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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md.

Iqbal Hossain, SMAIChE, MAEE

The energy audit is one of the first tasks to be performed in the accomplishment of an effective energy cost
control program. An energy audit consists of a detailed examination of how a facility uses energy, what the
facility pays for that energy, and finally, a recommended program for changes in operating practices or
energy-consuming equipment that will cost-effectively save dollars on energy bills.

1. The Auditor’s Toolbox: 4. Conducting the Audit Visit:

Tape Measures
Combustion analyzer  Introductory Meeting
Airflow measurement devices
Thermometers Smoke generator  Audit Interviews
Infrared Camera
Safety equipment  Walk-through Tour
Data Loggers
Wattmeter/ power factor Vibration Analysis Gear  Getting Detailed Data
2. Preparing for the Audit Visit:  Preliminary Identification of ESOs
 Energy Use: bills 5. Post-Audit Analysis
 Rate Structures
 Physical and Operational Data for the Facility:
Geographical and Weather Data, Facility Layout, 6. The Energy Audit Report
Operating Hours, and Equipment List
3. Safety Considerations: 7. The Energy Action Plan
 Safety Checklist:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 2
Results of a systematic energy Results of ad hoc energy
management process management

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET
Direct Benefits: Indirect Benefits:
 Energy cost savings  Positive publicity

 Reduced greenhouse-gas emissions  Improved corporate image

 Increased security of supply by reducing
 Improved operational efficiencies
dependence on imported fuels
 Improved maintenance practices
Reduced uncertainty as future energy
 Improved safety and health
use is better understood


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 4
EnMS Resources:
• US Superior Energy Management Programme
• UNIDO Practical Guide and Toolkit
• AEE Energy Management Scope
• EMA Management Manual and Guide
• ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management Systems
• ISO 50001:2011 Practical Guide for SMEs
• ISO 50003:2014 EnMS Auditing Standard
• Energy Management Handbooks
• Reports, Articles
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 5
ISO 50001 : 2011 (2018?) EnMS
 ISO 50001:2011 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining
and improving an energy management system, whose purpose is to enable an
organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of
energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption.
 ISO 50001:2011 specifies requirements applicable to energy use and consumption,
including measurement, documentation and reporting, design and procurement
practices for equipment, systems, processes, and personnel that contribute to energy
 ISO 50001:2011 applies to all variables affecting energy performance that can be
monitored and influenced by the organization. ISO 50001:2011 does not prescribe
specific performance criteria with respect to energy.
 ISO 50001:2011 has been designed to be used independently, but it can be aligned or
integrated with other management systems.

 ISO 50001:2011 is applicable to any organization wishing to ensure that it conforms

to its stated energy policy and wishing to demonstrate this to others, such conformity
being confirmed either by means of self-evaluation and self-declaration of conformity,
or by certification of the energy management system by an external organization.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 6
ISO 50001- Worldwide total

Middle East
20,000 663 Central and South Asia
East Asia and Pacific
2,086 Europe
North America
Central / South America


5,000 10,152
191 3,993
,0 364
0 9
13 34
36 77
18 77
40 73
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 7
ISO 50001 - Certificates by Industrial Sector
EA* ISO 50001 - Energy Management Systems –
Code ISO 50001 BY INDUSTRIAL SECTOR 2015 2016 Requirements with Guidance for Use
1 Agriculture, fishing 63 112
2 Mining and quarrying 156 220
3 Food products, beverages and tobacco 876 805 Number of certificates and sites per country
4 Textiles and textile products 101 110
5 Leather and leather products 24 27
6 Wood and wood products 76 79 Countries Certificates Sites
7 Pulp, paper and paper products 238 245
8 Publishing companies 21 39
ISO 50001:2011 ISO 50001:2011
9 Printing companies 79 69
10 Manufacture of coke & refined petroleum products 63 83
11 Nuclear fuel 69 58 TOTAL 20216 23451
12 Chemicals, chemical products & fibres 583 763
13 Pharmaceuticals 114 123
14 Rubber and plastic products 672 764 AFGHANISTAN 0 0
15 Non-metallic mineral products 167 170
16 Concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc. 194 177
17 Basic metal & fabricated metal products 919 1052
18 Machinery and equipment 203 305
19 Electrical and optical equipment 312 376 ANDORRA 0 0
20 Shipbuilding 9 17
21 Aerospace 10 10 ANGOLA 0 0
22 Other transport equipment 117 73
23 Manufacturing not elsewhere classified 46 29 ARGENTINA 10 4
24 Recycling 100 119
25 Electricity supply 210 359 ARMENIA 1 1
26 Gas supply 23 34
27 Water supply 231 227
28 Construction 145 367 AUSTRIA 224 185
Wholesale & retail trade; repairs of motor vehicles,
29 motorcycles & personal & household goods 130 194 AZERBAIJAN 0 0
30 Hotels and restaurants 7 21
31 Transport, storage and communication 98 328 BAHAMAS 0 0
32 Financial intermediation, real estate, rental 70 109
33 Information technology 36 44 BAHRAIN 2 1
34 Engineering Services 51 85
35 Other Services 234 662
36 Public administration 20 25 BARBADOS 0 0
37 Education 12 199
38 Health and social work 44 119 BELARUS 1 0
39 Other social services 77 69
TOTAL 6600 8667 BELGIUM 70 55
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Walter A. Shewhart W. Edwards Deming

