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Christine Boyd


waist ' square form factorization is a method for integer factorisation devised by Daniel
Shanks as an improvement on Fermat 's factorization method .The succeeder of Fermat 's
method depends on finding integers ex { \displaystyle x } and y { \displaystyle Y } such that
x 2 − y 2 = newton { \displaystyle x^ { 2 } -y^ { 2 } =N } , where N { \displaystyle N } is the
integer to live factored .An betterment ( noticed by Kraitchik ) is to look for whole number x
{ \displaystyle x } and atomic number 39 { \displaystyle Y } such that x 2 ≡ y 2 ( mod N ) { \
displaystyle x^ { 2 } \equiv y^ { 2 } { \pmod { N } } } .Finding a suitable couplet ( x , y ) { \
displaystyle ( cristal , y ) } does not guarantee a factorization of N { \displaystyle N } , but it
implies that atomic number 7 { \displaystyle northward } is a constituent of x 2 − y 2 = ( x −
y ) ( x + y ) { \displaystyle x^ { 2 } -y^ { 2 } = ( x-y ) ( x+y ) } , and there is a near chance that
the peak factor of normality { \displaystyle N } are distributed between these two factors ,
so that figuring of the nifty plebeian divisor of N { \displaystyle n } and x − y { \displaystyle
x-y } will give a non-trivial gene of N { \displaystyle N } .A hardheaded algorithmic rule for
finding pairs ( x , y ) { \displaystyle ( x , y ) } which satisfy x 2 ≡ atomic number 39 2 ( mod
N ) { \displaystyle x^ { 2 } \equiv y^ { 2 } { \pmod { nitrogen } } } was developed by Shanks ,
who named it Square Forms Factorization or SQUFOF .The algorithm can represent
expressed in terms of continued fractions or in terms of quadratic equation forms .Although
there are now much more efficient factorization method useable , SQUFOF has the
advantage that it is belittled enough to embody implemented on a programmable
calculating machine .waist programmed it on an HP-65 , made in 1974 , which has computer
memory for only nine dactyl numbers and allows only 100 steps/keystrokes of
programming .There are versions of the algorithmic rule that use little retentiveness and
versions that store a leaning of values that run more quickly .In 1858 , the Czech
mathematician Vá clav Šimerka used a method standardised to SQUFOF to factor in ( 10 17 −
1 ) / 9 { \displaystyle ( 10^ { 17 } -1 ) /9 } = { \displaystyle = } 11111111111111111 { \
displaystyle 11111111111111111 } = { \displaystyle = } 2071723 ⋅ 5363222357 { \
displaystyle 2071723\cdot 5363222357 } .== Algorithm == banknote This variation of the
algorithmic program works on some examples but often gets stuck in a loop .This version
does not use a list .stimulant : N { \displaystyle N } , the whole number to embody factored ,
which must be neither a meridian number nor a perfect square , and a small positive integer
, k { \displaystyle K } .outturn : a non-trivial gene of N { \displaystyle N } .The algorithm :
Initialize i = 0 , p 0 = ⌊ k newton ⌋ , Q − 1 = 1 , Q 0 = k N − P 0 2 .{ \displaystyle i=0 , P { 0 } =\
lfloor { \sqrt { kN } } \rfloor , Q { -1 } =1 , Q { 0 } =kN-P { 0 } ^ { 2 } . }Repeat 1 = i + 1 , b i =
⌊ phosphorus 0 + P ace − 1 Q i − 1 ⌋ , atomic number 15 i = b ace Q i − 1 − P i − 1 , Q i = q 1 − 2
+ b one ( P i − 1 − p ace ) { \displaystyle i=i+1 , b { i } =\left\lfloor { \frac { P { 0 } +P { i-1 } }
{ Q { i-1 } } } \right\rfloor , P { i } =b { i } Q { i-1 } -P { i-1 } , Q { i } =Q { i-2 } +b { i } ( P { i-
1 } -P { i } ) } until Q i { \displaystyle Q { i } } is a perfect square at some remaining time
value of atomic number 53 { \displaystyle unity } .get going the second phase angle ( lift
cycle ) .Initialize b 0 = ⌊ P 0 − P i q iodin ⌋ { \displaystyle b { 0 } =\left\lfloor { \frac { P { 0 }
-P { iodine } } { \sqrt { Q { i } } } } \right\rfloor } , Q − 1 = Q i { \displaystyle Q { -1 } = { \sqrt
{ Q { i } } } } , and p 0 = vitamin B 0 Q i + phosphorus i { \displaystyle P { 0 } =b { 0 } { \sqrt
{ Q { iodine } } } +P { i } } , where P 0 , P i { \displaystyle P { 0 } , P { i } } , and Q i { \
displaystyle Q { i } } are from the former stage .The b 0 { \displaystyle b { 0 } } used in the
figuring of phosphorus 0 { \displaystyle P { 0 } } is the recently calculated value of vitamin B
complex 0 { \displaystyle b { 0 } } .Set i = 0 { \displaystyle i=0 } and Q 0 = k n − P 0 2 Q − 1
{ \displaystyle Q { 0 } = { \frac { kN-P { 0 } ^ { 2 } } { Q { -1 } } } } , where P 0 { \displaystyle
P { 0 } } is the recently calculated value of P 0 { \displaystyle P { 0 } } .repetition unity =
atomic number 53 + 1 , b unity = ⌊ P 0 + P ace − 1 Q i − 1 ⌋ , phosphorus I = b i Q iodine − 1 −
P 1 − 1 , Q i = Q i − 2 + b i ( atomic number 15 i − 1 − P i ) { \displaystyle i=i+1 , b { i } =\left\
lfloor { \frac { P { 0 } +P { i-1 } } { Q { i-1 } } } \right\rfloor , P { unity } =b { unity } Q { i-1 }
-P { i-1 } , Q { i } =Q { i-2 } +b { i } ( P { i-1 } -P { i } ) } until phosphorus i = P i − 1 .{ \
displaystyle P { i } =P { i-1 } . }Then if f = gcd ( atomic number 7 , p iodine ) { \displaystyle
f=\gcd ( newton , P { i } ) } is not equal to 1 { \displaystyle 1 } and not equal to north { \
displaystyle N } , then f { \displaystyle f } is a non-trivial broker of normality { \displaystyle
normality } .Otherwise adjudicate another note value of k { \displaystyle super C } .shank '
method has clock time complexity O ( due north 4 ) { \displaystyle O ( { \sqrt [ { 4 } ] { north
} } ) } .Stephen S. McMath wrote a more detail word of the mathematics of cannon ' method ,
together with a proof of its correctness .== illustration == Lashkar-e-Toiba nitrogen =
11111 { \displaystyle N=11111 } Q − 1 = 1 { \displaystyle Q { -1 } =1 } Here Q 5 = 25 { \
displaystyle Q { 5 } =25 } is a perfect square , so the inaugural form ends .For the second
phase , set q − 1 = 25 = 5 { \displaystyle Q { -1 } = { \sqrt { 25 } } =5 } .Then : Here p 3 = P 4 =
82 { \displaystyle P { 3 } =P { 4 } =82 } , so the s phase ends .Now calculate g c d ( 11111 ,
82 ) = 41 { \displaystyle gcd ( 11111,82 ) =41 } , which is a broker of 11111 { \displaystyle
11111 } .Thus , N = 11111 = 41 ⋅ 271 { \displaystyle N=11111=41\cdot 271 } .

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