Sample Questionaires (Final)

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ABFRL Code of Conduct Policy:

1. Ensure compliance with national legal requirements for factories and suppliers.

2. Prohibit the use of child labour in accordance with the law.

3. Promote voluntary and freely chosen employment.

4. Prevent any form of harassment or abuse in the workplace.

5. Comply with working hour regulations to protect worker health and safety.

6. Provide workers with legal employment contracts.

7. Promote a workplace free from discrimination and uphold workers' dignity.

8. Maintain safe and clean working conditions following occupational health and safety procedures.

9. Adhere to local and national environmental regulations.

10. Embrace social responsibility, especially for disadvantaged and marginalized stakeholders.

11. Respect workers' freedom to associate and engage in collective bargaining.

1st Assessment

Sample questionnaire for sending to suppliers - A sample questionnaire for sending to

suppliers to elicit the information that we need to form a picture of homeworkers in their chains.

Questions for T1 suppliers

1. Name of the organisation:

2. Supplier Code:
3. Email Address:
4. Location:
5. Average working hours per day:
6. Total Number of workers:
7. What market segment do you cater to?
 Menswear
 Womenswear
 Kids wear
 Intimate Apparel
 Sportswear
 Ethnic wear
8. Annual turnover of factory in volume:

Homeworker Employment:

1. Are any of your production processes contracted to homeworkers?

a. Y
b. N
2. If yes, please list the production process and the details:

Production process Contractor Sub - Sub – sub- Home workers’ Approx

name Contractor Contractor Location number of
name name (village/town) HWs in
 Printing
 Embroidery
 Sewing
 Trims/accessories
 Garment
 Textile Testing
 Care Label Making
 Trimming/Finishing
 Handloom Fabrics
 If any other, elaborate

3. During which times of the year do you typically utilize homeworkers?

a. Year around
b. Seasonal (festive)
c. A
d. B
2nd Assessment

Sample questionnaire for sending to contractors - A sample questionnaire for sending to

suppliers to elicit the information that we need to form a picture of homeworkers in their chains

Questions for Contractors/Sub contractors

1. Name:
2. Phone number:
3. Email Address:
4. Location:
5. Total Number of workers:
6. What service do you provide:
 Printing
 Embroidery
 Sewing
 Trims/accessories
 Garment Washing/Dyeing
 Textile Testing
 Care Label Making
 Trimming/Finishing
 Handloom Fabrics
 If any other, elaborate
7. What primary market segment do you cater to?
 Menswear
 Womenswear
 Kids wear
 Intimate Apparel
 Sportswear
 Ethnic wear
 If any other, elaborate
8. Average working hours per day:
 < 2 Hrs
 2 to 6 Hrs
 8 Hrs
 > 8 Hrs

Sub-contractors based
1. Do you work with subcontractors in your supply chain?

 Yes

 No

2. If yes, how many subcontractors are currently part of your supply chain?

 1-2

 3-5

 6 or more

Homeworkers based

1. Do you have homeworking groups in your supply chain?

1. Yes

2. No

2. How many homeworking groups are associated with your business?

1. 1-3

2. 4-6

3. 7 or more

4. None

3. How do you communicate instructions to your homeworking groups?

1. Direct communication

2. Through supervisors

3. Other (Specify: ____________)

4. How often do you conduct oversight or audits on homeworking conditions?

4. Regularly

5. Occasionally

6. Rarely

Compliance and Ethical Practices:

0. Are your homeworking groups aware of the company's Code of Conduct (COC)?

1. Yes

2. No

1. How do you ensure compliance with ethical practices in homeworking groups?

3. Regular training sessions

4. Audits and inspections

5. Other (Specify: ____________)

Relationships with Homeworkers:

2. Do you have direct contact with homeworkers in your supply chain?

1. Yes

2. No

3. How do you address grievances or concerns raised by homeworkers?

3. Dedicated grievance resolution mechanism

4. Informal channels

5. Other (Specify: ____________)

Future Improvements

1. Are you open to collaborating on initiatives to improve homeworking conditions?

1. Yes

2. No

2. What measures do you think would enhance the well-being of homeworkers in your supply chain?

1. Increased transparency

2. Skill development programs

3. Other (Specify: ____________)

Health and Safety:

1. What measures are taken to prevent accidents and injuries and minimize hazards for homeworkers?
a. Regular safety inspections
b. Providing safety equipment
c. Training programs on safety practices
d. All of the above
2. What health and safety training are provided to homeworkers?
a. Basic safety guidelines
b. Emergency response procedures
c. Proper use of equipment
d. All of the above
3. Is the necessary equipment for the work provided to homeworkers? How is it maintained and checked?
a. Yes, regularly maintained
b. Yes, with occasional maintenance
c. No, homeworkers provide their own equipment
d. Not applicable

