Unit.3 1 Mark

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Answer the correct answer:

1. _________ is the process of recovering on image that has been

degraded by noise, blur or other distortion.

a) image degradation b) noise model c)image Restoration d)all the


Answer:c) image restoration

2. _______process operates on a degradation function that operate an

on input image.

a) image degradation b) noise model c)image Restoration d)image


Answer: a)image degradation

3. The objective of the________ is to obtain on estimate f^(x,y)of the

original image.

a)degradation b)Restoration c)reconstruction d)spatial filtering

Answer: b) restoration

4. The principel source of noise in digital Image are due to


a) sensor and transmission b)degradation and frequency c)Restoration

and transmission d)acquisition and transmission

Answer: d)acquisition and transmission

5. Let f(x,y) is an ________ in image Restoration and image


a) output image b) input image c) variable image d)transmission image

Answer: b) input image

6. ______ improve image in some predefinite sense .

a) Restoration b)reconstruction c)image degradation d) spatial filtering

Answer: a)restoration

7. Enhancement technique are subjective process.

a) image b) frequency c)variable d)none of the above

Answer: a) image

8. What is the terminology in the degraded image_____.

a)g(x,y) b) f(x,y) c)h(x,y) d)f^(x,y)

Answer: a)g(x,y)

9. What is the terminology in recovered or restore image_______.

a)f^(x,y) b) f(x,y) c)h(x,y) d)k(x,y)

Answer: a)f^(x,y)

10._________is the loss of image quality for a variety of reasons.

a) image Restoration b)image degradation c)image reconstruction

d)variable image

Answer: a) image degradation

11. ________Is the process of enhancing or upgrading on image’s


a)image Restoration b)image degradation c)image reconstruction

d)variable image

Answer:b) image restoration

12. Gaussian noise is also known as ______ noise.

a) hard b) transmission c)variable d)normal

Answer: d)normal

13._______ Is used for characterizing noise phenomenon in range


a) Gaussian noise b)exponential noise c) Rayleigh noise

d)erlang noise

Answer: c) Rayleigh noise

14.______is described the error in the measurement instrument and

describe the noise affected the in radar.

a) Gaussian noise b) Rayleigh noise c)exponential noise

d)uniform noise

Answer:b) Rayleigh noise

15. _______Is used to describe fluctuations in received power reflected

from certain targets.

a) uniform noise b)Gaussian noise c)exponential noise d)periodic noise

Answer: c) exponential noise

16._______used to describe size of rain drop.

a)uniform noise b)Gaussian noise c) periodic noise d)exponential noise

Answer: d) exponential noise

17. Exponential noise is finds application in ______imaging.

a) laser b)density c)uniform d)degradation

Answer: a) laser

18. The salt and pepper noise is also called as_______.

a) bi- polar impulse and spike noise b)data-drop-out

c)both (a)and (b) d) none of the above

Answer: c) both (a) and (b)

19. The_______ is on image occured from electrical or

electromechanical interference during image acquisition.

a) uniform noise b)periodic noise c)exponential noise d) Gaussian noise

Answer: b) periodic noise

20. Erlang noise also known as______.

a) impulse noise b)Gamma noise c)uniform noise d) Salt and pepper


Answer:b) Gamma noise

21.________Is typically found in images captured with noisy sensor.

a) Gama noise b)uniform noise c) impulse noise d) Erlang noise

Answer: d) Erlang noise

22. Salt-and-pepper noise also known as_______.

a) uniform noise b) periodic noise c) impulse noise d) Gaussian noise

Answer: c)impulse noise

23.can be caused by sharp and sudden disturbances image signal.

a) impulse noise b)Gamma noise c)uniform noise d) Salt and pepper


Answer: d)salt and the pepper noise

24.________is detected as a repetitive pattern on the image, which

degrades the image quality.

a) periodic noise b)Salt and pepper noise c)exponential noise

d)image reconstruction

Answer: a)periodic noise

25._________is commonly found in case of poor lighting.

