Lesson 11 English SVM Sem 2

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A02300 english for specific purposes Science and Technology


At the end of the lesson students should be able to communicate appropriately on
familiar topics.
Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer.

My mum (1) completely clueless with computers. She (2) know how to do anything.
However, she wanted to learn and took computer classes. Now she can use a computer quite well.
The only thing she’s still not confident about is using Social Networking sites. But I’m sure she’ll
(3) them soon because she (4) to communicate with her friends abroad. She (5)
of creating her own website.

1. a. is used to being b. was used c. was use to be d. used to be

2. a. not b. doesn’t c. didn’t d. didn’t used to

3. a. get used to b. used to c. using d. be used

4. a. wants b. is wanting c. wanted d. used to want

5. a. used to even think b. even thought c. even thinks d. ’s even thinking

score 5
A02300 english for specific purposes Science and Technology

Referring to the short text above as example. Talk about someone in your family’s experience in
using new gadgets like smartphone or household gadgets like robotic vacuum, dryer and etc.
Draft it in 5 short sentences and present it to your class.

score 5

Enrichment activity:
In pairs, discuss the following issue:
Gadgets nowadays become one of the most important necessities in human life. The use of
gadgets is not only becomes a widespread among adults, but the younger generation also being
exposed to this diverse technology gadgets. However, the gadgets usage among younger
generation contributes to the numerous impacts on their socio-emotional development in
negative ways more than the positive ways. Do you agree? Provide two reasons for your

score 5

Speaking task
A02300 english for specific purposes Science and Technology

A1 Personal response activity

1 Do you have any social media accounts? ................................................................... (2m)

2 Which account is your favourite, and why? ..........................................................................



3 Do you follow any famous people? Can you share five (5) of their names?



4 How do you keep your accounts and photos protected?


**Present/share your answers with your classmates and teacher.

score 15

A2 Your friend is spending too much time on social media. How will you advise him/her? You may use
the phrases provided to help you write your advice.

 Perhaps you should...  I think you need to...

A02300 english for specific purposes Science and Technology

 I think it would be better if you could...  My advice is to...


1 limit usage time

2 go out with friends because...

do more outdoor activities

such as...

4 volunteer for charity work

explore other hobbies

such as ....

6 control your Internet usage

7 exercise more so that...

8 learn other skills like...

score 8

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