Fasciculo de Inglês

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Centro de Formação de Língua Inglesa

For beginners ´students Made by teacher Osmani

´´We´ve been teaching people, to show them how great they can be in speaking English Language.´´

 Permission and Greetings

 Prohibition in the classroom
 Farewell
 Alphabet
 How to ask the meaning of the words
 Cardinal and ordinal Numbers
 School materials
 How to borrow something in the classroom
 The days of the week
 Food and drink
 Personal Pronouns
 Regular and Irregular verbs
 The Months
 Asking directions
 Congratulate someone
 The dates of the month
 Conjugation of the verb TO BE present and past
 Interrogative pronouns
 The adjectives
 The family
 Conjugation of the verbs in the future
 How to conjugate the regular and irregular verbs
 Conjugation of the verb TO HAVE present and past
 Interrogative pronouns and adverbs
 Possessive determiners and pronouns
 The colors
 Indefinite articles a/an
 Professions
 The seasons
 Conjugation of the verb TO DO present and past
 The animals
 Demonstrative pronouns this/that
 The human body
 Indefinite demonstrative pronouns
 Verb THERE TO BE present and past
 Punctuation marks
 Adverbs of frequency
 Plural nouns
 Can /may
 Would like...
 –Ing form of the verbs
 Present and past progressive or continuous
 Possessive S´
 How to tell the time

Permission: is an act of allowing somebody to do something. We normally use May or can but May
is more used.

 May I come in/ go in, teacher?
 Yes, you may/ no, you may not …

 May I get in/ step in, teacher?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 Can I go in/ come in?

 Yes, you can/ no, you cannot …

 Can I/ May I stand up?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 May I go out, get out? / can I get out?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

We use please to ask for permission:

 May I go out, please?
 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 May I read, please?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 May I change place, please?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 May I close the door, please?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 May I answer the phone, please?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not…

 May I repeat, please?

 Yes, you may/ no, you may not
Greeting: is a message of goods wishes for somebody´s health, happiness, etc…
 (Good) morning

 (Good) afternoon

 (Good) evening

 Good morning everybody; classmates; family; teacher; friends.

 Hi/ hello

 How are you?
 I am fine, and you?
 I am fine, too

 How are you feeling?

 I am feeling ok
 I am not ok

 How do you feel?

 I feel ok, and you?
 I don’t feel ok

 How is it going?
 It is ok
 It is not ok

 How goes it?

 I am well, and you?
 I am well, too.

Prohibition: is the act of stopping something being done. We normally use don’t to prohibit.


 Don’t come in/ go in/ get in

 Don’t sit down
 Don’t sit here
 Don’t open the door/ notebooks/ or handbooks
 Don’t close the door/ notebooks
 Don’t clean the board
 Don’t look at me
 Don’t help him/ her
 Don’t speak loud
 Don’t turn on the fan
 Don’t go out/ get out
 Don’t answer the phone in the classroom
 Don’t change place
 Don’t read/ repeat
 Don’t stand up

 Don’t say anything

 Don’t touch here
 Don’t be late
 Don’t delay
 Don’t miss tomorrow

Other ways:
 You may not come in/ get in…
 You may not sit here
 You may not clean the board
 You may not open the door
 You may not sit here

Farewell: is the act of saying good bye to somebody.

 Good bye
 Bye- bye
 Good night
 Good weekend

 Have a…
 Good day
 Nice day/ weekend Answer: (the) same to you
 Good night

 I wish…
 A good day/ weekend/ night

 See you …
 Tomorrow
 Next week
 Next time
 On Monday
 Soon
 Then

Alphabet: is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language.

 A-ei
 B-bi:
 C-si:
 D-di:
 E-i:
 F-ef
 G-dƷi:
 H-eitʃ
 I-ai
 J-dƷei
 K-kei
 L-el
 M-em
 N-en
 O-əu
 P-pi:
 Q-kju.
 R- a:(r)
 S-es
 T-ti:
 U-ju:
 V-vi:
 W-dablju:
 X-ekss
 Y-wai
 Z-zed (zi :)


Ask the meaning: is to know to say something in a language.

 What does it mean?

