3 Suspects

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3 suspects

Hilda was lying in bed tired, completely exhausted, and hung-over,

when she heard a buzzing note pierce through the fancy dining room air
into her bedroom. She pulled herself out of her luxurious silk sheets and
noticed she had been in the same clothes she had been in last night,
makeup smudged into a black mess and her silky brown hair tangled.
She quickly wiped off with a handkerchief and straightened her red
“Hello? Who is it at this time of day?” Hilda slowly tugged at the door’s
golden handle, twisting it cautiously until it clicked. The sun burst in
violently with morning rays, there stood a man with a perfect blue
uniform, lined with sparkling badges of honor.
“Officer Lucas Caleb with you” the man replied with a teasing grin,
standing on the perfect wooden porch, “Here to ask a few questions
about last night”. Without question, Hilda let up her hand towards the
dining table, dabbing her sleepy eyes until she saw black ripples.
Officer Lucas fell into the soft antique chair, he spent a minute admiring
the nicely decorated room: gold plated walls and furniture, patterned
clean rug, and platinum chandelier. He jumped when Hilda’s worried
voice brought him back.
“Anything I can help you with, officer?” She asked.
“Yes actually” He replied, “As you know you were a key witness at the
jewelry heist last night”. Hilda nodded. “Where were you at the time of
the crime?” Lucas stroked his slightly-bearded chin.
“I was drinking with my good friends at the bar around the corner of the
store. It isn’t very clear what happened next, but I did walk out and see
someone running out of the store.” Just as Hilda finished her sentence, a
rush of memories came flooding back
The 3 girls stood together, their colorful dresses made them look like
ornaments, decorating the bar. Brent put down her fruity cocktail.
“We’re heading to the bathroom!” said Brent -Hilda’s good friend-
hurryingly, next to a shaking Amelia.
“Together?” Hilda said with a confused look
“Yes er- what’s the issue?” Brent headed to the bathroom, beckoning
Amelia to follow. As soon as they returned, Amelia asked for Hilda’s
phone to make a call, then she was gone - along with Brent.

“Miss Hilda? Hello?” the officer said, startling Hilda much so she
nearly fell off her chair. She gave off a thumbs up to tell she was with
“Well, I’d like to bring your attention to this” the officer brought up a
familiar phone cover, pink and floral with big bold letters spelling out
‘HILDA’. “I believe this belongs to you, we found it in the store.”
officer Lucas added, his malicious grin growing. “This must be a lot to
take in, I’ll leave you at it for a bit.” He let himself out the door, shutting
it close.
Hilda sank, her heart dropped and bellowed with anxiety. Color leeched
from her face, leaving it chalky and drawn. She noticed a yellowish
paper on the table, reading here name and two others, reason for
suspicion, and further details. Without thinking she pulled out her case-
less phone, crying as it rang onto Brent’s side.

A day had passed since she chatted with Brent and Amelia. Brent had
convinced her to go out and see the suspects for herself, while Amelia
anxiously asked her to wait until a lawyer were to be present and keep
Now she headed to the first suspect, confident that she was going to
solve this case alone.
“Who is it?” The door opened as soon as Hilda knocked. She saw a tiny
old woman. Wearing nice noble clothes and round glasses.
“Hello es, er- em Knownton? Knockletong? Kno-” interrupted while
trying to remember the name, the old woman replied “its Knolktown,
please come in”.
The woman led her to a small room, with a feeble table and
uncomfortable stools. “Please wait here, I’ll make some tea.” es
Knolktown said welcoming her arrival.
Pleased for an excuse to look at the impressive amount of jewelry
scattered under the table; Without thinking, Hilda scattered her hands
around in the jewelry. in that instant, aggressive footsteps led back into
the room along with an aggravated screech
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” The women dashed
back in pushing the jewelry away from Hilda.
“These.. where did you get them, how did you get them, when did yo-”
the woman interrupted her once again. Forcing a paper into her face.
“Here is proof I didn’t steal them; you damn officers can’t ever ask
politely.” The red-faced woman said, looking as if she was a firework
about to let of the hottest of blazing explosions.
Hilda froze, she gazed at the paper. It was true. The woman never stole
anything, even at first glance at the woman, she should’ve known she
would of never stole anything in her life.
Hilda apologized and headed out, disappointed in herself for ruining an
innocent woman’s day.
But her trouble wasn’t over. She ran into officer Lucas, hoping to do the
very same thing Hilda had just done.
“You… you stole my paper, and stalked the suspects.”! officer Lucas
shouted as he swept the paper from Hilda’s hand.
“I never stole anything!” Hilda backed herself up “You left it, and I
wanted to save myself without those scamming lawyers!”
“You should’ve given it back!” the officer yelled, “And you have all the
money in the world to employ a lawyer”. Brent flushed with heat and
Officer Lucas instantly regrated what he said. They slid past each other.
But did this stop Hilda? No, she had already had everything written

