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Distr: Global - All Nomes of Dat the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna 25th day of June 2024 Confidentiality Level: Zero Record No: KoM-RM-1001018-250620-241410 Imminent Activation of ‘Aureus’ as the Sole Currency The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna acknowledges and confirms the following: His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael Zaphkiel of All Saints, The King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight, Royal Monarch, Ruler of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, respectfully communicates to all citizens the positive and tangible change in livelihoods due to the imminent implementation of ‘Aureus’ as the sole and exclusive financial currency to be used throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign territories (amounting to 510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea - which equates to 100% of earth's surface area). His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, issued a Royal Decree on this matter based on the following fundamental realities: ‘+ That all former nation states (sub-sovereign nations/countries) have already been re- registered under the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as “Nomes” and that the world is now one kingdom — The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Please see Appendix B and C for further information, ‘+ Further, every person globally is already a citizen of, and part of, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and therefore is already under the sole and exclusive rule of His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, and subject to, the sovereign law codes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael- Uriel |, Please see Appendix D for further information, Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 1 1. Aureus ~ the sole currency ‘Aureus is the sole national currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. It is a non-debt currency and will be the sole recognisable and usable financial currency throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Se a Cry ‘Name of National Curreney Aureus National Curreney AlphabeticCode: Au National Currency Symbol: K Type of Currency Asset Based Currency -therefore Debt Free and not connected to Fractional Reserve Banking Physical Currency Yes (Printing only on authorisation of the Royal Monarch), Purchasing Power 11 Au= the purchasing power of 1 GBP (as on 20" June 2024) ‘Aureus, the official financial currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, is an Asset-Based debt-free currency, and is also a physical currency. However, the printing of physical cash is only upon strict authorisation by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. Predominantly, within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Aureus will be used digitally via the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards which are personalised to each Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizen. Please see Appendix A for further information. ‘Aureus are sovereign funds which hold full sovereign status and rights. They are part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and are part of the Royal Body of her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. Being sovereign funds, and of the Royal Body of His Majesty Michael: Uriel |, however futile to even try, they cannot be blocked, restricted, controlled, pinged, traded with, or have their rights infringed, in any way, shape, or form. Means With the imminent activation of Aureus as the sole currency in existence throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the changes to the present structures, the financial system as, people have known it, the former power positions influence, and basically the destructive way the world had been heading prior to the emergence of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 be systematically and seismically different and better - for all living things — including all of both humanity and nature. ‘There will of course be a period of necessary adjustment for all citizens across all Nomes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The structural changes will be visible to all and will come into effect immediately on His Majesty Michael-Uriel I's activation of Aureus. How this looks in real terms: 1. Aureus will be the only authorised currency which can be used by citizens or entities within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that all 8.2 billion citizens throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign territories (amounting to 510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea - which equates to 100% of earth's surface area) will be exclusive using Aureus. 2. No other currency, apart from Aureus, will be usable, recognisable or exchangeable throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that Aureus will be the only currency which will be electronically and digitally recognised, readable and usable across all types of payment systems, payment gateways, electronic systems, Till Systems, Point of Sale Systems, or similar. So, if a person wishes to buy e.g. a litre of milk, then only Aureus can be used to purchase this or any other item. 3. With the exception of Aureus, al existing national currencies (including but not limited to the 180 official currencies presently recognised as legal tender) will be deleted from existence, digitally, electronically, and physically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. Such deleted currencies will no longer be usable, transferrable, or recognisable by the global systems, Global Financial System, or any type of financial system, monetary system, banking system, payment. system, payment gateway, currency exchange system, electronic system, Till System, Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology platform, or similar. Please see ‘Appendix