Legislation Compliance:

1. How do you ensure compliance with legislation related to children and young workers?
a. Age verification processes
b. Collaboration with local authorities
c. Regular compliance audits
d. Other (please specify)
2. Are homeworkers paid rates equivalent to or greater than the national minimum wage?
a. Y
b. N
Piece Rate and Working Hours:

1. Does the piece rate consider all tasks, including preparation, packing, unpacking, etc.?
a. Y
b. N
c. Specify why if N
2. If workers are paid by piece rate, has a time/motion study been conducted to base it on? When?
a. Y
b. N
c. Specify why if N
3. Do homeworkers work more than 48 standard hours and 12 hours of occasional overtime each week?
a. Yes
b. No

Worker Benefits:

1. Are homeworkers provided with the same provisions as factory workers for paid holidays, sick pay, maternity rights,
and pensions?
a. Y
b. N
c. Specify why if N
2. Are homeworkers informed about future orders they can expect? If so, how?
a. Regular communication from management
b. Written notices
c. Through a designated representative
d. Not informed

Complaints and Ethical Auditing:

1. Is there a confidential channel for complaints for homeworkers?

a. Y
b. N
2. How does it operate?
a. Online platform
b. Dedicated hotline
c. Other (Specify: ____________)
3. Has there been any ethical auditing of your homeworkers?
a. Y
b. N
4. If so, by whom and when?
a. Internal auditing team
b. External auditing agency (Specify: ____________)
c. Not Applicable

Workshop Interest and Implementation Challenges:

1. Are you interested in attending a workshop on homeworking, and what topics would you like to see included?
a. Code of Conduct (COC) awareness
b. Ethical practices in homeworking
c. Grievance resolution mechanisms
d. Skill development for homeworkers
e. Other (Specify: ____________)
2. What problems can you foresee in implementing the ABFRL guidelines on homework?
a. Lack of awareness among homeworkers
b. Resistance from suppliers or contractors
c. Implementation costs
d. Other (please specify)
3. Do you have any other comments or feedback?
Questions for homeworkers

1. How did you learn about this job opportunity?

 a) Through an online job portal
 b) Referral from a friend or family member
 c) Association
 d) Other (please specify)
2. What information were you provided with when you began working?
 a) Detailed job description and responsibilities
 b) Company policies and guidelines
 c) Safety and training materials
 d) Other (please specify)
3. Where do you seek information regarding your rights?
 a) Company-provided documentation
 b) Union or worker's association
 c) Government websites
 d) Other (please specify)
4. How do you address any concerns that may arise while working?
 a) Directly with a supervisor or manager
 b) Through a formal grievance procedure
 c) Human Resources department
 d) Other (please specify)
5. Are you aware of any fellow homeworkers who have raised issues with the company? If so, what
was the outcome of their actions?
 a) Yes, issues were resolved satisfactorily
 b) Yes, issues were not resolved
 c) No, not aware of any such cases
 d) Other (please specify)
6. Are you consulted or kept informed about decisions that impact you, and how effective is this
 a) Yes, always well-informed
 b) Occasionally consulted
 c) Rarely informed
 d) Not at all
7. Can you describe the responsibilities and tasks involved in your job?
 a) Yes, completely familiar with tasks
 b) Somewhat familiar
 c) Not very familiar
 d) Not at all familiar
8. Are you provided with the necessary tools for your work, and who covers the cost of these tools?
 a) Yes, company covers the cost
 b) Yes, but I cover the cost
 c) No, not provided with necessary tools
 d) Other (please specify)
9. What kind of training have you received?
 a) Comprehensive on-the-job training
 b) Minimal training
 c) No training provided
 d) Other (please specify)
10. How is your wage rate determined, and do you consider it fair?
 a) Hourly rate determined by the company
 b) Piece-rate based on production
 c) Negotiated individually
 d) Other (please specify)
11. Is your payment consistently received on time?
 a) Yes, always on time
 b) Occasionally delayed
 c) Frequently delayed
 d) Not applicable
12. Is your workload regular, and how many hours do you work per week?
 a) Regular workload, specified hours
 b) Varied workload, specified hours
 c) Varied workload, unspecified hours
 d) Other (please specify)
13. How do you stay informed about available work opportunities?
 a) Company communication
 b) Online job platforms
 c) Networking with other workers
 d) Other (please specify)
14. How frequently do you receive assignments?
 a) Daily
 b) Weekly
 c) Monthly
 d) Other (please specify)
15. Do you receive any additional payments apart from compensation for your products?
 a) Yes, regular bonuses
 b) Yes, occasional bonuses
 c) No additional payments
 d) Other (please specify)
16. What kind of paperwork or documentation do you receive?
 a) Detailed contracts and agreements
 b) Minimal paperwork
 c) No formal documentation
 d) Other (please specify)
17. How do you connect with other homeworkers?
 a) Company-sponsored events
 b) Social media groups
 c) Local community gatherings
 d) Other (please specify)
18. Have there been any reported cases of harassment or bullying?
 a) Yes, and they were appropriately addressed
 b) Yes, but not adequately addressed
 c) No reported cases
 d) Not sure
19. How does your experience working here compare to other places you've worked?
 a) Much better
 b) Better
 c) Similar
 d) Worse
20. Do you feel a sense of belonging within the company?
 a) Yes, very much
 b) To some extent
 c) Not really
 d) Not at all
21. What aspects of homeworking do you find positive, and what aspects do you find challenging?
 a) Positive aspects
 b) Challenging aspects
22. If you could make improvements, what changes would you suggest?
 [Open-ended response]
23. Are there any upcoming changes or developments that you are aware of?
 a) Yes, well-informed about upcoming changes
 b) Somewhat aware
 c) Not aware of any changes
 d) Other (please specify)
24. How do you manage your finances?