a) periodic noise b)uniform noise c) image reconstruction

d) image restoration

Answer: b) uniform noise

26.Which can be done when only additive noise is present_________

a)linear filtering b)winter filtering c) Spatial filtering d)nonlinear filtering

Answer: c) Spatial filtering

27.The positive value of Q the filte elminiates___________

a)Gammanoise b)Enlang noise c)pepper noise d)Raylieghnoise

Answer: c) Pepper noise

28.The negtive values of Q it eliminates__________

a)Gammanoise b)Enlang noise c)pepper noise d)salt noise

Answer: d) Salt noise

29.Spatial filtering is used in the presence of___________

a)Gamma noise b)black noise c)Additive random noise d)salt noise

Answer: c) Additive random noise

30.Salt and pepper noise is also referned as___________

a)spike noise b)Gamma noise b)black noise d)salt noise

Answer: a) Spike noise

31.The filter is used for finding the_________in an image.

a) low noise b) high noise c) brightest point

d) all of the above

Answer: C) Brightest point

32.If using the 100th percentil results is called__________

a) min filter b)max filter c) all of the above d) none of the above

Answer: b) Max filter

33.________process by which we can alter properties of an optical image.

a) spike noise b) salt noise c) spatial filtering d) statistic filter

Answer: c) Spatial filtering

34.Median filter the best known order.

a) spike noise b) salt noise c) spatial filtering d) statistic filter

Answer: d) Statistic filter

35.How many types in restoration filter.

a)3 b)4 c)2 d)1

Answer: a) 3

36.The noise terms are unknown so subtracting them from.

a) g(x, y) or g(y, x) b) (x-1, y) c) (x-y) d) g(x, y) or G(U, V)

Answer: d) g(x,y) or G(U,V)

37.Gaussian noise is also known as___________

a)normal noise b)high noise c) low noise d) none of the above

Answer: a) Normal noise

38.The response for linear spatial filtering is given by the relationship__________

a) sum of filter coefficients product and correspondig image pixel under filter mask

b) difference of filter coefficients product and corresponding imagep pixel under filter p

c) all of the mentioned

d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a)sum of filter coefficients product and correspondig image pixel under filter mask

39.In linear spatial filtering what is the pixel of the image under mask corresponding to the mask
coefficient w(1,-1), assuming a 3*# mask?

a) f(X-Y) b) f(X+1,Y) c) f(X,Y-Y) d) f(X+1,Y-1)

Answer: d) f(X+1,Y-1)

40.Which of the following is/are a nonlinear operation.

a)computation of variance b)computation of median c)an of the mentioned d)none of the mentioned

Answer: a)computation of variance

41.Gaussion shape funtion has no:

a)ones b)pixels c)zeros d)coordinates

Answer: b)Zeros

42.Salt and pepper noise also referred to the term.

a)Rayleigh noise b) spike noise c) black noise

d) exponential noise

Answer: b) Spike noise

43.Salt and pepper noise can interchangeably be used_____

a) Rayleigh noise b) gamma noise c) black noise

d) impulse

Answer: d) impulse

44.Filter that replaces the pixel value with the maximum values of

Intensity levels.

a) max filter b) geometric mean filter c) median filter

d) min filter

Answer: a) max filter

45.A filter formed by averaging the reaming pixels is called_______

a) alpha_ trimmed

Answer: a) alpha_trimmed

46.In geometric mean filters when alpha is equal to 1 then it words as


a) Inverse filter

Answer: a) Inverse filter

47.Restoration can not be done using_______

1) Triple projection b) octa projection c) double projection

d) single projection

Answer: d) single projection

48.One that is not the type of a mean filter.

a) arithmetic mean filter b) geometric mean filter

c) harmonic mean filter d) sequence mean filter

Answer: d) Sequence mean filter

49.mean filters reduce noise using_______

a)blurring b) restoration c) sharpening d) acquisition

Answer: a) blurring

50.The approach to restoration is_________

a)Inverse filtering b) spike filtering c) black filtering

d) ranking

Answer: a) Inverse filtering

51.Periodic noise from___________

a)electricel interfarence b)gamma inteference c)beta interferece d)mechanical intrference

