Reading Comprehension Strategies

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Strategies for

reading comprehension
for Understanding

Recognize the importance of reading

Mention and review the four types of reading
Participate in interactive reading
ias for Understanding

Our main objective should be for the student to
enjoy reading, perceiving it as a fun activity .
Strategies for Understanding
ability enables the reader interact with the
Reading to

text and obtain , use and evaluate the information

contained in it.

“When you understand what you read you learn. If you read for pleasure,
the process is not intentional but you are still learning” Anonymous
ias for Understanding


Complex cognitive activity that begins with the
decoding of signs and ends with the understanding of the
text globally.
Strategies for Understanding
ias for Understanding

A bit of
today what children and adults
“ Anything we do is
did in ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome and whatever we do

today to extract and apply meaning in a text is exactly

the same". Anonymous
Strategies for Understanding
To you,
Our ambition should be to serve as
facilitators so that students fall in love with
reading and achieve their understanding by fostering a
positive attitude towards it.

“Talking about mandatory reading is like talking about mandatory happiness, an

unattainable and impossible concept” Jorge Luis Borges
Strategies for Understanding
Reading comprehension strategies can be
divided into four main groups
• Pre-reading strategies
• Strategies during reading
• Strategies when finishing reading
• General strategies to promote reading and its
• Read and discuss the title
• Read titles, subtitles, headers, footers
photos and notes below
• Observe and discuss the images
• Search unknown words in the dictionary
• Find related information
• Ask preliminary questions about the text
Strategies for Understanding


• Write a prologue
• Set predictions
• make inferences
• Watch related movie
• Access the internet in search of information
• Develop hypotheses
• Make a mystery puzzle
Strategies for Understanding
s e t c r t a or t a egies
• Execute l during
r e 3 c t t the
ip u o r s a d : e reading (previous
reading, slow and thorough reading, synthesis and assimilation
• Observe images.
• Read in fragments
• Distinguish facts from opinions
• Read aloud and silently
• Provide participation in reading (sounds, dramas...)
Strategies for Understanding
s e t c r t a or t a egies during reading:

• Write reflective
journal while reading
• Recognize own emotions and those of the characters
• Establish causes and effects
• Search keywords
• Understand unknown words due to context in reading
• Underline and/or highlight ideas
• Con le st c ru t i u rp r o aesías or related songs
• Guess what could happen from…
• Develop related murals
• Mention values presented by the reading
• Develop order of events
• Identify elements of the story: characters, setting, conflict,
climax and outcome.
Es L t e r c a t o o t
Strategies for Comprehension
egies at the end of reading

• Change the ending and/or beginning of the story

• Make puppets or related puppets
• Add characters to the story
• Compare and contrast film with written text
• Perform and identify on time line
• Make diagrams and/or concept maps
• paraphrase paragraphs
• Focus antagonistically
• Provide reading options
• Free choice, reading for pleasure
• Establish weekly reading spaces (40-60 min.)
• Form flow of ideas on topics of interest.
• Access the G int e e n rn e etr e a n le search for
• Prepare extracurricular activities (tours, dinners, dramas...)
• Develop reading clubs and book exchanges
• Books should not be too long so as not to
• Carry out activities inside and outside the classroom
Strategies for Reading Comprehension

Below, we will explore and put into practice some of

the aforementioned strategies.
Strategies for Understanding
Reference Reader
ADAMS, M. and b. BERTRAM. 1980. Background knowledge and
reading comprehension. Reading Educational Report No. 13. Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois, Center for the Study of Reading (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 181 431).
ALONSO TAPIA, J. and CARRIEDO, N. (1992). Reading, understanding
and thinking: development of evaluation strategies and techniques.
Madrid. MEC-CIDE publications service.
BLITZ Bookworm (yellow series). 1. Comprehensive reading in the
school curriculum Primary Education and Compulsory Secondary
Education Government of Navarra. Department of Education and Culture.
Evaluation of reading processes. Madrid, TEA.
Education department of Puerto Rico. (2007). Standards of Excellence:
Spanish Program . Hato Rey: Editorial of the Puerto Rico Department of
Hall, W. S. (1989). Reading Comprehension. American Psychologyst,
44, 2, 157-161
HUEY, E. b. 1908. The psychology and pedagogy of reading.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Reprint 1968.
M. (2006): PIRLS 2006. Theoretical frameworks and evaluation
specifications. Second Edition PIRLS & TIMSS International Study
Center, Boston College, MA. USA (Spanish translation edited by the
General Technical Secretariat. General Subdirectorate of Information and
Publications. Madrid. Publications service. MEC).
RAMOS, J.L. (2005). Reading and writing processes: description,
evaluation and intervention. Merida. EOEP General of Merida. Education
RAMOS, J.L. and CUETOS, F. (1999). Evaluation of reading
processes in students of the third cycle of Primary Education and
Compulsory Secondary Education (PROLEC-SE). Madrid. TORCH.
VV.AA. (2005). Reader Plan. Ministry of Education . Government of
Cantabria. Santander.

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