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Joint Guidance for

in Elections
When it goes too far

Why this guide? 3
What might happen? 3
Protecting Yourself, Family, Friends and Colleagues 4
When Should I Contact the Police? 5
Key Links 5
Legislative Guidance 6
Conclusion 9


Why this guide?

Political debate and discussion underpins our

democratic process and is a key component of
public life. But on occasions this can go too far
spilling over into intimidatory behaviour.

This can cause candidates to question whether they have

made the right decision to participate and engage in
public life. Female candidates in particular may suffer a
disproportionate level of unacceptable behaviour including
online abuse and harassment.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland, Electoral Commission,

Electoral Office and the Public Prosecution Service have
produced this guidance to give candidates the knowledge
and tools to recognise and respond to intimidatory and
criminal behaviour.

What might happen?

The election period places a number have led to violence and injury.
of pressures on candidates. This will
include greater scrutiny on you and your It is important to recognise what might
political standpoint. You will be subject happen and the action you can take. The
to heightened public exposure. advice contained in this guide applies
to both your political and private life –
For the majority of candidates, and for harassment and intimidation may also be
most of the time, these pressures will directed at your family, friends, and co-
not impact on your personal safety. workers. In addition to occurring in public
However, there have been occasions life, these behaviours and actions can
where candidates have been exposed to primarily occur in virtual (‘online’) spaces.
unacceptable levels of harassment and
intimidation. This can have a significant Candidates should be aware of the National
psychological impact on candidates and Northern Ireland security threat level.1
and those close to them, and can affect This forms the security backdrop and is
their wellbeing. In some cases, these important to be aware of as a candidate in
behaviours and actions have reached the a publicised election campaign.
criminal threshold. The worst examples
1 Terrorism and national emergencies: Terrorism threat
levels (


Protecting Yourself, Family,

Friends and Colleagues
There are steps you can take to help • Keep records of any intimidating
protect yourself and others, for example: behaviour (what, where, when)
– the more details the better.
• When at hustings or public meetings,
be aware of your surroundings and if • Do not engage with individuals who
something or someone causes you to are stalking/harassing you (offline and
be concerned for your safety, report it online).
to the police using 999 if the threat or
danger is immediate and 101 to report • Report intimidation to your internet
suspicious activity that has already service provider/mobile phone
occurred. company.

• Consider your safety when canvassing • Use ‘Report Abuse’ tools on social
and visiting voters at the door. media platforms.

1. While political debate is a key part • Block/report trolls. You can disable
of our democracy, if you feel unsafe comments on Instagram or Facebook
then disengage. on a post by post basis if necessary.
2. Avoid lone working and conduct
visits accompanied. • Conduct an online health check -
3. Ensure colleagues or family are review online information and minimise
aware of where you are canvassing, availability of personal information.
timings and your expected return
time. Have a plan and stick to it. • Seek advice from your local police on
4. If you are unsure of a location or personal safety and building security
property whilst canvassing, consider (e.g., home/workplace security survey).
moving on and ensure you are
making safe decisions on the

Further advice and information is available on the Police Service of Northern

Ireland web pages but if you feel, you or others are in immediate danger, call
police on 999. Report all other suspected criminal matters via 101.


When Should I Contact the Police?

The actions and behaviours listed below The following indicators (‘red flags’)
may constitute a criminal offence and may signal an escalation and should be
should be brought to the attention brought to the immediate attention of
of your local police. The legislative your local police (dial 999):
guidance in this guide provides more
detail and information on types of • Threat of imminent violence.
criminal offences: • Fixated ideas – if someone seems
set on a certain course of action or is
• Communications, on or offline, making a very specific type of threat or
which contain abusive or threatening reference to a plan.
• If you become aware that the individual
• Repeated unwanted contact may has access to weapons or has weapons
constitute harassment or stalking. skills.
• Racial, homophobic or other • If the person releases personal
discriminatory abuse or threats. information about you not already
• Fixation on you or an issue associated in the public domain.
with your campaign.

