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A Zulu Gent

Prologue by Nolwandle.M

Insert 1

“Vuka ilanga loze lingene kwizinqa”

That was my mother I woke up and looked at the time it 9 in the morning I went back to sleep it’s still
early for me I’ll wake up at 10:30

I was now woken up by a bucket of water I quickly sit up straight and I gasped for air.

Amahle : mama kanti sekuyaliwa yini

Mama : wena mubuka ungalwa nami?

Amahle : cha ma ngyabuza nje

I said rolling my eyes

Mama : ukweqela mina amehlo ngizokubhibiza , ngifuna uyothenga ukudla asinaso isishebo

Yimike u Amahle Mthethwa ingane Ka Zimbili I’m 22 years old

I went to brush my teeth and took a bath . I decided to wear my ripped jean and white crop top with my
Nike sneakers . I took a taxi to town one thing about me is that I hate taking taxi’s shame.

I was now picking up things that were written on a grocery list . I dropped a koo tin and it fell over a man
next to me

Amahle : nxese bhuti

This man just kept quit and gave me my koo tin back and walked away . I payed for my grocery and went
out to look for a taxi I passed this Range Rover and a owner of the car rolled down he’s window .

It’s a guy that I dropped the tin over . I pretended as if I did not see him . He drived towards me and

Guy : uzowenze ngathi awungiboni ?

He kept a straight face

Amahle : angikwazi

Guy : faka inombolo yakho .

Amahle : ngithe ngiyaxolisa

Guy : ngakuzwa nami . Coboza ke inumber

I punched my number on he’s phone and gave he’s phone back

I took taxi’s going back home

Mom : Qala amabhodwe ntombi

Amahle : maah kusa early

Mom : ngingalibeki nawe ulibeke.

I went to the kitchen and started cooking . Ayike ngiyalishaya ibhodwe bandla I love cooking. After I was
done cooking a message came in .

“Phuma ngingaphandle” .I replied “ngize ngiphume uwubani wena? “ Another message came in
“wozongithoba leli popo elisebusweni bami”

Hawe shwele umuntu ulimaze uhlanya la. I went outside he’s Range Rover was 3 houses away from
mine I started walking towards he’s car taking pictures of he’s number plate just in case he kidnaps me.

I open the passenger door and stood there “Ngena”

Amahle : angifuni habe , ufunani la ?

Guy : ufuna ngiziphinde

I got in and closed the door

Guy : fasa ibhande

Amahle : I’m not going anywhere with you

I said trying to open the door and great it’s locked

Guy : unenkani Bo

He started the car and drove off.

He played maskandi music . You’ve got to be kidding me

Amahle : ngicela unginciphisela

Guy : angizwanga

Amahle : ngithi....

He turned up the volume . I huffed .

He looked at me and smirked. Weird he turned down the volume

Guy : uzolala nami ehotela namhlanje

Amahle : ini ? Uzongikhokhisa nge sex ?

Akekho umuntu ophila ngekhanda ongavuma ukuyolala nomuntu ongamazi .

Guy : angikushongo mina lokho kushiwo uwena .

We arrived in this hotel I must say it’s beautiful. We went to our room

Guy : ngikuphathele ama pyjama walinganise

I went to the bathroom with them I took shower then wore the PJ’s he bought. Well they do fit but they
make me feel so uncomfortable since they short it’s like I’m wearing a underwear only.

I quickly went to bed and got undercovers

Amahle : you will sleep on the couch

Guy : angikuzwa ?

Amahle : I can’t sleep in the same bed with you

Guy : wozo kusho la lokho angizwa .

He sat at the corner of the bed and unbottened he’s shirt I felt like covering my face but I won’t cause I’ll
look stupid

Guy : wozothoba leli popo

This guy is being dramatic over nothing. I boiled water then came back with a cloth. I started moving it
around he’s popo (where it swollen) .

I was standing between he’s legs I felt he’s hands touching my thighs

Amahle : I think that enough

I said rushing to get undercovers he went to the toilet and came out wearing he’s Boxer’s only . I
pretended as if I was sleeping

Guy : hlehla

I ignored him . He then pushed me and got in bed . He wrapped he’s hands around my waist I tried
moving but he was stronger than me so I gave in .

Insert 2

I woke up the following morning went to the bathroom took a long hot shower I then brushed my teeth
. I wrapped a towl then sat on the couch watched him sleeping.

He’s Very handsome if I must say , tall , dark in complexion he’s beard trimmed , a deep voice

Guy : kube amehlo ayangidlengula ngabe uqedile ngami

He woke up and went to the bathroom came out with the towel wrapped around his waist . I took my
phone and pretended as if I was busy with something

Guy : awufuni ukungigcoba .

Amahle : cha
He came and sat next to me and looked at me for quite some time

Guy : umuhle

Amahle : ngyabonga . Gqoka bandla

Guy : ngobani ?

Amahle : ayibo angifuni ukubukana nomzimba wakho

Guy : wena uwubukelani ? Nawe gqoka

Sengikhohlwe nokuthi ngibhince ithawula.

Amahle : I didn’t get your name .

Guy : uzolenzani

He said with a smirk on he’s face

Amahle : habee imbuzo engaka

Guy : Nkosiyezwe

He said getting up

Amahle : okay Nkosiyezwe

Nkosi : Ayii

I laughed

Amahle : hawu awulithandi igama lakho yini?

Nkosi : Mahle singaxatshaniswa ubala

The way he called me gave me Butterflies .

Amahle : yebo Baba

I said laughing

Nkosi : ishh Dade Bo , Uno Baba omuhle kanje wena , ongangami futhi ?

He said with he eyes popped out .

Amahle : angani nina nimithisa nino 12

He laughed

Nkosi : ungazogula

I went to the bathroom and wore the clothes I came wearing yesterday .

He parked 2 Houses away from mine and I got off

Amahle : ngiyabonga uhambekahle

Nkosi : isayobonana

After that he left

I walked inside the house.

Mom : iheee Ingabe uphumaphi sisi .

Amahle : Ka Sphe mama

Mom : awusabiki wena muhamba?

Amahle : sorry mah

I said going to my room I logged in WhatsApp and video called my friends we have a group where we
normally talk .

Ndalo : guys I need money to do my hair

Amahle : sawubona nawe Amahle.

Sphe : anyone with umgosi ?

Amahle : well I was with this guy yesterday ...

Them : ubani? Benikephi?

Amahle : angimazi I met him yesterday and he booked in for us

Ndalo : what do you mean you don’t know him?

Amahle : bengiqala ukumazi izolo nje

Sphe : what the fuck ?

Ndalo : like a total stranger? Did you give it’s to him ?

Amahle : sies no maan. He’s also not my type he looks old well not that old but old


Few weeks back I was looking for a job as a house keeper / baby sitting cause I haven’t gotten a job yet .

I then got a call from Mthembu family saying they needed a nanny their child is 5months old .

I’m good with kids if I must say . So today I’ll be meeting them I took a taxi to where they stay .

I last saw Nkosi the day he took me to the hotel we haven’t been contact after that . I knock on their
door and this dark handsome man opened up

Man : sawubona

Amahle : yebo sawubona

Man : singakusiza ngani mama ?

Amahle : you wanted a nanny ?

Man : oh Ngena mama.

He closed a door behind me

Amahle : ngyabonga

He seemed to be reading my body

Man : oh u Vusi igama mama

He said reaching for a handshake

Amahle : I’m Amahle

I smiled

Vusi : We bafo khona oze kuwe la

A tall man appeared

Man : Sawubona Amahle

Amahle : yebo sawubona

Man : please follow me

We went into a dining where we talked about why I’m the best person for this job

Man : you’ll start tomorrow morning

Amahle : thank you sir

After that he left . I stood up and walked toward the door but vusi blocked me.

Vusi : ngicela ungipha inumber yakho

He said trying to make puppy eyes . I Chuckled

Amahle : azoqathaka amehlo akho

I took his phone and dialed my numbers

Vusi : thank you

He said looking straight to my eyes

Amahle : whatever .

Vusi : can I take you home?

Amahle : No I...

I didn’t finish my sentence

Vusi : hawu ivumile intokazi madoda . Linda la ngisayothatha izikhiye

Amahle : what no

Vusi : unganyakazi

He came back with he’s car keys

Amahle : you’re such a jeck

Vusi : for you ?

