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For the organization of the event, security is a key issue, which will
guarantee its proper development.

Therefore, adequate planning of the event must always be carried out,

taking into account the action plans that allow preventing any type of
incident and, if these occur, having adequate contingency plans defined
that allow emergencies and incidents to be controlled.

It is necessary to coordinate and protect the physical integrity of

organizers, staff, guests, celebrities, speakers, participants and hosts; and
why not also, the facilities where the event takes place.

When talking about security, several aspects and circumstances are


 Geographic, earthquakes, large storms, floods, etc.

 Terrorists, bombs, attacks, etc.
 Crimes, kidnappings, assaults, etc.
 Physical, fire in the facilities, gas loss, etc.
 Health, food contamination, epidemics, etc.

It is ideal and advisable to have a service of security professionals; They

manage the strategy, logistics and number of personnel in a versatile
manner, adapting to the type of event and the audience population it

It is good to do it in advance, to have appropriate deadlines for the

development of the security measures or plans that are imposed in each

The following defines the protocol to take into account when carrying out
the event.
1 Identify and assess a threat

In any security plan, the first thing is to identify if there is any type of
threat, and then assess it.

To do so, you must objectively analyze all the circumstances surrounding

the event. Possible risks must be evaluated, and the information must be
verified and analyzed based on its relevance.

The location is examined for possible proximity to neighborhoods with high

levels of insecurity, places with difficult access, or poor lighting, among

The facilities, under certain parameters, are evaluated if they have a certain
level of security in terms of protection and fire fighting equipment, alarm
systems, access control, and closed circuit television.

If it has security and emergency personnel trained to provide care in crisis

situations and first aid.

If it has emergency self-protection and evacuation plans in the face of

critical situations, and if they are known by all hotel staff, and put into
practice through drills.

The climatic conditions of the area and the forecasts that the facilities take
in this regard.

Intense storms, earthquakes, floods, can be factors that affect the duration
of an event, and can become major generators of disturbances if the
eventual situation is not handled properly and quickly.

These measures apply to short-term events, and to activities that take up

more time. Intelligence work leads us to create a security plan. If this
process is not generated, there is a risk of facing situations that are
extremely difficult to contain once generated.

2 Everyone aware and well informed

Host, organizers, eventual staff members, along with their private security
personnel, and all personnel involved in an event, must be prepared for
special situations that may arise, hence the importance of a professional
and leading group on the subject of security, inform and indoctrinate them
in his plan.

You must be prepared to quickly and effectively handle any risk situation,
and minimize the impacts that these situations generate on potential

It is vital to have a list of emergency contacts and know who to contact in

case of a problem or incident, small or serious, that arises during the course
of the event.

Communication is essential and must be established in one direction,

following the guidelines of the group responsible for security.

3 Crowd control

They are the measures or operational plans to avoid any type of

disturbance that involves a large number of people. Factors that can lead to
a mass riot are imitation, the benefit of anonymity, emotional contagion,
and panic.

It is important to be clear about the general location of the people at the

event and based on this, take the necessary precautions in this regard. Any
gathering, regardless of the purpose, can lead to riots, and large-scale
disorder occurs in crowds.

A more effective plan to avoid riots is one that eliminates or minimizes the
possibility of collective groups forming. Continuous flow, separation and
dispersion are key to successful mass control; maintain continuous,
intentional and controlled movement over riot-prone areas.

The simplest way to ensure a stable flow is to place security personnel in

these susceptible areas and provide training and guidance. Clear signage of
the correct destination, and even alternative routes, can be included.

4 Management of emotional contagion and panic

Emotional contagion and panic can be precursors to a potential disaster

that requires extreme safety measures. To minimize the possibility of these
factors reaching a group, immediate response measures are necessary.

The frenzy and irrational response to the perception of danger that these
factors represent require correct and rapid management, and must be
included in the training of personnel in charge of control and response

By maintaining a strong presence in and around the event, there is a

perception of security, of a certain authority present that serves to
maintain order, and prevent minor disturbances, or even breaking into
eventual large-scale disturbances.

5 Contingency and evacuation plans

The crowd control plan may be affected by different circumstances, in

which case adequate contingency plans must be implemented, and
accompany the actions carried out by the security forces, in the
deployment of a rapid response force.

Delaying positive action for several minutes is the difference between

attending to an unfortunate accident and sustaining an irremediably tragic

The most relevant and important thing is that contingency plans must be
flexible. A critical element of any of these measures is, for example,
allowing the crowd to leave.

In contingency and response plans, the influence and effect of emotional

contagion and panic is very careful and can be very counterproductive in
the management of the crisis.

An effective security plan should not focus only on physical security and
crowd control, but on a good contingency plan and prevention
management, to minimize any risk that arises before, during and after the
event, managing it intelligently. fire fighting, evacuation systems and
procedures, first aid support, emergency reaction, among others.

Protecting celebrities

Safety rings
When it comes to events with the attendance of a great figure from the
political, artistic or business world, additional security is required and a
special security operation is usually established, which is based on rings,
with steps and routines to follow, acting as filter, and establishing safety

It is a coordinated action between the organizers, their security personnel,

and the team involved in safeguarding the character, without neglecting
the rest of those present at any time.

The First ring is the space closest to the celebrity, it covers the physical
space between him and the other attendees, and the evacuation measures
that the team will have in case of a possible incident, escape route,
emergency exit, etc.

In the Second Ring, those who make it up are in charge of monitoring and
controlling access to the special area, and being aware of what is
happening inside the enclosure, anticipating any situation, and keeping in
mind that their first priority is the figure. public.

In the Third Ring, the security team, together with the local authorities, are
in charge of protecting the surrounding streets, controlling the entry of
guests and suppliers. It is the first filter, and where possible manifestations
can be foreseen.

In addition to the 3 rings, there must be a very clear contingency plan to

guarantee the protection of the rest of those present at the event, and in
the surrounding area as well.

Safe destinations for events

The events industry generates event tourism, and many companies and
large organizers are looking for different alternatives and destinations
where maximum security is guaranteed.

A country with low crime levels, without terrorist threats, kidnappings or

assaults on tourists, without natural disasters, is without a doubt, a very
attractive place to carry out this type of activities.

Safe destinations are sought to hold their congresses, fairs, and corporate
events, taking into account all aspects of security. The level of security in
flights, airports and accommodations is analyzed.

Climate phenomena, health problems such as epidemics, and safety in food

consumption are also taken into account. They analyze whether there are
wars or terrorist threats; if there is insecurity due to high crime rates,
kidnappings, and assaults on tourists.

A thorough examination is passed through professional security groups,

specifically hired to survey and evaluate all possible risks and existing
prevention and protection measures, beginning by evaluating the general
security of the Country, the city, the security of the specific area, and
ending by evaluating the security of the hotel or facility where the activity
will be carried out.

If it is a safe place, you should not waste any more time, and look for a way
to make yourself known in the events industry, as a recommended

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