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It is true that, in recent times, many criminals relapse into their old habits after being
punished the first time. From my perspective, this problem is ascribed to many
factors, and there are several plausible solutions that could be adopted to deal with

There are many compelling reasons why offenders commit further crimes after
receiving their initial sentenceS. One of the main reasons is that the punishments
might not be strict enough to make criminals understand the consequences of their
unlawful actions. For instance, in many countries, when committing petty crime,
lawbreakers only face lenient fines. As a result, they are more likely to commit more
criminal activities at a later date. Secondly, the discrimination ex-criminals face when
seeking for long-term employment is also a major cause of recidivism. A survey
conducted by Brown University in 2010 pointed out that 80% of employers in
America tuned down applicants having criminal records in fear of staining their
brands’ reputation. Consequently, they are not able to stable jobs to ensure their
living conditions, driving them to recommit nefarious behaviors to earn a livelihood.

In order to address this alarming issue, some efficacious measures are available. The
first way is that the Government should impose more serve punishments. For
example, the Government can increase fines for individuals committing minor crimes
or give increased jail time for serious criminals. Accordingly, this might evoke fear
among those intending to re-offend. Another possible method that Government
should do is to help reformed law breakers reintegrate better into society. To be more
specific, there should be policy of a corporate incentive tax POLICY to encourage
corporations TO recruit those with criminal records. FOR EXAMPLE, A 1%
deduction on tax can be applied to companies having at least 500 ex perpetrators
working for. Therefore, these individuals might BE ABLE TO make a living and
become productive members of society.

In conclusion, nowadays, the increasing rate of recidivism can be explained by

various reasons, and it can be solved by implementing those methods simultaneously.
329 words

Pretty good draft 2.


Some people say that it would be better if the majority of employees worked from
home instead of travelling to a workplace every day. However, others feel working
from home should not be encouraged.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is undeniably true that people have conflicting views about whether to adopt a
telecommuting policy in companies. While a number of people believe that working
remotely should be encouraged, I firmly hold the view that working from home might
exert some issues for employees.

There are various compelling reasons why flexible working schemes are considered
beneficial. One primary factor is that from a business perspective, this plan might
help cut operating costs. For instance, Ctrip, one of China's most prominent tourism
companies, which experimented with this program in 2019, AND revealed surprising
results. Only after an 8-month adoption, this company calculated to save up to 1900
USD per person due to the steep drop in its utility bills, renting fees, and security
serviceS. Consequently, not only Ctrip but other companies might be able to take
advantage of this policy, channeling saved money into other fields such as
infrastructure, marketing, or R & D activities. Another plausible reason is the
decreased burden of commuting to working places on staffs. By lessening the
duration of travelling to work, employees are likely to spend less time on routes,
thereby having more resources to work efficaciously.
In spite of these arguments, I strongly believe that working from home should not be
applied for some viable downsides. Firstly, working at home might jeopardize the
team's cohesion due to the lack of face-to-face communication. Remote employees
might find delays in holding conversations with their colleagues POTENTIALLY
employee's isolation and damaged working relationships. Another major pitfall of
working offsite is the omission of in-person supervisors. Without direct supervision,
workers might feel BECOME distracted and fall behind in their tasks. As a result,
this might harm corporations' operation and sales.

In conclusion, although there are various benefits of telecommuting, I would argue

that employees should work in their workplace to enhance their work efficiency.

309 words

Bài của Ngọc Anh đã có form tốt, opinion rõ ràng. Các ideas đã được phát triển lập
luận khá logic rồi. Sửa lỗi và nâng cấp thêm phần vocab là okela nhé.

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