Answer : a) electricel interfarence

52.What is the main purpose of frequncy domain filtering in noise reduction?

a)To remove appriodic image b)To remove periodic image c)To enhance edges

d)To compress the image

Answer: b)To remove periodic image

53.Which filter is used to remove blur in the frequency domain?

a)Low-pass filter b)High-pass filter c)Band-pass filter d)Notch filter

Answer: High-pass filter

54.What is the frequency domain representation of an image called?

a)Spectrum b)Fourier Transform c)Image Domain d)Spatial Domain

Answer: a)spectrum

55.Which filter is used to remove high-frequency noise in the frequency domain?

a)Low-pass filter b)High-pass filter c)Band-pass filter d)Notch filter

Answer: a)Low_pass filter

56.What is the advantage of using the frequeency domain for image restoration ?

a)Efficient removal of eriodic noise b)Efficient removal of aperiodic noise

c)Efficient removal of blur d) All of the above

A)Efficient removal of periodic noise

57.What is the linear portion of image restoration also known as?

a)Image filtering b)Image enhancement c)Image constriction d)Image degradation

Answer:Image filtering

58.Which filter is commonly used for periodic noise reduction in the frequency domain?

a)Notch filter

Answer: a)Notch filter

59.What is the purpose of a notch filter?

a)To remove high-frequency noise b)To remove low-frequency noise

c)To remove a specific frequency component d)To enhance edges

Answer: To remove a specific frequency component

60.Which typeof noise is removed by the notch filter?

a)Salt and pepper noise b)Gaissian noise c)Periodic noise d) Noise

Answer: c)Periodic noise

61.How do you design a notch filtefr in the frequency domain?

a)By setting the frequency response to Zero at the noise frequency

b)By noise setting the frequency response to One at the noise frequency

c)By using a low-pass filter

d)By using a high-pass filter

Answer: a) By setting the frequency response to One at the noise frequency

62.A Band pass filter performs the opposite operation of _______________.

a)Wiener filter

b)Band reject filter

c)notch filter

d)Mean filter

Answer:b) Band reject filter

63.Band reject filter are used where the noise component are usually

a)Known b)unknown c)Taken d)Reject

Answer:a) Known

64.We also use notch reject or ___________ filter for the same purpose.

a)Mean pass

b)Notch pass

c)All the above

d)None of these

Answer: b)Notch Pass

65.What is the main purpose of frequency domain filtering in noise reduction?

a)To remove aperiodic noise b)To remove enhance edges

c)To remove periodic noise d)To componet the image

Answer: a)To remove periodic noise

66.Which tranform is commonly used to convert a singnal to the frequency.

a)Fast Fourioer Transform(FFT)

b)Partial Product Generator(PPG)

c)Block LMS(BLMS)
d)Carry Save Adder(CSA)

Answer:a) Fast Fourioer Transform(FFT)

67.what is the disadvantage of using the spatial domain for image restoration?

a)Inefficient removal of periodic noise

b)Inefficient removal of aeiodic noise

c)Inefficient removal of blur

d)All of the above

Answer:a)Inefficient removal of periodic noise

68)One of the band reject filtering is ____________in application.

a)Noise removal b)blur image c)size reduce d)none of these

Answer: a)noise removal

69)Band pass filte performs the__________of a a Band reject filter

a)same operation b)different operation c)oOpposite operation

d)None of these

Answer: c)Opposite operation

70.Linear image processing is based on the ______________ techniques.

a)Three b)Six c)Two d)Four

Answer: c)Two

71.What is linear image processing techniques are _________________.


b)Convoution, Maintance

c)Fourier analysis

d)Convolution, Fourier analysis

Answer: d)Convolution,Fourier Analysis

72.what is the linear portion of image restoration also known as?

a)audio filtering

b)band-pass filtering

c)Image filtering

d)notch filter

Answer: c)Image filtering

73.Which type of noise is removed in the linear portion of image restoration?

