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Question 1

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question statement

Creativity combined with innovation can be defined as:

Select one:
to. The generation and application of ideas
Creativity combined with innovation can be defined as the generation
of ideas.

b. The generation of ideas

c. The practical application of ideas


The correct answer is: Idea generation

Question 2
Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question statement

The support activities are:

Select one:
to. Those involved in the physical creation of the product, its
sale and transfer to the buyer, as well as post-sale
Primary activities are those activities involved in the physical creation
of the product, its sale and transfer to the buyer, as well as post-sale

b. Those that support primary activities and support each

other, providing purchased inputs, human resources,
technology and other company functions.

c. Those activities that make possible the performance of

direct activities on a continuous basis.

The correct answer is: Those that support primary activities and
support each other, providing purchased inputs, human resources,
technology and other company functions.

Question 3
Score 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question statement

Returning to the problem with the feeling of a close solution

constitutes a clearly different stage of the creative process, it
is what we call warm-up or incubation.
Select one:
to. Fake
This is what we call warm-up or warm-up.

The correct answer is: False

Question 4
Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question statement

Structural cost drivers relate to the organization's ability to

successfully deliver the product or service to the customer.
Select one:
to. Fake
Execution cost drivers relate to the organization's ability to
successfully deliver the product or service to the customer.


The correct answer is: False

Question 5
Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question statement

Creative capacity is limited by conditions such as language,

custom, culture, etc.
Select one:
to. Fake

All people have creative capacity although not everyone is able to
express it outwardly. But the ability to create it is limited by conditions
such as culture, custom, schematized learning processes, language,
The correct answer is: True

Question 1

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

It indicates that innovation is “an idea transformed into

something sold or used.” The previous definition corresponds
Select one:

to. André Piatier

CORRECT . André Piatier (1987) defines innovation as “an idea

transformed into something sold or used.”

b. Sherman Gee

c. Pavón and Goodman

d. OECD Frascati Manual


The correct answer is: André Piatier

Question 2
Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Creative capacity is limited by conditions such as language,

custom, culture, etc.
Select one:

to. TRUE

All people have creative capacity although not everyone is able to

express it outwardly. But the ability to create it is limited by conditions
such as culture, custom, schematized learning processes, language,

b. Fake


The correct answer is: True

Question 3

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

After watching the following video:

What did Peter Drucker say regarding innovation?
Select one:

to. That innovation without creativity is not innovation.

b. That innovations do not have value according to their novelty,

scientific content or ingenuity of the idea but rather due to their
success in the market.


The correct answer is: That innovations do not have value according to
their novelty, scientific content or ingenuity of the idea but rather due
to their success in the market.

Question 4

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

The left hemisphere or side:

Select one:

to. It originates rhythm, intuition, shapes and images, and creativity

in general.

b. It gives rise to logic, language, analysis, linear information, linear

and abstract thinking.
The left hemisphere or side gives rise to logic, language, analysis,
linear information, linear and abstract thinking.

c. Consider only what makes sense and look for the best possible


The correct answer is: It gives rise to logic, language, analysis, linear
information, linear and abstract thinking.

Question 5

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

What is innovation in marketing?

Select one:

to. Adoption of new or significantly improved production methods.

b. Introduction of methods for marketing new products, new delivery

methods for pre-existing products, or changes in the packaging
and/or packaging of said products.

Innovation in marketing: Introduction of methods for the marketing of

new products, new delivery methods for pre-existing products, or
changes in the packaging and/or packaging of said products.

c. Introduction of changes in the forms of organization and

management of the establishment or premises, changes in the
organization and administration of the production process, etc.

The correct answer is: Introduction of methods for marketing new
products, new delivery methods for pre-existing products, or changes in
the packaging and/or packaging of said products.

Question 6

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

It is disordered, integrative, flexible, original, probabilistic and

slow thinking. Accept anything and seek to find as many
solutions as possible. Although it recognizes the quality of a
solution, it continues to search for new alternatives.
Select one:

to. Logical or vertical thinking

b. Creative or lateral thinking

CORRECT . Creative or lateral thinking is disordered, integrative,

flexible, original, probabilistic and slow thinking. Accept anything and
seek to find as many solutions as possible. Although it recognizes the
quality of a solution, it continues to search for new alternatives.

c. Orderly and systematic thinking

d. None is correct


The correct answer is: Creative or lateral thinking

Question 7

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

What are the forces that must be taken into account when
making a change?
Select one:

to. The forces of advance and those of benefit

b. The forward and backward forces

CORRECT . Change is dominated by two groups of forces: · Those of

advancement: Which visualize the goal and benefits to be achieved.
They push towards it, helping to overcome the obstacles that arise
along the way. · Those of regression: They are often stimulated by
comfort, the success obtained in the past or the security achieved.
They adhere to what is known, without analyzing the best path to
follow or the most effective resource to use.

c. Goal and benefit forces

d. The forces of comfort and success


The correct answer is: The forward and backward forces

Question 8

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question statement

After reading the following article:

According to the article, carrying out an innovation always

involves an investment in technology.
Select one:

to. Fake

To carry out an innovation in the company, in most cases an

investment in technology is not even necessary.