He smirked

I laughed

Vusi looked at me with a wide smile

Vusi : uhlekiswa yimi kanje

He said with a calm voice

Amahle : no

He opened a door for me and I got in and he closed the door. He got in a driver’s seat

He played love songs

Amahle : why choose love songs ?

I said rolling my eyes

Vusi : it’s Sunday Amahle

Amahle : and ?

Vusi : Sunday are for lovers , nathi sizithandani

Amahle : no we not

I Chuckle

Vusi : yes we are

Amahle : fuck you

Vusi : you can come and fuck me

He said giving me a dirty stare

Amahle : ugangile ayibo

I laughed . We did drive through at steer’s and bought our selves Burgers and milkshake

Vusi : I’ll pay

He said pushing my hand away

Amahle : ngyabonga ngizozikhokhela

Vusi : awuyeke indoda yakho ikwenzele izinto

Amahle : vusi asijoli

Vusi : okay sthandwa sami

This man!

While he was driving me home he asked me a few questions .

Vusi : why did you choose to be a nanny

Amahle : I’ve got no job I’m still looking for one. I won’t be a nanny forever

Vusi : you’re good with babies ?

Amahle : yes I am

I smiled

Vusi : asenzeni eyethu

Amahle : no vusi sies !

I directed him home

Vusi : I’ll see you tomorrow

Amahle : yep

He got out and opened the door for me

Amahle : thank you

Vusi : manje I won’t get a hug ?

Amahle : yeah

Vusi : awu Amahle

Amahle : ngiyadlala

I gave him a hug and I felt he’s manhood then I broke the hug.

Amahle : byee


Insert 3

“Malume!” I screamed I ran for a hug

Malume : mshana
It’s been long since I saw my uncle .he has gained some wait too . I’m very close with my uncle probably
because I didn’t disappoint them .

Malume : I bought you goodies

Amahle : aww thank you

We catched up on some stuff and I went to my room

I logged into WhatsApp and I video called my friends

Ndalo : guys before you speak there’s something I need to tell you

Amahle : speak

Ndalo : yesterday I fucked this man and he said all my clanames

Amahle : ayi ndalo man ! Amanga kuwe

We all laughed

Ndalo : I’m telling you guys

Sphe : Amahle doesn’t know anything about these things leave her

Amahle : sphe fuseg

Sphe: I love you more

Amahle : byee guys. I love you

“We love you to baby” they said at the same time and we laughed

I hanged up and went to the bathroom and took a hot shower , I went back to my room got
undercovers and switched off the light


I woke up the following morning took a shower and brushed my teeth.

I wore a long black skirt with a white t-shirt with sandles I brushed my hair backwards.

I took a taxi to town and another to my Mthemu house hold

I knocked and this beautiful women opened

Fezile : hey you must be Amahle?

She said with a warm smile

Amahle : yes Mem

Women : I’m fezile

Amahle : ngiyajabula ukukwazi Mah

Fezile : you making me sound old call me fezile

Amahle : yebo

I laughed

Fezile : oh my come in

Vusi was dressed probably getting ready for work he looked more handsome in he’s suit .

Fezile : the baby is still asleep come I’ll show you her room . We went upstairs, I must say their baby is
adorable .


Finally the week was over. I packed my stuff as I was heading out fezile walked in followed by vusi and
Ntsika . Ntsika is fezile husband also vusi’s brother . Fezile carrying some box of pizzas.

Amahle : that my cue to leave.

Fezile : please don’t go , kuningi lokhu kudla for the 3 of us so join us.

Amahle : I won’t find taxi’s if I don’t leave now sisi .

Vusi : ngizokhuhambisa , wozo hlala eceleni kwami

I went to seat next to vusi and he started making jokes I couldn’t help but laugh

Amahle : ayi vusi unamanga kakhulu

Vusi : ngiyakutshena , inhlanvu yangena la ebuchopeni Bami yaphuma ngale , angifanga kodwa
ngiyinsizwa phela mina.

I was now in tears laughing .

Amahle : ingakho ungaphili ngekhanda

Fezile served us and we thanked her.

Fezile : Do you have any kids ?

Amahle : chabo sisi

Fezile : planning to have one?

Amahle : yes but not now

After we were done eating I decided to help fezile to wash dishes .

Fezile : I think Vusi has feelings for you

Amahle : kuyomsiza ukuthi awaqede

I said laughing

Vusi : Mkami asambe

Amahle : ngiyabonga nisale kahle

He parked outside my house then got outside to open the door for me


Mom asked as I stepped inside the house

Amahle : emsebenzini mama

Mom : ngalesi skhathi ?

Amahle : umndeni wakwa Mthembu ucele ukuba ngidle nawi isidlwa saku sihlwa

Malume : Amahle akuphephile intombazane akushayi lezikhathi isangaphandle .

Amahle : Yebo Malume , nilalekahle

I went to the bathroom and took a shower then went to bed


I woke up the following day , dragged myself to the bathroom and took a long hot shower i made
breakfast for the whole family .

I have a date with Ndalo today at 1pm so I got ready I wore my summer dress with sandles .

Amahle : Mah ngisayobona u Ndalo

Mom : okay

Ndalo was waiting for me outside she drives a BMW X5 her family has money she gets anything she
wants .

We went to Spur and bought Burgers with milkshake’s and catched up on some few things.

Ndalo : I broke up with siviwe

Amahle : why ?

Ndalo : he cheated .

Amahle : oh

I didn’t know what to say , I can only imagine what she’s going through

Ndalo : it’s fine , don’t feel sorry for me


I got in bed , it’s was a long day indeed and I’m tired . I switched off the light and sleeped . I was woken
up by a call I didn’t look the caller’s name I just answered .

Amahle : hello ?

Caller : Manyambose

Amahle : Vusi ?

Vusi : woza ngaphandle

Amahle : ngizobanjwa

Vusi : angeke , woza ngyacela.

Amahle : fine wait

I wore my sleeper’s and my gown the tip toed I got outside and ran to Vusi’s car .

Vusi : Liyakufanela iduku

Amahle : ngiyabonga

I blushed

Vusi : yamamatheka intokazi sukanini madoda

I laughed

Vusi : ngicela uzongilalisa

Amahle : ayibo emzini Ka bhuti wakho I can’t

Vusi : ngino muzi wami mina Amahle , ngihlala no bhuti ngoba kuseduze no msebenzi wami

Amahle : oh

He looked at me and smiled and drove off.

I must’ve fallen asleep cause the following morning I woke up In bed and vusi was not next to me

I went to the bathroom and took a long shower then wore a gown , I found Vusi sitting in bed.

Amahle : haybo izimbali zabani lezi ?

Vusi : ezentombi yami

Amahle : yaze yanenhlanhla bo !

Vusi : nginenhlanhla nami

Amahle : ubani ke igama layo ?

I said laughing
Vusi : thatha i card ulifunde

I took the card and read it’s. I looked at vusi and back at the card

Amahle : ngiyintombi yakho ?

Vusi : ngicela ungiphe ithuba lokuba yindoda

Amahle : Vusi I can’t

Vusi : Ngobani njalo ?

Amahle : uhm... Cela sibe abangani kwamanje then ngokuhamba kwesikhathi if ngizizwa ngaleyondlela
then I guess we can date .

He stood up and walked towards me and held both my hands

Vusi : ngizokulinda

He kissed my forehead

Amahle : thank you for the flowers

Vusi : siyolwandle Gqoka

He said giving me a short summer dress

Amahle : okay

I went to the bathroom to wear it’s cause he didn’t want to give me space to get dressed.

Amahle : let go

He seemed to be admiring my body

Amahle : Vusi !

I shouted

Vusi : Yah mama

He said in a calm voice

Amahle : asambe

We got in a car and drove off . The drive wasn’t long from he’s house to beach

We found a spot to seat in , we placed a blanket then we sat down .

Amahle : so how old are you ?

Vusi : 27

Amahle : mmh

Vusi : do I look old ?

Amahle : no I was asking

I replied laughing

Vusi : unangaki Amahle ?

Amahle :22

We continued talking until late we went to mall and I bought food with he’s card , cause he offered.

