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Test of paper

I. Completeaza cu a / an:
1.…….. school 6…….aunt
2……..uncle 7……brother
3.…….garden 8……old tortoise
4.…….orange 9……Indian name
5.…….computer 10……felt-tip.

II. Alege forma corecta have got / has got:

1. Jenny _____________ a pet, it’s a tortoise.

2. Nick and Debbie ___________ a dog in the house.
3. Trundle __________ a basket.
4. Sally ___________ two rabbits and a cat.
5. The Guptas ____________ a nice restaurant.
6. Ben ____________ a grandma.

III. Alege posesia corespunzatoare:

1. I read _____ lesson at geography. ( his, my, our)
2. My sister clean _____ room every weekend. ( your, my,
her )
3. Mary and I do _____ homework together. ( his, her, our )
4. The dog has got ____ basket in the garden. ( my, their, its)
5. We eat _____ dinner at six o’ clock. ( our, her, your)
6. They are in ______ classroom. ( our, their, his)

IV. Introduceti apostroful in locurile corecte :

1. ( my cat ) toys = my cat’s toys - jucariile
2. ( Fred ) room
3. ( my sister ) birthday =
4. ( my parents ) decision =
5. (the dog ) basket
6. ( the students )
7. ( Ann) camera
8. ( the Smiths) house
9. ( the girl ) desk
10. (London ) university

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