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Organisation pour la

Promotion de l’Education
Nationale (OPEN)


I-Conjugate these verbs at the present progressive

1. He (to sleep) in the bedroom.

2. The pupils (to do) their English test.
3. I (to read) a new book.
4. She (to close) the window.

II-Give the meaning of these words in English.

1) Salon; 2) Chemise; 3) Douche; 4) Cuisine; 5) Pantalon; 6) Chaussures.

III-Turn these sentences into negative sentences.

1. Bruno eats some beans.

2. They are listening to the teacher.
3. I am writing a letter.
4. You go to school everyday.

IV-Choose the correct word.

1. These rulers are (you, yours, your).

2. .....A kind boy (It's, Its, It).
3. ......The headmaster has got a Mercedes Benz (our, ours, we).
4. Where are....pens (mine, me, my).

V-Say these times in English.

2:00; 15: 04; 6:45; 18:15; 9:12; 12:30


1. A qui est cette chemise?

2. Sam est mince.
3. Monsieur Barreau est mon professeur de mathématiques.
4. A quelle heure avez-vous la récréation dans votre école?
5. Nous avons français le mardi.
6. C'est la tienne.


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