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Potential &

Sheet Credit: Sneha Vishnoi

Electrostatic Potential &

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Introduction to Electric Potential

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electric Potential Difference
qo test charge

The charge qo should be moved very slowly so that the Kinetic Energy do
not change.

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

𝑽𝑨 − 𝑽 𝑩 = Wext agent
Units of P.D = = 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕

P.D is a scalar quantity

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Potential at a point

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

𝑽𝑨= Wext

Potential at a point is defined as the amount of work done

(by external agent) per unit charge in bringing the charge
from ∞ to that point without any change in its kinetic

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


1) Work Done by external agent against electrostatic force is


24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

2)Electric Force is a Conservative Force .
Work Done by Electric Force is path INDEPENDENT.

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

3)Test Charge must be moved very very slowly

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electric Potential due to a Point Charge
(at distance ‘r’ from it)

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
The influence of a charge in it’s surroundings can be
described in two ways:
i. Electric Field

ii. Electric Potential

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q1) (i) Calculate the potential at a point P due to a charge of 4x10-7 C located 9
cm away. (ii)Hence obtain the work done in bringing a charge of 2 x 10-9 C from
infinity to the point P . Does the answer depend on the path along which the
charge is brought ?

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Electric Potential due to a System of Charges

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Three charges q1 = 1 μC , q2 = -2μC, and q3 = -1 μC are placed at A(0,0,0) , B(
-1,2,3) and C(2,-1,1). Find potential of the system of three charges at P(1,-2,-1)

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) Calculate the electric potential at the centre of a square of side √2 m , having
charges 100μC, -50μC , 20μC and -60μC at the four corners of the square.

24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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24-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal
Relation between
Electric Field ( 𝑬)
Electric Potential (V)

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Remember: Electric Potential Always
decreases in the direction of Electric Field


26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Relation between 𝑬 and ∆𝑽
Case I: If 𝑬 is uniform

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

∆𝑽 = −𝑬. 𝒓

∆𝑽 = 𝑬. 𝒓
& V decreases in direction of Electric Field

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) In the uniform electric field shown in figure, find:

a) VC-VD

b) VA-VD

c) VB-VD

d) VA-VC

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) In uniform electric field 𝑬 = 𝟏𝟎 𝑵/𝑪 as shown in figure, find:

a) VA-VB

b) VB-VC

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) A uniform electric field is present in the positive x-direction. If the intensity
of the field is 5 N/C then find the potential difference (VB-VA) between two points
A (0 m, 2 m) and B (5m, 3m)

a) 25 V
b) - 25 V
c) 75 V
d) -75 V

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) An electric field is expressed as 𝑬 = (𝟐î + 3ĵ ) V/m . Find the potential
difference (VA-VB) between two points A and B whose position vectors are given
by 𝒓𝑨 = (î + 2ĵ ) and 𝒓𝑩 =( 2î + ĵ +3𝒌

a) -1
b) 1
c) -2
d) 2

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Case II: If 𝑬 is non-uniform

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Uniform E

∆𝑽 = − න 𝑬. 𝒅𝒓 Non Uniform E

𝒓 = 𝒙𝒊෡ + 𝒚𝒋Ƹ + 𝒛𝒌

𝒅𝒓 = 𝒅𝒙𝒊Ƹ + 𝒅𝒚𝒋Ƹ + 𝒅𝒛𝒌

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q5) 𝑬 = 𝟑𝟎 𝒙𝟐𝒊Ƹ . Find VA-VO
VA is potential at x=2m.
VO is potential at origin.

a) 120 V
b) -120 V
c) -80 V
d) 80 V

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q6) 𝑬 = (𝟐𝟎 𝒙 + 𝟏𝟎)𝒊Ƹ . If Potential at x=1 is V1 and x=-5 is V2
Find V1 – V2 [JEE
Mains 2019]

a) -48 V
b) -520 V
c) 180 V
d) 320 V

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
෡ )𝑽/𝒎
Q7) 𝑬 = (𝒙𝒊Ƹ − 𝟐𝒚𝒋Ƹ + 𝒛𝒌
Find VB-VA if A(0,2,4) & B(2,1,0)

a) 9V
b) 3V
c) -9 V
d) -3 V

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Finding 𝑬 from given expression of V.

