Observation and Assistantship Report

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Official Normal School of León

“To educate is to strengthen”

Degree in elementary education.

Course: Introduction to teaching work

Teacher: Sara Isabel Gonzales Flores

Students: Macias Flores Sandra Paulina

Martines Robledo José Andrés

“Observation and assistantship report”

3rd. Semester Group B

León Gto., as of September 28, 2021


Institution identification data…………………………………….
Sociodemographic description of the school……………………………
Sociodemographic description of the school……………………………
The organization of work……………………………………………….
Climates and learning environments……………………………………...
The use of time…………………………………………………………...
The use of materials……………………………………………….
Teaching styles and strategies………………………………………………
Teaching learning approaches……………………………………
Content domains………………………………………………………….
Interactions in the classroom and school spaces………………………….
Resources and infrastructure……………………………………………….
Educational modality…………………………………………………………
School culture………………………………………………………….
Support resources………………………………………………………….

The following text will explain what could be observed in our first observation and
assistantship visit, as well as what we learned about each thing. It should be noted
that we rely on different sources of information for a greater understanding of
various things.

With this we take another step towards being able to carry out our teaching
practices, and this will help us in the future.

Institution identification data

Name of the primary school: “Profesor Arnulfo Campos Domínguez” urban primary
Afternoon shift
Type: Complete organization.
School context: Urban.
Hours: 2:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
CCT: 11EPR0907M
Zone: 553Sector: 501
Subsidy: State
Location: Sitio Cuautla Esq. Jupiter Col. Fracc. Gentleman
Municipality: León Guanajuato
School enrollment:
Visit date: September 23 and 24, 2021

Numbers of teachers: 12

Physical education teachers: 2

Sociodemographic description of the school

The area where the Prof. Arnulfo Campos Domínguez Urban Primary School is
located is completely paved, has several businesses surrounding it and a few
blocks away is the Official Normal School of León.

In relation to the social context, it can be seen that the social classes of the
residents of the neighborhood vary from the upper-middle class to the lower social
class. This information is reinforced by the comments that teachers and people
close to the school gave us, since We were told “the economic context of the
community is varied since you can see everything, from economically stable
people to very poor people.”

In relation to the infrastructure of the institution, it can be seen that it is somewhat

deteriorated and damaged on the façade and that the external walls are graffitied.
However, upon entering the facilities of this primary school we can see that
everything is in good condition, the educational room has a large main patio to
accommodate all the students, in addition to having 12 classrooms to provide a
study space, it is It is noticeable that the things it has are adequate to the needs
that currently arise due to the health contingency caused by Covid-19 (each
classroom has antibacterial gel, sanitizer and healthy distance rules), the health
rules are present at all times within the school and are carried out at all times and
with the attention that each of them requires. The atmosphere among the teachers
seems to be quite good.

For reasons of health protocols, the school is currently working with a hybrid
modality, this means that not all students are attending classes in person, but
some days some children attend and other days others, this happens on Mondays.
to Thursday since on Friday all students meet virtually.

The organization of work

The organization of work is different like most things within institutions since due to
the pandemic everything had to be adapted, the organization is not exempt from
this. We were able to observe how the teacher planned the topics and the work to
be given throughout the cycle; Currently, many topics in mathematics and Spanish
are covered since that is what is asked of teachers. This does not mean that they
do not cover other subjects, but rather that these are given more priority. With this
first visit we were able to understand that the structure of our work is key to
advancing the topics and that if we have a good organization we will be able to
cover all the topics we have.

Climate and learning environments

To start talking about this we must differentiate both parts, Higor Rodríguez says in
his essay: that the environment corresponds to the spaces in which the learning
activities will be developed, it can be of three types: classroom, real and virtual. ;
while the learning climate is the interaction, the communication between those who
are within the teaching - learning process, this must occur between the teacher and
the students and vice versa, as well as student - student.

The environment that can be seen in the institution can be called one where
students can express themselves freely, where the important thing is the learning
of each of the students. Likewise, when evaluating the learning climate, it can be
said that it is quite pleasant for everyone who is in it. A clear example of this is the
moment we observe in which the teacher leaves an operation on the blackboard
and all the students solve it and, if necessary, they help each other. With this we
can know that in our training we must take these two aspects that always go
together, to provide quality education all schools must be clear about this and we
as future teachers must prioritize an excellent learning climate.

The use of time

The use of time during the class stay has been modified due to the pandemic, and
has been managed in such a way that the class schedules have been adapted to
the situation we are going through, in such a way that it is shorter than years
before the pandemic. Time is a very important point in the teaching-learning
process and currently basic education teachers have been affected. From this
observation we were able to realize that we must distribute the time we have with
the students for all subjects and that we must know how to manage it in the best
way, since it is a very important factor for teaching.

The use of materials:

Alberto Guerrero defines teaching materials as: the elements that teachers use to
facilitate and guide the learning of our students; and classified into 4: printed, area,
work and teacher material. With the above we can say that the observed teacher
uses printed and work material. However, he mentioned to us on several occasions
that he uses semi-concrete material which he explained to us that they could be
drawings or use some grain to explain the division; Something that stands out is
that Nancy Saquicela and Jilberth Arias mention in their methodological guide that
semi-concrete material integrates three learning channels: visual, genetic and
auditory. Knowing this, the teacher told us on several occasions that he must work
on the three different types of learning. Based on this we learned that we must use
different types of materials for teaching and that these are very important; Now we
can select different types of materials, either to have meaningful learning or to
cover the three types of learners.