a)Image filter b)Salt and pepper noise c)Speckle noise

d)Gaussian filter

Answerd):Gaussian filter

74.Which type of degadation is removed in the linear portion of image restoration.

a)Blur b)Noise c)Distoration d)All of above

Answer: d)All of above

75.Which type of image is more suitable for linear image restoration?

a)color image b)Grayscale image c)Binary image d)All of the above

Answer:b)Grayscale image

76.Image degradation can be estimated by___________.

a)3 Ways b) 5 Ways c)10 Ways d)2 Ways

Answer: a)3 Ways

77.Which process the degradation function is estimated by observing the image__________.

a)Modeling b)Experimentation c)Observation d)All of the above

Answer: c)Observation

78.The__________image can be estimated accurately when the equipment is identical.

a)Restoration b)Degrade c)Estimation d)Degradation

Answer: b)Degrade

79.Which an impulse is simulated by a bright dot of light, as bright as possible to reduce the effect of

a)Modeling b)Estimating c)Degradation d)Experimentation_

Answer: d)Experimentation

80.Image degradation function can be estimated by_________included the environmental conditions.

a)Degradation b)Integation c)Modeling d)Reconstruction

Answer: c)Modeling

81.The process by which an image's quality is diminished or compromised.

a)Image filterimg b)Image restoring c)Image observation d)Image degradation

Answer: d)Image degradation

82.Which degradation function is finding information from the instrument used for image.

a)Experimentation b)Modeling c)Estimating d)Degradation

Answer: a)Experimentation

83Estimation for modeling is finding the information from the________model.

a)Structured b)Constructed c)Semi structured d)Unstructured

Answer: b)Constructed

84.Identify the good portion of the image in which the singal content is strong.

a)Experimentation b)Modeling c)Observation d)All of the above

Answer: c)Observation

85.Modeling using the mathematical model, the degrated function like________.

a)Motion_blur, atmospheric b)Partial knowledge about blur c)No-knowledge above mathematical

d)None of the above model

Answer: a)Motion blur,atmospheric,turbulence

86.A model is a_________that approximate a real system.

a)Set of modeling equation b)Set of mathematical c)Set of statistical d)Set of equations

Answer: d)Set of equations

87.Many types of models have been developed for ________like motion blur.

a)Reconstruction b)Modeling degradation c)Modeling restroation d)Experimentation model.

Answer: c )Modeling degradations

88.Blur function is directly measured by isolating the image of________.

a)Impulse noise b)An object pixel c)An frequency d)None of the above
Answer: b)An object pixel

89.We may get the__________of blur because it is the image of point source object.

a)mpulse noise b)Gaussion noise c)Uniform noise d)Impulse response

Answer: d)Impulse response

90.Direct estimation technique take may such samples and________.

a)By observation and estimation b)Experimentaion & estimation c)By observation & restoration
d)Reconstruction & acquisition

Answer: a)By observation and estimation

91.A_________can be estimates for a relatively uniform region of the image.

a)Invariant function b)Observation c)Covariance function d)Modeling

Answer: c)Covariance function

92.The degraded image_________canbe obtained.

a)(Vk) b)(Uk) c)(Wk) d(Fk)

Answer: b)(Uk)

93.Some portion of relatively good part of the image.

a)(Ck) b)(WK) c)(Uk) d)(Vk)

Answer: d)(Vk)

94.Degraded image is produced using degradation process and_________.

a)Additive noise b)Spatical noise c)Spike noise d)Salt noise

Answer: a)Additive noise

95.A degradation function that has been estimated in some ways sometimes is called__________.

a)Image b)Blind deconvolution c)Degraded d)Motion blur

Answer: b)Blind deconvolution

96.How can the estimate degradation function can be expressed as__________.

a)H(U,V)-G(U,V)/A b)Hs(U,V)-Es(U,V)/Gs(U,V) c)Hs(U,V)-Gs(U,V) d)Hs(U,V)-Gs(U,V)/Es(U,V)