 a) Loan
 b) Debt
 c) Borrow
 d) Any other ()
25. Do you have any questions for us?
 [Open-ended response]
Researching homeworkers’ conditions - a guide to focus group discussions

Topics Questions

1. What kind of work do you do from home, and for how long have you been doing it? How did
you start doing this work, and why did you choose it? Have you ever worked in a different
job, like in a factory? How is working from home different from working in a factory?

2. Do you know which company gives you work, and do you know where they sell the things
you make?

3. Do you work for more than one company? If so, why? How many companies do you work for,
and how long do you usually work for each one? Why do you choose to work for different
companies? Do other people in your home work too, and if they do, do they work for the same
companies as you? Do any of them work outside the home, and if so, where do they work?

General 4. How has working from home affected your life, especially in terms of money and how you are
seen by others? How are homes where people work different from homes where they don't
work? This could include things like education, the things you own, your health, and special
events. What do you think would have happened if you didn't have this work at all?

5. What do you like about this work? Can you tell me the top three things you like the most? Can
you also talk about any other good things?

6. What is hard or not good about this kind of work? Can you tell me the top three things that are
the hardest or not good? Can you also talk about any other things that are a problem?

7. Do you think there are ways to make the hard things better? What ideas do you have for
making things better, and who do you think should help make these improvements?

1. How many hours do you typically spend each day doing this work, including both the main
tasks like beading or embroidery and additional tasks like sorting and packing? How do you
manage your time between this work and your household chores?

2. When there's more work than usual, how many hours a day do you work? How frequently
does "urgent" work come up in a month?

3. Do you request a specific amount of work, or does the contractor decide how much work you
Working hours receive? If the contractor decides, do they usually give you too much or too little work?

4. Have you encountered any issues regarding the number of hours you work or the amount of
work assigned to you? Feel free to discuss problems related to both low demand and high
demand for work.

5. Do you believe there are ways to address these problems? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in the process of making these improvements? Do
you have any other suggestions?

Regular 1. How many days of work do you get from each contractor in a year? In which months do you
employment typically have a lot of work, and in which months do you have very little? What's the longest
period you've gone without work (in weeks or months)?

2. Besides your wage calculated based on the number of pieces you complete, do you receive
any other benefits from the contractor, such as loans or advances?

3. Have you encountered any issues regarding the number of days work is provided or the
additional benefits given?

4. Do you believe there are ways to address these problems? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in the process of making these improvements? Do
you have any other suggestions?

1. How much money do you spend each month, and on what items?

2. On average, how much money do men and women make from this type of work per day?
What about per month?

3. Do you know how they calculate your pay based on the number of pieces you complete? Do
you think it's done correctly? Do you spend time preparing before you start working, and does
this affect your pay rate in any way?

4. How much would you earn for eight hours of work? Are you aware of the minimum wage set
by the government?

5. Do you know anyone who works in a factory? How much do they earn for similar work in a
day? In a month? Are there more or fewer benefits compared to working from home?

6. What's the minimum and maximum amount you might earn in a day? Is your income the main
source of financial support for your family? Does it cover your expenses like food, fuel,
education, medical costs, and celebrations?

7. How often do you get paid? Can you get an advance payment easily? If payment is guaranteed
immediately after work, are you willing to accept lower pay rates, and by how much less?

8. Do you have to buy any items or equipment for your work? If yes, how much and what for? Is
this cost reimbursed or included in your pay rate?

9. Are any deductions made from your pay? What are they for, and do you think they are fair?
Do you have the opportunity to dispute or appeal these deductions?

10. Do you receive pay slips or any records of your work and payments? If not, how do you check
how much you're owed? What do you do when there's a disagreement or confusion about your
earnings? Do you have any way to identify your work, especially if you're not literate?

