1. Approved SIP/WFP/AIP/PPMP/APP (2023-2024) Complete and Functional SIP/WFP/AIP/PPMP/APP (2023-2024)
aligned to the MATATAG aligned to MATATAG Agenda, BEDP and DEDP
Agenda, BEDP, and DEDP to Scoring:
ensure the effectiveness of the -Complete
teaching and learning processes Supporting MOVs w/ 2 addt'l contents - 5pts
which contained the required 1. Notice of Meeting, Attendance sheets, Minutes of Annual -Complete w/ 1 addt'l content - 4 pts
MOVs Meeting during the planning and crafting of
SIP/WFP/AIP/PPMP/APP -Complete contents - 3 pts
-Lacking 1 required content - 2 pts
-Lacking 2 or more required contents - 1 pt

1.2 Crafted and submitted Main MoV

Concept Paper, Project 1. Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation,
Proposal, Innovation or Research (BERF and NON-BERF), Work Application Plan
Research to operationalize the (WAP), Re-entry Application Project (REAP)
learning delivery modalities 2. Accomplishment Reports
identified in the SIP
Supporting MoV
M&E Report on the Implementation of the approved
Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation, Research,
Work Application Plan (WAP), Re-entry Application
Project (REAP), BERF Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation, Research (BERF and
NON-BERF), Work Application Plan (WAP), Re-entry Application
Project (REAP) complete with required contents - 5 pts
-Lacking 1 required content - 4 pts
-Lacking 2 required content - 3 pts
-Lacking 3 required content - 2 pts
-Lacking 4 required content - 1 pt


1.3 Implemented and managed Main MoVs

programs in the school that 1. Report on Child Friendly School System
support the development of 2. Contengency Plan
learners 3. Preventive Maintenance Plan Presented all 7 MoVs - 5 pts
4. DRRM Action Plan/Quarterly Report
5. Health and Nutrition Programs Presented 6 MoVs - 4 pts
6. Report on Youth Formation Development /Career
Guidance Program Presented 5 MoVs - 3 pts
7. Sports Program
Presented 4 MoVs - 2 pts

Presented 3 or less MoVs - 1 pt

1.4 Documented M&E Main MoV
processes and conducted 1. SMEA Quarterly Report
quarterly School M&E 2. SMEA Presentation Materials/Annual
Adjustment (SMEA), and Accomplishment Report
submitted SMEA Report 3. Letter of Invitation to Stakeholders
Complete with required 4. Attendance Sheet Presented all 6 MoVs - 5 pts
contents 5. Notice of Meeting
6. Minutes of Meeting Presented 5 MoVs - 4 pts

Presented 4 MoVs - 3 pts

Presented 3 MoVs - 2 pts

Presented 2 or less MoVs - 1 pt

2.1 Managed the utilization of 1. Monthly/Quarterly Liquidation Reports

100% MOOE and other funds in 2. Transparency Board
adherence to COA rules and
standards 3. Certification of Top Performers/No Unliquidated Procurement aligned with PPAs, SIP, WFP, AIP, PPMP with
Funds complete liquidation documents - 5 pts
4. Budget Utilization Report (IUs and Non-IUs)
Lacking 1 document - 4 pts

Lacking 2 documents - 3 pts

Lacking 3 documents - 2 pts

Lacking 4 or more documents - 1 pt

2.2 Kept official records, Main MoVs

communications, and 1. School Forms (SF4, SF5, SF6, e-F7, SF8 *if no AO
information in printed and/or II/PDO I/ADAS III/etc.)
electronic format for easy 2. DTR, IDLAR, Appointments, Plantilla, Payrolls
access and retrieval (for UIs), MRs, ICS, FARS Submitted School Forms, DTR, IDLAR, Appointments, Plantilla,
3. e-SRC Payrolls (for UIs), MRs, ICS, FARS, e-SRC in printed and/or
electronic format, complete files, arranged neatly and organized
in a Google drive for easy access and retrieval - 5 pts

