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water supply sistem

A water supply system refers to the system and network of parts intended to supply clean,
safe water for a variety of uses, mainly industrial, sanitation, and human consumption.

As building surveyors, it is our responsibility to be aware of the maintenance schedule in the

areas we oversee. To ensure a seamless maintenance process, we also need to
comprehend the extent of the task.

The area we do for water supply sistem:

- Water tank (floor 7)

- Water pump
- All floor of the building

Water tank

Maintaining a water tank is crucial to ensuring clean and safe water storage. Whether the
tank is used for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, regular maintenance helps
prevent contamination, prolongs the tank's lifespan, and ensures water quality.

First, we make a regular inspection, which involves inspecting the exterior of the tank for
signs of damage, corrosion, or leaks. Look for cracks, rust spots, or discoloration. For the
internal inspection, we periodically drain a portion of the tank to check the interior surface for
sludge buildup or signs of corrosion.

Start cleaning the tank with scrubbing by using a brush or scrubbing pad to remove any
sediment, algae, or residue from the interior walls and floor of the tank. Use the disinfecting
solution as per the manufacturer's instructions or guidelines. Thoroughly scrub all surfaces
with the solution to kill bacteria and pathogens.After scrubbing and disinfecting, rinse the
tank thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning agents and disinfectants.

During maintenance, we inspect the components, such as inlet and outlet valves. Check inlet
screens, outlet valves, and fittings for any signs of blockage, corrosion, or malfunction. We
also ensure the overflow pipe is clear and functioning properly to prevent water overflow.

By following these maintenance practices, you can ensure that your water tank remains in
optimal condition, providing clean and safe water for its intended use. Regular maintenance
not only extends the lifespan of the tank but also contributes to water quality and reliability.
Figure 1

Water pump

Water pumps in buildings are essential to ensuring reliable water supply for various
purposes, such as domestic use, firefighting, HVAC systems, and more.

Firstly, we make a visual inspection, such as inspecting the pump and surrounding pipes for
any signs of leaks, corrosion, or water stains. We also listen for unusual noises or vibrations
during operation, which may indicate worn bearings or misalignment.

Second, we keep the area around the pump clean to keep dirt and debris out, which could
harm the pump's internal parts. Frequent cleaning of intake screens or filters can help avoid
clogging, which can lower pump efficiency.

Lastly, we follow manufacturer recommendations for lubricating pump bearings and other
moving parts. Over-lubrication or using the wrong type of lubricant can damage seals and

By implementing these maintenance practices, building managers can ensure water pumps
operate efficiently, reliably, and safely, contributing to the overall functionality and comfort of
building occupants. Regular maintenance not only prevents costly repairs but also extends
the lifespan of water pump systems.
Figure 2

All floor of the building

Checking the water supply system for all floors in a building involves a systematic inspection
to ensure water is delivered efficiently and safely to every floor.

Firstly, using pressure gauges and flow metres, check the water pressure and flow in the
main supply line. In order to ensure that all floors have an adequate supply of water,
compare the reading to the recommended level. This enables us to determine which floor
has low water pressure. Second, inspect shut-off valves for each floor and in strategic
locations along the distribution lines. Ensure valves operate smoothly and are accessible in
case of emergencies.

We need to visually inspect pipes, joints, and fittings for signs of leaks, corrosion, or water
stains. Use a flashlight to inspect dark or concealed areas. Also, we collect water samples at
various points in the system, including taps on different floors, and conduct water quality
tests. Check for clarity, odour, and taste to ensure the water meets regulatory standards.
This is to make sure the water is safe to use.

By following these steps, building managers and maintenance personnel can effectively
check the water supply system for all floors in the building, ensuring uninterrupted and safe
water delivery to occupants and facilities. Regular inspections and proactive maintenance
contribute to the longevity and efficiency of the water supply infrastructure.
Figure 3

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