We drove back to he’s house I went to he’s room wore he’s Boxer’s and shirt .

I went to the kitchen Cooked beef curry with rice , I served him he’s food and we digged in .

Vusi : kanti uyalishaya ne bhodwe

Amahle : ngiwumfazi ngase kitchen

I laughed

Vusi : yakhuluma intombi yakwa Mthethwa

Amahle : ayi ihaba Vusi.

I giggled

I washed the dishes then went back to where we were sitting.

Vusi : uyazazi kodwa ukuthi umuhle kanjani ?

Amahle : chaa

I don’t know when but I found myself on top off him he’s hands moving on my ass .

Vusi : Amahle

Amahle : Vusi

I kissed him and he cursed he got up and walked to he’s room while carrying me . He placed me on he’s
bed he got between my thighs .

Amahle : Vusi

He kissed my neck making me weak

I pushed him

Amahle : ngyaxolisa , ngisayolala i went to the guest room I got undercovers and fell asleep .


“Shit “ I cursed looking at the time it’s 7am , oh my gosh why didn’t Vusi wake me up

I went to he’s room he’s also sleeping , great

Amahle : Vusi !
Vusi : Yah

Amahle : ngicela ungiyisa emsebenzini

Vusi : Hambolala Amahle

Amahle : ungaqali vusi

Vusi : ngikhulumile no fezile

A breath of relief

I couldn’t sleep so I took a long bath and wore one of dress Vusi bought for me .

I went to kitchen prepared breakfast for us , he came wearing he’s Boxer’s only .

Vusi : kwanuka Kamnandi lay’khaya

Amahle : mele kucace mekunomuntu wesifazane .

I said giving him he’s food

I took a bucket and mop and cleaned the whole house . Washed the windows.

Vusi. : Kwavele kwawu muzi wangempela ke manje.

Amahle : Vusi ngyaxolisa ngalento eyenzeke izolo

Vusi : akunakinga Amahle .

Amahle : umama adengifonele and she’s angry she wants me back home

I really don’t understand why they still treat me like a child I’m a grown women

Vusi : ngisayogqoka ngikuhambise

Amahle : ngiyabonga

He came back looking good. The drive was long and quite ke kept stealing me through he’s mirror view
since I was sitting at the backseat.

Insert 4

Mom was shouting at me non stop I kept on apologizing .

Gogo : Zimbili awuyeke ingane , mudala u Amahle memungaka

Hallelujah. Someone stood up for me

I quickly went to my room and got in bed I dozed of. I was woken up by a call from vusi

Vusi : Abakuthethisanga kakhulu nje?

Amahle : we Vusi cishe ngafa mina.

He laughed he’s lung’s out .

Amahle : hawema uyahleka

Vusi : ngiyaxolisa , bengifuna ukuzwa izwi lakho phambi kokuthi ngilale

Amahle : ulalekahle

I laughed and dropped the call.

I woke up the following day took a shower then got ready for work . I took a taxi to work .

Amahle : sanibonani

I said heading to snothile’s room I bumped into Vusi .

Vusi : sawubona

He said looking directly into my eyes

Amahle : yebo sawubona

I got inside snothile’s room and picked her up

Vusi : are you avoiding me?

Amahle : No

Vusi : sokhuluma mengibuya emsebenzini , I’ll take you home

Every time I look at snothi I wonder how my child would look like , what kind of a mother I will be to my

I placed snothile to sleep then decided to clean the house to keep busy .

As I’m cleaning Vusi appears

Vusi : uphi u snothile ?

Amahle : she’s sleeping

Vusi : oh , ngilambile

He says holding he’s tummy

Amahle : let me make food for you

Vusi : thank you

After I’m done cooking I go to he’s room and tell him the food is ready. Snothile start crying and I go to
her room and sush her . She must be hungry I take a bottle full of milk and feed her.

She falls back to sleep. She’s such an Angel . I head down stairs I find vusi watching soccer

Amahle : why ubuye early ?

Vusi : ngiyagula Amahle

Amahle : uphethwe yini?

Vusi :isifo sokungabi nawe

I give him with that “uyahlanya yini?” look

Vusi : ungangibuki kanjalo Amahle

Amahle : kanjani ?

He grabs me by my waist

Vusi : Musa ukudlala ngami

He kisses me and I give in . He grabs my butt .

Amahle : vusi

Vusi : Amahle

Amahle : ngikhulimile ngalento izolo

Vusi : ngiyazi kodwa....

Amahle : ngicela uhloniphe isinqumo sami

After that I walk away .


From the moment i saw Amahle I knew she was the right one for me . Ngimdinga ephithiza emabaleni o

I don’t think she understands how much I love her and need her to be mine. She keeps making things
hard for me , bathi uthando ludinga umuntu one sneke , ngizombekezelela


Fezile walked hand to hand with her husband , they look cute together.

Amahle : sanibonani , Nisale kahle .

Fezile : Amahle

She let go of her husband hand come to me .

Fezile : I’m having my 8th anniversary party this Saturday please come .

Amahle : thank you , I will come

The week was long but finally it’s has come to an end . After work I head straight home . I went to room
changed into my PJ’s. I then made my way to the kitchen. I cooked macaroni and cheese with striped
chicken then dished up for everyone . I served abantu abadala (granny/Uncle) since they were the only
one around I put my mom’s in the microwave .

I washed the dishes after we finished our food. I then went to my room . I don’t know if I even have
something to wear tomorrow.

I woke up at 11am and went to brush my teeth then took a shower . I made cereal for myself.

After I was done I went to my room to look for something I’ll wear today . I took out a black leather skirt
with a white crop top then wore my Nike sneakers.

I tied my hair backwards . I look at myself in the mirror .I smile at myself something reminded me of dad
I dropped a tear.

Dad died in a car accident while going to work “ Uligijimile ibanga lakho Nyambose Qhubeka uphumule”
I sniff and wipe my nose.

A message from Vusi came in “ngingaphandle”

I get inside he’s car and he drove off. The way he was speeding! I wanted to cry shame.

We arrived minutes later. Vusi asked to hold my hand I let him be. We joined the others. Fezile looked
beautiful I must say.

Vusi : bafor maduze ngizohamba enyathelweni zakho.

Ntsika : shesha uyaguga .

Vusi : Nangu umakoti wami, ngilinde yena athi angihambise izinkomo manje

He says pointing at me.

I didn’t mind him . A man with a familiar face kept looking at me and vusi.

Amahle : ngisaya ekitchen ngyothola into yokuphuza.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice then sat down and kept busy with my

Someone walked in I didn’t bother looking up it’s could be one of the guest. A door closes I look up it’s
the guy with the familiar face.

He leans on a door and looks at me

Him : mehlo madala

Fuck I now recognise him . Nkosi what brings him here. ?

Nkosi : wenzanani no Vusi Mahle ?

Amahle : awuhlangene ndawo .

I don’t know why I’m giving him attitude but I feel like he deserves it’s. I get up i walk towards the door
but he holds my hand

Nkosi : ngithe wenzanani no Vusi

Amahle : awuhlangene

Nkosi : ungowami Amahle

He says in a serious tone.

Amahle : ngicela ukuhamba.

Nkosi : imfishane lento oyigqokile

Amahle : ungazi hluphi ke ngakho

Someone opens a door I quickly remove my hand from Nkosi and vusi appears .

Vusi : bhuti

Nkosi : Bafor

Vusi : usuhlanganile no mama wezingane zami ngyabona

He says smiling .

Nkosi : impela .

He excuses himself , I’m left with vusi

Vusi : ukahle?

Amahle : yes , let’s go outside

I was helping fezile to clean the house since , the guy’s wanted to carry on with the party at the club

Vusi : Nkosi awuhambi bafo?

Nkosi : ayi cha bafo ngiyasala

He says going to the guest room. Vusi is so drunk infact everyone in here is drunk except for me. Nkosi
is a bit tipsy

Fezile goes to her room and comes back with a night dress for me .

Fezile : let me go sleep .