 It means …
 What does it mean God?
 It means…
 How is it said in English Professor?
 It is said…
 How can I say in English Pai?
 it is said…

Cardinal Numbers: are used to show quantity.

1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten
11. Eleven
12. Twelve
13. Thirteen
14. Fourteen
15. Fifteen
16. Sixteen
17. Seventeen
18. Eighteen
19. Nineteen
20. Twenty
21. Twenty one
22. Twenty two
23. Twenty three
30. Thirty
40. Forty
50. Fifty
60. Sixty
70. Seventy
80. Eighty
90. Ninety
100. One hundred
200. Two hundred
300. Three hundred
400. Four hundred
900. Nine hundred
1000. One thousand
2000. Two thousand
1000.000 One million

Ordinal Numbers: are used to show order or sequence

1. First
2. Second
3. Third
4. Fourth
5. Fifth
6. Sixth
7. Seventh
8. Eighth
9. Ninth
10. Tenth
11. Eleventh
12. Twelfth
13. Thirteenth
14. Fourteenth
15. Fifteenth
16. Sixteenth
17. Seventeenth
18. Eighteenth
19. Nineteenth
20. Twentieth
21. Twenty first
22. Twenty second
23. Twenty third
30. Thirtieth
40. Fortieth
50. Fiftieth
60. Sixtieth
70. Seventieth
80. Eightieth
100. One hundredth
1000. One thousandth

School Materials: things needed to do a particular activity at school

 Book
 Notebook
 Handbook
 Booklet
 Board
 Board eraser
 Desk
 Ruler
 Pen
 Pencil
 Correction pen
 Marker
 Computer
 Chalk
 Student Card
 Eraser
 Bookcase
 Dictionary
 Sharpener
 Duster
 Pair of compasses
 File
 Stapler
 Stamp
 Stamp Pad
 Push Pins


Ask for something in the classroom:

 Lend me a pen, please

 Here it is

 Can you lend me a pen?

 Yes, I can. Which color?
 Any color

 Give me your dictionary or pen

 Here it is

 Can you lend me your notebook?

 Here it is

 Would you mind give me your______

 No really.


A week has got seven days:

 Sunday
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday
 Saturday

Other days:

 Today
 Tomorrow
 After tomorrow
 Before yesterday
 Next week
 This week
 Last week
 This month
 Last month
 Next month
 This year
 Last year
 Tonight
 Next year


Food and drink: are things that people or animals eat and drink

 Hamburger
 Sandwich
 Coffee
 Tea
 Milk
 Rice
 Banana
 Chocolate
 Cake
 Water
 Coke
 Salad
 Chicken
 Fish
 Pasta
 Eggs
 Seafood
 Soup
 Bread and ham
 Juice
 Wine
 Apples
 Grapes
 Tangerine
 Lemon
 Orange
 Beer
 Whisky
 Meat
 Ice-cream
 Hot dog
 Pizza

Personal Pronouns: have subject and object forms

Subject Object
I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
You You
They Them


 I love you
 She likes me
 They hate us
 You know him
 He speaks to them
 We like it
 He loves her


 Regular Verbs : form the paste simple and past participle by adding –ed
 To add- added
 To call- called
 To like – liked
 To live –lived
 To stay – stayed
 To show – showed
 To develop – developed
 To rest – rested

 Irregular Verbs: form the paste simple and past participle may change:
 To be- was/ were - been
 To come – came –come
 To go – went – gone
 To say –said- said
 To make –made- made
 To understand – understood- understood
 To ring – rang- rung
 To have – had –had
 To speak – spoke- spoken

 Note: give them the lists of verbs to make copy


The year has twelve months:

 January
 February
 March
 April
 May
 June
 July
 August
 September
 October
 November
 December


 Conjugation of the verb TO BE in the present

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

I am I am not Am I? Am I not?
You are You are not Are You? Are You not?
He is He is not Is He? Is He not?
She is She is not Is She? Is She not?
It is It is not Is It? Is It not?
We are We are not Are We? Are We not?
You are You are not Are You? Are You not?
They are They are not Are They? Are They not?
Note: give some examples on the board

 Conjugation of the verb TO BE in the present

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

I was I was not Was I? Was I not?
You were You were not Were You? Were You not?
He was He was not Was He? Was He not?
She was She was not Was She? Was She not?
It was It was not Was It? Was It not?
We were We were not Were We? Were We not?
You were You were not Were You? Were You not?
They were They were not Were They? Were They not?