G for the full list of currencies to be deleted, = Further attempts to use in any way, including but not limited to, any remaining. pallets or stockpiles of physical cash currencies is unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 4, All registrations and certifications of the asset allocations of the commodities and inground assets which were allocated to back any existing national currencies (including but not limited to the 180 official currencies presently recognised as legal tender) will be deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. Please see Appendix € and F for information on the circular system of money, fractional reserve banking and the asset- based system. - All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Any unauthorised attempts (meaning without authorisation solely from His Majesty Michael-Uriel !)to use these assets, in any shape or form, including but not limited to, for trade, exchange, leverage, monetisation, value realisation, pinging, mirroring, or similar, is deemed unlawful and all those attempting to do so wil fall Under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. 5. All existing, or future unauthorised cryptocurrencies will be deleted from existence, digitally and electronically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, and will not be usable, transferrable, or recognisable by the global systems, Global Financial System, or any type of financial system, monetary system, banking system, payment system, payment gateway, crypto exchange system, electronic system, Till System, Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology platform, or similar. Please see Appendix H for the full list of cryptocurrencies to be deleted, 6. Al registrations and certifications of the asset allocations of the commodities and inground assets which were allocated to back any existing unauthorised cryptocurrencies (including but not limited to any type of Central Bank Digital Currency or global cryptocurrency) will be deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. - All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Any unauthorised attempts (meaning without authorisation solely from His Majesty Michael-Uriel !) to use these assets, in any shape or form, including but not limited Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 to, for trade, exchange, leverage, monetisation, value realisation, pinging, mirroring, or similar, is deemed unlawful and all those attempting to do so wil fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. 2. Supporting Actions ~ Relating to the activation of Aureus Integral activities related to the imminent activation of Aureus as the sole currency within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna are being executed. Such activities include, but are not limited to: a) Change of Laws Every person and entity globally is under, and subject to, the sovereign law codes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. Further, all existing law courts and legal firms are under, and subject to, the sovereign law codes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel | Subsequently, to lawfully effect all activities within this document relating to the use of Aureus as the sole currency within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, authorised for all local laws, which are under and subject to sovereign law, to be changed accordingly to accommodate all necessary changes. a 0% Eternal Law Eternal Law isthe defined laws of the Universe, governing all aspects within the Universe. I is the principles by which all things within the Universe functions. It is Universal in that it exists and applies everywhere throughout the Universe, regardless of location, and itis eternal and immutable, as it exsts and applies for as ong as the Universe exist. ;ption Divine Law Divine law is how people interpret Eternal Law ‘Natural Law Natural law isthe law applicable to nature throughout all territories, and within the Six Kingdoms of Life ané the Six Oceans of Sovereignty, Natural law in one area ‘may be different from natural law in another area ~ simply because nature and the environment i different. For example, natural law in the Antarctic functions differently from how natural law functions across the Sahara Desert. doth areas sit under natural law, however due to nature/the elements and the Six Kingdoms of Life differing, so would the natural law in each area Monarch law ‘Monarch Laws the belief in natural law and how people interpret natural law in the different areas or regions. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 Sovereign Law Sovereign Law isthe law set by the respective Royal Monarch over the sovereign territories which sit under the Body ofthe Royal Monarch. In simple termsit isthe house rules of a Kingdom. In practical terms its the Law Codes that all itizens of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna sit under, complimented by the Royal Decrees of His Majesty Michael-Uriel The Seven Law These are the laws used to uphold Sovereign Law, as permitted by Sovereign Law, Families within different areas of a Kingdom. In simple terms itis how normal people Uphold the Royal Decrees of the Royal Monarch. International Law With al sovereign territories on Earth being of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and under the law codes ofthe Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal Monarch, subsequently, International Law is no longer in existence or applicable in any way, shape or form. Please see Appendix C for more information on Sovereignty anc the previous use of International Law b) Deletion of Fractional Reserve Banking The present Fractional Reserve Banking which has been in operation for close to 100 years, and all values, debts, instruments, systems, balances, asset allocations and balances connecting to it, are being deleted from existence, digitally, electronically, and physically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. The