Amahle : sleepwell
I go to Vusi’s room and I lay in bed . I take my phone and log into WhatsApp and check messages. My
WhatsApp is very dry shame I put my phone under the pillow and see a t-shirt it’s must be Vusi’s. I take
it’s and smell it. I take off the night dress and decided to wear vusi t-shirt

I look myself at the mirror and think of what vusi said . Mrs Mthembu . I laugh at myself. A door opens

“Iskibha sami leso “

I turn around to meet Nkosi’s face.

Amahle : ngyaxolisa

He comes closer and holds my waist .

Nkosi : wenzani Kimi Mahle ?

Amahle : angazi ukuthi ukhuluma ngani

I say looking down trying to avoid eye contact.

Nkosi : ngibuka

He says lifting my face up , he leans in for a kiss and I kiss him back. He pushes me In bed , and takes off
the t-shirt I’m wearing he suck’s my nipples. He tries taking off my panty but I stop him

Amahle : Nkosi suka Kimi.

I say pushing him , he got off me and walked out not saying anything .I guess I pissed him off .

I got undercovers and fell asleep. I was woken up by loud Voices probably Vusi and Ntsika. Vusi walks in
he’s drunk shame . He takes off he’s shirt and jean and get in bed . I was pretending as if I was sleeping.

Vusi : Manyambose

I keep quiet

Vusi : ngyazi Awulele Amahle

Amahle : vusi sokhuluma ekuseni

Vusi : Ngiyakuthanda

Insert 5

I woke up and Vusi has already left for work. And snothile is at grandparents place so I’ll have to wait for
vusi to take me home . I’m the house keeper today cool . I laugh at myself.

I go to the bathroom and shower then wore my leather skirt I open Vusi’s walk- in closet and take out a
shirt I’ll wear.

I head down stairs I starting cleaning the house humming Beyonce’s song 1+1
“If i ain’t got nothing I got you ,

If I ain’t got something I don’t give a damn

Cause I got it with you , I don’t know much about you boy but I know 1+1 equals 2”

“Uculela mina angithi?”

Hawu I thought I was alone . I don’t know why this one is always sneaking up on me.

Amahle : cha bhuti

I go to the kitchen to make something to eat.

Nkosi : ngilambile

I ignore him .

I make food for him and serve him

Nkosi: kuyaguqa munika indoda ukudla , ayimelwa indoda

Amahle : umfazi wakho oyowenza njalo

I say walking away .

Amahle : intoyokuphuza uzoyidinga ?

Nkosi : I beer

I give him he’s beers and go back to the kitchen I eat my food , after I’m done I take Nkosi’s plate since
he was also done I wash them .

Nkosi : Mahle ?

He says in a low voice , he’s holding my waist , sending shivers in my body .

Amahle : yebo

I wipe my hands and turn around.

Nkosi : ngiyakufuna

He says whispering in my ear. He kisses my neck , shit my feelings are betraying.

Nkosi :Ngiyakuthanda Hlangalezwe

He looks me in my eyes and at this moment I can feel that I’m wet. He picks me up place me on a
kitchen counter.

Nkosi :awungithandi yini wena ?

Honestly I can’t Stop him right now cause I enjoy what he’s doing , what he’s making me feel. He slides
my panties to the side and start rubbing my clit with he’s thumb. I Moan he’s name .

He’s middle finger enters my womanhood. He holds my face and kiss me , stopping me from moaning .
“Shit” he curses


A voice said

“Fuck” he looks down .

Moyogcwele ngithathe njengamanje ! Angikwazi ukuphoxeka okunje . I can’t even look up I got off from
the kitchen counter and look down

Ntsika : ngilandele

Nkosi : yebo bhuti

Ntsika walks away . Nkosi’s manhood has risen i look away fast .

Nkosi : sokhuluma yezwa?

I just nodded , cause no word’s from my mouth will come out right now.


I left work early today , I have a serious headache , to my suprise I find Amahle and Nkosiyezwe busy.

Ntsika : Nkosi manyalamani lawa owenzayo .Sudlela umfowenu?

Nkosi : ngiyakuhlonipha Ndaba kodwa u Amahle ngowami .

Ntsika : ungangitsheli amanyala mina. Suka phambi kobuso bami

He walks out .


Amahle knows how to make me feel like a man , he brings out the man in me , Ngowami uyena muntu
wesifazane oyawandisa amagceke akwami .

I found her at the sitting room bitting her nails , she must be scared and embarrassed of what

Nkosi : Mahle

Amahle : Yebo

Nkosi : ungazikhathazi , uyafuna ukuye khaya?

Amahle : yebo

She rushes to Vusi’s room and come back with her handbag holding a top she was wearing .

I open the door for her to get in


Amahle : ngiyabonga

I’m trying by all means to avoid eye contact

Nkosi : Ngiyakuthanda nami

Amahle : byee

I close the door and walk away , he said he loves me ? I smile to myself.

Amahle : San’bona ekhaya

They respond but didn’t pay attention to me cause they were busy watching TV

I can’t get Nkosi out of my mind not after what happened . I keep smiling at myself like a crazy fool.


I scream it’s my cousin Lindelwa

Amahle : unjani Mzala ?

Lindelwa : ngiyaphila

Amahle : uya glower ayibo !

Lindelwa : akusiyo intetheni ukuba ne ndoda nje ekuphethe kahle

We laugh

Amahle : wenana

Lindelwa : any special sombody in your life ?

She says giving that dirty look .

Amahle : No , not yet

I smile thinking of Nkosi

Lindelwa : Mmh

We starting talking about how far we’ve grown shame I missed my cousin

One thing about Lindelwa she’s an early bird. I found her cleaning the house granny went to the women
conference and mom is at work .

Lindelwa : make us something to eat

I fry eggs and Vienna’s for us i start eating she comes and join me .

Lindelwa : let’s go to the club tonight , please

Amahle : I don’t have anything to wear

Lindelwa : come she says grabbing my arm leading me to our room

She start taking out few dresses out , I start fitting them they all look good on me

But I decided to stick to the red one it’s really short but it looks good on me. I take heels we place our
dresses on top of bed then Lindelwa plaited my hair

We both installed weaves . We took a shower then got dressed. A car fetched us and dropped us at this
club . The music was loud ! .

I don’t drink alcohol but Lindelwa forced me to drink and right now I’m a bit tipsy .

I spotted Nkosi kissing a girl. I felt my heart getting heavy. I quickly turned away. I won’t let a stupid
thing spoil my mood , I pretended as if I didn’t see anything

My favourite song came in “work work “ by Rihhana I started swaying my lips twerking . A man came
from behind and held my waist I started twerking .

Lindelwa : back off from her

She tries holding my hand but I let go from her

Guy : let go to the toilet

“Kube kuyowenziwani e toilet? Yini lengaka ongakwazi ukuyenza la ?”

Amahle : Nkosi ufunani Lana

Man : Sthandwa sami ngicele sambe

A punch landed on this man face.

Nkosi : Asambe

He says with a serious face

He leads me to he’s car.

We get inside and he start the car he looks at me move he’s head sideways.

Nkosi : uyibona I right lento oyigqokile Mahle ?

He looks pissed
Amahle : please don’t start you’re not my parent or even my boyfriend to tell me what to wear .

He keeps quite and focus on the road. Good cause I would’ve bitten he’s head off .

Insert 6

He has a huge house surely he doesn’t live alone .

Nkosi : Hambo shintsha lento oyigqokile.

Amahle : ngithi ngikwenzelani lokho ? bastard nx .

I say taking my shoes off.

Nkosi : yimina u bastard?

Amahle : hlukana nami , ngifuna ukulala ngisekhaya

Nkosi : ngeke uye kini ukulesi Simo

He walks away.

Amahle : yewena Nkosi come back

This is the reason I hate alcohol.

I follow him to he’s room , he gives me the keys .

Nkosi : uzolala kwi kamelo eliseceleni kwami (the room next to mine)

This room is big for one person . I take off my dress and sleep with my underwear only .


I wake up early since I have a headache I go to the kitchen and drink water , I look at the time It 7am shit
I have to go home

I knock in Nkosi’s door and open

Amahle : Nkosi

Nkosi : Ufunani

Amahle : can you borrow me your phone ?

Nkosi : uzoyenzani ?

Amahle : I need to call my cousin and I don’t have airtime

He gave me he’s phone and I called Lindelwa

Amahle : mzala if umama ebuza ukuthi ngikephi say I’m at work

Lindelwa : okay

Amahle : thank you

Nkosi : vala umnyango

I get inside and close the door I join him in bed .

