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Of course, here's a version that's suitable for a primary 4 student in Malaysia:

Creating a yummy boiled egg sandwich with a special mayonnaise mix is easy and fun. Let's
start by boiling an egg – ask an adult for help with this part. Boil the egg for about 7 to 10
minutes until it's just right. Once it's done, peel off the shell carefully and chop the egg into
tiny pieces. Put these pieces in a bowl.

Now, let's make the delicious mayonnaise mix. Take a little spoon of mayonnaise – you know,
that creamy sauce – and mix it with the chopped egg in the bowl. This will make your
sandwich super tasty! You can add a tiny bit of salt and pepper to make it even more
yummy. Give everything a gentle mix so it all comes together nicely.

Okay, time to put your sandwich together. Choose two slices of your favorite bread – it could
be the soft white bread you love. Spread a little bit of mayonnaise on each slice – this will
make your sandwich extra tasty. Now, scoop the egg-mayonnaise mix you made earlier and
spread it on one of the slices. Make sure it's spread out evenly so you get all the flavors in
every bite!

Put the second slice of bread on top of the egg mixture. Gently press down so everything
sticks together. There you go – your special boiled egg sandwich with the amazing
mayonnaise mix is ready to eat! It's a fantastic snack for lunch or anytime you want
something yummy. Enjoy your delicious creation!

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