1891 1900

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 11
Energy Policy Sample:
As an energy intense manufacturer of xxxxx, XYZ Company strives to reduce its
energy consumption and costs and promote the long-term environmental and
economic sustainability of its operations. We are committed to:
Reduce energy intensity by 25% in 10 years in our manufacturing and distribution operations

Ensure continual improvement in our energy performance

Deploy information and resources to achieve our objectives and targets

Uphold legal and other requirements regarding energy

Consider energy performance improvements in design and modification of our facilities,

equipment, systems and processes

Effectively procure and utilize energy-efficient products and services

Your Responsibilities:
•Understand and conform to the XYZ energy policy and procedures as applicable to your role
•Suggest improvements for reducing or eliminating energy use in our activities
•Support our efforts to improve our overall sustainability efforts.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 12
Planning: Heart of EnMS

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 13
Planning in ISO 50001:2011

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Planning: Analyze Energy in All Forms

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Planning : Identification of Energy Use
Use facility and process flow diagrams to identify energy uses and interactions

 Show primary and secondary energy streams

 Use previously collected data to determine energy use

 Is additional data required?

 Group equipment and processes into logical systems

Which people affect the energy use of that item/system?

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Planning: Quantification of Each Energy User

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Planning: Significant Energy Use

Significant Energy Use Identification

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Planning : Rank of Significant Energy Use


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 November 2020, Energy Talk-EC BUET 19
Planning : Energy Saving Opportunities
12 Basic Energy Saving Tips for Manufacturers:
1. Lighting
2. Turn off and run equipment only when required
3. Reduce closing door delay
4. Clean and maintain equipment Start
5. Air conditioning and heating with
6. Insulation 66%??
7. Shade windows and walls

8. Replace existing lights with LED

9. Use natural airflow

10. Check air conditioning lines

11. Optimize appliances
12. Make it collaborative, not top down
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Planning : Prioritization of Opportunities

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Planning : Setting Energy Baselines

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Planning : Energy Performance Indicators

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Planning : Objectives, Targets, and Action Plan

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Planning : Complete Action Plan

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Planning Completed: Time to Do

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Effective Operational Control (1):

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Effective Operational Control (2):
Developing Appropriate Criteria:

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Effective Operational Control (3):
Operational Controls-Best Practice:

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Effective Operational Control (4):
Investigation of Significant Deviations:

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Checking: Comparison of EnPIs with Baselines

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Management Review: What to Do?

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Competence and Training: Competent?

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Types of Audits: External & Internal

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Continuous Monitoring Process of Change Factors:

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,

Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET
Energy Policy Sample:
As an energy intense manufacturer of xxxxx, XYZ Company strives to reduce its
energy consumption and costs and promote the long-term environmental and
economic sustainability of its operations. We are committed to:
Reduce energy intensity by 25% in 10 years in our manufacturing and distribution operations

Ensure continual improvement in our energy performance

Deploy information and resources to achieve our objectives and targets

Uphold legal and other requirements regarding energy

Consider energy performance improvements in design and modification of our facilities,

equipment, systems and processes

Effectively procure and utilize energy-efficient products and services

Your Responsibilities:
•Understand and conform to the XYZ energy policy and procedures as applicable to your role
•Suggest improvements for reducing or eliminating energy use in our activities
•Support our efforts to improve our overall sustainability efforts.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, 16 Nov,
Enery Talk-EC BUET

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