existing currencies being deleted are all debt connected currencies and therefore also connect to Fractional Reserve Banking. Please see Appendix F for further information. Deletion of Fractional Reserve Banking, and everything connecting to it, Includes but is not limited to: i, All currencies connecting to fractional reserve banking are being deleted from existence. All laws are changed by authority of His Majesty Michael-Uriel | ji, No type of financial system, monetary system, banking system, payment system, payment gateway, crypto exchange system, electronic system, Till System, Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology platform, or similar, will be authorised, or will recognise, or can display, or can execute, any type of Fractional Reserve Banking System value, query and or transaction. ili, All existing physical cash currencies (coins and notes) are being called back, collected and deleted, iv. All credit card functionalities are being switched off and all credit cards are then converted into debit only cards Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 vi. vii, All unauthorised (meaning not authorised by His Majesty Michael-Uriel 1) cryptocurrencies plus cryptocurrency mining hardware and software is being deleted, ‘As Aureus is a non-debt currency, all debt globally is being deleted from existence. This includes, but is not limited to, all types of private debt, commercial debt, public debt, governmental debt, bonds, loans etc. - Further attempts to try and collect on any deleted debt, directly or indirectly, is deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. All financial values created through Fractional Reserve Banking including financial instruments, derivatives, mirroring, pinging, trading etc. is being deleted from existence. Due to focussing on intrinsic future values this means that many aspects of finance and banking activities will disappear, including but not limited to the following = Stock Markets (and all existing values and financial products). - Bond Markets (and all existing values and financial products). - Commodity Markets (and all existing values and financial products). = Foreign Exchange Markets (and all existing values and financial products). = Crypto Exchange Markets (and all existing values and financial products) ~ Derivatives Markets (and all existing values and financial products). = Insurance Markets (and all existing values and financial products). ~All capital markets, money markets, primary markets, secondary markets, listed markets, OTC markets (and all existing values and financial products). - Further attempts to re-create any of the above is deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. ‘Tax Free Environment. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a non-tax environment. ‘Therefore, all Tax Revenue operations are being shut down globally. This means there is zero tax being created and all tax debt that is “outstanding” is deleted, null and void Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 ‘The subsequent tax records and previous amounts owing will be deleted from existence. - Further attempts to try and create, issue or collect on any tax is deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system, 3, New Financial System Also simultaneous with the activation of Aureus as the sole currency to be used across the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the deletion of all things connecting to Fractional Reserve Banking, is the launch of the new financial system. The Fractional Reserve Banking System, and all values and systems connecting to it, is, presently being deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. In its place is a new financial system based on the structures of the Sovereign Monarch Church banking system. For note, the Sovereign Monarch Church is a sovereign nation unto itself with full sovereign status and sovereign rights. The Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Monarch Church is also His, Majesty Michael-Uriel |. The Sovereign Monarch Church is structured as a sovereign nation that may operate, through a sovereign-to-sovereign agreement, within another sovereignty. In this case the Sovereign Monarch Church may operate within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Please see Appendix | and Appendix J for more information on the Sovereign Monarch Church. When Aureus is activated, simultaneously with the activation of the new Sovereign Monarch Church financial system across the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, has authorised an initial financial gift of 100,000 Aureus for every citizen, irrelevant of age or location. With all previous values and balances connecting to the former currencies and fractional reserve banking being deleted, this financial gift of 100,000 Aureus will be the ‘amount in each person’s new bank (account) within the Sovereign Monarch Church banking structure. On a purchasing power comparable, 1 Aureus is equal to 1 Great British Pound Sterling (E) as of the 20 June 2024. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 ‘The New Financial System Structure By authorisation granted to, and as authorised by, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, the new financial system under the Sovereign Monarch Church structures is set up as follows: i. One former electronic financial wallet connecting to each citizen has now been issued a bank license ~ therefore becoming its own Bank. (All other financial electronic wallets supplementary to needs e.g. citizens additional financial electronic wallets and all financial electronic wallets connecting to any type of company, trust, foundation or organisation, will be deleted from existence). ji. Each newly issued Bank license number has an identical number as its former electronic financial wallet (bank) account number. ili, The Sovereign Monarch Church issued one new Central Bank license for each of the new Banks (meaning the former electronic