The correct answer is: False

Question 9

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

For Sherman Gee (1981) innovation is:

Select one:

to. An idea transformed into something sold or used.

b. The process in which, from an idea, invention or recognition of a

need, a useful product, technique or service is developed until it is
commercially accepted.

Sherman Gee (1981) states that “innovation is the process in which,

from an idea, invention or recognition of a need, a useful product,
technique or service is developed until it is commercially accepted.”

c. The set of activities registered in a certain period of time and

place, which lead to the successful introduction into the market, for
the first time, of an idea in the form of new or better products,
services or management and organizational techniques.


The correct answer is: The process in which, from an idea, invention or
recognition of a need, a useful product, technique or service is
developed until it is commercially accepted.

Question 10

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question statement
What is creative capacity?
Select one:

to. The ability to easily generate ideas, alternatives and solutions to

a given problem.

CORRECT . Creative capacity can be defined as “the ability to easily

generate ideas, alternatives and solutions to a given problem.”

b. The ability to generate ideas and answers to concerns in a

difficult way

c. The ability to easily generate alternatives.


The correct answer is: The ability to easily generate ideas, alternatives
and solutions to a given problem.

Question 1

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Managers are characterized by focusing their time and energy,

enjoying imprecision, and taking advantage of change.
Select one:

to. The changes are not necessarily taken advantage of

b. Creativity applied in administration is an important axis

CORRECT . Creativity applied in administration is important, which is
why managers are characterized by concentrating their time and
energy, enjoying imprecision, and taking advantage of changes.

c. None is correct


The correct answer is: Creativity applied in administration is an

important axis

Question 2

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

After watching the following video:

Is it possible for convergent thinking to deteriorate?

Select one:

to. No

TRUE. The thought that, if not practiced and exercised, would

deteriorate would be the divergent one. It requires a certain originality.

b. Yeah

The correct answer is: No

Question 3

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

What is competitiveness?
Select one:

to. The ability of an organization to operate and grow profitably, that

is, create value for its owners, in a market where successful
competitors operate.

Competitiveness is the ability of an organization to operate and grow

profitably, that is, create value for its owners, in a market where
successful competitors operate.

b. Relationship between the resources used in a project and the

achievements achieved with it.

c. Level of achievement of goals and objectives.


The correct answer is: The ability of an organization to operate and

grow profitably, that is, create value for its owners, in a market where
successful competitors operate.

Question 4
Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

The use of creativity in marketing that allows:

Select one:

to. May the message reach people in the same way.

b. That people respond positively to the message.

The use of creativity in marketing allows our message to reach people

in a different way, to notice it and respond positively to it.

c. Let people not notice the message.


The correct answer is: That people respond positively to the message.

Question 5

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Ideas that were previously abstract are organized through

the construction of a theory or the formulation of a plan. The
above corresponds to the stage of:
Select one:
to. Preparation

b. Incubation

c. Elaboration

CORRECT . It is the elaboration stage that refers to the ideas that were
previously abstract, are organized through the construction of a theory
or the formulation of a plan.

d. check


The correct answer is: Preparation

Question 6

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Effectiveness differs from efficiency in the sense that

efficiency refers to:
Select one:

to. The lower production of resources and efficiency refers to the

ability to carry out an activity.

b. The best use of resources, and effectiveness refers to the ability

to achieve an objective, even if the best use of resources has not
been made in the process. We can be efficient without being
effective and we can be effective without being efficient. The ideal
would be to be effective and efficient at the same time.

CORRECT . undefined
c. None is correct


The correct answer is: The best use of resources, and effectiveness
refers to the ability to achieve an objective, even if the best use of
resources has not been made in the process. We can be efficient
without being effective and we can be effective without being efficient.
The ideal would be to be effective and efficient at the same time.

Question 7

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

After reading the following article:

Should non-European costs be eliminated?

Select one:

to. No.

b. Yeah.