Lacking 1 file/folder - 4 pts

Lacking 2 files/folders - 3 pts

Lacking 3 files/folders - 2 files

Lacking 4 or more files/folders - 1 pt

2.3 Documented Main MoV
implementation of programs, 1. Annual Accomplishment Report of PPAs
projects, and activities (PPAs) 2. NSBI/Inventory of School Buildings
under School-based 3. Annual Inspection Report
Management (SBM) 4. SBM Level of Practice with Analysis Documented implementation of PPAs/CI Reports, plans,
5. Reports on Continuous Improvement (CI) Projects inventory/inspection report under SBM arranged completely,
Implemented updated, and filed for easy access and retrieval - 5 pts

Lacking 1 MoV - 4 pts

Lacking 2 MoVs - 3 pts

Lacking 3 MoVs - 2 pts

Lacking 4 or more MoVs - 1 pt

2.4 Ensured that teachers and 1.Teachers' signed DTR

personnel comply with the 2. Monthly Report on Absences (ROA)/ (Form 7)
policy on attendance 3. Issuance of School Memo on Policy Review in
adherence to Dep Ed Order 9 s 2005 and DepEd Order
No. 291 s.2008
4. Notice of Meeting Submitted all 5 MOVs - 5 pts
5. Consolidated reports /findings/action taken &
recommendation Submitted 4 MOVs - 4 pts

Supporting MOVs: Submitted 3 MOVs - 3 pts

attendance sheets, minutes of meeting
Submitted 2 MOVs - 2 pts

Submitted 1 MOV - 1 pt

2.5 Ensured that teachers are 1. Approved e-SF7

equitably assigned to teaching 2. Class program SY 23-24 approved by the SDS
loads indicated in the
e-SF7/Class Program at the
Start of School Year 2023-2024

Submitted validated and approved e-SF7 and class program

by the SDS
5- pts -validated and approved by SDS
1- pt- not appproved by SDS
3.1 Submitted and 1. Approved Monthly Instructional Supervisory Plan
Implemented monthly (ISP) 2. Instructional
Instructional Supervisory Plan Supervisory Plan monthly Accomplishment Reports
(ISP) in the delivery and/or 3. Consolidated Results of M&E (PMCF)
implementation of face-to-face, 4. Analyses of M&E Results
distance, or blended learning Submitted all 4 MOVs
modality (approved monthly ISP, accomplishment report, and consolidated
M&E report and analyses) - 5 pts

Submitted 3 MOVs - 4 pts

Submitted 2 MOVs - 3 pts

Submitted 1 MOVs - 2 pts

No MOVs - 1 pt

3.2 Conducted school-based 1. Approved school LAC plan on curriculum

review, contextualization and contextualization
implementation of learning 2.Contextualized Matrix Submitted all 5 MOVs - 5 pts
standards 3. Copy of school policy/issuance on curriculum
contextualization 4. Copy of Submitted 4 MOVs - 4 pts
contextualized learning resources with certification
from LREs 5. Submitted 3 MOVs - 3 pts
Certification of utilization /adoption of contextualized
LRs Submitted 2 MOVs - 2 pts

Submitted 1 MOV - 1 pt

3.3 Conducted needs 1. Updated Inventory of learning resources needs

assesment on type/kind of 2. Approved
learning resources to be School LR plan
5- conducted, implemented approved school LR plan with
complete MOVs

1- implemented , incomplete MOV presented

3.4 Monitored and evaluted the 1. Updated Monitoring and evaluation tool in the
utilization of quality assured utilization and distribution of learning resources per
contextualized learning quarter 2.
resources Consolidated Monitoring and Evaluation report in
contextualization and distribution of learning
resources per quarter
5- submitted M&E report on the utilization of contextualized LRs

1- incomplete submission

Focusing on
3.5 Implemented reading and 1. Approved Implementation Plan and Literacy and
Focusing on numeracy program to improve Numeracy Roadmap and school-initiated intervention
Teaching and learning outcomes approved by SDS l
Learning 2. Quarterly
monitoring report in the implementation of Litnum 5- Submitted approved LitNum Plan, implemented school-initated
programs (List of learners intervention with progress monitoring report, analysis and
progress), (issues/concerns/action taken) presented complete MOVs
3. Progress 4- submitted only 3 MOVs 3 - submitted only 2
Monitoring Report with analysis MOVs 2- submitted only 1 MOV 1-No
MOV presented