 Ask direction is a way to know a place:

 Good Morning, can you show me the way to the airport?

 Go ahead and turn left
 Show me the way to the restaurant, please.
 Go ahead and turn around on the left
 Is this way to the hospital?
 Yes, ahead and turn on the right
 Is this way to the cinema?
 No, this is not. Go ahead and turn left or right


 Wish a good activity to someone:

 Happy new year

 Merry Christmas
 Happy a new year and a prosperous new year
 Happy birthday to you


 The date is a particular day of the month, sometimes in a particular year

 First-1st
 Second-2nd
 Third-3rd
 Fourth-4th
 Fifth-5th
 Sixth-6th

 Seventh-7th
 Eighth-8th
 Ninth-9th
 Tenth-10th
 Eleventh -11th
 Twelfth-12th
 Thirteenth-13th
 Fourteenth-14th
 Fifteenth-15th
 Sixteenth-16th
 Seventeenth-17th
 Eighteenth-18th
 Nineteenth-19th
 Twentieth-20th
 Twenty first-21ST
 Twenty second-22nd
 Twenty third-23rd
 Twenty fourth-24th
 Thirtieth-30th
 Thirty first-31th


 Conjugation of the verb TO HAVE in the present

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

I have I have not Have I? Have I not?
You have You have not Have You? Have You not?
He has He has not Has He? Has He not?
She has She has not Has She? Has She not?
It has It has not Has It? Has It not?
We have We have not Have We? Have We not?
You have You have not Have You? Have You not?
They have They have not Have They? Have They not?

 Conjugation of the verb TO HAVE in the past

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

I had I had not Had I? Had I not?
You had You had not Had You? Had You not?
He had He had not Had He? Had He not?
She had She had not Had She? Had She not?
It had It had not Had It? Had It not?
We had We had not Had We? Had We not?
You had You had not Had You? Had You not?
They had They had not Had They? Had They not?


 Interrogative Pronouns: are used to make questions. They are: who/with


 Who are you?

 I am Osmani
 With whom do you live?
 I live with my family
 Whose car is this?
 This is my car
 Which is your favorite color?
 It is black color
 What do you like?
 I like films

 Note: give more examples about interrogative pronouns

 Adjectives: are words that describe things and People.

 Good
 Bad
 Nice
 Wonderful
 Handsome
 Beautiful
 Grateful
 Ugly
 Stupid
 Rude
 Polite
 Awful
 Great
 Large
 Short
 Tall
 Intelligent
 New
 Full
 Empty
 Thin
 Fat
 Note: give examples with them


 Family: is a group consisting of one or two parents and their children:

 Father
 Mother
 Son
 Daughter
 Sister
 Brother
 Cousin
 Nephew
 Niece
 Stepfather
 Stepmother
 Stepbrother
 Stepsister
 Father-in-law
 Mother-in-law
 Son-in-law
 Daughter-in-law
 Brother-in-law
 Sister-in-law
 Grandfather
 Grandmother
 Grandchildren
 Grandson
 Granddaughter
 Great grandfather/mother
 Great grandson/daughter
 Great grand parents
 Wife
 Husband
 Bride
 Bridegroom

Note: give some examples


 Future: is formed with two auxiliary verbs: Shall and will

 We use shall with I/We but Will with She/he/It/You and They

 I shall be a doctor
 He will come tomorrow
 She will travel next week
 They will study in India
 We shall live together
 It will be holiday next week


 To conjugate the regular and irregular verbs in the present

 We use singular verb with I/You/We and They in affirmative
 We use plural verb with He /She and it in affirmative

Examples: I like-you like- we like- they like

He likes- she likes – it likes
I speak- you speak –we speak – they speak
He speaks – she speaks etc…

 We use do not and does not in negative

 We use do and does in interrogative
Examples: I do not like- you do not like- they do not like
He does not like- she does not like- it does not like
Do I like? - Do you like? - Does he like? - does she like?

Note: give other examples


 They are used to make questions:

Interrogative Adverbs

 How?
 How many?
 How much?
 How long?
 How often?
 How old?
 How far?
 When?
 Where?
 Why?