Teaching styles and strategies

The styles and strategies are different for each teacher, some may be similar but
each teacher implements it in a different way. The teacher we currently observe
uses the following strategies: brainstorming, individual, collective, heuristic,
expository, demonstration, and expository. This is essential for learning and we as
future teachers must implement those that we think are the most appropriate for
the grade we have and, above all, the most appropriate for the students, since
these must be the center of attention in the process. teaching-learning.

Teaching-learning approaches

The authors of the article Teaching approaches and learning approaches:

promising theoretical perspectives for the development of research in science
education tell us that a learning approach is the preferred route that an individual
follows when facing an academic demand in the educational field; It is mediated by
the motivation of the learning subject and the strategies used. Based on this we
can state that it is of utmost value for us as future teachers since this is a key point
in the process and that if we choose the best this will be an effective and
satisfactory process.

Content domain

This is one of the aspects that every teacher must have, since this is essential to
transmit and teach the contents and topics that must be seen. During our visit we
were able to see how the teacher had a fairly good command of the topics he was
teaching. We learned from this that as future teachers we must take this aspect
into account since if we do not have this our planning and how we are going to
teach a topic that we do not know or barely know is not very important.

The way in which the teacher evaluated the works was quickly, due to the time that
was reduced by factors that he had not considered, but during the interview we
conducted, the teacher told us that evaluating with rubrics and checklists; These
two instruments stand out because with them the teacher can observe the
knowledge of his students and what they can improve in their planning. This taught
us that we must implement different types of evaluation and that we have to take
into account that evaluation helps us improve our teaching, as Días Barriga says:
Evaluation is a project under permanent construction to improve training

Interactions in the classroom and in school spaces

Interaction in the classroom is one of the most important since it can lead the
course of the classes. The interaction that we were able to observe within the
classroom to which we were assigned could be described as free, respectful and
orderly. We believe this can be attributed to the way the teacher works. On the
other hand, what occurs in school spaces is different since the coexistence is more
between the students themselves than between the teacher and the student.
Unfortunately we were not able to observe the interaction that occurs in physical
education, since we believe that in this class the interaction may be different. From
the above we can say that we learned that interaction is essential in the learning-
teaching process.

Resources and infrastructure

With our visit we were able to observe that the infrastructure of the institution is in
very good condition while in the resources we were able to appreciate the human,
didactic, environmental and didactic resources. These two factors must be present
in any school. We learned that what the school has supports the teaching and
learning of students and that any school must have sufficient resources to be able
to provide quality learning.

School culture
When we talk about school culture, we traditionally refer to the set of knowledge,
skills and values, including norms, beliefs, ceremonies, rituals, and traditions, these
are transmitted from generation to generation, in other words, they are the patterns
of meaning transmitted. historically.

Based on the previous definition and everything stated above, we were able to
understand why we could not locate it in an adequate way and it was for two
reasons, the first, our stay in the institution was very short and with what has
already been mentioned about the pandemic, it is most likely that The school
culture has changed a little. We consider that school culture is very important for
every institution since it distinguishes it from others. As we already mentioned, we
could not locate it in an adequate way, however we were able to investigate what
the mission and vision of the institution is; The mission that the student has to learn
in a general way and according to their needs is taken from the interview with the
director, while the vision is, in addition to providing learning to the charms, to train
them in evaluative aspects, rescued from the teacher's interview.

With all this we learned that the school culture is structured based on everything
that is related to the institution, from where it is located, the modality it has, the
resources, in short everything.


With all of the above, we can conclude that everything stated here is fundamental
for an educational institution and the most important thing is that we understood
that school culture is what characterizes a school and is made up of different

Finally we think that the observation and assistantship visits allow us to get to know
the institution, as well as see classes and give us greater knowledge and
enrichment for our future practices.
Support resource


Alberto Guerrero Armas. (2009). DIDACTIC MATERIALS IN THE CLASSROOM.

October 3, 2021, CC.OO Education Federation. of Andalusia Website:
Díaz Barriga, A. (2009). Teachers, study program and institution, in: The teacher
and school programs: the institutional and the didactic, p. 33-44. Mexico:

Higor Rodríguez Vite. (SN). LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. October 3, 2021, from

the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo Website:

Manuel Guillermo Sole, Fidel Antonio Cárdenas, Fuensanta Hernández-Pina.

(2018). Teaching approaches and learning approaches: promising theoretical
perspectives for the development of research in science education. October 3,
2021, from Paulista State University Website:

María Esther Elías. (2015). School culture: Approach to a complex concept.

Buenos Aires Argentina: Educare Electronic Magazine.

Nancy Jaqueline Saquicela Cronel Jilberth Antonio Arias Orellana. (2011). Guide
for the application of teaching material in the area of mathematics, for the second
year of basic education at the "San Francisco" fiscal educational center of the
Santiago canton, Chinimbimi parish. October 3, 2021, Salesian Polytechnic
University Cuenca headquarters Website:

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