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Islamabad Police Updates Digital License Management System to Streamline Traffic Violation


To enhance traffic management and ensure road safety, the Islamabad Police have recently
updated their Digital License Management System (DLMS).

This significant upgrade aims to streamline information on suspects and e-challan defaulters,
ultimately contributing to more effective law enforcement on the city's roads.

Digital License Management System

The Digital License Management System (DLMS) is a pivotal tool for Islamabad Police in
managing traffic violations and ensuring road safety. This system harnesses the power of digital
technology to track and manage e-challans and suspect information efficiently.

Crucial Role of Safe City Command and Control Center

The Safe City Command and Control Center is critical to this traffic management ecosystem.
They recently provided the Police Khidmat Center and traffic offices with a list of 145 traffic
rule violators.

This valuable information is a foundation for enforcing traffic regulations and penalizing

Settlement of E-Challans

Due to the DLMS and the information provided by the Safe City Command and Control Center,
995 e-challans were settled by 82 violators at traffic offices.

This not only demonstrates the effectiveness of the system but also encourages compliance with
traffic rules.

Strict Action Against Defaulters

For those who fail to settle their e-challans, the Islamabad Police have taken strict action by
suspending the licenses of 63 individuals. This stern approach emphasizes the importance of
adhering to traffic regulations and the consequences of non-compliance.

Leveraging Technology for Enforcement

The Islamabad Police have effectively harnessed technology to identify e-challan violators. Safe
City cameras and the recently introduced Brief Cam alerts have been instrumental.

These technologies aid in recognizing vehicles associated with e-challan defaulters, ensuring that
traffic violations do not go unnoticed.

Reducing Traffic Violations

Under the leadership of Chief Traffic Officer Muhammad Sarfraz Virk, the Islamabad Police
have launched a crackdown on traffic law violators.

This initiative has yielded impressive results, with traffic violations decreasing by 38,000 cases
in October and November 2023 compared to the same period the previous year.

The enhanced fines and stringent actions against serious violations, including underage drivers
and one-way violators, have played a significant role in achieving this positive outcome.

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