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Building academic pioneers.
BIOLOGY 110(BI110)

Extensive tutorial questions(2T2)

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Carson kabwe.

1. Write brief notes on the following types of bacteria;

filamentous bacteria, budding bacteria and spiral
2. Why is bacteria classified as a prokaryotic organism?.
3. State three differences between bacteria and protists.
4. What induces ‘Lac operon ’ in E.coli?
5. State three structural differences between gram positive and
gram negative bacteria.
6. Cyanobacteria are also referred to as blue -green algae;
a) State three characteristics of cyanobacteria
b)State the names and color of the three pigments found
in Cyanobacteria.
c) Write a brief explanation on cyanobacteria as a
photosynthetic organism.
d)Harmful Algae blooms of cyanobacteria can grow out of
control and produce toxic or harmful effects on most
living organisms. State and explain four toxins released
from cyanobacteria.
e) List four allergies or disease associated with
cyanobacteria to the lives of people
7. Nostoc and anabaena have specialized cells called
heterocytsts. State the characteristics and functions of
these cells.
8. How can organisms such as Halobacterium survive in high-
salt environments?
9. Bacteria can be classified using various methods. The figure
below shows classification of bacteria based on shape.

C B. A.
a) State the types of bacteria A,B and C above.
b)State one bacteria disease caused by each bacteria
10. State three differences between Spirillum and
11. What is the function and composition of the
mucilagenous sheath?.
12. Briefly explain the bacteria diseases Gonorrhea and
13. Distinguish between True bacteria and cyanobacteria
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