 Note: give many examples:


 Possessive Determiners: are used before nouns

 My
 Your
 His
 Her
 Its
 Our
 Your
 Their

 Possessive Adjectives : are used alone without nouns:

 Mine
 Yours
 His
 hers
 Its
 Ours
 Yours
 Theirs

 Examples:
 My car is new
 He is my sister
 You are our friend
 This is his father
 Are you their teacher?
 Are we your friends?
 This car is mine and that is his
 Is this yours?
 I don’t like my teacher but his
 She is not our friend but theirs

 Note: give more examples


 Colors:
 Blue
 Dark blue
 Light blue
 Brown
 Black
 Red
 Yellow
 Pink
 Violet
 White
 Green
 Gray
 Golden
 Orange
 Silver colored

 Note: give some examples


 We use a before consonants and an before vowels

 Examples:

 I have a car
 She bought a computer
 They have an apartment
 It is an orange

 Note: give more examples


 Profession: is a job that needs a special training:

 Doctor
 Bus driver
 Student shop assistant business man7 woman
 Policeman /woman
 Builder teacher
 Nurse
 Cook
 Tradesman
 Lawyer
 Dentist
 Waiter/ waitress
 Photographer
 Journalist
 Judge
 Mechanic
 Baker
 Pilot
 Etc

 The seasons : four main period of the year
 Spring
 Winter
 Autumn
 Summer

 Examples: I like spring

She likes summer and you like winter


 Conjugation of the verb TO Do in the present

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

I do I do not do Do I do? Do I not do?
You do You do not do Do You do? Do You not do?
He does He does not do Does He do? Does He not do?
She does She does not do Does She do? Does She not do?
It does It does not do Does It do? Does It not do?
We do We do not do Do We do? Do We not do?
You do You do not do Do You do? Do You not do?
They do They do not do Do They do? Do They not do?

 Conjugation of the verb TO HAVE in the past

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

I did I did not do Did I do? Did I not do?
You did You did not do Did You do? Did You not do?
He did He did not do Did He do? Did He not do?
She did She did not do Did She do? Did She not do?
It did It did not do Did It do? Did It not do?
We did We did not do Did We do? Did We not do?
You did You did not do Did You do? Did You not do?
They did They did not do Did They do? Did They not do?

 Animals: any living thing that is not a plant or human.
 Dog
 Goat
 Monkey
 Donkey
 Horse
 Lizard
 Crocodile
 Billy-goat
 Boar
 Sow
 Piglet
 Pig
 Lion
 Lioness
 Cub
 Mare
 Foal
 Bull
 Ewe
 Lamb
 Cow
 Calf
 Puppy
 Cat
 Kitten
 Ram
 Hare
 Antelope
 Leopard
 Camel
 Buffalo
 Hippopotamus
 Giraffe
 Gorilla
 Chimpanzee
 Rhinoceros
 Elephant


 Demonstrative Pronouns: are used to point at things

 This/these
 That/ those
 Examples:
 This ca is mine
 That is not my house
 Is this a pen?
 No, this is not
 These are my friends
 Are those your friends?
 Yes, those are...
 Are these your dogs?
 No these are not


 Human Body: is divided into three parts, head, trunk and limbs
 Head
 Hair
 Ear neck
 Crown of the head
 Forehead
 Temple
 Bridge of the nose
 Cheek
 Nostril
 Arm
 Mouth
 Lip gum
 Tongue
 Tooth
 Chin
 Jaw
 Nape of the neck
 Eyes
 Eyebrow
 Eyelid
 Eyelash
 Iris
 Tear duct
 Pupil
 Shoulder
 Armpit
 Nipple
 Chest
 Elbow
 Forearm
 Back
 Buttocks
 Waist
 Groin
 Leg
 Knee
 Thigh
 Calf
 Heel
 Arch of the foot
 Ball of the foot
 Toenail


 Indefinite Pronouns: refer to things in general and open way, indicate quantity or absence of quality.
 Some, someone, somebody, something ( affirmative)
 Any, anyone, anybody anywhere( negative and questions)
 No, no one, nobody. Nothing, nowhere (negative)

 I have some friends

 She had not any car
 Have they any friend?
 I have no money
 Has she anything to say?
 She has nothing to say

 Note: give more examples


 Conjugation of the verb THERE TO BE in the present

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
There is are There is not There are Is there? Are Is there Are there
not there? not? not?