Key Links
Electoral Commission

Police Service Northern Ireland

Public Prosecution Service NI

Electoral Office Northern Ireland (EONI)

Practical advice and information available from:

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – Election Guidance for Local Authorities
UK Legislation
Stalking & Harassment What is stalking and harassment? (
Protecting Yourself When Driving Protect yourself when driving (
Protecting Your Home Protecting Your Home (
Protecting Yourself (Out & About)
Protecting yourself | How to stay safe when out and about (
Cyber Aware

Get Safe Online

Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Victim Support NI Telephone: 028 90 243133

Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have provided guidance to help candidates better understand:
• What types of content and activity breach each service’s terms and conditions;
• How candidates can report directly to companies instances where they believe content
may breach terms and conditions; and
• The response candidates can expect from each company once an issue has been reported.


Legislative Guidance
1. This section provides guidance 4. This guidance cannot cover every
to candidates in elections about eventuality and is intended to
behaviours they may experience during outline some of the criminal offences
a campaign which may be likely to a candidate in an election may
constitute a criminal offence. encounter. The information should
not be treated as legal advice nor is it
2. There is no requirement or expectation meant to be an exhaustive account of
for a person reporting an allegation these areas of law.
of crime to have knowledge of the
criminal law. This guidance is intended
simply to assist candidates to Public Order Offences
recognise conduct which may or may
not be caught by the criminal law, in These offences contrary to the Public Order
order to inform and assist them in any (NI) Order 1987 relate to acts intended or
contact they have with the police and likely to stir up hatred or arouse fear:
potentially the wider criminal justice
system. In any circumstance where a (i) Use of Words or Behaviour or Display of
candidate in an election believes that Written Material - Article 9
a criminal offence may have been
committed, they are encouraged to (ii) Publishing or Distributing Written
report it to the police. Material - Article 10

3. The police are responsible for Under this Article it is a defence for
investigating an allegation that a an accused who is not shown to have
criminal offence may have been intended to stir up hatred or arouse
committed. They will take statements fear to prove that he was not aware of
and gather evidence. Where there the content of the material and did not
is sufficient evidence to suspect the suspect, and had no reason to suspect,
commission of a criminal offence by an that it was threatening, abusive or
identifiable individual, police will send insulting.
a file to the Public Prosecution Service
(PPS). The decision to prosecute a (iii) Distributing, Showing or Playing a
person for a criminal offence lies with Recording - Article 11
the PPS. Any decision to prosecute Under this Article it is a defence for
must be taken in accordance with an accused who is not shown to have
the PPS Code for Prosecutors. A intended to stir up hatred or arouse fear
prosecution may only be commenced to prove that he was not aware of the
by the PPS where it is satisfied the Test content of the recording and did not
for Prosecution is met. The Test for suspect, and had no reason to suspect,
Prosecution is met if: that it was threatening, abusive or
(i) The evidence which can be presented
in court is sufficient to provide a (iv)Possession of Matter Intending or
reasonable prospect of conviction - the Likely to Stir-up Hatred or Arouse Fear
Evidential Test; and – Article 13
(ii) Prosecution is required in the public Other public order offences contrary to
interest - the Public Interest Test. the 1987 Order may include:


(i) Disorderly behaviour in a public place – Harassment

Article 18(1)
(ii) Breach of the peace in a public place – Under Article 3 of the Protection from
Article 18(2) Harassment Order (NI) 1997 it is an offence
(iii) Provocative Conduct in a Public Place for a person to pursue a course of conduct
or at a Public Meeting or Procession - that amounts to harassment of another
Article 19 or which they know or ought to have
known amounts to harassment. A course
of conduct must involve conduct on at
least two occasions and includes speech.
Criminal Damage
Harassing a person includes alarming the
Offences contrary to the Criminal Damage person or causing the person distress.
(Northern Ireland) Order 1977 are:
Under Article 6 of the 1997 Order it is an
(i) Destroying or damaging property - offence for a person to pursue a course of
Article 3 conduct causing another to fear, on at least
(ii) Threats to destroy or damage property two occasions, that violence will be used
– Article 4 against them. An individual shall be guilty
(iii) Possessing anything with intent to of an offence if he knows or ought to know
destroy or damage property – Article 5 that his course of conduct will cause the
other so to fear on each of those occasions.

