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Test of
Human Resources
Models and templates to optimize tasks developed by HR
Reliable information for decision making.
Human Resources departments use different methods, processes and tools to manage
talent effectively . Whether it is confirming a hiring, determining a promotion or
reorganizing the internal structure of the company, Human Resources tests allow
obtaining objective information to manage the present and future of each worker.

On the following pages, we have compiled the evidence from HR. H H. to optimize the
employee life cycle: hiring, evaluation, training, development and loyalty. When there is a
free version we will provide you with the link .

There are as many categories of tests as there

are evaluation needs in a company.
bizneo.comN Human Resources Testing
Human Resources Testing

Tests to evaluate competencies and skills

Career projection tests

Personnel selection tests

Tests to assess the work environment
Test Hard Skills H
Each job requires a series of technical skills beyond the general competencies. rales of the employee. We talk, R
for example, about knowing how to deal with a computer problem, legal knowledge, controlling a programming es
code or knowing how to solve scientific formulas. These tests are common to promote workers within the rc
company. es


Tests to evaluate
Soft Skills 4.6 3.4 3.2 4.6 2.9 2.8 2.9

Teamwork 4.1 4.0 2.4 4.7 2.8 4.5 2.9

competencies and
Adaptability 3.2 0.0 2.1 4.3 1.9 4.9 3.1

Technical Skills 3.5 4.7 4.8 4.5 1.0 3.2 4.1

can choose between numerous tests to 3.3 3.1skill level
assess the 3.2of workers
4.9 but, in2.3 1.8it is necessary
all cases, 3.8 to have a system
that allows each phase of the process to be planned and the information correctly recorded.

Sketch 3.2 4.9 3.4 4.8 4.2 3.1 3.1

The different types of evaluations (included in our performance evaluation software) plus
the tests we use collect objective data and draw relevant conclusions about the ability
and talent of each worker .
Cognitive tests Procedures

Soft Skills Test

It is an increasingly common test to define professional objectives, create
career plans and decide on promotions within the company.
Soft Skills are those competencies of an individual that refer to their
personality traits. Leadership, creativity, empathy, adaptation...
Some of the most effective This test is also used to assess the progress sion of the worker over a
tests to evaluate limited period of time.

competencies and skills

They are short and concise questions aimed at verifying
whether the worker has suffered some type of cognitive
deterioration or if he is no longer able to continue exercising
certain responsibilities.

The employee must face a common situation in his or her

workplace and demonstrate that he or she knows the procedure
to follow in that case.

This test can also be used to com test how the employee (or
candidate, if it is a selection process) handles himself in situ
tions of stress or when you have limited time to act.
Tests with indicators 1 í ci
zn of achievements
m Achievement or performance indicators are the
most recommended tests for EVA. luation of
O employees. Whether it is deciding a promotion,
ma assigning bonuses or finding out why productivity
n has decreased, these items allow a very
so exhaustive analysis of the main work variables.

At Bizneo HR we offer a
evaluation template
with which to
evaluate more specifically and
objectively give the main uum
performance indicators. It's a
project to pilot so that you can try
(in a reduced way) some of the
functionalities that the full version
of our HR software has.

Career projection tests

This group of tests aims to define long-term

objectives for workers according to their skills and Be that as it may, it is about trial bas
performance to date. Aspects such as the interests that are closely related to the
and most outstanding skills of employees are also capabilities from the employees, so it
taken into consideration.
is interesting
com combine them with
Career projections can be prepared at an individual performance evaluation software
level or in each department, depending given the .
size of the company.

This resource will analyze the skills and

abilities you have and estimate your
potential and capacity for progression. The
next phase will be to have training
software to cover the deficiencies
detected in the tests.


Holland Code
The Holland Code is a job classification system based on the interests and hobbies of workers.
00 Human Resources Tests

According to this theory, depending on the vocation of each employee , they will have better
skills to fulfill certain tasks within the company.