3.6 Ensured effective 1. Consolidated results of Quarterly Assessment with

implementation of the Analyses 2. Report on
management of learning in instructional interventions / best practices based on
schools and learning centers for analysed quarterly assessment results
better learning outcomes 3. Contextualized learning assessment tools to
diagnose learners and determine their mastery level 5- Submitted complete 4 MOVs
4- submitted only 3 MOVs
4. Inventory/list localized/contextualized 3 - submitted only 2 MOVs
assessment tools 2- submitted only 1 MOV
1-No MOV presented

3.7. Provided learners a child- 1. Approved implementation plan on ADM

friendly, inclusive and healthy
learning environment 2. CFSS Survey Tool-
Child Friendly School System Survey Report

3 SBM WinS Level of Practice-Wash in School Level of 5- 100% of programs /activities implemented with presented
Practice accomplishment reports as MOVs 4 -4 out of 5
4 . NSED Quarterly Report- National Simultaneous implemented
Earthquake Drill 5 . CSSMT- 3 - 3- out of 5 implemented
Comprehensive Schol Safety Monitoring Report 2- 2 out of 5 implemented
1 -less than 2 programs implemented
3.8 Implemented curricular and Implemented various curricular and co-curricular
co-curricular activities activities based on DepEd Order 22, s. 2023, and DO
promoting learner's values 003., s. 2024
formation and holistic
development evident in the 1. United Nations Celebration
school calendar of activities 2. Functional School Sports and Cultural Program

3. Campus Journalism /School/ Division Press

Conference 5- 100% of programs /activities implemented with presented
4. Nutrition/Dental Month accomplishment reports as MOVs 4 -8-9 out of 10
5. Reading Month Celebration / 3Bs /LitNum implemented 3 - 6-7- out of 10
implemented 2- 4-5 out of 10 implemented
6. Career Guidance Program/orientation 1 -less than 4 programs implemented
7. Community School Day

8. Home Gardening Program

9. NLC -NLRP 10. Catch-
Up Fridays

4.1 Designed and implemented 1. Approved SLAC plans and report

programs for the personal and 2. Approved INSET Proposal and
professional development of Accomplishment Report 3.
teachers and personnel based Evaluation Report 4. INSET
on needs assessment and those Activity Schedule, Attendance Sheet
required by DepEd 5. Inventory of PD Programs conducted for Teachers'
development needs
-Crafted and submitted program design on INSET/SLAC complete
with required content - 5 pts
-Lacking 1 required content - 4 pts
-Lacking 2 required content - 3 pts
-Lacking 3 required content - 2 pts
-Lacking more than 3 required content - 1 pt

4.2 Observed performance 1. Sample of signed IPCRF Commitment of teachers

cycle such as setting (signed) 2. Sample
performance targets, coaching of Accomplished Mid-year Review Forms of Teachers
and mentoring performance, 3. Sample of Performace Conducted all 4 phases of the RPMS Cycle:
Developing Self and midyear review, and Coaching and Mentoring Form Year Round
Others performance evaluation of ALL 4. Sample COT Accomplished Form of Teachers Signed performance targets; coached and monitored
teachers and personnel using 5. Sample IPCRF of teachers with Rating performance, conducted midyear review, rated and signed IPCRF
RPMS Tools (IDLAR, COT of all teachers and personnel - 5 pts
Coaching and Mentoring Form,
etc.) Lacking 1 process - 4 pts
Lacking 2 processes - 3 pts
Lacking 3 processes - 2 pts
Only 1 process done - 1 pt
4.3 Recognized and awarded 1. Sample of certificates awarded to teachers and
teachers and personnel for personnel 2. Awards and
outstanding and exemplary Recognition Program 3. Criteria
performance based on their for the awards and recognition
performance ratings and actual 4. List of Awardees Recognized and awarded teachers and personnel for outstanding
accomplishments and exemplary performance based on their performance ratings
and actual accomplishments based on 4 or more criteria - 5 pts