TRUE. Since their existence would imply that the EU would assume excess costs,
thus making it difficult to improve its competitiveness.

Correct answer

The correct answer is: Yes.

Question 8

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Managers must have extensive knowledge of the resources and

capabilities of their companies and their competitive
Select one:

to. TRUE

Managers play a fundamental role in companies, and they are

responsible for choosing between the different strategic options, which
in most cases are the ones who implement them, therefore, extensive
knowledge of the resources and capabilities is necessary. of their
companies and their competitive environment.

b. Fake


The correct answer is: True

Question 9

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

In creativity applied to products when indicated, the greater

the number of ideas about the products, the greater the
probability of:
Select one:

to. Find valuable and feasible ideas.

CORRECT . The greater the number of product ideas, the greater the
probability of finding valuable and feasible ideas. To understand all this
it is necessary.

b. Find product innovation

c. Finding ideas without looking to see if they are feasible or not

d. None is correct


The correct answer is: Find valuable and feasible ideas.

Question 10

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement
The stages of the creative process are identification,
preparation, incubation, warm-up, idea emergence, elaboration
and verification.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

The stages of the creative process are identification, preparation,

incubation, heating, illumination, elaboration and verification.


The correct answer is: False

Question 1

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

After watching the following video:

What are the objectives of the Value Chain?

Select one:
to. There are none.

b. Quality, productivity, providing the best service and making it


This is the correct answer. They constitute the objectives for

generating an optimal value chain in a company.


The correct answer is: Quality, productivity, providing the best service
and making it profitable.

Question 2

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

After reading the following article:

What is the key in Coca-Cola's value chain?

Select one:

to. Thanks to the new design of the Coca-Cola website carried out by
Genetsis, it helps in a simple way: clients, consumers and suppliers
to know the day-to-day activities, its products, the management of
the value chain and its commitment to the environment.

b. None. The key and its success is found in the “Happiness” that
they transmit in each campaign.


The correct answer is: Thanks to the new design of the Coca-Cola
website carried out by Genetsis, it helps in a simple way: clients,
consumers and suppliers to know the day-to-day activities, its
products, the management of the value chain and its commitment to
the environment.

Question 3

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

In primary and support activities there are three types of

activity that have a different role in competitive advantage.
What are these types of activity?
Select one:

to. External, central and internal

b. Direct, indirect, quality assurance

CORRECT . Within each category of primary and supporting activities,

there are three types of activity that play a different role in competitive
advantage: Direct, indirect and quality assurance.

c. External, indirect and security

d. None is correct

The correct answer is: Direct, indirect, quality assurance

Question 4

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

What is the value chain?

Select one:

to. The difference between the total value and the collective cost of
performing valuable activities.

b. Theoretical model that graphs and allows describing the activities

of an organization to generate value for the end customer and the
company itself.

The value chain is a theoretical model that graphs and describes the
activities of an organization to generate value for the end customer and
the company itself.

c. The relationships between the way one activity is performed and

the cost or performance of another.


The correct answer is: Theoretical model that graphs and allows
describing the activities of an organization to generate value for the
end customer and the company itself.

Question 5
Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Structural cost drivers relate to the organization's ability to

successfully deliver the product or service to the customer.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

Execution cost drivers relate to the organization's ability to

successfully deliver the product or service to the customer.


The correct answer is: False

Question 6

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

The bigger picture can allow a company to:

Select one:

to. Serve a particular target segment, geographic area, or industry

b. Exploiting the benefits of performing more activities internally.

The bigger picture can allow a company to exploit the benefits of

carrying more activities in-house.

c. Serve the objective in a unique way.


The correct answer is: Exploiting the benefits of performing more

activities internally.

Question 7

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Porter classifies the activities of the organization into:

Select one:

to. Basic or line: Generators of execution and support costs:

Generators of structural costs.

CORRECT . Porter classifies the organization's activities into Basic or

line activities: Generators of execution and support costs: Generators
of structural costs.

b. Primary, structural income generators

c. Primary and secondary.


The correct answer is: Basic or line: Generators of execution and

support costs: Generators of structural costs.
Question 8

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

What is a quality insurance activity?

Select one:

to. Those activities directly involved with the creation of value for
the buyer.

b. Those activities that ensure the quality of other activities.

Quality assurance activities are those activities that ensure the quality
of other activities such as inspection, testing, review and adjustment.

c. Those activities that make possible the performance of direct

activities on a continuous basis.


