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'Stop NCII' Lets You Eliminate Your Compromised Images on the Internet

No words probably strike more fear in our hearts than 'leaked video or photo.' However, we may
now have a way to control the damage. Meta's 'Stop NCII' can eliminate any of your
compromised photos from social media platforms.

How Does Stop NCII Work?

Stop NCII stands for 'Cease Non-Consensual Intimate Image' mistreatment. The tool will prompt
you to provide the original and altered images, accompanied by a few additional queries.

It will inquire about the individual depicted, their age, the availability of all media, and the
presence of nudity. You do not need to engage in conversations; your identity will be

The tool uses encrypted data, eliminating the requirement to upload sensitive images. Upon
initiating your case, the website will allocate a unique case number, allowing you to track its
progress whenever necessary. Keeping the case number and PIN secure is essential, as they
cannot be retrieved. S

The tool will search for images corresponding to your encrypted data and try to eliminate them
from affiliated social media firms, provided they violate the policy against non-consensual
intimate image distribution.

How to Keep Your Photos and Videos from Being Misused on the Internet?

Unfortunately, no concrete way exists to stop the malicious use of your data, such as photos and
videos. However, the following tips will help to some extent:

1. Privacy Settings: Modify the privacy settings on your social media profiles to manage the
audience that can access your content.

2. Avoid Sharing Intimate Content: Refrain from sharing personal or intimate photos and
videos online, as these are more susceptible to misuse.

3. Two-Factor Authentication: Activate two-factor authentication for your accounts to enhance

security with an additional layer of protection.

4. Regular Password Changes: Change your passwords regularly to prevent unauthorized


5. Watermarking: If you share original content, consider watermarking your photos to

discourage unauthorized usage.

6. Use Private Cloud Storage: Utilize secure cloud storage services with strong encryption to
store sensitive media.
7. Be Cautious of Links: Avoid clicking on suspicious links, as they might lead to phishing or
malware attacks that can compromise your data.

8. Review App Permissions: Scrutinize the permissions granted to apps before installing them
to ensure they don't access your media without consent.

9. Report Misuse: If you find your media being misused, report it to the platform's
administrators for removal.

10. Regular Audits: Periodically review your online presence and remove content you no longer
want to be public.

11. Educate Others: Educate friends and family about online privacy to prevent them from
unintentionally sharing your content.

12. Consider Legal Action: If your media is misused, consult legal experts to explore potential
legal actions against the perpetrators.

Following these steps can significantly reduce the risk of misusing your photos and videos

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