Based on 3 criteria - 4 pts

Based on 2 criteria - 3 pts
Based on 1 criterion - 2 pts
No criterion was used - 1 pt

4.4 Conduct self-assessment of 1. Consolidated summary of teachers' needs based on

personal and professional E-SAT/CSAT Results
development needs to teachers 2. IPPD/SPPD
using the Philippine
Professional Standards for -100% of the teachers have undergone needs assessment - 5 pts
Teachers (PPST)
-90-99% of the teachers have undergone needs assessment - 4

-80-89% of the teachers have undergone needs assessment - 3


-70-79% of the teachers have undergone needs assessment - 2


-less than 70% oof the teachers have undergone needs

assessment - 1 pt

5.1 Prepared, issued, and/or 1. Any sample of information and official

published information and communication to teachers/personnel, clients, and
official communication to stakeholders using printed and/or electronic
teachers/personnel, clients, Memorandum, Infographics, Tarpaulins, websites, FB Information and official communication published in any 5 of the
and stakeholders using printed Pages, GC printed formats (infographics, tarpaulins, electronic formats in
and/or electronic website, FB page, GC) - 5 pts
Memorandum, Infographics,
Tarpaulins, websites, FB Pages, Any 4 - 4 pts
GC Any 3 - 3 pts
Any 2 - 2 pts
Any 1 - 1 pt
5.2 Conducted a 1. Monthly Report on the Directory or Inventory of
consolidation/database Partners
mechanism on the directory of 2. Annual Consolidated Report on Partnership

12 reports on Directory/Inventory of Partners submitted to Soc

Mob - 5 pts.
10-11 reports on Directory/Inventory of Partners submitted to Soc
Mob - 4 pts
8-9 reports on Directory/Inventory of Partners submitted to Soc
Mob - 3 pts
6-7 reports on Directory/Inventory of Partners submitted to Soc
Mob - 2 pts
less than 6 reports on Directory/Inventory of Partners submitted
to Soc Mob - 1 pt

Year Round
5.3 Conducted partnerships 1. Attendance sheets 2. Activity
and Social Mobilization Program and Accomplishment Report
activities (brigada, dagyaw, 3. School Partnership Data Report with
adopt a school, SBm, etc.) to Transmittal (Submitted through DPDS Site and
generate resources and Onedrive) Conducted partnerships and Social Mobilization activities with at
programs to help the school as 4. Signed MOUs/MOAs for partnership least 5 stakeholders - 5 pts
evidenced by presence of
actual projects, Deed of With 4 stakeholders - 4 pts
Donation, or MOUs/MOAs, etc. With 3 stakeholders - 3 pts
With 2 stakeholders - 2 pts
With 1 stakeholder - 1 pt

5.4 Conducted regular 1. Notice of meeting 2. Attendance

meetings with PTA, ExeCom, sheets with meeting quorum
teams, grade leaders, faculty 3. Minutes of the Meeting
clubs, and other stakeholders
to discuss plans to improve the
delivery of educational services Conducted regular meetings/conferences with ExeCom, Teams,
Grade Leaders, Teachers League, SSG/SPG), and any 1 external
(PTA, SGC, Alumni, Barangay, External Partner, etc.) stakeholders'

85-100% Attendance - 5 pts

75-85% Attendance - 4 pts
65-75% Attendance - 3 pts
55-65% Attendance - 2 pts
55% or lesser attendance - 1 pt
1. Served as Officer-in-Charge in
school, cluster, division position
2. Resource
Person in any division/cluster-
led seminars/trainings
3. Awardee of division-led
4. Member of division-
organized committee
Plus Factor 5. Host of Division Activity 1% 1.0%
6. Other
noteworthy accomplishments
(Maximum of 1.0

In blue are the MOVs that will come from the SDO Personnel in-charge while those in red shall be provided by the School Head.



