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As the freedom of faith, LGBTQ+ rights, gender diversity are the features of liberalism

prevalence, Giorgia Meloni is the impending new Italian prime minister of the right whose
defense of traditional faith and family, and critique of gender ideology.
The agendas of her party Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) are strict when it comes to
immigration, social issues, and sharp criticism of the European Union. These aspects are the
main features of realist ideology. Anti-globalist, Eurosceptic and conservative prime minister
and her party are a big challenge for the European Union.
Meloni’s party is the contemporary heir of the Italian Social Movement, an originally neofascist
party that went through a long, multiphase process of repudiation of its roots, something similar
to the “dédiabolisation,” or de-demonization, of the National Front - now renamed National
Rally - that was seen in France with the rise of Marine Le Pen.
As a self-declared “sovereigntist,” Meloni doesn’t want to be limited by Brussels. Nor, with the
whole right-wing coalition backed by an array of vested interests among small and medium-size
businesses, will she be a fan of pro-competition reforms or even rigorous auditing. But the large
flows of cash involved will be crucial for Italy’s medium-term economic growth, implying that
her sovereigntist instincts are set for a contest with pragmatic realism. “But part of that is a
belief in the national interest, and that makes her a realist. She tends to see the world as it is.”1
There’s no need to compare her party with neo-fascist, because there is no sign of any upswell of
support for violent methods or for subverting democracy yet. Meloni’s statements, which include
a “Make America Great Again”-like “Italy First” attitude. The policies of past right-wing
governments led by Berlusconi, including their attitudes toward illegal immigration and
opposition to progressive social measures affecting LGBTQ community or abortion, are
basically unchanged.
Switching to the realism-oriented ideology may be useful for a state in a short-term perspective
as people are inspired by the idea of the nation. On the other hand, it tears the cooperation with
the supranational authorities and it can bring unexpected aftermath. Conservative mindset
usually causes the so-called “brain drain” which can be an actual loss for the country, the
younger population also rarely accepts the anti-globalist, conservative and oppressing ruling.
To conclude with, the far-right attitude of Italian Prime Minister won’t contribute to the
development of the in the longer perspective. As the liberalist attitude is not widely accepted
throughout Europe, the changes in the rhetoric must be made.

Mattia Ferraresi, “Italy’s Far-Right Is on the Rise”, FP, Italian Newspaper Domani, 2022,
Mark Toley, “Giorgia Meloni & Secularizing Italy”, PROVIDENCE, 2022,
Bill Emmot, “Giorgia Meloni’s Moment”, Project Syndicate, 2022, https://www.project-

Giovanni Orsina, a professor of political science at Rome’s LUISS University to “The Economist”

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