Assaults Stalking
The most common offences of assault, in Under Section 1 of the Protection from
ascending order of seriousness are: Stalking Act (NI) 2022 Act it is an offence for
a person to engage in a course of conduct
(i) Common assault - Offences Against the that causes another person to suffer fear,
Person Act 1861 section 42 alarm or substantial distress; or is such that
(ii) Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily a reasonable person would consider to be
Harm - Offences Against the Person Act likely to cause fear, alarm or substantial
1861 section 47 distress; and that the person engages in
(iii) Grievous Bodily Harm or Wounding - the course of conduct with the intention
Offences Against the Person Act 1861 of causing another to suffer fear, alarm
section 20 or substantial distress; or ought in all the
(iv) Grievous Bodily Harm or Wounding circumstances to have known, that engaging
with intent to commit Grievous Bodily in the course of conduct would be likely to
Harm - Offences Against the Person Act cause fear, alarm or substantial distress.
1861 section 18
Examples of conduct that could amount to
stalking include:
Threats to Kill
• Following a person or any other
Under section 16 of the Offences Against connected person;
the Person Act 1861 a person who without • Loitering in any place (whether public or
lawful excuse makes to another a threat, private);
intending that that other would fear it • Watching or spying on a person or any
would be carried out, to kill that other other connected person.
or a third person may be guilty of an
offence. ‘Substantial distress’ may be evidenced
in many ways, such as a person putting
additional security measures in place
at home, deleting or stopping use of
social media accounts, not leaving home
unaccompanied, or moving house on a
permanent or temporary basis.


Threatening or Abusive A prosecution is only viable where the

Behaviour communication in question crosses the
high threshold necessary to protect
Under Section 2 of the Protection from freedom of expression, even unwelcome
Stalking Act (NI) 2022 it is an offence for freedom of expression, particularly in the
an individual to behave in a threatening or course of robust political debate.
abusive manner; and the behaviour would
be likely to cause a reasonable person to Communication which is merely any one
suffer fear or alarm; and the individual of the following is likely to be protected
intends by the behaviour to cause fear as freedom of expression:
or alarm or is reckless as to whether the
behaviour causes fear or alarm. The range • Offensive, shocking or disturbing; or
of behaviours considered capable of • Satirical, iconoclastic or rude
causing a reasonable person to suffer fear comment; or
or alarm are similar to the behaviours that • The expression of unpopular or
amount to stalking as set out above. unfashionable opinion about serious
or trivial matters, or banter or humour,
even if distasteful to some or painful to
Hate Crime those subjected to it; or
• An uninhibited and ill thought-out
Hate Crime is defined as any criminal contribution to a casual conversation
offence which is perceived by the victim, where participants expect a certain
or any other person, to be motivated by amount of repartee or ‘give and take’.
hostility or prejudice towards someone
based on a personal characteristic. The A prosecution is only likely to be viable
Police Service of Northern Ireland also where a communication goes beyond the
use the principles of this definition to above.
record non-crime hate incidents.

There are six strands of hate motivation.

They are race, homophobia (sexual
Election Offences
orientation), sectarianism, faith/ The provisions of the Representation of
religion (non-sectarian), disability and the People Act 1983 (RPA 1983) provide
transphobia. for the offence of making or publishing a
false statement of fact about a candidate’s
personal character or conduct, contrary
Communications Offences to section 106. The false statement must
be in relation to the candidate’s personal
Section 1 of the Malicious character or conduct, rather than their
Communications Act 1988 and Section political views, reputation or criticism of
127 of the Communications Act 2003 their public acts. It is a defence to show
criminalise the sending of certain they had reasonable grounds for believing
communications including those alleged and did believe that the statement was
to be indecent, grossly offensive or true. The offence is only committed where
menacing. Menacing means creating a it is “for the purpose of affecting the return
sense of apprehension or fear in the likely of any candidate at the election” and
recipient. There is a high threshold to therefore only relates to conduct during an
meet the objective test of whether or not election period. It should be noted that the
the communication is grossly offensive. RPA 1983 provides for other misconduct
offences during an election period.


If a candidate in an
election believes that
a criminal offence has
been committed, they
are encouraged to
report it to the police.
This guidance may assist when a
candidate has contact with the police
or the wider criminal justice system.
The application of the law is in each case
fact - and context - sensitive which must
be borne in mind when applying general
guidance of this kind to real life situations.

justice system.

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