0-1 error - 5 pts -Submitted before the deadline - 5 pts

2-3 errors - 4 pts
4-5 errors - 3 pts -On the deadline - 4 pts
6-7 errors - 2 pts -Delay of 1-2 days - 3 pts
More than 7 errors - 1 pt -Delay of 3-5 days - 2 pts
-Delay of more than 5 days - 1 pt

Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation, Research (BERF and NON-

BERF), Work Application Plan (WAP), Re-entry Application Project (REAP)
completed, submitted, reviewed, approved, and implemented with
MOVs - 5 pts
-Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation, Research (BERF and NON-
BERF), Work Application Plan (WAP), Re-entry Application Project (REAP)
completed, submitted, reviewed, approved, and implemented - 4pts
Submitted twice a year - 5 pts
-Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation, Research (BERF and NON- Submitted once a year - 4 pts
BERF), Work Application Plan (WAP), Re-entry Application Project (REAP) No submission - 1 pt
completed, submitted, reviewed, approved - 3 pts

-Concept Paper, Project Proposal, Innovation, Research (BERF and NON-

BERF), Work Application Plan (WAP), Re-entry Application Project (REAP)
completed, submitted, reviewed but NOT approved - 2 pts
-NO submission Concept Paper, Project proposal, Innovation or Research
- 1 pt


-Submitted all documents on time - 5 pts

Files have an average of: -Any document/file submitted with 1-2 days
0-1 error - 5 pts delay - 4 pts
2 errors - 4 pts -Any document/file submitted with 3-4 days
3 errors - 3 pts delay - 3 pts
4 errors - 2 pts -Any document/file submitted with 5-6 days
With 5 or more errors - 1 pt delay - 2 pts
-Any document/file submitted with more than
6 days delay - 1 pt
Conducted SMEA within the schedule - 5 pts

SMEA Reports submitted have 0-1 correction - 5 pts Conducted SMEA a day after the schedule - 4
SMEA Reports submitted have 2-3 corrections - 4 pts
Conducted SMEA 2 days after the schedule - 3
SMEA Reports submitted have 4-5 corrections - 3 pts pts

SMEA Reports submitted have 6-7 corrections - 2 pts Conducted SMEA 3 days after the schedule - 2
SMEA Reports submitted have more than 7 correction - 1 pt
Conducted SMEA 4 or more days after the
schedule - 1 pt

30 days after the ADA day with complete

95-100% utilization - 5 pts
documents, and fully liquidated - 5 pts
90-94% utilization - 4 pts
Submitted 1 day after the deadline - 4 pts
85-89% utilization - 3 pts
Delay of 2-3 days - 3 pts
80-84% utilization - 2 pts
Delay of 4-5 days - 2 pts
Below 80% utilization with reversion- 1 pt
Delay of 6 days or more - 1 pt

-Submitted all documents on time - 5 pts

Files have an average of: -Any document/file submitted with 1-2 days
0-1 error - 5 pts delay - 4 pts
2 errors - 4 pts -Any document/file submitted with 3-4 days
3 errors - 3 pts delay - 3 pts
4 errors - 2 pts -Any document/file submitted with 5-6 days
With 5 or more errors - 1 pt delay - 2 pts
-Any document/file submitted with more than
6 days delay - 1 pt
Files have an average of: Frequency of documentation:
0-1 error - 5 pts Weekly - 5 pts
2 errors - 4 pts Every other week - 4 pts
3 errors - 3 pts Monthly - 3 pts
4 errors - 2 pts Every other month - 2 pts
With 5 or more errors - 1 pt Quarterly - 1 pt

Submitted Reports 2-3 days after the end of

the month - 5pts
With 1 error and no compliance - 5 pts
Submitted Reports 4-5 days after the end of
the month - 4pts
With 2-3 errors and no compliance - 4 pts
Submitted Reports 6-7 days after the end of
With 4-5 errors and no compliance - 3 pts
the month - 3pts
With 6-7 errors and no compliance - 2 pts
Submitted Reports 8-9 days after the end of
the month - 2pts
With no reports submitted - 1 pts
Submitted Reports 10 days or more after the
end of the month - 1pt

5- submitted 1 week before the opening of


4- submitted on the opening of classes

5- 0-2 revisions
4- 3-4 revisions 3- submitted 1-2 days after the opening of
3- 5-6 revisions
2- 7-8 revisions classes
1- 9 and above revisions
2- submitted 3-4 days after the opening of

