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A service company, with major internal problems generated by a high level of turnover in low and
mid-level positions, decides to investigate what is happening.

The human resources department proposes to the company's management to carry out a work
environment survey to find out what aspects worry workers that cause them to leave in order to
try to find a solution.

This is where it all begins, since human resources workers carry out the survey, convincing other
workers to participate anonymously, and that the results of this survey will be sent to the
company's management to solve the problem.

So it was.

Human Resources presents this report to management and they get angry when they see the
results and tell Human Resources that they are not planning to change anything and that anyone
who doesn't like it already knows where the door is. Of course, the overall results were never
made public by express order of the top management. The human resources department was
discredited and the environment even worsened among workers, in addition to not improving the
turnover trend within the company.

Problem determination

Personally, I think that the company, first of all, had a very bad organization in the company, since
it never thought about the staff, who are the ones who carry out the activities. And if the staff is
not satisfied in the work area, this affects their work, their activities and that in turn harms the
company. This problem is not only due to that, but also to the behavior that the company has
towards the worker. As it is possible that the company does not manage values, it does not have
respect for its employees, it does not manage trust, much less being honest.

Answer the following questions

1. What's wrong here?

Poor communication by Senior Management, since they did not comply with what was
established. By viewing the survey results.

2. Does this situation have a solution in an organization?

Yes, as long as the company thinks about the needs of its employees and meets them. And that
there is communication between both parties.

3. What part of the work environment survey was not done well?


4. How does human resources act here?

Well, since what they were looking for was to find out the problem and solve it. But they should be
required to comply with what is established.

5. Why doesn't management intend to change anything?

Because maybe they don't want to show the true image of what is happening, for which they are


Once the problem was defined, a negotiation was carried out in which a representative of all the
workers and a representative of senior management participated, a negotiation in which all the
previous points were taken into account and the following agreements were reached.

1. Senior management is committed to giving greater guarantees to employees and their jobs.

2. Workers agree to improve the work environment and increase productivity.

3. An incentive plan will be implemented, with benefits for workers.

4. A daycare center will be implemented for the workers' children under the age of one.


Any conflict in a company is normal but when it becomes globalized and the rights of some of the
important parties in the company such as the workers are disrespected, a condition is reached in
which it is not capable of meeting established goals and the only result obtained will be the loss or
closure of the company. Because there are many conflicts, but the right thing to do is to try to
reduce them and look for solutions, not to try to cover them up with abuse of power.

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