Answer: d)Hs(U,V)=Gs(U,V)/Es(U,V)

97.How to expressed as estimation by experimentaion__________.

a)Hs(U,V)-Gs(U,V)/Es(U,V) b)H(U,V)-G(U,V) c)H(U,V)-G(U,V)/A d)Hs(U,V)-Gs(U,V)

Answer: c)H(U,V)=G(U,V)/A

98.H(U,V)=e-k(U2+V2)5/6 which estimate is expressed the equations.

a)Estimation by modeling b)Estimation the observing c)Estimatiom the Experimentaion d)All of the

Answer: a)Estimation by modeling

99.Solution is available for linear spatially _________model.

a)Element-noise b)Image degradation c)Invariant degradation d)None of these

Answer: c)Invariant degradation

100.The recognition is__________meaning that only one learned.

a)Pixel-invariant b)Position-invariant c)Spatial-filter c)All of the above

Answer: b)Position-invariant

101)The simple approach to Restoration is direct inverse filtering where we can estimate

a)F(u,v) b)F^(u,v). c)F|u,v|


102)minimum means square error filtering known as

a)inverse filter. b)notch filter c)wiener filter

Ans:c)wiener filtering

103)the image and noise in this method are considered as

a)random variable. b) separate variable. c)filter variable

Ans:a)random variable

104)the power spectrum of the noise is

a)Sr(u,v)=|F(u,v)|2. b)Sr|u,v|=|F(u,v)|2. c)Sr(u,v)=|F(u,v)|


105)the power spectrum of the undergraded image is

a)St(u,v)=|F(u,v)|2. b) Sf(u,v)=|F(u,v)|2. c)St(u,v)=|F(u,v)|


106)SNR in noise stands for

a)serial to noise ratio b)signal to noise ratio. c) signal to notch ratio

Ans:b)signal to noise ratio

107)Approach that incorporates both degradation function and statistical noise in restoration is called

a)inverse filter b)ranking c)wiener filter

Ans:c)wiener filter

108)the objective is to find an estimate ____of the uncrupteded image

a)f. b)F^ c)f^


109)power specta and noise of undegraded image must be known as

a)wiener filter b) inverse filter c)bluring

Ans:a)wiener filter

110)the approach to Restoration is

a) wiener filter b)inverse filter c)linear filter

Ans:b)inverse filter

111)mean filter reduce noise by using

a) blurring b) ranking. c)none


112)in geometric mean filters when Alpha is equal to 1 then it works as

a)inverse filter b)linear filter c)none

Ans:a)inverse filter

113)in weiner filtering, it is assumed that noise and image are

a)in-correlated. b)correlated. c)un-correlated


114)inverse of image convolution is

a)image convolution b)image deconvolution c)none

Ans:b)image deconvolution

115)which type of approach incorporates both degradation function and statistical noise in restoration?

a)inverse filter b)linear filter. c)wiener filter

Ans:c)wiener filter

116)invest filter requires only

a)blur PSF. b)notch PSF. c)none

Ans:a)blur PSF

117) f such that the main square error between them is___

a) minimized b)maximized c)none


118)what is the name of the filter that is used to turn the average value of processed image zero?

a) inverse filter b)notch filter. c)wiener filter

Ans:b)notch filter

119)which filter is wiener filter is an FIR least squares

a)wiener filter b)notch filter c)inverse filter

Ans:c)inverse filter

120)which of the following method is used to restrict the inverse filter to be FIR?

a)Truncating h1(n). b)Truncating h2(n). c)Truncating h(n)

Ans:a)Truncating h1(n)

121)Which of the following process helps in Image enhancement?