financial wallets). iv. Each new Bank sits within an individual Sovereign Monarch Church Central Bank appointed to it. This means there are a huge quantity of Sovereign Monarch Church Central Banks in existence. v. The license number of the specific Sovereign Monarch Church Central Bank is an identical license number as to the newly issued Bank license number of the new Bank which sits within it Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 Within each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central bank there will be two (2) additional Banks located: a) One (1) Bank in the name of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, initially holding two billion Aureus (equivalent to two billion Great British Pounds), plus b)_ One (1) Bank in the name of His Majesty Michael-Uriel initially holding two billion Aureus (equivalent to two billion Great British Pounds), ©) Both of these Bank’s funds balance (in each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central bank) are visible to the relevant authorised Bank or counterparty, but they are not accessible, 4) For clarity this means that in each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central bank there are only three (3) Banks situated: 1 in the name of the Individual or Entity (with a starting balance of 100,000 Aureus), plus 1 in the name of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, plus 1 in the name of His Majesty Michael-Uriel e) Therefore, within each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central bank there will be a combined funds deposited of four billion and one hundred ‘thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au) Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 View and Request Facilities Only vi vi. Each new Bank, sitting within an appointed individual Central Bank of the Sovereign Monarch Church, issued a Branch License to the Financial Institution (or similar) where its former electronic financial wallet (bank accounts, central bank accounts, pension accounts, insurance accounts, investment accounts etc.) was previously situated. Each newly issued Bank Branch license number issued to the Financial Institution (or similar) has an identical number as its former electronic financial wallet (bank) account number which was previously connecting to it. By holding a Bank Branch license, the relevant Financial Institution (or similar) may view the connected new Bank’s account funds balance and transaction history. However, they have no authority, capability, or technical access to move or use the funds in any way for their own use or gain. The Financial Institution (or similar) on request of the new Bank representative (account holder) may make transactional requests via their core banking systems (request only function - similar to previous standard practice of bank branches making query or transactional requests to Bank HQ). Such query or transactional requests are automatically routed to the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems. If the query or transactional request is lawful and authorised by the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems, then such query or transaction can be executed. For clarity, all Bank HQs (Financial institutions or similar who formerly held the bank accounts inside), via their core banking systems, are restricted to transaction requests only to the new banks where they have an issued branch license. No individual, entity or Bank can interfere, block, stop, delay, or impinge any of the above. However, even though it would be futile to even attempt to do so, any and all individual(s) or entity(s) even attempting to negatively interfere in any shape or form with such transactions, will be deemed unlawful actions and all perpetrators will fall under immediate judgement of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 a Methodology — Transfer of Funds As stated above, within each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central bank there will be a combined funds deposited of four billion and one hundred thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au). However, when one individual (or entity) is making a transfer to another individual (or entity), there is no movement of funds between the different Sovereign Monarch Church central banks where the individual transacting Banks sit. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 2 vi. vil, When Bank A (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A) wishes to pay Bank B (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B) e.g. 50,000 Aureus (Au), then they make a request to do so via their Bank Branch Teller. All requests automatically go to the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems. If the requested transaction is lawful and is therefore authorised by the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems, then 50,000 Au will be deducted from the balance of Bank A (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A), and 50,000 Au will be added to the balance of Bank B (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank 8). Both Bank A and Bank B transaction history will show each other as the counterparty to the transaction. However, in the above scenario the 50,000 Au will be deducted from the balance of Bank A (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A) but without funds leaving the environment of Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A or going to the environment of Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B. ‘The Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems execute the transaction by: a) Sending (via book-keeping) the 50,000 Au from Bank A (within the Sovereign ‘Monarch Church central bank A) to the Bank in the name of the Sovereign Kingdom (of Manna (also within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A). Thus, the combined funds within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A remains at four billion and one hundred thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au). b) Receiving (via book-keeping) the $0,000 Au from the Bank in the name of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna (within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank 8) to Bank B (also within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B). Thus, the combined funds within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B remains at four billion and one hundred thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au). ©). For the individuals holding Bank A and Bank B, to them, they have exchanged funds directly — however the reality of the book-keeping is very different. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 3 Consumer purchases ‘A consumer purchase works even more simply. If Person A buys litre of milk fore.g. 1 Aureus, then the 1 Aureus leaves the Bank of Person A (license number 12345) and is transferred to the Bank of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna (license number KOM-12345) which are all sitting within the Sovereign Monarch Church Central Bank (license number SMC-12345). Asis explained later, as all products are provided from the departments (companies which are being nationalised) of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and that the departments do not have Banks (accounts) then the provider of such consumer product receives the 1 Aureus which is the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna herself. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 “ ‘What this shows is that citizens salaries are paid by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the citizens pay the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna the various products they purchase. So, the ‘expenses (purchases) of a citizen sit within a positive circular structure. If ever, for whatever reason, more funds are needed within the circular system, within this ‘one Sovereign Monarch Church central Bank then such funds would come from the Bank of His Majesty Michael-Uriel | (license number HM-12345). So the banks of His Majesty Michael- Uriel are there for protections and to step in with additional funds when and if required Executing Financial transactions: Individual people wishing to execute a financial transaction — which means transacting from their new Bank (a licensed Bank, but which operates like that of a bank account) may use the following: i. Debit Card - as normal until receipt of a Bio-Identity Card, ii, Net Banking/Digital Banking ~ as normal until receipt of a Bio-Identity Card. iii, Mobile Banking ~ as normal until receipt of a Bio-Identity Card. iv. Speaking with a Bank Relationship Officer or Teller within a bank branch — as normal. v. Using a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Citizen’s Bio-Identity Card. For note, the use of debit cards and net/internet banking will last only until the citizens are issued their new Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards, or alternatively until a cutoff date issued by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. From this cutoff date, all banking functions will be exclusively via the Bio-Identity Cards or by visiting their local bank and speaking with their bank officer. Bio Identity Card Upon personal registration and recording of their biometrics, a highly secure and unique Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card, which has a multitude of functions, will be issued to every citizen, of all ages, within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The functionality of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card includes: ‘+ The Bio-Identity Card is unique to each holder and is securely activated by their DNA/thumbprint. Please see Appendix A for more information. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 5 ‘+ The Bio-Identity Card will hold an array of highly secure, encrypted information. So, the Bio-Identity Card acts both as a payment function (debit card) and an official ID card also. Information that can be held via the Bio-Identity Card includes, but is not limited to: Full Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Rank and Title, Service Area, Service/Employment History, Nome Address, Bank Account Balance and Transaction History, DNA, Biometrics, and Medical Information, Real-Time Diagnostics, Law Infringements, Etc. etc. ‘+ The stored data is highly secured and encrypted within departmental electronic pocket areas. This means by using an authorised Bio-Identity Card Reader 2 law enforcement department may only see the necessary information specific to the holder’s law and criminal records (if any). Alternatively, a doctor or hospital may only see the necessary information specific to the holder’s medical records ‘+ AllBio-Identity Cards are discreet and do not visibly show any details of the holder. The information may only be read after activation by the holder and the requester having the correct authorised Bio-Identity Card Reader (or as is necessary by law enforcement/police officers). ‘+ The Bio-Identity Card connects to the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems and will therefore become the primary card for all purchasing transactions (the purchase of goods and services). The Bio-Identity Card will replace bank debit cards, ID cards, medical record cards etc. This also allows those people who presently do not have bank accounts to have immediate access to financial funds, including the initial deposit of 100,000 Aureus, and all future citizens salary payments. Itis critical for all Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens to be fully registered. Without being fully registered they cannot be appointed their relevant rank (and title where relevant) within the suitable heraldic division (\ntelligence, Army, Navy, Air & Space Force, Governance, Support Services, Disaster Relief, or External) appropriate to their level of education, Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 6 ‘employment and experiences. Ifa citizen is not registered, then they cannot receive a rank. If they have not received a rank, then they cannot receive the commensurate salary, benefits, housing and car etc. appropriate to such rank. Please see Appendix K and L for more information. 