Artistically inclined professionals tend to be more creative and original, which means that their involvement in projects will be more

prominent when dealing with design work or research. gives ideas and/or solutions. On the other hand, employees more predisposed
to research and searching for information perform better when working with databases.

This system can be very useful when building work teams,

trying to associate each worker profile with the most suitable role within the group.
Big Five

Human Resources Testing

It is not a Human Resources test itself but
rather a personality classification developed by
Lewis Goldberg. As in the previous case, each
personality has a series of professional
qualities associated with it.
The five personality traits that give the theory
its name are:

"EI Predisposition to live new experiences

“C” Personal and collective responsibility

"A Ease of interacting with other employees

Levels of tolerance and respect as well as the ability
to support colleagues

“N” Emotional stability

As in the Holland Code, the

creation of working groups is
usually the ta most appropriate
area to apply this theory, even
which can also give good
results in a personnel
selection process .
E Type indicator
j Myers-Briggs

2 The Myers-Briggs type indicator is considered one of the most used psychological tests by companies around the world. It consists
of a question rio that is usually conducted online and that classifies employees into sixteen
0 different psychological profiles .

High degree of precision

This test can achieve a high degree of accuracy if employees respond with absolute sincerity. rity and is especially indicated to
improve the productivity of the company and its internal functioning . The underlying logic is that perhaps some
employees perform below their potential level because their character or emotional responses are not being taken into account.
You can access this questionnaire model at the following link:

What's Your Personality Type?

Use the questions on the outside of the chart to determine the four letters of your Myers-Briggs type.
For each pair of letters, choose the side that seems most natural to you, even if you don't agree with every description.

1. Are you outwardly or inwardly focused? If you:

• Could be described as * Could be described as
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ 3. How do you prefer to make decisions? If you:
Responsible, sincere, Warm, considerate, Idealistic, organized, Innovative, independent, • Make decisions in an «Base your decisions on
talkative, outgoing reserved, private analytical, reserved, gentle, responsible, insightful, dependable, strategic, logical, impersonal way, using personal values and how
* Like to be in a fast-paced • Prefer a slower pace with realistic, systematic. pragmatic, thorough. compassionate, gentle. reserved, insightful. logical reasoning your actions affect others
sent ronment time for contemplation Hardworking and Devoted caretakers who Seek harmony and Driven by their own •Value justice, fairness «Value harmony, forgiveness
•Tend to work out ideas with -Tend to think things trustworthy with sound enjoy being helpful to cooperation, enjoy original ideas to achieve • Enjoy finding the flaws in «Like to please others and
practical judgment. others. intellectual stimulation. improvements.

others, thin k out loud through inside you r head an argument point out the best in people
• Enjoy being the center of • Would rather observe than • Could be described as • Could be described as warm,
then you prefer
be the center of attention
then you prefer
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP reasonable, level-headed
then you prefer
then you prefer
Action-oriented, logical, Gentle, sensitive, Sensitive, creative, Intellectual, logical,
ana lytical, spontaneous, nurturing, helpful, flexible, idealistic, perceptive, precise, reserved,
AND Yo reserved, independent.
Enjoy adventure, skilled
realistic. Seek to create a
personal environment
caring, loyal. Value inner
harmony and personal
flexible, imaginative.
Original thi n readers who
Extraversion introversion at understanding how that is both beautiful and growth, focus on dreams enjoy speculation and thinking feeling
mechanical things work. practical. and possibilities. creative problem solving.


