1600440026637TurnKey Amazon Listing Checklist

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TurnKey's Amazon Listing Chec

How To Use This Listing Checklist

1) This is an in-depth Amazon listing checklist that is designed to make sure you are using best practies to

2) There are 6 tabs in this spreadsheet that each represent a key element of a listing (Videos, Titles, Image

3) Go through each tab and mark wheither you have completed the task by selecting either "Yes" or "No" fr

4) As you mark the completion status you will be assigned 1 point for every item you select "Yes" with and

5) On the right side of each checklist item there is a notes section so that you can go into more detail about

6) Once you've completed each of the 6 checklists go to the tab titled "Total Score Summary" to see how y

If you want expert advice about your Amazon listing or if you're ready to scale your sales on Amazon, sc
7) titled "Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!"

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
mazon Listing Checklist

e sure you are using best practies to create a high converting listing.

ent of a listing (Videos, Titles, Images, Bullet Points, Product Descriptions, & A+ Content)

sk by selecting either "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu.

every item you select "Yes" with and 0 points for every item you select "No" with.

hat you can go into more detail about your feedback.

Total Score Summary" to see how you did!

y to scale your sales on Amazon, schedule a call with TurnKey by clicking the button below

ho helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKe
Total Listing Score Summary
Category Score Completion Points
Video Score 75.00% 3
Title Score 11.11% 1
Images Score 11.11% 1
Bullet Points Score 12.50% 1
Product Descriptions Score 16.67% 1
A+ Content Score 10.00% 1
Total Score 22.73% 8

Your Listings Need Work, But We Can Help You With That! Get
Your Listing Score Evaluation Scheduling Your Call With TurnKey Now. Click The Button Belo
Grow Your Amazon Sales!

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
ing Score Summary

Work, But We Can Help You With That! Get Expert Advice For Your Listings By
ll With TurnKey Now. Click The Button Below That Says: Chat With TurnKey To
Grow Your Amazon Sales!

ment who helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to
Amazon Video Checklist
Video Checklist Points
If you are brand registered do you have video on your Status
image block? Yes 1
Is your video condensed to be less than 2 minutes? No 0
Is your video high quality with strong resolution? Yes 1
Does your video sell your product well? Yes 1
Total Score 75.00% 3

You're Doing Well With Video, But There's Room For Im

Your Video Score Evaluation Your Call With TurnKey Now. Click The Button Below T

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
Video Checklist

Video, But There's Room For Improvement. Get Expert Video Advice By Scheduling
y Now. Click The Button Below That Says: Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon

helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKeyPr

Amazon Images Checklist

Images Checklist Points
Are all images that you use through out your listing high Status
quality andmain
professional? Yes 1
Does your image, have a nice close up image of your
product that features the actual product as well as the -
Does your main image have a plain white background? -
In your image block do you have a mixture of product
images, lifestyle images, and infographics? -
Do your lifestyle images show your product being used in
product with text overlayed over the image that help the
customer make a purchasing decision? For example, if -
Do allproduct
of your is a specific
image have size show
brand the demensions
consistentency in an
you are using consistent logos, colors, and fonts? -

product in stock at FBA? If Amazon finds that the

product is not exactly what is on the listing it can get
Total Score 11.11% 1

Your Images Score Evaluation Complete The Checklist To

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
mages Checklist

Complete The Checklist To Get Your Image Score!

helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKeyPr
Amazon Title Checklist
Did you use nearly Title Checklist
all of your character limit in the title Status
that are available, usually the character limit is 200 Yes 1
characters (differs by category so test the max limit)?
Did you avoid repeating the same word twice? -
Did you include your most important keywords
(keywords with the highest search rank) in the title? -
you capitalize the first letter of each word except for
prepositions (in, on, over, with),top
conjunctions (and, or, -
Did you mention your products features and
important information (what is it for, what does it do, -
count, size, titles
On mobile, etc.)?are cut shorter, check the mobile app,
does your title make sense where it is cut off? -
Did you include your brand name? -
Did you avoid symbols for decoration such as ~ ! * $ ? _
~{}#<>|*;^¬¦ -
Does each of your flagship products have over 100
Amazon customer reviews (helps conversion)?
Total Score 11.11% 1

Your Title Score Evaluation Complete The Checklist To

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
Title Checklist

Complete The Checklist To Get Your Title Score!

o helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKeyP
Amazon Bullet Points Checkl
Are you using theBullet Points
entire Checklist
character limit per bullet point? Points
You can find your character limit in the backend of the -
Did you include
Amazon listing your second most important keywords
(keywords with the highest search rank) in the bullet
Did you avoid repeating words too often and rely more
on synonyms and mixing in new keywords? Just like the -
title we don't want to repeat too much.
Does each bullet point have an enticing tagline? -
Are your bullet points emotional enticing? Do they sell
the WHY? -
Are you mentioning the top features and aspects of your
product? Yes 1
bullet points? If not, you can adopt Amazon's 30 day
guarantee that way their is no extra work on your end -

Total Score 12.50% 1

Your Bullet Points Score Evaluation Complete The Checklist To Ge

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
et Points Checklist

Complete The Checklist To Get Your Bullet Points Score!

helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKeyPr
Amazon Product Descriptions Che
Do you have Descriptions
your product descriptionChecklist
filled out? Even if Points
you are brand registered and using A+ Content you -
Did youstill
should include
haveyour third out.
this filled most important keywords
(keywords with the highest search rank) in the product -
Are you using HTML coding in your product description
so everything
Are is nicely
you mentioning keyspaced outofand
features formatted?
your product that
did not make it in the bullet points like directions, Yes 1
Did youinformation,
dosage use the product
etc?description to talk more about
your brand and what makes you different than other
Did you continue to push emotional reasoning here and
explain why the customer should be purchasing your -
Total Score 16.67% 1

Your Product Descriptions Score Evaluation Complete The Checklist To Get You

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
Descriptions Checklist

omplete The Checklist To Get Your Product Descriptions Score!

helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKeyP
Amazon A+ Content Checklis
Did you includeA+ Content
your Checklist
fourth most important keywords Status
(keywords with the highest search rank) in the product -
Did you use the A+ content to mention key features of
your product that did not make it in the bullet points -
like you
Did directions,
use thedosage information,
A+ Content etc. about your
to talk more
brand and what makes you different from other brands? -
Did you use product images, lifestyle images, and
infographics in your A+ Content? -
Are your images high quality? -
Did you avoid repeating images that are already in the
Did youblock?
use the backend search terms behind each
image for extra ranking power for Amazon's A9 -
sell your products by either mixing them into the other
product images OR using the A+ Content comparison Yes 1
Is your
Do yourA+ Content
lifestyle consistent
images with
feature your
your branding?
customer -
avatar/demographic and also show the product in -
action? Total Score 10.00% 1

Your Images Score Evaluation Complete The Checklist To Ge

Chat With TurnKey To Grow Your Amazon Sales!

This checklist was put together by TurnKey Product Management who helps companies scale their bu
Content Checklist

Complete The Checklist To Get Your A+ Content Score!

helps companies scale their businesses on Amazon. If you want help growing your sales on Amazon go to TurnKeyP

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