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List of Reading Strategies

1. Phonemic Awareness

• Definition: The ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual

sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.
• Activities:
o Clapping out the sounds in words.
o Playing rhyming games.
o Segmenting and blending sounds in words.

2. Phonics

• Definition: The relationship between letters and sounds.

• Activities:
o Teaching letter-sound correspondences.
o Using flashcards with letters and corresponding pictures.
o Practicing decoding words by sounding them out.

3. Sight Words

• Definition: Recognizing common words by sight without having to

sound them out.
• Activities:
o Flashcards with high-frequency words.
o Word walls with frequently used words.
o Games like bingo or memory using sight words.

4. Context Clues

• Definition: Using words and sentences around an unknown word to

figure out its meaning.
• Activities:
o Cloze exercises where students fill in missing words using
o Discussing how the meaning of a sentence changes with
different words.
o Predicting word meanings in sentences or stories.

5. Reading Comprehension

• Definition: Understanding and interpreting what is read.

• Activities:
o Asking questions about the text.
o Summarizing paragraphs or stories.
o Discussing the main idea and supporting details.

6. Fluency

• Definition: The ability to read text accurately, quickly, and with

proper expression.
• Activities:
o Timed repeated readings of a passage.
o Choral reading (reading together as a group).
o Partner reading with feedback.

7. Prediction

• Definition: Making guesses about what will happen next in a text.

• Activities:
o Predicting the outcome of a story based on the title and
o Stopping at key points in a story to make predictions.
o Discussing why predictions were right or wrong after reading.

8. Visualization

• Definition: Creating mental images of what is described in the text.

• Activities:
o Drawing scenes or characters from a story.
o Describing visualizations to a partner.
o Using graphic organizers to map out scenes.

9. Making Connections

• Definition: Relating the text to personal experiences, other texts,

and the world.
• Activities:
o Text-to-self connections (relating the text to the reader’s own
o Text-to-text connections (relating the text to another book or
o Text-to-world connections (relating the text to real-world
10. Summarizing

• Definition: Condensing the main ideas and key details of a text into a
brief statement.
• Activities:
o Summarizing paragraphs after reading.
o Creating summary charts with main ideas and details.
o Using the “Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then” framework for
summarizing stories.

11. Questioning

• Definition: Asking questions about the text to deepen

• Activities:
o Generating questions before, during, and after reading.
o Using question words (who, what, where, when, why, how).
o Discussing answers and finding evidence in the text.

12. Inferring

• Definition: Drawing conclusions based on evidence and reasoning

from the text.
• Activities:
o Reading between the lines to understand implied meanings.
o Using clues from the text to infer character feelings or
o Discussing inferences and supporting them with text evidence.

13. Retelling

• Definition: Recounting the events or details of a text in one’s own

• Activities:
o Retelling a story to a partner or group.
o Using story maps to outline key events.
o Acting out parts of the story.

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