Outgoing, real istic, Playful, enthusiastic, Enthusiastic, creative, Inventive, enthusiastic, 4. How do you prefer to live your outer life? If
2. How do you prefer to take in information? If you: action-oriented, curious, friendly, spontaneous, spontaneous, optimal, strategic, enterprising,
• Focus on the reality of how • Imagine the possibilities of versatile, spontaneous. tactful, flexible. Have supportive, playful. Value inquisitive, versatile. you: • Prefer to have matters • Prefer to leave ur option s
things are how things coul d be Pragmatic problem strong common sense, inspiration, enjoy starting Enjoy new ideas and settled open
• Pay attention to concrete • Notice the big picture, see solvers and skillful enjoy helping people in new projects, see challenges, value •Th in k rules a nd deadll nes • See rules and deadlines as
facts and details how everything connects negotiators. tangible ways. potential in others. inspiration. should be respected flexible
• I prefer ideas that have • Enjoy ideas and concepts
• Prefer to have d eta il ed, • Like to improvise and make
practical applications for their own sake
step-by-step instructions things up as you go
• Like to d write thi ngs in a • Like to describe things in a
* Make plans, want to know • Are spontaneous, enjoy what you're
specific, bunk I way fig urati ve, poetic way


getting into surprises and new situations
then you prefer then you prefer
then you prefer then you prefer
Yes N Efficie nt, outgoi ng,
analytical, systematic,
Friendly, outgoing,
reliable, conscientious,
Caring, enthusiastic,
idealistic, organized,
Strategic, logical,
efficient, outgoing, J. p
Sensing Intuition dependable, realistic Like organized, practical. Seek diplomatic, responsible. ambitious, independent.
to run the show and get to be helpful and please Skilled communicators Effective organizers of Judging Perceiving
things done in orderly others, enjoy being active who value connection people and long-range
fashion. and productive. with people. planners.
Test Disc

Human Resources Testing

Also in the field of personality analysis of workers, although more oriented towards behavioral and emotional
elements , the Test Disc is widely used in personnel selection processes to purchase bar what the worker is like and how
far he can go. This test contemplates four large psychological areas: decision, influence, serenity and compliance. I lie.

Dominance, influence, steadiness, conscientiousness


This test confronts the worker with different scenarios, in order to

check his response to possible conflicts. job skills, and is also
interested in your social skills and empathy. No less important is its ca
ability to influence others (or be influenced) and their position
regarding the rules and instructions provided by an authority.
Learn more about the test disc:
Human Resources Testing

The question of vocation is not trivial to improve the company's organizational chart, strengthen the cohesion
of work teams and build more effective professional career plans. The MAPP test is one of the most
complete to understand in which positions or areas of responsibility a worker will perform best .

MAPP format
The MAPP format is a question multi-
response questionnaire with three
identical options for each question.
According to the answers of each
employee, the test will determine what
their interest levels are, their tempera
ment, their concrete skills or their
reasoning capacity. In this way, the
areas of the company in which it could
offer better will be much more specific.
better performance.

In the following link, you will find

an example of this test:
The Princeton 13


With a somewhat shorter format than previous tests, the Princeton Review proposes two possible
answers to 24 different scenarios. The idea is that an employee's predisposition to follow one path
or another will determine what their professional horizon may be. nal in the company and how it
could respond at different levels of the company.

The results of this test are distributed in four colors.

Red Green Blue

It corresponds to work Distinguish the em- It is typical of the pro- It is the color of the
expeditious jakers employed with better fessionals with major people with better
and with a strong de- communicative skills organizational res management skills
termination (also cative capacity and
They are quite ambi- zation and planning administration.
cious). long-term.
ra Classifier
j Temperament
2 by Keirsey
It is one of the most sophisticated tests because it affects an issue as deeply rooted in people as their
temperament. This classification is not only used in the business environment but many psychologists use it to
correct temperament problems in their patients.

Platonic Philosophy
American researcher David Keirsey combined studies on personality and
temperament from authors from different eras to create a questionnaire that
defines the main professional profiles. In fact, the terminology used (craftsman,
guardian, idealist and rational) is powerfully reminiscent of Platonic philosophy.

Access the test inspired by Kerisey's work through this link:

In short, a professional projection test estimates how an employee will behave,

what their attitude will be and their most important personal skills. With the
performance evaluation software we will measure the suitability for the job and
whether it demonstrates the initial expectations in the day-to-day life of the

Has it met objectives and exceeded

Career plan to reward you and develop all your talent.