Now traversing her way through a dark and narrow alley, Hilda thought
this were really worth it and if she should just employ a lawyer, draining
what’s left from her account of her mother’s money – who recently
passed away.
Hilda stepped into a puddle, messing up her leather boots. The air was
foul and the walls scrapped her clothes into pieces. She stopped at a
wooden door, knocking for an answer.
After a minute a tall dark clothed man opened up. He had his beetle-
black beard into a bun and his tall hair hung over his green eyes, he wore
a black shirt with a dooming skull decorating it, along with a spiky
bracelet over his hair-full arm.
“May I come in to ask you about last Friday’s night, Mister Willow?”
Hilda said now fearing the man. The man shot a worried glance and let
her in, locking the door behind her.
As soon as Hilda entered, the foul smell got stronger, she realized it was
coming from a sort of bag, a tall white weirdly shaped bag. What she
saw next was terrifying.
Hilda froze in fear. She stood among a bloody face of a man,
completely destroyed and definitely dead. Behind her stood Willow,
with duct tape in his hand, now over Hilda’s mouth. She screamed while
she was put against a chair, her pleads so muffled no one could hear in a
million years. A rough pillow pressed ruthlessly in her face. She heard a
couple of knocks. She felt sleepy, tired, and exhausted…

It was only a bit before she saw herself with officer Lucas. He had saved
her just in time, he had broken down the door and pulled the man away.
Now he was escorting him to his cell.
Lucas turned back to Hilda with a menacing grin. “It’s clear at the time
of the heist, Mister Willow wasn’t present and doing something else..”
He said, “so you’re the last suspect, I told you to stay out of it.” his grin
now reaching his eyes.
Hilda was in fear yet again. She had proven that she was the only
capable person of committing the crime. She held back tears and walked
out of the prison. Wondering how many days she has left before she
would live in it.

Hilda was on Amelia’s cushiony couch. It was neat and had a nice
abstract design, so did all the paintings on the wall.
“What did you want to tell me, Amelia?” Said Hilda, as Amelia sat
down in front of her, shaking with fear. After Hilda’s question, Amelia
burst into tears, worrying Hilda.
“You have been framed!” Shouted Amelia, “and it was all my fault!”
Amelia was now crying hysterically at the confused looks of Hilda.
“What? Who? What do you mean?” Thousands of questions circled
Hilda’s head, she desperately wanted answers to them.
“Brent framed you!” said Amelia “She was never your friend, it was me.
She roped me into tricking you, just so she could rob the store.” Amelia
was now talking fast “I asked for your phone and I took away the cover,
you didn’t notice because you were drunk!”
Suddenly, the door flew open with a bang, Brent was on the porch,
holding a cold-dead gun. She pulled the trigger and the air parted in an
instant. Next thing Hilda knew, her only friend was next to her, dead
with a bloody hole in her head.
“That was one part of the story.” Brent said to the near-collapsing Hilda,
closing the door behind her, the gun raised high “time to hear the rest.”
Brent stood in front of Hilda, talking as if nothing happened. She was in
a gold velvet dress, stretching down to her feet and sparking in the
afternoon sun. dark sunglasses lingered from her face covering her eyes
and gold earrings dangled from her ears.
“The police were pretty on point with the suspects, they all had parts in
the heist,” Brent said smirking, “es Knolktown had previously bought a
large sum of jewelry, I would soon retrieve her money though. In
exchange of distracting the staff enough to leave the key.”
Hilda stood shocked, that the old good woman she saw could ever
commit a felony.
“I didn’t kill Amelia just for a heist of course. I had other crimes up my
sleeve,” Added Brent “I was also covering up for Mister Willows crime,
a good friend of mine, he needed to kill his enemy, who worked at the
jewelry store, to them he disappeared. That was enough to get them to
close early, and let me do my business.”
Brent was now laughing. “Well, that’s enough summing up, I hope you
enjoy your eternal sleep.” Hilda stood in awe, kicking at her for all the
clues she left by. Years passed as she saw Brent slowly rise the gun up
to her face, slowly putting pressure on the trigger… BAMB
The door burst off once again. The pistol had fell out of Brent’s hand
and Hilda had quickly picked it up in a matter of seconds. Brent stood in
terror. As officer Lucas had brought in a bigger gun, pointing it towards
her face.
“Here to save your life once again Hilda.” The officer was smiling, only
this time did he mean good.
On the other hand, Hilda wasn’t relaxed “She- Brent… She did it! All
the suspect-”
“That’s enough, I heard It all” Officer Lucas stopped her “Infront of me.

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