a) Digital Image Processing. b)AnalogImage Proceeding. c)both a and b

Ans:c)both a and b

122)minimum mean square error filter is also called

a)high square error filter. b)least squareerrorfilter. c)none

Ans:b)least square error filter

123)the function 1/Pi known as the

a)inverse filter b)wiener filter c)linear filter

Ans:a)inverse filter

124)the inverse filter provides an exact solution to the problem when ni approaches

a)one. b)zero. c)two


125)in deconvolution the geophysicist estimates these effects as ___ and then designed and apply
inverse filter

a)wiener filter b)inverse filter c)linear filter

Ans:c)linear filter

126 .wiener and CLS generate equal results

a)low noise b)high noise c)high level d)low level

Ans: low noise

127 .CLS outperforms wiener if is properly Selected.

a)High noise b) low noise c)high level d)low level

Ans:High noise

128.The geometric mean filter is a of a set of member

a)liner filters b)nonlinear filters c)winter filters

d)spatial filters

Ans:nonlinear filters

129.Geometric mean filter are used to remove

a)gamma noise b) enlang noise c)Gaussian noise

d)rayliegh noise

Ans:Gaussian noise

130.Each pixel by the geometric mean of the values in its

a) uniform b)neighborhood c)static d)pixel


131.Geometric Mean filter alpha and beta beiging

a)positive, real constants b) All the above c) Negative, real constants d) equal seal constants

Ans:positive, real constants

132. expressions in brackets raised to the bowers

a)I and 1-2 b) and 1+ 2 c) none of these d)all this above

Ans: I and 1-2

133.a=1 this filter reduces to the

a)linear filter b)Inverse filter c)spatial filter d)statistic filter

Ans:Inverse filter

134.x=0 this filter raised to the

a) equal power b) positive c)Same power d) Negative signal

Ans:Same power

135. inverse filter and same pomes its also called

a)parametric wiener filter b) frequency filter

c)Observation filter d)Exponential filter

Ans:parametric wiener filter

136.a=1/2 and B=1 this filter also called as

a) Spectrum equalization filter b) frequency filter

c)Observation filter d)Exponential filter

Ans:Spectrum equalization filter

137.Geometric transformations modify the Spatial relationship between the

a)Pixels in an image b) spatial is an image

c)image degraded
Ans:Pixels in an image

138.Greometric transformations often are called

a)transformations b) rubber Sheet c) rubber Sheet transformations

Ans:rubber Sheet transformations

139.Geometric transformation consists the

a)2 basic operations b) 7 basic operations c) 3 basic operations d) 6 basic operations

Ans:2 basic operations

140. Which is rearrangement of pixels on the image plane (a) spatial transmission b) spectram

c)Spatial Transformations d)All the above

Ans:Spatial Transformations

141. which is assignment of gray levels to pixels in the spatially transformed image

a) gaussian Level. b) Rayleigh Level c)Eilang Level

d)Gray level interpolation

Ans:Gray level interpolation

142.geometric mean filters when alpha is equal to o then it work as

a)parametric wiener filter b) spectrum linear filter c) Segmentation d) pixels

Ans:parametric wiener filter

143.geometric mean filters when alpha is equal to l than it works as

a) impulse filter b) Image restoration c)Inverse filter

d)winter filter

Ans:Inverse filter

144.Name the filter which performs opposite to Band Reject operation

b) impulse Filter b)Band pass filter c) inverse filter

d) winter filter

Ans:Band pass filter

145.Inverse of image convolutions is

a) image degradation b) image Restoration c)image Reconstruction d)Image Deconuolution

Ans:Image Deconuolution

146. Spatial filtering is used in the presence of

a)Additive Random Noise b) uniform noise c) salt and pepper noise d) Gawussian noise

Ans:Additive Random Noise

147.constrained least square filter does not implied good in

a) Optimum Restoration b) bi-polar c) image Restoration

d) frequency spectrum

Ans:Optimum Restoration

148. Inverse fitter requires only a)Blur PSF b) bi-polar

c)Spatial d)image quality.

Ans:Blur PSF

149.Least Square filters are

a) high noise b) both (a)(b) c)none of these d)Less Noise Sensitive

Ans:Less Noise Sensitive.

150.Geometric transformations modify the Spatial relationship between the

a)Pixels in an image b) spatial is an image

c)image degraded

Ans:Pixels in an image

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