Nkosi : wenzani ?

Amahle : Ngiyalala

It’s raining outside , how I like this weather! My phone rings it’s Vusi

Amahle : Sawubona

Vusi : Unjani Manyambose ?

Amahle : ngiyaphila unjani Mvelase

Vusi : senginconywana , angisakuboni suyangibalekela yini

I giggled

Amahle : cha , you can see me anytime you want to see me

Vusi : namanje singabangani ?

Amahle : yess

Nkosi got off from bed and walked out .

Vusi : ngiphuthuma emsebenzini , ngiyakuthanda yezwa

Amahle : Ngiyakuthanda nami

I hanged up

I found Nkosi drinking coffee

Nkosi : awungihloniphi Amahle

Amahle : what did I do ?

Nkosi : ukhuluma namadoda akho embhedeni wami Mahle

Amahle : bengingakhulumi namadoda

I say rolling my eyes

Nkosi : Lento yakho yoku twerk uzenza o Nicki minaj uzoyiyeka

Amahle : ayibo Nkosiyezwe you’re not my boyfriend

Nkosi : usugezile ? We need to go somewhere

Amahle : cha angiyazi indlu yakho

He showed me the bathroom and I took a hot bath then wrapped a towel around my body.

Amahle : Nkosi I don’t have anything to wear

He gave me he’s trousers and a white top

He also took a shower while I got dressed .


Nkosi : thatha izinto ezihloniphekile

He says giving me he’s card

Amahle : thani uyadlala

I said laughing he gave me that “don’t you start” look . GOD he looks so attractive when he does that

I started picking up few dresses and skirts.

Nkosi : mufuna izinto ezimfishane komele sivumelane ukuthi uzozigqokela mina kuphela

Amahle : lentombazane ubuyiqabula izolo nayo uyilawula kanje ?

Nkosi : awusiso isfebe Mahle

Amahle : wena uyisifebe ?

He kept quiet.

We went to Spur to buy ourselves something to eat.

Nkosi : Hlangalezwe

He says looking at me

Amahle : yebo.

Nkosi : ngifuna ube ngowami , ngedwa Mahle

As I was about to answer him an old friend of mine came to our table

Sizwe : Mkami

Amahle : Mkhwenyana wami

Sizwe : sawubona bafor , ngisacela ukumboleka

I get up before he even answers

We talk privately , sizwe is Bisexual we were friends back in high school .

Sizwe : your man Sis ! He looks yummy

Amahle : please don’t! Get yours

Sizwe : so he is your man !

Amahle : what no , well ...

Sizwe : let me go before I ruin things for you .

Amahle : you such a weirdo

We hug and he leaves. I’ve got feelings for Nkosiyezwe what I have for him is strong. I want to kiss him
every time we together he does things to me .

Amahle : yini unesikhwele ?

Nkosi : cha suqedile ukudla ? Ngifuna ukuhamba .

Amahle : no but I can ask for a take away

I call a waiter and ask for takeaways . We head back to he’s house .

Nkosi : ngiyahamba kusasa , kunezinto zomsebenzi okumele ngiyozilungisa

Amahle : oh okay , you can take me home

He drops me home and I go inside and there’s only Lindelwa

Amahle : Mzala

Lindelwa : yoh bengingazi ukuthi ngizothi uyephi kuma Ngubane

Amahle : did she notice I wasn’t home ?

Lindelwa : no

Amahle : good



I own some companies around Capetown. So I had to rush cause some emergency came up . I decided
to call Amahle before I head to bed

She answered on a second ring

Mahle : hello ?

Nkosi : Thembalami

She keeps quite

Nkosi : usakhona mama ?

Mahle : ngikhona

Nkosi : ngiyaxolisa ngendlela engenze ngayo phambi kokuba ngihambe

Mahle : ok

Nkosi : uyangixolela Mkami ?

She laughs

Mahle : kahle Nkosi

Nkosi : ungowami wena

I laugh .

Mahle : awulelengani ?

Nkosi : akulaleki ngingalizwile izwi lo wakwami

Mahle : ish’dade bo

Nkosi : sengiyalala kodwa , ulalekahle Hlangalezwe

Mahle : ulalekahle Nkosiyezwe

She hangs up .

Uyangibusisa lomuntu wesifazane . I think to myself I then go straight to bed.



Vusi decided to fetch me today since he’s working home .

Vusi : uyangibalekela ?

Amahle : cha Vusi

Vusi : cha besengishilo ukuthi kanjani usebenza ekhaya

Amahle : nxm , I’m looking for a job

Vusi : yeah ?
Amahle : yes , and they’ve called me for my interview

Vusi : when?

Amahle : this coming Friday

Vusi : uyasishiya ?

Amahle : definitely


My day has started and Vusi has been helping shame .

Vusi : Amahle

Amahle : Mmh?

Vusi : khona umuntu osempilweni yakho ?

Amahle : in what way ?

Vusi : khona umuntu obonana naye ?

Amahle : chaa

He looks serious like he knows something


I have been saving for 2 months and the money I was able to save was 14 thousand I decided to get my
apartment .

I got a call saying I got a job as receptionist tomorrow will be my first day there .

I woke up took a bath then made my self cereal. Mom didn’t want me to leave her but I had to I’m a
grown women . I wore my black jean with my white shirt then my block heels . I tied my braids up . My
apartment is like 5 minutes away from work. I took a taxi to work.

Everyone in here is welcoming . They showed me around . I started working well my day was tiring . I
got home made myself a green salad then went to bed .


It’s Friday and it’s time for me to go. I pack my things

Busisiwe : my beautiful Amahle

Amahle : what do you want ?

Busisiwe : I’m already late for my date please take these Documents to the boss office

Amahle : but..

Busisiwe : Please

She begs

Amahle : fine you owe me for this one

I take the documents from her. I’ve never met my boss he’s always in he’s office. Busisiwe once told me
she had a crush on him how hilarious .

I open the door then get in I drop the documents from shock . I must be dreaming.

Nkosi : Awuu Nkosazane

He says standing up

Amahle : Nkosi

I pick up the documents and place them on he’s desk

Nkosi : Ngikuthusile ?

He smirks

Amahle : cha , ngiqhuzukile

Nkosi : ngampela ?

He says getting closer

Amahle : yes

I say stepping back

Nkosi : uhlehlelani ?

So many questions!

He pulls me by my waist , he smells amazing I want to hug him but I can’t he’s my boss

He lift my face up

Nkosi : ngicela ukuqabula

He says in calm voice

Amahle : cha , I need to go

I say pushing him , trying to walk away

Nkosi : ngizokugodusa

Amahle : asikho isdingo ngiyabonga

Nkosi : angiceli ngiyakutshena wozo hlala phansi

He says in a demanding voice

After he was done I helped him pack cause I was starving and I wanted to be home already

Nkosi : uphuthumaphi?

Amahle : ngilambile phela mina

He laughed

He bought Nando’s full chicken then we went to my apartment he asked to join me I couldn’t say no
after he bought me a Nando’s .

Nkosi : unayo i beer ?

Amahle : no , but I have juice

Nkosi : congithelela owe orintshi okungcono , iwona ophuzekayo

Amahle : Orange juice?

Nkosi : amanzi we olintshi

Amahle : angisezwa

Nkosi : ngikutshengise wona ?

Amahle : yebo

He gets closer and holds me a kiss lended on my lips , he’s lips were cold. He grabs my butt and press
he’s manhood close to my varginia

Nkosi : ulalekahle

He smiles then grabs he’s car keys then walks out .

I feel my knees getting weak . What is this man doing to me ? I can’t even explain what I’m feeling . Does
he also feels the same way for me? Or he’s only trying to get under my pants.

I took a cold shower then went to bed .


I woke up the following day took a bath then wore my long black dress I let my braids loose.

I got to work 5 minutes late the traffic!

Snothi : The boss is asking for you

She said giving me a stinking attitude. This one has a problem with me I tell you

Amahle : okay

I said smiling at her . I went to my boss office or should I say Nkosiyezwe’s office

Amahle : Sir ?

