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Introduction to Computer Systems
Question One

a) Operating system is system software that controls and coordinates the use of hardware among
the different application software and users.
i. List two (2) examples of Operating systems that can be used on mobile devices.
ii. List four (4) examples of Operating systems that can be used on desktop computers.
iii. Other than Memory and Process management, state any other two (2) functions of the
Operating System.
iv. Operating systems are classified into different types depending on their capability of
processing. List any four (4) types

b) A deadlock arises when the four necessary conditions hold true simultaneously in a system. List
these conditions
c) List any two ways in which the operating system handles deadlocks.
d) State the type of operating system used in appliances such as a washing machines or

Question Two

a) A process is a program in a state of execution. A process can be created, executed, and stopped.
A process changes its state as it is executed.
i. List and describe the various states that a process changes during execution.
ii. List the three Central Processing Unit scheduling algorithms.
iii. When a process is non pre-emptive, what does it mean? Which one of the three scheduling
algorithms used by the CPU is pre-emptive?
b) Operating system is system software that controls and coordinates the use of hardware among
the different application software and users. OS intermediates between the user of computer
and the computer hardware.
i. Other than Memory and Process management, state any other four functions of the
Operating System.
ii. List any four (4) activities which are handled by the Operating System as part of
Memory Management.
iii. List any four (4) activities which are handled by the Operating System as part of File


a) State the difference between guided transmission media and unguided media.
b) With the aid of diagrams, briefly describe the three (3) basic LAN topologies we have.
c) List any three types of media used for wireless networking.
d) A computer network is an interconnection of two or more computers that are able to exchange
information. The different network types are distinguished from each other based on three (3)
characteristics, what are these?
e) State the function of each of the following devices

i. Router
ii. Gateway
iii. Switch

f) There are three modes of transmission. State the mode of transmission involved in the
communications. (Note You should also provide a reason to justify your answer in each case).
i. Communication between a computer and a printer
ii. Communication between a computer and a projector.
iii. Communication between a computer and a keyboard
iv. Communication using analog telephones

Question Two
a) Identify two benefits of using e-mail over sending a hard-copy letter

b) Students from CS110 are in the computer Lab conducting research on the worldwide web.
i. State three types of networks that these students are using to conduct their research

ii. Name the tool they are likely going to use to search for information on the world wide
web and give an example for the specific tool
iii. What is the generic name given to the software they are using to access content on the
world wide web
iv. State the name of the basic communication protocol the students are using on the Internet

v. Identify the topology that the students are most likely using

c) State the purpose of the following

i. SMTP Server
ii. VoIP
iii. BCC
iv. EFT
v. Modem

a) State the internet term used to describe the following:
i. ________________________is a set of related webpages connected through hyperlinks.
ii. _________________________is a program on your computer that allows you to access
ii. websites on the internet.
iii. _________________________is a software system that enables users to search and
iv. retrieve information from a database or the internet based on specific keywords or phrase.
b) State the four components of a search engine and describe their functions.
c) Expand the abbreviation of the following concepts:
i. URL: _____________________________________________________________
ii. ISP: ______________________________________________________________
iii. ISDN: ____________________________________________________________
ii. DSL: _____________________________________________________________
iii. IMAP: ____________________________________________________________
d) State the internet applications that do the following:
i. _______________________is a protocol that enables the user to transfer files from one
system to another.
ii. ______________________is a protocol that allows the user to log on to a remote
e) State the two parts that constitute an email address.

f) Identify each of the following networking devices:

i. A hardware through which the computer connects to a network. ___________________
ii. They cannot identify complete frames. Thus, in addition to the valid transmissions from
one segment to another, they also propagate any electrical interference occurring on a
segment to other segment. ___________________________
iii. Uses a technique that reads the MAC address of the data frame and forwards the data to
the appropriate port. _____________________________
iv. Can accept a packet forwarded for one protocol and convert it to a packet formatted for
another protocol before forwarding it. _____________________________

g) The term 'Internet' is derived from two words—interconnection and networks. Also referred to
as 'the Net', Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks, that is, a network of networks,
which allows the participants (users) to share information.
i. Before connecting to the Internet, you need to buy an Internet connection from an
authorized Internet Service Provider (ISP). Give six(6) examples of ISPs operating in
ii. To connect to the Internet, a computer requires mainly three (3) different kinds of
software. What are they?
iii. In relation to the Internet, what does the acronym HTTP stand for?
iv. Write the complete URL for our university website.
v. Is it possible to access Facebook on a mobile phone without being connected to an
Internet Service? (Yes/No)
a) There are many kinds of viruses. The level of destructiveness of viruses varies widely. Some
viruses display pictures or messages on the screen periodically. Others erase or destroy
programs and data. Which of the seven (7) categories of viruses we learnt in class is most likely
i. Steal Credit card information stored on your computer
ii. Overload the network bringing about denial of Service
iii. List any four types of viruses

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