Is your performance not as expected?

Empower employees with training software to reach their full


Both tools will allow us to specify which profiles work best for
that particular company and thus guarantee the acquisition of differential talent in the new recruitment and selection processes.
Personnel selection tests
Recruitment and selection processes constitute one of the greatest responsibilities. ities of the
HR departments. H H.

Did you know that the cost of a bad hire is estimated at 50% of the hire's
gross annual salary?

A bad decision can condition the company's

activity for a long time , with the consequent loss of

The choice of Human Resources tests to be used in a

recruitment process will depend on the strategy that
the company wants to follow in the long term and the
type of professional profile it wants to incorporate.

In all cases, combining tests with recruitment and

selection software can significantly simplify the
work of recruiters . Tests are very useful to
correctly detect and assess the professional skills
of candidates .


X Tests
J• psychometrics • tn CD
Traditionally used almost as a formalism during the
16 selection processes, psychometric tests are increasingly valued by recruiters. These tests allow
us to assess aptitude professional skills and personal qualities that may or may not be useful
for the company.

There are many types of psychometric tests but these would be the
most popular and effective:

Terman Merrill test Kostick test

More than a hundred years old, the Terman Merrill How much would recruiters pay to know how a
test is used to assess issues such as general candidate would perform in the company? prey?
intelligence, quantitative and fluid reasoning, The Kostick test tries to project what the response
visuospatial processes, working memory and general of a professional will be to different These
knowledge. general of the candidates; also allows scenarios that may occur throughout your working
project tar for your demand. It is usually used in life. It also allows you to validate whether or not it
hiring processes for management positions. will adapt to the work environment.
(Start Test (Start Test

Raven's Test
It is a test designed to measure the intelligence
levels of candidates. It is a non-verbal test that includes
different degrees of difficulty. culture As in the Terman Merri
test ll, is a procedure that is usually limited to the E
access to positions of special responsibility.

g © Start Test
The Bizneo HR ATS integrates all types of Human Resources tests in its software re. Psychometric tests,
cognitive tests, personality tests, adaptation to the position or person finished with your brand.

Zavic test Test 16PF

Halfway between personality and talent tests, the It is one of the most extensive tests (it has 170
Zavic test allows a candidate's values and interests questions) and poses all types of work contexts to
to emerge. The central idea is to observe what the which candidates must react. data. It can be used to
teacher's response is. sional in situations with moral fill any type of vacancy, although it is more useful for
and legal implications, as well as their commitment command and/or team management positions.
and predisposition position towards corruption.
® Start Test

Situational Judgment Test OPQ32 Test

Through more than a hundred questions, the
The TJS or SJT, for its acronym in English, is a test
inmates Testers calibrate 32 characteristics related
aimed at assessing professional skills. give them a
to the personality, concerns and professional worth
candidate. The evaluation by competence cies is
of the candidates.
increasingly present in selection processes and, in
the case of the TJS, focuses on the cognitive
abilities, social intelligence and specific knowledge of
the candidates.

Moss test Cleaver test

The ease of adapting to new social environments, Controlling stress levels in different situations is
such as a department or a work team, is taken into equally positive for any candidate. In fact, certain
account when choosing one candidate or another. jobs require real nerves of steel. The Cleaver test
This is the parameter that the Moss test measures. subjects the candidate to situa tions of a certain
tension to see how and how quickly it responds to


Psychotechnical tests

Candidates' resumes can shed a lot of light on their skills. skills and knowledge, but those
responsible for the hiring process need They should check these capabilities in situ.
Psychotechnical tests measure both the general intelligence of the applicants and more
specific qualities. cases such as memory or reaction time.