Nkosi : hlala phansi

I took a seat and he kept quiet and looked at me . Is this what he called me for ? This man can bore me
at times

Nkosi : yini ekwenza ufike late Amahle ?

That first he never calls me Amahle

Amahle : I’m sorry it’s will never happen again Sir

Nkosi : Mmh good , you are excused

Nxm he called me for this ? Ayy this man is full of games . I get back to work.

Snothi : you won’t get Nkosi , he’s mine

I was honestly surprised but I didn’t want to mind her

Amahle : ok

This week has been nothing but hectic, snothile really meant it’s when she said Nkosiyezwe is his’s man .
She’s always in he’s office that broke my heartok


It’s Monday I’m already late for work , I curse as I walk inside the building Nkosiyezwe was already in the
receiption, he has been giving me hard time I’ll even leave late .

Amahle : Sir

Nkosi : follow me

I’m sure being fired today

Nkosi : close the door behind you

I did as I was told .

Nkosi : hlaphansi

I seat my ass down before this man bites off my head

Nkosi : where were you on Saturday ?

Amahle : home

Nkosi : ungangenzi islima Amahle !

He says with a serious voice

Amahle : I thought I don’t work on weekends so why should I report ?

He keeps quite

Amahle : am I excused Sir ?

Nkosi : Mahle

He says in a low Tone

Amahle : Sir

He stands up and kneel Infront of me.

Nkosi : Ngiyakudinga Mama

Amahle : Snothi might walk in Sir and I don’t think she’ll be pleased with what you doing

Nkosi : Amahle Ngifuna wena

Amahle : I have to go back to work

I say standing up , but he pulls me in close and kiss me he picks me up and place me on he’s table

Nkosi : ungiziswa ubuhlungu Mahle

He says whispering

I look in he’s eyes they’re red , like he wants to cry

Nkosi : Thani uyangithanda ngiyacela

I keep quiet


I’ve never been this crazy inlove with a girl I’ll do anything for her to see that I want to be he’s man .
Saturday I got a call from one of my boy scara whom stalks Amahle for me she was seen with my brother
Vusikhaya .

I felt bad for giving her a hard time at work but it’s only because I wanted to see her, damn I’m so

Nkosi : Mahle cela ungiphendule

I say in a shaking Voice if she turns me down I’ll have to Stop chasing after her .
Amahle : Ngiyakuthanda Nkosiyezwe

She holds my face , I dropped a tear

Nkosi : ngiyabonga Hlangalezwe

I kiss both her hands

She kissed me like she was pouring her soul into mine , finally I’ve found the girl I’ve been longing for.

Insert 7

*Amahle *

I can’t believe I’m Someone’s girlfriend. I feel bad of making Vusikhaya wait for me while I knew I wasn’t
gonna date him worse I’m dating he’s brother .

I got to my apartment then took a long shower . I can’t get Nkosiyezwe out of my mind when he said he
needs me I blushed to my self . I wore my PJ’s then got in bed and called Nkosiyezwe .

Nkosi : Sthandwa sami

Amahle : unjani ?

Nkosi : ngiphelele unjani wena mama?

Amahle : ngiyaphila , upheleliswe yini?

Nkosi : nguwena Mahle , ngiyabonga ngokunginika ithuba lokuthi ngibe yindoda kuwe

I laughed honestly this was fun to hear.

Amahle : Mmh what happened to my Mr tough guy

Nkosi : isaphumule indonda

He laughed then there’s silence

Nkosi : Amahle Mthethwa ?

Amahle : Nkosiyezwe Mthembu

Nkosi : Ngiyakuthanda yezwa ?

Amahle : ngiyakuthanda nami Soka lami

Nkosi : ish’dade bo !

Amahle : Ulalekahle Mvelase

Nkosi : ulalekahle Mama

I drop the call then fell asleep.


I woke up took a shower then got dressed I received a call from Nkosiyezwe saying he’ll fetch me I tied
my braids in a bun , I need to get my hair treated .

My phone ringed it’s Nkosi .

Nkosi : ngingaphandle

Amahle : ngiyeza

I rushed down and he was standing by the passenger door waiting for me I get in he closed the door.

Nkosi : Manyambose

Amahle : Mvelase

I’m even blushing , bathong

He side eye’s me

Nkosi : ulalekahle ?

Amahle : yes ngiphuphe nge ngendonda yami

Nkosi : asthembe nayo iphuphe ngawe

We walk in the building and Snothi gave us a nasty stare I didn’t mind her we walked past her and Nkosi
spanked my ass then went to he’s office .

It’s break time and I decided to go to Nkosiyezwe’s office.

He stands up as he sees me walking in . He Lean’s on he’s table and fold he’s arms . My handsome

Nkosi : Sondela ngiqabule

Amahle : usemsebenzini

He chuckles

I kiss him he kissed me back bringing me close to he’s manhood

Nkosi : uyayibona into oyenza kimi

He says kissing me

I gave him a boner , I blush he sit down while I sit on top off him .
Nkosi : Ngiyakuthanda Mahle

Amahle : ngiyakuthanda nami muntu wami


I’ve been dating Nkosi for 2 weeks, he’s really giving me a princess treatment I seriously love Nkosiyezwe

We were both cuddling it’s was raining outside we both didn’t go to work

Nkosi : Ucabangani ?

Amahle : I’m thinking about our relationship , how much I love you If our relationship we’ll work out , if
you love me the way I love you

He seems to be deep in thought

Amahle : Nkosi !!

Nkosi : yah mama , Mahle asikho isidingo sokuzikhathaza ngiyakuthanda, angisiyo indoda yamaningi
Amahle koda ngizimisile ukukutshengisa Indlela engizizwa ngayo mungivumela

He holds my hands

Amahle : ngitshengisa ukuthi uyangithanda Nkosiyezwe

He seemed confused . I take of my clothes and I’m naked in bed looking at him , he’s eyes wide open .

Nkosi : Amahle Gqoka ziningi indlela engingakutshengisa ngazo sthandwa sami .

He says standing up Mvelase is now awake.

Amahle : Mvelase ngiyacela

I lay on my back , he comes back and kisses me from my neck down to my varginia I bet he doesn’t know
I’m still a vargin . I’m really scared but I’m willing to give this to him

I open my legs for him he takes out he’s clothes then he start rubbing he’s penis on my clit .

“Nkosiyezwe” I Moan in he’s ear

Nkosi : ngiyakuthanda yezwa ?

He says trying to put he’s manhood to my varginia but it’s refuses he tries again now forcing him self not
caring how I shout

Amahle : Uyangilimaza

I cry !

He stops an looks at me shocked , I continue crying

Nkosi : why ungashongo Mahle ?

He get off me

Amahle : Ungayeki

I say between my tears

Nkosi : ngikulimazile Mahle

He holds my hand

Amahle : ngiyakuthanda Mvelase

I get on top of him

Amahle : qhubeka

I kiss he’s neck , he put me on bed and he get between my thighs again he put he’s manhood inside of

Nkosi : shit

He Groans loud I hold him tight


I make love to her slowly , making sure I don’t hurt her . She moans in pleasure and pain making me go
crazy all over her I fasten my pace I cum inside of her

Nkosi : ahh fuck!

I say breathing heavily

Nkosi : Ngiyakuthanda Manyambose

I say collapsing on top of her .

I don’t understand why Amahle didn’t tell me she has never slept with a man the way I went hard on her
. At the same time I’m glad I’m the one who got in first , I’m not letting her go.

I look at her she’s asleep

*Amahle *

I woke up and Nkosi was not next to me.

“Nkosi”! I shout he’s name

No response I shout again


I try to move but I can’t the pain is to much for me I start crying , Nkosi walks in wearing an apron .
Nkosi : Mahle ukhalelani ?

He says kneeling down holding my hands

Amahle : lutho

I say wiping my tears

Nkosi : Khuluma nami mama

He kiss my hand he looks scared

Amahle : bengithi ungishiyile

I sniff

Nkosi : Angiyindawo yezwani mama ?

Amahle : ngifuna ukuba seduze kwakho

He dressed me in he’s t-shirt then picked me up .

Insert 8

We were down stairs I was sitting on the table at the kitchen and Nkosiyezwe was making food for me.

He comes and get between my legs .