 Conjugation of the verb THERE TO BE in the past

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative

Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
There There There was There Was there? Were Was Were
was were not were not there? there there not?

 Give your own examples, teacher

Punctuation Marks

 Full stop, period

 Comma
 Semi-colon
 Question mark
 Exclamation mark
 Dash
 Apostrophe
 Quotation marks
 Dash
 Single quotes
 Hyphen
 Asterisk
 Round brackets
 Square brackets
 Open/close brackets
 Chain brackets


 Adverbs of frequency are:

 Never
 Sometimes
 Usually
 Always

 Used before some verbs:

 I never like you
 She sometimes speaks kikongo
 They always have good behaviors
 We usually take bath in the morning
 After negative forms, verb to be and other verbs :
 I am always fine
 She is never well
 They can sometimes speak French
 We don’t always believe in you


 Most nouns form their plural adding –s

 Car -Cars
 House -Houses
 School -Schools
 Book- books
 Desk- desks
 Nouns ended in –s/-ss/-ch/-sh/ -x/ we add –es
 Bus-buses
 Box-boxes
 Class-classes
 Match- matches
 Push- pushes
 Exemplify more…


 We use Can for ability or possibility to do something:

 I can teach English
 She can speak French
 They can learn English
 You can help me
 It can happen tomorrow
 We use May for permission:
 You may drive my car
 She may come in
 May I go out?
 May we write now?
 The negative of can/may are cannot/may not:
 I cannot leave now
 She cannot go with me
 They cannot speak English
 You may not come in
 She may not go now
 We may not sit down


 We use would like... to ask for things and to offer things:

 Would you like a cup of tea?

 Yes, of course
 Would you like to help me?
 No, I am not able
 Would you like to see your doctor?
 Yes, of course
 Would you like to drink juice?
 Yes, please


 The –Ing form of the verbs:

 Verbs ended in consonants we add –Ing:

 Speak-speaking
 Call-calling
 Beat- beating
 Begin- beginning
 Bet – betting

 Verbs ended in –E we drop out E and add –Ing:

 Come- coming
 Take-taking
 Live-living
 Leave-leaving
 Give-giving

 Verbs ended in –y is added –Ing :

 Study –studying
 Buy- buying
 Cry –crying
 Fly- flying
 Stay- staying

 But verbs ended in –ie we drop out –ie and add y+ing:

 Die- dying
 Lie-lying


 We use the present progressive to talk about an action that happens in the moment we speak
 And we form by using am/are /is +-Ing:
 I am studying
 She is living
 They are travelling
 We are eating

 We can also use in the negative and questions:

 I am not coming
 Are you leaving now?
 Is she studying?
 Are they eating?
 We are not crying
 Am I doing the home work well?

 We use the past progressive for an action that started and did not finish
 And we form by using Was/were /+- Ing:
 I was teaching
 She was studying in 2005
 They were going to school
 He was coming from brazil

 We can also use in the negative and questions

 I was not living here that time
 She was not going to school
 Were they looking at me?
 Was she writing well?


 We use the apostrophe s´ to abbreviate a sentence

 She is sister of Anna- she is Anna´s sister
 He was friend of my brother – he was my brother´s friends
 This is car of john – this john´s car

 Give more examples


 to tell the time we say:

 What time is it?
 It is ………….. o´clock
 It is …….. Past ………
 It is …. To ……..
 Examples:
 It is 6 o´clock- 6:00
 It is 5 past 6-6.05
 It is 12 past 6-6:12
 It is 15 past 6 -6:15
 It is 24 past 6-6:24
 It is 30 past 6-6:30
 It is 25 to 7-6:35
 It is 29 to 7-6:31
 It is 15 to 7 -6:45
 It is 6 to 7 - 6:54


 In a brief conclusion, I start saying that this handbook will help everyone who read and the
origin of the HB is to help all teacher and students who belong to this center, and I hope
you all like it and do your best to achieve your goal.
 This is Learning English School Hb is going to help you whenever you need.
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