Psychotechnical tests are mandatory rios to obtain certain permits and/or authorizations
from the Administration, such as a driver's license or weapons license. The logic followed in
the selection processes is similar. The candidate must prove that he or she is qualified to
assume the tasks that correspond to the job he or she wants to fill. brir.
There are multiple models of psychotechnical tests:

Human Resources Testing

Personality test Numerical Aptitude 19

They help to better understand how a candidate Jobs related to accounting or data management
thinks and how they could function in their new require professionals who are competent in three
field of work. Thus, the risk of hiring a good figures and statistics. These tests can include
professional but whose character will hardly fit arithmetic operations, as well as more complex
into the dynamics of the company is reduced. exercises depending on the characteristics. case of
the job in question.

Abstract reasoning
Verbal aptitude
More than a hundred years old, the Terman Merrill
Oral and written expression and writing and test is used to assess issues such as general
communication skills are basic in jobs terminated. intelligence, quantitative and fluid reasoning,
Verbal aptitude tests range from spelling and visuospatial processes, working memory and
grammar exercises to text analysis and creation. general knowledge of candidates; It also allows
you to project according to your requirements. It is
usually used in hiring processes for management

Attention, concentration
Spatial intelligence and retention
Distinguish and order figures and shapes in an es one of the most common risks in work associated
Concrete pace is a way to measure the mental with a certain component of repetition or monotony
speed of candidates. is the loss of concentration or less attention to
tasks. These tests determine whether a candidate
can perform these functions without being
overlooked. relevant tion.
Group dynamics in
personnel selection

Evaluating candidates together can serve to better assess their teamwork skills, as
well as their ease of coordinating with other colleagues. Group dynamics are also
evidence They are quite dynamic and allow other professional skills to emerge.

There is a wide variety of group evaluation dynamics,

some of which are:

A specific problem is posed and the candidates data express their ideas to confront that

situation with hardly any preparation time.

Round table
The moderator proposes a general topic and the
candidates talk in a reasoned manner, co inherent and
constructive. It allows you to gauge both your specific
knowledge and your communicative skills. catives.

Opinion forum
Each candidate receives a topic and must make a brief
public intervention on it. It's not a very intense team
dynamic. ractive but it does serve to break the ice and/or
evaluate the candidates' rhetoric.

Faced with a specific situation, the candidates data must
defend contrary positions. The idea is not that one of
them ends up imposing itself on the other but that the
candidates demonstrate that they are capable of
articulating reasoned arguments and, if necessary, of
maintaining a meaningful discussion. tructive and without

Active work in the team

The moderator presents a problematic scenario to the
candidates, who must agree on the best way to solve it. Unlike
brainstorming, in this case coo is necessary. peration of all
candidates to solve the problem.
Professional or knowledge
These are some of the most important
tests specificities that may arise in a
recruitment and selection process tion.
In parallel with their professional skills,
candidates must demonstrate that they
have the co basic knowledge to
accomplish relevant tasks .

variety of group evaluation dynamics, some of

which are:

Practical exercises Real situation

The candidate must solve an exercise on issues The recruiter presents a work situation that the
related to the job. It can include anything from candidate might have to face in the company and
writing to reso solution of mathematical problems. the candidate must demonstrate that he knows how
to manage it.

Knowledge test Other tests

The applicant must answer a series of questions Languages, computer programs, news from the
about content that he or she should handle AND sector... Any field of communication knowledge
according to the characteristics of the position that may condition the exercise of job
• job. responsibilities is susceptible to specific proof.
Assessment Center

Human Resources Testing

It is one of the methodologies for evaluating candidates that is gaining the most weight in the recruitment
processes of large companies (and SMEs should not be different). It is a set of tests, individual and group, that
last over several days and include a good part of the exercises that we have seen previously.

The Assessment Center seeks the most complete Essentially, these tests focus more on the specific
response possible from the candidate, which is why abilities of the candidates than on other aspects of
they must undergo very different tests. tes and that their profile (although these may come to light at
give a very precise global assessment about your different times). The underlying idea is that certain
suitability for the position. They also serve to check compe Tences are very difficult to learn, so if the
whether the candidate is capable of learning and candidate does not meet them it is difficult for him to
improving after poor performance. assume them in the future.