Nkosi : Ngiyabonga Sthandwa sami

Amahle : ngani?

I blush

Nkosi : ngokungivulela isibaya sako Nyambose

He kisses me . Someone Knocked on the door

Amahle : I’ll get that

Nkosi :awugqokile Mahle ngizoya

Amahle : okay I’ll stand behind you

He carries me down . He opens the door I meet Vusi and Ntsika faces. Before I know a punch landed on
Nkosi’s face .

Amahle : Vusi

That all I can say , I can’t move .

Ntsika just stands there looking at he’s brothers fighting

Amahle : Ntsika! Musukuma Lapho

He separate them .
Vusi : Amahle ungenza nje ?

He cries

Amahle : ngiyaxolisa Vusi

He walks away leaving us still in shock

*Vusi *

I’ve never felt this empty and useless . How can I be stupid ? My brother betrayed me , the girl I love is
inlove with my brother. It’s true when they say the greatest act of love is letting go . And right now I’m
accepting that my heart will be destined to hemorrhage all the love Inside me that has nowhere to call
home . The foundation of me and Amahle was set for a home that will never be built .

*Amahle *

Ntsika : Amahle uyenza kanjani lento Ku Vusi ?

Amahle : Nge Nkulu inhlonipho Bhuti benginga joli no Vusi

Nkosi : bhuti ungamfaki u Amahle akangeni ndawo kulen....

Nkosi : Thula wena angikhulumi nawe !

He shout . I start crying

Nkosi comes to me

Nkosi : Bhuti ngicela uphume kwami .


I went to the Kitchen and came back carrying Ice I started rubbing it’s on he’s face

Nkosi : Mahle uright ?

Amahle : yye

Nkosi : Mahle Musa ukungivalela ngaphandle

Amahle : ngyakuthanda Nkosiyezwe

Nkosi : ngyakuthanda nami Mahle

He holds my ass

Amahle: I’m cold

Nkosi : asambe siyolala

We went to Nkosiyezwe’s room we got undercovers and fell asleep .

I woke up and Nkosi was still asleep , I have a handsome boyfriend don’t I? I could picture myself having
he’s babies .

I start playing with he’s dick it’s get hard I’m now horny and the rain is going hard outside I get on top off
him then insert he’s dick inside of me

I Moan in pleasure yet still in pain , I ride him slowly I don’t want to wake him up .

I feel hands holding my waist

“Ahhh” he says trying to open he’s eyes

I kiss him . He holds my boob’s he moves he’s hands all over my body like he doesn’t know where to
hold me .

He get me off on top of him and he’s now on top of me . He groans

“Ngishada Mahle” ! He says then collapse on top of me I feel he’s warm liquid inside of me .

I shut my eyes .


I look at Amahle she’s still asleep , I don’t want to wake her up . I kiss her forehead

“Ngyabonga Manyambose” what she gave me is something big she trusted me with her body . I write a
letter telling her I’m going to work and I’m giving her a day off I leave it in bed so she can see it’s

After the board meeting I went to my office. Sizwe walked in.

Sizwe : Nkabi

Nkosi : kuyaphileka ?

I smile I handshake him .

Sizwe : Ndoda suganile yini ? Awusaziwa

I laugh , this man !

Nkosi : into enjalo wena bafo

Sizwe : okshuthi ukhona umuntu wesifazane empilweni yakho

He laughs

Nkosi : eyi yabona loyamuntu wesifazane , ngimoyizela kuzela kuvele elomhlathi manginaye .

Sizwe : uwe Indoda mfoka Mthembu !

Nkosi : ungasho uliphinde lelo .

Sizwe : angibe yindlela , bengithi angidlule lapha kuqala

He stands up and leaves , I want to be with my women right now .

*Amahle *

I woke up and Nkosi had left the note on bed . I took a shower then got dressed in he’s Boxer’s and t-
shirt . I called my friends to tell them news .

Them : stranger !

Amahle : I’m no longer a vargin

Sphe : what ? How was it’s ? Did you enjoy ?

Amahle : yeah but I’m still in pain

Ndalo : I was the first one who had to know about this .

Amahle : aybo u special ngani ?

Nkosi walks in

Amahle : byee I love you

I drop the call

Nkosi : uba Lona otshenwa Ukuthi uyathandwa

He says walking towards me .

Amahle : my boyfriend

I smile

Nkosi : Ufuna ukungibulala ?

He kiss my forehead down to my lips

Nkosi : usicabangile iscelo Sami ?

Amahle : Sami kompe ?

Nkosi : ngicela ukuthumela abadala beze kini

Amahle : bezowenzani ?

Nkosi :bangikhulumele nabakini

Amahle : it’s still early Nkosiyezwe

Nkosi : ngivumele Mahle

He begged

Amahle : when
Nkosi : next week Sunday

Amahle : okay

He smiles and kisses me

Nkosi : incwadi izohamba ksasa lokhu okusayo

Amahle : I love you


It’s 2 more day’s till my Lobola negotiations I’m nervous yet happy . It’s Friday and I’m going to work
after work I’m going home so I can prepare .

I went to Nkosiyezwe’s office he seemed busy

Amahle : Soka lami ?

Nkosi : yah mama

He moves he’s laptop I sit on he’s table

Nkosi : ngilambile

Amahle : yidla mina

He smirks , he takes off my skirt I’m left with only my shirt. He muff’s me my legs start shaking I’m sure
the whole building heard me my moans

He unzipped he’s jean . He’s now inside in me I’m calling he’s name .he silence’s me by kissing me . He
placed me on he’s couch he fasten he’s pace while rubbing my clit .

Amahle : Nkosi !

Nkosi : Ngiyakuthanda Mkami


My family was happy to see me mom couldn’t believe that I’m getting married , “ivila konke getting
married? “ She said I also can’t believe I’m sombodys wife to be .

I went to bed early tonight Nkosi knows how to make my body tired .

I woke early we started cleaning the yard then made breakfast for the elders

Gogo : Mzukulu

Amahle : Gogo wami

Gogo : sukhulile manje

She smiles

Amahle : ngyabonga

I want to cry this is so emotional for me it’s not like I’m already getting married .

She holds my face

Gogo : Khula ntombi yami .

I get up and continued serving the elders.

I went back inside the house I’m so excited , a call came through it’s not saved I answered .

Amahle : hello ?

Caller : Manyambose

Amahle : Vusi ?

Vusi : ngicela ukukubona , ngingaphandle

Amahle : Vusi ...

Vusi : ngiyacela Dingiswayo

Amahle : ngiyeza

I never seen him driving this car it’s G63 , I get inside he looks like a zombie , and I think I’m the cause of
that .

Vusi : sawubona

He had a husky voice

Amahle : unjani ?

Vusi : ngikahle mama


Vusi : I’m taking you for a ride

Amahle : okay

The drive was awkward he was not the Vusi I know , he parked in this quite place I didn’t want to think
he will kill me , I calm my self .

Vusi : I’m not gonna do anything to you relax

Amahle : I know

I give him a pleasant Smile

Amahle : Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu ngalento eyenzekile

He holds my hand

Vusi : uyiphulelani inhliziyo yami Manyambose ?

Amahle : ngiyaxolisa

You can see the pain in he’s eyes

Vusi : Uyamthanda u Nkosiyezwe

Amahle : yes

Vusi : mhh


I don’t want to force Amahle to be with me , it’s really hurt seeing her inlove with my brother .

Vusi : Ngyakuthanda Manyambose , kuyohlezi kuwe kweyami inhliziyo , even if I’m not the guy she
choose , but maybe in another life I’ll be the lucky guy to have her

Amahle : Vusi I .....

Vusi : I’m not saying leave Nkosiyezwe for me , I just wanted to let you know .


He start the car and we took off . He’s eye’s are red , he stops the car in the middle of the road . I can
see tears rolling down he’s chicks .

He quickly wipes he’s tears . He connect he’s phone for music . Bruno Mars play’s “when I was your

“I should’ve bought you flowers

And held your , should’ve gave you all my hours when I had the chance”

Vusi : I hope Nkosiyezwe treat you well .

I kept quiet this Bruno Mars song made me feel bad .