The correct answer is: Those activities that ensure the quality of other

Question 9

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question statement

Shank and Govindarajan propose a staged approach to value

chain methodology. What are these stages?
Select one:

to. First stage: The construction of the industry value chain,

assigning costs, income and assets to each value-generating
activity. Second stage: Determine the drivers that affect costs in
each value activity, but in a broad strategic context. Third stage:
Develop sustainable competitive advantages over time.

CORRECT . These authors propose a three-stage approach to value

chain methodology: First stage: Building the industry value chain,
assigning costs, revenues, and assets to each value-generating
activity. Second stage: Determine the drivers that affect costs in each
value activity, but in a broad strategic context. Third stage: Develop
sustainable competitive advantages over time.

b. First stage: Construction of the trade value chain, assigning

income and liabilities to each value-generating activity. Second
stage: Determine the drivers that affect income in each value
activity, but in a broad strategic context. Third stage: Develop
sustainable competitive advantages over time.

c. None is correct.


The correct answer is: First stage: The construction of the industry
value chain, assigning costs, income and assets to each value-
generating activity. Second stage: Determine the drivers that affect
costs in each value activity, but in a broad strategic context. Third
stage: Develop sustainable competitive advantages over time.

Question 10

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

When it is said that it refers to the purchasing function of

the inputs used throughout the company's value chain, not the
value of the inputs purchased. Corresponds to:
Select one:

to. Provisioning

CORRECT . Procurement: Refers to the purchasing function of the

inputs used throughout the company's value chain, not the value of the
purchased inputs.

b. Technological development

c. Management of human resources

d. None is correct


The correct answer is: Provisioning

Question 1

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Distribution costs can be reduced by redesigning customer

service and delivery services.
Select one:

to. Sales

b. Costs

c. Bills

Distribution costs can be reduced by redesigning the supply network,

redesigning customer service and delivery services, and making
organizations more efficient by achieving synchronization in processes.


The correct answer is: Expenses

Question 2

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

The interrelationships between value chains serving different

segments favor the narrow picture.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

The interrelationships between value chains that serve different

segments benefit the broader picture.


The correct answer is: False

Question 3

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

What should a person do to enhance the generation of

innovative ideas?
Select one:

to. Incorporate negative attitudes.

b. Assess the concept she has of herself.

c. Pose situations and problems from a playful, probabilistic and

festive perspective.

d. Assess the concept she has of herself and pose situations and
problems from a playful, probabilistic and festive perspective.

In addition, other functions would be: stimulating the perception of the

environment that surrounds you as a way to better grasp things;
establish a flexible mental attitude to resolve any type of problem or
situation, avoiding rigid and unique postures; establish adequate
communication, free of elements that prejudge the situation; among


The correct answer is: Value the concept you have of yourself and pose
situations and problems from a playful, probabilistic and festive

Question 4

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

A product that is aimed at an audience with a high socio-economic

level at a high price will not result in the purchase of the product.

Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake


In this type of products that are aimed at an audience with a high

socio-economic level, a high price would not mean rejection by
customers, but would mean the actual purchase of it.

The correct answer is: False

Question 5

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

It is efficient if we have set out to build a building in a month

and we achieve it.
Select one:
to. TRUE

It is efficient when 100 units of a certain product are made in 12 hours

of work. This efficiency will be improved if those 100 units are made in
10 hours or if 120 units are made in 10 hours.

b. Fake


The correct answer is: False

Question 6

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Successful innovators are those who consider potential users

to study their expectations, values and needs.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

Successful innovators take numbers into account, they take people into
account, they consider potential users to study their expectations,
their values and needs, etc.


The correct answer is: True

Question 7

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

According to Edward Bono, logical thinking accepts anything

and seeks to find as many solutions as possible.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

Logical thinking considers only what makes sense and looks for the
best possible solution.


The correct answer is: False

Question 8

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Complete the following sentence about successful innovators:

“Successful innovators are those who take into account
numbers, people, and above all the ____________ of potential
Select one:

to. Capacities.

b. Needs

CORRECT . In addition, innovators should also go out and observe,

inquire and listen.


The correct answer is: Needs

Question 9

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

Value-generating activities must be separated if the cost

behavior of the activities is similar.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

Value-generating activities should be separated if the cost behavior of

the activities is different, if they are done by competitors in a different
way, if they have great potential for creating differentiation, etc.


The correct answer is: False

Question 10

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

The company's infrastructure is those activities related to the

recruitment, hiring, training, development and remuneration of
all types of personnel.
Select one:

to. TRUE

b. Fake

Human resources management are those activities related to the

recruitment, hiring, training, development and remuneration of all types
of personnel.


The correct answer is: False

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