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Department of Development Communication
& Extension
Lady Irwin College
University of Delhi
Why Principles?
• A principle is a rule, belief, or idea that guides you.
• Are the fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the
foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a
chain of reasoning.
• Communication principles provide a body of knowledge
that help us to understand the complexities of
communication in different contexts, circumstances and in
all its diversity.
Principles of Communication
1. Communication is a package of signals
2. Communication is transactional
3. Communication is a process of adjustments
4. Communication involves content and relationship
5. Communication sequences are punctuated
6. Communication involves symmetrical and
complementary transactions
7. Communication is Inevitable, irreversible and
8. Communication is muti-purposeful
1. Communication is a package of
• All communications involve a combination of signals (verbal
and nonverbal) that form the message
• All parts of the message system together contribute to
communicating a particular meaning
• When Verbal and nonverbal messages reinforce/ support each
other the message is communicated clearly
• Incongruity in the package of signals of a message can cause
- confusion about meaning
- doubts about credibility, sincerity and honesty of the communicator
• Incongruity in message signals may be because of the desire
to communicate different emotions and feelings
• Socially acceptable messages are communicated verbally,
while less socially acceptable messages nonverbally
2. Communication is Transactional
• Each person is simultaneously a sender and receiver of
• Communication is an ever-changing process- on going
process and the elements of communication are in a state of
constant change.
• You are changing and with whom you are communicating are
also changing- never static
• Elements of communication are interrelated & interdependent
upon each other ( never independent)
• The context/ situation influences the communication process
• The present context is influenced by our past experiences,
attitudes, cultural beliefs, self esteem, expectations, emotional
state and a host of factors.
Linear View

• Interactional View

Transactional View
3) Communication is a process of
• Communication is dependent upon the extent the
communicators use the same system of signals
• No two people use identical signal systems
• Art of communication is identifying other person’s signals,
learning how they are used and understanding what they mean
• Cultural differences, attitudes and communication competence
influence the differences in message signal systems
Communication Accommodation
• Communicators adjustments to differences influenced by desire
for social approval, intimacy, sociability
4) Communication involves content and
relationship dimensions
• Each communication has a content and a relational aspect
• Content aspect may focus upon the information of the
message Relational aspect focuses upon the power dynamics
expressed through the message
• In communication content may remain same but the relational
aspect may change
‘Please see me after the class’
‘You better see me after the class’
‘Can I see you after the class’
• Problems in communication arise when we ignore the content
and relational aspects of communication.
• Former problems are easier and latter difficult to resolve
• Men tend to focus more on content and women on relational
aspects of a message
5) Communication sequences are
• Communicating events are a continuous cyclic process –
does not have a beginning or an end, however
• Communication process can be segmented into smaller
units like cause- effect; stimuli-response
• This segmentation process is called punctuation
• People punctuate communication process based on their
perceptions, which is consistent with their self image and
places them in a more advantageous situation
Communication may get punctuated even in such situation
6) Communication involves symmetrical
and complementary transactions
• In a Symmetrical Relationship individual’s mirror, each
other’s behaviour.
- Behaviour of one is reflected in the behaviour of the other
• In a Complementary relationship the individuals engage
in different behaviours
-The behaviour of one serves as the stimulus for the
complementary behaviour of the other
- Differences between individuals are maximized
- Extreme rigidity can cause problems
• Symmetrical & Complementary relationship patterns
combine to exert control in communication relationships
7) Communication is Inevitable,
irreversible and unrepeatable
• Every communication is unique
• Communication is Inevitable
- It can be intentional or unintentional;
- we communicate even when not communicating,
- Can’t avoid communicating
• Communication is Irreversible
- It is inerasable- what has happened cannot be changed
- Cannot reverse the process
• Communication is Unrepeatable
- Everyone and everything is constantly changing
- Can never exactly recapture exact situation frame of mind
or dynamics that defined the previous situation
8) Communication is
• To Learn
• To Relate
• To Persuade
• To Help
• To Play

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