1- submitted 5 or more days after the

opening of classes
Submitted ISP Reports 2-3 days after the
end of the month - 5pts
Submitted 10 well-written and complete MOVs - 5pts

Submitte 8-9 well-written MOVs - 4pts Submitted ISP Reports 4-5 days after the
end of the month - 4pts
Submitted 6-7 well-written MOVs - 3pts
Submitted ISP Reports 6-7 days after the end of
Submitted 4-5 well-written MOVs - 2pts the month - 3pts

Submitted less than 4 well-written MOVs - 1pt Submitted ISP Reports 8-9 days after the end of
the month - 2pts

Submitted ISP Reports 10 days or more after

the end of the month - 1pt

5- submitted 1 week before the next quarter

4- submitted on the 1st week of the quarter

5- 0-2 revisions
4- 3-4 revisions
3- 5-6 revisions
3- submitted on the 2nd week of the quarter
2- 7-8 revisions
1- 9 and above revisions
2- submitted on the 3rd week of the quarter

1- submitted on the 4th week of the quarter

5- submitted 1 week before the next quarter

School LR Plan with 0 - 1 area for improvement - 5 pts
4- submitted on the 1st week of the quarter
with 2 areas for improvement - 4 pts
with 3 areas for improvement - 3 pts
with 4 areas for improvement - 2 pts
3- submitted on the 2nd week of the quarter
with 5 or more areas for improvement - 1 pt
2- submitted on the 3rd week of the quarter

1- submitted on the 4th week of the quarter

5- submitted 1 week before the next quarter

Submitted 4 well-written and complete M&E reports on the
utilization of contextualized LRs - 5pts
4- submitted on the 1st week of the quarter
Submitte 3 well-written reports - 4pts

Submitted 2 well-written reports - 3pts

3- submitted on the 2nd week of the quarter
Submitted 1 well-written report - 2pts
2- submitted on the 3rd week of the quarter
No M&E report submitted - 1pt
1- submitted on the 4th week of the quarter
5- submitted 1 week before the next quarter
Submitted 4 well-written and complete progress monitoring
reports with analysis - 5pts
4- submitted on the 1st week of the quarter
Submitted 3 well-written reports - 4pts

Submitted 2 well-written reports - 3pts

3- submitted on the 2nd week of the quarter
Submitted 1 well-written report - 2pts
2- submitted on the 3rd week of the quarter
No progress monitoring report submitted - 1pt
1- submitted on the 4th week of the quarter

5- submitted 1 week before the next quarter

Submitted 4 well-written and complete progress monitoring
reports with analysis - 5pts
4- submitted on the 1st week of the quarter
Submitted 3 well-written reports - 4pts

Submitted 2 well-written reports - 3pts 3- submitted on the 2nd week of the quarter

Submitted 1 well-written report - 2pts 2- submitted on the 3rd week of the quarter

No progress monitoring report submitted - 1pt 1- submitted on the 4th week of the quarter

Submitted any 5 well-written and complete accomplishment

reports - 5pts
5- -On time submission of reports
Submitted 3 well-written reports - 4pts 4- delay of 1-3 days
3- delay of 4-6 days
Submitted 2 well-written reports - 3pts 2- delay of 7-9 days
1- delay of 10 or more days
Submitted 1 well-written report - 2pts

No progress monitoring report submitted - 1pt

Submitted any 5 well-written and complete accomplishment
reports - 5pts 5- -On time submission of reports
4- delay of 1-3 days
Submitted 3 well-written reports - 4pts 3- delay of 4-6 days
Submitted 2 well-written reports - 3pts 2- delay of 7-9 days
1- delay of 10 or more days
Submitted 1 well-written report - 2pts

No progress monitoring report submitted - 1pt

-All Training/SLAC proposals submitted on time

Crafted program design on INSET/SLAC completed, submitted, - 5 pts
reviewed, approved, and implemented with MOVs - 5 pts
-Any 1 Training/SLAC proposals submitted with
PD completed, submitted, reviewed, approved, and delay - 4 pts
implemented - 4 pts
-Any 2 Training/SLAC proposals submitted with
PD completed, submitted, reviewed, approved, but not delay - 3 pts
implemented - 3 pts
-Any 3 Training/SLAC proposals submitted with
PD completed and submitted - 2 pts delay - 2 pts