11. Is there a written agreement between you and the contractor regarding the amount of work and
payment rates? Do you think it's necessary to keep records or have an agreement?

12. Are there any issues or problems with your wages and payments?

13. Do you believe there are ways to improve these wage and payment issues? What are your
ideas for improvement, and who should be involved in making these improvements? Do you
have any other suggestions?
1. Are all workers paid the same rate for each piece of work they complete? Does this rate differ
based on gender, age, favouritism, or other factors, such as certain communities or married
women being favoured?

2. Has anyone ever complained about their payments or any other work-related problems? If so,
what happened to them, and what are they doing now?

3. Do you think there are ways to make these payment issues better? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in making these improvements? Do you have any
other suggestions?

1. What are the common sicknesses in your area? Do you think people who do your type of work
tend to get specific illnesses more often than others? If so, which ones and why?

2. How much do you spend on medical expenses each month? How much does your family
spend on medical expenses each month? Is this more than what other families spend?

3. Do you think there are any dangers in your work? What are they? Does working at home
make your home less safe in some way? What could be done to make your home safer?
conditions 4. Has anyone given you training or information about health and safety issues? Would you like
to receive such training or information? If so, who would you prefer to provide this
information, like your contractor or someone else?

5. Do you have any problems with your working conditions?

6. Do you think there are ways to make these issues better? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in making these improvements? Do you have any
other suggestions?

1. What do you think are the good things about children doing homework? How do you think
this helps the kids themselves and their parents?

2. How did you learn to do this work? How old were you when you learned it? How old are your
kids, and do they know how to do this work too? Do they help you, and if they do, how much
time do they usually spend helping? Does this affect their school? What part of the work do
they help with? Do they get paid, and is it the same amount as adults? If not, do other families
also have children who help with this work?

Child Labor 3. Do kids in this village usually go to school? What about boys and girls? What do they do
when they come back from school?

4. Do some households hire people from outside (people not from the family) to help with work?
Where do these workers come from?

5. Do you have any problems with kids working at home?

6. Do you think there are ways to make these issues better? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in making these improvements? Do you have any
other suggestions?

Employment is 1. What are the other jobs you can do? Why did you choose this one? If you couldn't do this
work, what would you do instead?

2. Can people decide which contractor they want to work for? Do you know anyone who has
changed contractors? Is it easy to change contractors? Why would someone want to change?
Which type of contractors are usually better? (Loan, more pay, better health benefits, job
freely chosen
security, on-time payments, etc.)

3. Do you think there are ways to make these issues better? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in making these improvements? Do you have any
other suggestions?

1. Do you know any homeworkers who work together during some or all of the day? What are
the good things about working together? What are the bad things?

2. What are the most common problems between homeworkers or between homeworkers and the
contractor? What usually happens when there's a problem?

3. Have there been cases where someone's relationship with the contractor became bad in the
past? What happened? What do you think the employer or homeworker should have done?

Collective 4. Do you know of any organization that could help you with these problems or help you
bargaining organize better? (Like NGOs, government departments, trade unions, etc.) How do you know
about them? Would you go to such an organization for help? How do you think your employer
would feel about this?

5. Do you have any issues with your relationship with contractors?

6. Do you think there are ways to make these issues better? What ideas do you have for
improvement, and who should be involved in making these improvements? Do you have any
other suggestions?

One last question, what do you think will happen in the future for you, your family, and especially your children? What
goals do your children have? How do you think you can help them achieve those goals? Do you think that homeworking
will help you and your family reach these goals?

S. No Parameters Data / Information Tick

1. BASIC DETAILS (General)
1.1 Name
1.2 Email Address
1.3 Location
1.4 What service do you provide Printing
Garment Washing/Dyeing
Textile Testing
Care Label Making
Handloom Fabrics
If any other, elaborate

1.5 Size of industryi Micro Businesses: 1–4 employees

Small Businesses: 5–99 employees
Medium Businesses: 100–499 employees
Large Businesses: 500+ employees
1.6 What market segment do you cater to? Menswear
Kids wear
Intimate Apparel
Ethnic wear
2. Homeworker Employment
2.1 Are any of your production processes Yes

contracted to homeworkers? No

If yes, please list the production process and the details:

Production process Contractor name Sub - Sub – sub- Home workers’ Approx
Contractor Contractor Location number of
name name (village/town) HWs in location

 Printing
 Embroidery
 Sewing
 Trims/accessories
 Garment
 Washing/Dyeing
 Textile Testing
 Care Label
 Trimming/
 Handloom Fabrics
 If any other,

2.2 During which times of the year do you typically Year around

utilize homeworkers?
3. Awareness and Rights:

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