4, Concurrent Activities ~ Nationalisation Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, an Absolute Monerchy, ruled by her Royal Monarch His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, everything is owned by the Body of the Royal Monarch. The nationalisation process is being executed, concurrently with the activation of Aureus, through ‘an immediate nationalisation of all things, including but not limited to, companies, infrastructure, buildings, homes, etc. and all products made, created and manufactured previously through the use of fractional reserve banking. For Note, a Kingdom is similar to a home, with the guests being the sovereign citizens, and the homeowner or host being the Royal Monarch. It is the duty and responsibility of the Royal Monarch to adequately provide for, care for and protect the citizens. It is also the responsibility of the Royal Monarch, to set the rules, through royal decrees and law codes, for the citizens in order to inform them in what is acceptable and what is not, while living within the Kingdom. Concurrently, itis the duty of the citizens, as long as they choose to live within the Kingdom, to support the Royal Monarch, and to follow and abide by the Royal Monarch’s decrees and sovereign law codes, If the Royal Monarch provides for, cares for and protects the citizens - then the sovereign citizens will fully support the Royal Monarch, Please see Appendix D for more information. A) Nationalisation of Companies Concurrently with the activation of Aureus all companies, big, small, and medium, are nationalised. This means that upon nationalisation, all things, including but not limited to, all private companies, public companies, entities, corporations, charities, NGOs, Trusts, Foundations, etc, and everything connected to them, are owned by and of the Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. From this point forward they all now operate as Departments of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna with their collective assets, products and services being the resources of the Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel | Herewith, the staff members are no longer privately employed by the former companies. They ‘are now employed by and paid directly by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, subject to their Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 ” appointed rank (and title where relevant) within the relevant heraldic division. Based on their rank, which they receive upon completing the citizen's registration process, they will receive the commensurate salary, house, car and other related benefits connecting to their ranks. See Appendix K and L for more information. So, for clarity, no company can be bought or sold. They conduct their business under the direction of His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, as a Department of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, They are all sub-departments of one large department. The simplest way to explain this is that the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is transparently and openly built around a military structure. So the easiest way to think of the Sovereign Kingdom ‘of Manna is like a very large military unit within a military base. Within the base there are personnel who are soldiers, lawyers, doctors, dentists, administrators, logistics, engineers, electricians, mechanics, and so on. Also, everyone within the base has a rank dependent on their performance, specialty, service arm, education and years of experience etc. Everyone's, salary and benefits within the base are commensurate with their rank. Also, every person may be designated to an 8-person section (department), which is part of a 28-person platoon (department), which is part of a 120-person company (department), which is part of a 650- person regiment (department), and so on. The departments have different sizes and different specialties. Some of them are more specialty than others e.g. special forces, which have a higher training status than others, and therefore their personnel receive higher salaries and benefits. The former companies etc. which are now departments under a bigger department are exactly the same. Also, when it comes to needing anything inside the military camp. Noone pays for anything, They work out what they need, and they submit a resource request. If the resources are available, they are delivered to the unit (department) who has made the request ~ but no money changes hand, as itis all within one military base. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna departments work exactly the same. So for clarity, the departments have no expenses as everything is provided from internal resources on request. ‘As part of the citizen’s registration process and release of salaries, for certain ranks and heraldic divisions, the displaying of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna insignia will be mandatory. Please see Appendix M for more information. ‘Also, as part of the nationalisation process of the companies, a payment to each citizen was calculated by taking the collective valuation of all private and public companies, entities and corporations, and dividing such figure by the total number of citizens within the Sovereign kingdom of Manna. This payment is released upon the citizen completing the citizens registration process for the Bio-Identity Card. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 ~ Any attempts by any person to deviate from the above and or to attempt to operate any former company without authorisation from His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, to do so, will be deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system. nalisation of Infrastructure, Buildings and Properties Concurrently with the activation of Aureus all types of infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) are nationalised. This means that on nationalisation all things, including all infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) are owned by and of the Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel | Due to the former structures, people never did have any real ownership over their homes or buildings. This was a falsely created illusion giving the people the perception of a degree of ‘ownership. Herewith, for clarity, the residents and tenants, no longer have any rights or ‘ownership (in any shape or form) relating to any infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.). Upon completing the citizen’s registration process every citizen is appointed a rank (and title where relevant) within the relevant heraldic division. Based on their rank, which they receive upon completing the citizen’s registration process, they will receive the commensurate salary, house, car and other related benefits connecting to their ranks. See Appendix K and L for more information. In the interim period, while all new infrastructure is being built, and during the period of the citizen’s registration period, most citizens will remain in their present homes and locations. However, any changes will be at the sole discretion of His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, the owner of all infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.). So, for clarity, no infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) can be bought or sold, They can only be allocated for specific uses at the sole authority of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, The size of home a person is allocated for use is ‘commensurate to the rank they have achieved. One primary home is allocated per family plus ‘one secondary home is allocated per family. The secondary home will be located within one of the new mountain cities which will be built. It is similar with cars and vehicles. Cars and other transportations (aircraft, ships, boets, motorcycles etc.) cannot be bought or sold. All existing cars and vehicles must be re-registered Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 19 under the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna where they will be issued new vehicle registrations. Going forward, all new cars and vehicles will be allocated free of charge to every citizen. The type of car or vehicle a person is allocated for use is commensurate to the rank they have achieved, {As part of the citizen’s registration process and release of salaries, for certain ranks and heraldic divisions, the displaying of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna insignia will be mandatory. Please see Appendix M for more information. ‘Also, as part of the nationalisation process of the infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.), a payment to each citizen was calculated by taking the collective valuation of all infrastructure (including but not limited to ll buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) and dividing such figure by the total number of citizens within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This payment is released upon the citizen completing, the citizens registration process for the Bio-Identity Card. - Any attempts by any person to deviate from the above and or to attempt to operate within, utilise, reside in, or claim as their own, any infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.), without authorisation from His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to do so, will be deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system, 5. Pre-Salary Initial Allocation of Financial Gifts In the run up to people receiving their appropriate salaries commensurate to the ranks they have earned, His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, has authorised 4 initial good faith payments or gifts, for each citizen. a) Initial Gift of 100,000 Aureus. His Majesty Michael-Uriel |, has authorised a gift of 100,000 Aureus to every citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This 100,000 Aureus gift may be accessed using their debit card or net banking apps until they have completed the citizen registration process for their new Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards. The use of debit cards and net/internet banking will last only until the citizens are issued their new Sovereign kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards, or alternatively until a cutoff date issued by His Majesty Michael-Uriel |. From this cutoff date, all banking functions will be exclusively via the Bio-Identity Cards or by visiting their local bank and speaking with their bank officer. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 20 b) Second Gift of 100,000 Aureus. Upon personal registration and recording of their biometrics related to being issued a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card a further 100,000 Aureus per citizen will be paid for completing the citizen registration process. ¢) Gift related to the Nationalisation of all Companies Upon personal registration and recording of their biometrics related to being issued a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card 200,000 Aureus per citizen will be paid as their personal share of the good faith proceeds from the nationalisation of al private and public companies, entities and corporations throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. d) Gift related to the Nationalisation of all Infrastructure, Buildings & Houses Upon personal registration and recording of their biometrics related to being issued a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card 400,000 Aureus per citizen will be paid as their personal share of the good faith proceeds from the nationalisation of all infrastructure (including all homes, buildings, properties, roads, etc.) corporations ‘throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The release of the 400,000 Aureus is subject to the completion of the citizen registration process by every citizen within the household. For all minors under the age of 25 years old, this gift is ‘banked! for them on. their Bio-Identity Card but is only released to them on their 25" birthday. ) Subsidised Entertainment and Leisure Activities Tohelp towards a happy, stress free and calm transition period forall citizens throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty Michael-Uriel 1, has authorised the provisioning of a wide portfolio of activities and benefits for every citizen and their families. This is to constructively engage the citizens and to keep them positively and happily occupied during this transition period. All activities will be either free or heavily subsidised to allow the enjoyment of all activities to be experienced by everyone. An ‘example of entertainment activities includes, but is not limited to, Amusement Parks, Water Parks, Adventure Parks, Bars, Cafés, Gaming Centres, Discos , Gardens and Parks, ‘Gyms & Fitness Clubs, Hotels, Internet Usage, Libraries and Book Clubs, Meeting rooms within all hotels, Mobile Usage, Museums, Restaurants, Shopping, Sports Clubs, Sports Halls, Sports Organisations, Swimming Pools, Tourist Attractions, Taxi's and Public Transportation, Zoos, Theatre, Cinemas, etc. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 a 6. Citizens Sal: In the interim, prior to completing the citizens registration process for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Bio-Identity Card where the citizens are given a rank and appointed to their specialty heraldic division, and allocated a related commensurate salary and benefits, all citizens are treated equally. They are all appointed into the heraldic division of ‘External’ and allocated a basic citizens salary of 22,000 Aureus per month. Only once they have completed the citizens registration process is the salary released for use, and the subsequent tangible full salary and benefits are initiated. For note, the higher the rank, the higher the salary and the larger the allocated house size (and other related benefits). See Appendix K and L for more information, Retirement Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens have the flexibility where they can take full-time retirement or part-time retirement at any age above the age of 25 years old. Full Time Retirement Ifa person opts to take full-time retirement, they may do so at any age above 25 years old. In this scenario they will maintain their present rank. Commensurate to their rank at time of full-time retirement, they will also keep their existing salary at the date of full- time retirement, plus the size of house allocated for them. At this point they will be appointed into the heraldic division of ‘External’ For those people in full-time retirement their rank cannot be increased and will remain at, the rank they were when they entered full-time retirement. For those wishing to come out of full-time retirement, full re-training in their chosen profession, which they have the aptitude for, is provided. Part-Time Retirement For those people, who wish to spend more time supporting others, where they become a “secondary parental unit” for an appointed family or person (and thus giving additional support to the family or person) then they may opt to take part-time retirement at any ‘age above 25 years old in order to spend the time performing these duties. In this scenario they will maintain their present rank, They will also keep their existing salary at the date of parttime retirement, plus the size of house allocated for them. At this point they will be appointed into the heraldic division of ‘External’. Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 2 For those people in part-time retirement, they may still increase their rank through giving ‘exemplary levels of support to the appointed family or person. For those in part-time retirement they will receive any authorised higher rank in the heraldic division of ‘External For those wishing to come out of part-time retirement, full re-training in their chosen profession, which they have the aptitude for, is provided. ‘Summary His Majesty Michael-Uriel 1, respectfully informs all citizens throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna of the above imminent actions of the activation of Aureus being the sole currency in existence everywhere in preparation of the effects being visible far and wide to all. Autographed and acknowledged on this 25th day af June 2024 His Majesty Michael-Uriel ! ‘The King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight Royal Monarch, Ruler of the Kingdom of Manna Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 2 Table of Contents ‘Aureus ~ the sole currency. Supporting Actions — Relating to the activation of Aureus.. New Financial System .. 8 Concurrent Activities ~ Nationalisation wasnmunnnnmnmnennnennnnnnnnnnnnnnees LT Pre-Salary Initial Allocation of Financial Gifts. 20 Citizens Salaries 2 ‘Appendix A ~ Citizen Registration and Bio-Identity Cards 25 ‘Appendix B ~ List of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s NOMS ..sssnsnnnnennee 30 ‘Appendix C— What is Sovereignty 45, Appendix D - What is a Kingdom? 52 ‘Appendix £ ~The Cyclical System of Money (Value) . 55 ‘Appendix F - Fractional Reserve Banking vs the Asset-Based System ... 56 Appendix G ~ Currencies to be Deleted. : 59 64 B 76 ‘Appendix H — Crypto Currencies to be Deleted . ‘Appendix | ~ Sovereign Monarch Church. ‘Appendix J— Mannaism ‘Appendix K — Heraldic Divisions and Ranks - Sovereign Kingdom of Manna 80 83 86 ‘Appendix | ~ Sovereign Kingdom of Manna - Salaries by Rank .. Appendix M ~ Insignia Example - Display of the National Flag... Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 Po

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