“I just want you to know , I hope he buys you flowers , I hope he holds your hand , give you all he’s hours
when he has the chance”
He holds my hand and squeeze it’s . I drop a tear I wipe my eye’s. I don’t want to feel this way , I don’t
want to see Vusi in this state.

He parks few house’s away from my house. He got off and opens a door for me . He seems weak .

Amahle : let’s go to your house

He looked at me for a while then closed the door .

Insert 9

I was in the kitchen making something to eat for Vusi . I keep stealing glances at him , he doesn’t talk
much . After I’m done I serve him .

Amahle : Vusi

Vusi : Amahle

He’s not making eye contact with me.

Amahle : I need you to be there for me.

Vusi : Ndlelani ?

Amahle : in every way

Vusi : Amahle uyazibona ukuthi udlala ngami ?

Amahle : Vusi mu...

He doesn’t give me a chance to finish he’s sentence

Vusi : whenever you need me tell me.

He stands up and walked out .

It’s 7pm I head to Vusi’s room

Amahle : cela ungihambisa

He gets up and take he’s car keys and walks past me

The drive was long . He parks few houses away . Again he opens the door for me I get out and quickly
hug him , he hugs me back

Amahle : take care

I get inside my cousin’s were catching up I didn’t have enough energy for that . I went to my bed and fell
asleep .

We Woke up at 5am and took a bath then got dressed , I was the one in charge in the kitchen I was
helped by my cousin Lindelwa and sbahle
Sbahle : Mamthembu

I blush .

Amahle : ayi suka

Lindelwa : How do you feel ?

Amahle : excited , confused , sad

Lindelwa : why are you confused ?

Amahle : I don’t if what I’m doing is right, should I be this scared ?

Sbahle : yeah it’s always happen , and why u sad ?

Amahle : cause I once dated Nkosi’s brother

I bite my lip

Lindelwa : Amahle !!

Amahle : I know ! And he’s not okay I broke he’s heart .

Sbahle : Amahle you are so wrong .

“Skhulekile Ekhaya “

We were done cooking so we went to my room to peep . No one was opening the gate for them

The continued praising our clanames.

Amahle : why aren’t they opening for them

Lindelwa : Relax Mzala

My young cousin Ntethelelo went to open the gate for them . . We were dressed in long dresses I sure
look Like a wife

“Uyophithiza emabaleni omvelase” Vusi’s words came back.

My uncles came back asking us to go to Nkosiyezwe’s uncles they chose their bride then we went to dish
up for them Nkosiyezwe was not allowed to enter the yards until we have umkhehlo so he waited
outside . I dished up for my man then served him

Nkosi : Wamuhle Mkami

Amahle : Ngyabonga Baba wengane zami

I blush , who thought me the Vila will ever be someones bride to be .

Nkosi : Umama no baba bafuna ukuhlangana nawe .

Damn I’ve never met Nkosi parents , what if they find out I once dated Nkosi’s brother then they hate
me for putting their child in that state .
Amahle : uhm okay

Nkosi: qabula phela

I kiss him then went back inside house

It’s was a busy day Im glad it’s over my feet

Are killing me. I take a hot shower then go to sleep.

I was woken up by a call from nkosi

Nkosi: Mkami,sekuno shintsho la

Amahle: Yah?

I say in a sleepy voice

Nkosi: Umama no Baba bafuna ukubona namhlanje

Amahle: okay that fine.

Nkosi: sure?

Amahle: yes

Nkosi: Ngyakuthanda Hlangalezwe

Amahle: ngyakuthanda Mvelase.

I end the call.

I go back to my sleep. I woke up at 8am a shower then made myself cercol. After I was done I called
Nkosi to ask when I’m meeting he’s Parents and Its 11am

I got dressed in a long dress with sandles.

I tired my hall in ban.

Lindelwa: going somewhere

Amahle: meeting nkosi’s parents.

Lindelwa: mmh okay , don’t be having quickies there

Amahle: come on

I rolly eyes

Nkosi was here ,I’m nevouse as crock

Nkosi : amahle relax

Amahle: Aybo who said Im not relaxed

Nkosi: I can see, I’m your man

Amahle: pssh.

Nkosi: I love you too

Amahle: maybe a quickie will relax me

Nkosi :I don’t want you to smell sex while going to parents

Minutes late we were at nkosi ‘s parents house vusi and Ntsika were also here. I thought I’m meeting
he’s Parents only

Bab Mvelase: uphi u Luthando vusi?

Vusi: angazi Baba

Mam Mvelase: awumzame usisi wakho

Vusi excused himself probably to call

He’s sister Just when we were about to start Luthando walker very light in complexion, she’s beautiful

Nkosi and Ntsika really looked like he’s father , vusi has a bit of he’s Mother .

Mam Mvelase:Umakoti wakwami muhle

She smiles

Amahle: Ngyabonga mama

Baba Mvelase:uyasho uNdodana ukuthi uphiwe ngase khishini

I blush

Bab Mvelase : kumele uzosiphekela no mama

Amahle: Ngizokwenza njalo Baba.

Vusi seemed to before away from here.

Luthando: we gonna be best friens wena Makoti

I laugh. She’s sweet shame.

Mam Mvelase: Umkhehlo unini Nkosiyezwe

Nkosi: mengena nkinga umama ungaba kule nyanga ezayo.

Baba mvelase: kuzomele uhlanganiswe no membeso

Nkosi: yebo, Mvelase.


So we’ve even decided on a date . For uMkhehlo . it’s on December 16 and that like 4 weeks away but
MamMvelase Said i must not worry I can take cAre of small things Luthando will do planning for me .

If loving hurt like this then I’m never loving ever again the girl i love is getting married, love is a two way
street and I ‘m forever walking this one alone . Accepting that the girl i love will never be Mine


My parents decided to do umemulo before umkhehlo. I was confused I thought umemulo was for
vargins but my explained that before I go to Mthembu household umemulo must be done ngizongena
endlini on Monday until Sunday .

It’s was very busy shame yoh making utshwala besizulu for uncles the dumblings it’s very tiring , what
wife will I be ! Before I know it’s already Monday .

Sphe , Ndalo , Lindelwa , sbahle . Abakhaphi bami we were covered in Ibomvu and wearing amabhayi .
Iyintombi zendawo were now here and it’s 6:30pm

“We Baba nayi le ntombi , nayi lentombi isidlala abafana , nayi lentombi iyazenzela” I know steps I’m
very good at this .

I started “muhle usbali , ufana nembali , Fana nembali “ the crowd was going crazy

I was left with abakhaphi bami then we started talking and laughing I’m enjoying this , I fell asleep on
sbahle’s thighs . we woken up at 6am my cousin’s were called in the kitchen to make food for us and the


Being inside the house the whole week ain’t no child’s play . It’s already umvalelo and we’ll stay up till
the morning .

“Owakwami akekho , amaphutha , owakwami akabuyanga amaphutha , uzobuya ngo mgqibelo ,

uzobuya nge sabatha “

I honestly didn’t know this song but I enjoyed it’s my cousin’s o bafor came in holding inyama yenkomo
it’s was given to the girls and they digged in.

I can’t wait to take a proper bath tomorrow , alcohol with drinks came in yoh the girls went crazy .

*Umemulo Day*

We woke up at 3am and went to the nearest river to take a bath , finally ! We were singing songs with

After bathing we stayed under the tree next to the house . After hours we got dressed in isidwaba then
the girls started a song “ubaba ubey’siyoni imbube , ubaba ubey’siyoni imbube”
I made sure that esgcawini amehlo akimi , I spotted Nkosiyezwe from distance . I started a song to go to
him . He came with he’s brother and he’s other cousin’s .

He’s mother came with her sisters then gave me a scarf with money my aunties started ululating .

Insert 10

I served my in-laws ,some people were complimenting me , I didn’t see Vusikhaya I don’t know why I
expected him to be here maybe I’m just selfish .

Mamvelase : yadlala eyakwami esgcawini

She says smiling

Nkosi : esgcawini sethu kuyomele egcagce kanjeya

Amahle : ngiyobe ngibukisa

We both laugh


I needed space I needed to be away from her , bengifuna ukuba khona edlala esgcawini , I took an early
flight to Capetown so I can put my mind at ease and start over , letting her go won’t be easy . I Will be
mourning for someone that is still alive .


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