No submission - 1 pt -More than 3 Training/SLAC proposals

submitted with delay - 1 pt

Implemented performance cycle with 10 or more MOVs - 5 pts Conducted on time - 5 pts
Implemented performance cycle with 7-9 MOVs - 4 pts Delay of 1-2 days - 4 pts
Implemented performance cycle with 4-6 MOVs - 3 pts Delay of 3-5 days - 3 pts
Implemented performance cycle with 1-3 MOVs - 2 pts Delay of 6-8 days - 2 pts
Implemented performance cycle with no MOVs - 1 pt Delay of 9 days or more - 1 pt
Conducted recognition and awarding of
Recognized 5 or more teachers - 5 pts
Recognized 4 teachers - 4 pts
for 4 Quarters- 5 pts
Recognized 3 teachers - 3 pts
for 3 Quarters - 4 pts
Recognized 2 teachers - 2 pts
for 2 Quarters - 3 pts
Recognized 1 teacher - 1 pt
for 1 Quarter - 2 pts
No R&R activity conducted - 1 pt

-100% of the needs assessment result was consolidated and

submitted to HRD - 5 pts

-90-99% of the needs assessment result was consolidated and

SPPD submitted on or before the deadline - 5
submitted to HRD - 4 pts
-80-89% of the needs assessment result was consolidated and
-submitted a week after the deadline - 4 pts
submitted to HRD - 3 pts
-submitted 2 weeks after the deadline - 3 pts
-submitted 3 weeks after the deadline - 2 pts
-70-79% of the needs assessment result was consolidated and
-submitted a month or more after the deadline
submitted to HRD - 2 pts
- 1 pt
-less than 70% of the needs assessment result was
consolidated and submitted to HRD - 1 pt

Published information and official communication with an

average of:
Published before schedule - 5 pts
Published on time - 4 pts
0-1 error - 5 pts
Delay of 1-2 days - 3 pts
2-3 errors - 4 pts
Delay of 3-5 days - 2 pts
4-5 errors - 3 pts
Delay of 6 days or more - 1 pt
6-7 errors - 2 pts
More than 7 errors - 1 pt
at least 120 partners/donors engaged/involved in the school
activities/programs/projects annually - 5 pts
All Reports on Directory/Inventory of Partners
95-119 partners/donors engaged/involvedin the school submitted to Soc Mob without delay - 5pts
activities/programs/projects annually - 4 pts
Any 1 delayed submission - 4 pts
75-94 partners/donors engaged/involved in the school Any 2 delayed submissions - 3 pts
activities/programs/projects annually - 3 pts Any 3 delayed submissions - 2 pts
4 or more delayed submissions - 1 pt
55-74 partners/donors engaged/involved in the school
activities/programs/projects annually - 2 pts

less than 55 partners/donors engaged/involved in the school

activities/programs/projects annually - 1 pt

School generated resources with an estimated money value Submitted School Partnership Data Report with
of: Transmittal (Submitted through DPDS Site and
Onedrive) without delay - 5 pts
Php 20,000 and above - 5 pts
Php 15,000-19,999 - 4 pts -with one delayed reporting - 4 pts
Php 10,000-14,999 - 3 pts -with 2-4 delayed reporting - 3 pts
Php 5,000-9,999 - 2 pts -with 5-7 delayed reporting - 2 pts
Below Php 5,000 - 1 pt -with more than 7 delayed reporting - 1 pt

Prepared more than 8 minutes of the meeting - 5 pts

Conducted meeting/Conferences for:
Prepared 7-8 minutes of the meeting - 4 pts
4 Quarters - 5 pts
3 Quarters - 4 pts
Prepared 5-6 minutes of the meeting - 3 pts
2 Quarters - 3 pts
1 Quarter - 2 pts
Prepared 3-4 minutes of the meeting - 2 pts
None - 1 pt
Prepared 1-2 minutes of the meeting - 1 pt



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