It is possible to design an Assessment Center that includes tests such as the


Make a thematic Social gathering

It is a very particular test that forces the candidate to
interact, for example, with directi you or company
The candidate receives a general or specific topic managers. Both the applicant's interventions and his
and must make a presentation that is as exhaustive ability to formulate questions and his ease of
as possible, exhibiting both his or her mastery of the retaining data and adapting to the context are
issues tion such as your ability to manage time or valued.
manage the available information.

Write a report

Similar to the previous test, the applicant must prepare a report that is as technical and detailed as
possible on a topic specific to their activity.

With our recruiting software You can 2
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platform. Digitize your entire selection 88

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14 Yo "last_name": "Lopez”,
15 "main_position": null,
16 Yo "username": "aitor.lopez.02"
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© OAO G Live Ln 7, Col 5 Spaces: 2 UTF-8 LF JSON Total
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Tests to assess the work
In a broader sense, the implementation of work climate tests can help improve personnel management in the
company, placing employees exactly in the positions in which they offer greater performance.

To do this, those responsible for HR. H H. can make use of employee survey software, tools while it offers multiple
possibilities depending on the company's needs.

Not all HR tests have to be on track. helps

to detect possible aspects of improvement There are different criteria and
in the skills, competencies, knowledge or moments to introduce work
personality of employees. Just as important environment surveys in the
or more important than The objective is to evaluation of employees. two
maintain a good work environment in the and the work environment in
company, so that all workers reach their the company.
optimal level of performance .
These would be the most
common tests:
Work environment

Human Resources Testing

Companies cannot guarantee their employees that the jobs they occupy will fully adapt to their personal and/or
professional aspirations. However, they may be interested in optimizing the performance of their staff by placing
each worker in the area of responsibilities in which they feel most comfortable and fulfilled.

To make these decisions, which affect the entire organizational structure of the company, those responsible for HR. 25
H H. o Managers must have accurate and up-to-date information about the opinions of their employees .
Work environment questionnaires respond to this need and guarantee the privacy and accuracy so necessary for the
sample to be truly representative.

Motivation, commitment,
satisfaction, concern
tions, needs,
Work suggestions, prediction
staff rotation
Environment with heat maps...
Survey Model obtain consultations and
accurate questionnaires
your template.

Employee survey software offers numerous options for conducting these types of questionnaires. One of the most
common formats is the test type, in which workers fill out the survey selecting one of the five options associated with
each item (from “strongly agree” to “strongly agree”). I disagree.” The advantage of this system is that it significantly
facilitates statistical work and even being anonymous .


í Questionnaires tn tn
26psychosocial risk

Are employees subjected to high levels of stress that affect ne gatively to your
performance? Are there latent conflicts among the workforce that can impact the
emotional stability of workers?

These are just some examples of situations that can occur in the company and that could go
unnoticed by the naked eye.

With a format very similar to that of the rest of the surveys, psychosocial risk
assessment questionnaires allow
employees to Two assess the
characteristics of your workspace
and point out possible areas for
improvement. They are also very
suitable for analyzing the levels of
stress and tension among the
workforce. With this information, it is
possible It is possible to act before
problems worsen .

An easy Human Resources software lita the If not, that employee is trained with the training
employee life cycle . With selection tests software until he or she reaches his or her
combined with the recruitment software we potential. If your performance is optimal, you are
guarantee the incorporation of talent; rewarded thanks to career plans. ra.
Performance evaluation software, as we have
In addition, it analyzes the latent work
seen, can be helped by more technical tests to environment and the concerns and needs of
specify the skills of each employee and the staff. to ensure that talent is motivated and
analyze whether that talent progresses under favorable conditions.
adequately and is profitable for the
In each phase, the software collects the successes and failures of the department to
correct them in the next selection process.

Talent development and staff productivity are guaranteed.

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