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
𝒙𝟐 𝒚𝟑
Q8) 𝑽 = − + z. Find 𝑬 at (1,2,0) & also calculate |𝑬|at (1,2,0)
𝟐 𝟑

26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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26-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Equipotential Surfaces

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Equipotential Surface:
Locus of all points or regions that has same Electric
Potential at every point is called an Equipotential

By joining points of same potential, we can draw

equipotential surface.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Equipotential Surface for Point Charge
10 V -10 V
20V -20 V
30V -30 V
40 V -40 V
+q -q

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Equipotential Surface for Linear Charge
+ 40 V 30V 20V

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Properties of Equipotential Surface
1. The Potential difference between any two points on
Equipotential Surface is Zero.
2. NO WORK is done by (or against) electric Force in moving
a charge over Equipotential Surface.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

3. Electric Field 𝑬 is always Perpendicular to
Equipotential Surface at each point of the surface.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electric Field is always Perpendicular to Equipotential
Surface at each point of the surface.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Draw Equipotential Surface for Uniform Electric Field as shown .

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Draw Equipotential Surface for a Dipole.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
4. Equipotential Surfaces are crowded together in a
region of strong field whereas they are relatively far
apart where the field is weak.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) Which of the following best represents the equipotential surface for two equal
positive charges kept close to each other.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

5. Two Equipotential Surfaces can never
intersect each other.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

6. A charged Conductor of any shape under
equilibrium (electrostatic condition) is an
equipotential surface.

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Equipotential Volume

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) A circle is drawn with charge +q as centre ( as shown ). What is the workdone
in moving a charge qo from B to C along
(i) Circumference of Circle (ii) B→A →C

27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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27-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Electric Potential due to

Charged Spheres & Shells

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electric Potential due to Charged
Conducting Sphere(Solid/Hollow)

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

(i) Outside

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
(ii) Inside:

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Graph of V v/s r

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Same results will be True
for a Hollow NON-

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Figure shows two concentric conducting shells of radii r1 and r2 carrying
uniformly distributed charges q1 and q2 respectively. Find potential at distance ‘r’
from centre, where
(i) r < r1 (ii) r1 < r <r2 (iii) r > r2

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) Three concentric conducting shells. Find Potential at the surface of 2nd shell.

𝟓 𝐊𝐐
a) 𝟐 𝐑
𝟓 𝐊𝐐
b) 𝐑
𝟑 𝐊𝐐
c) 𝟐 𝐑
𝟕 𝐊𝐐
d) 𝟐 𝐑

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) A hollow spherical conductor has inner radius ‘a’ and outer radius ‘b’ . A
positive point charge +q is in the cavity at the centre of sphere (fig). Find
potential at distance ‘r’ from centre, where
(i) r < a (ii) a< r< b (iii) r >b

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electric Potential due to NON-CONDUCTING
(Insulating Sphere -Solid) [UNIFORMLY CHARGED]

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

(i) Outside

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
(ii) Inside:

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Graph of V v/s r

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) Find the electric work done in bringing a charge q from A to B in a sphere of
charge Q distributed uniformly throughout its volume.

𝟑 𝐊𝐐𝐪
a) 𝟐 𝐑
−𝟑 𝐊𝐐𝐪
b) 𝟐 𝐑
−𝟏 𝐊𝐐𝐪
c) 𝟐 𝐑
𝟏 𝐊𝐐𝐪
d) 𝟐 𝐑

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) A positive charge Q is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of a dielectric
sphere of radius R. A point mass having charge +q and mass m is fired toward the
centre of the sphere with velocity v from a point at distance 4R from the centre of the
sphere. Find the minimum velocity v so that it can penetrate R/2 distance of the
sphere. Neglect any resistance other than electric interaction. Charge on the small
mass remains constant throughout the motion.

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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29-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal
Problems based on:
❖ Potential due to Concentric Sphere &
❖ Earthing of Shells

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

We have Studied:
Conducting Sphere + Non-Conducting Sphere
(Solid / Hollow) (Hollow)
➢Charge Resides on Outer Surface.
Ein = 0 Vin =

Eout = Vout =
𝒓𝟐 𝒓

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Non- Conducting Solid Sphere

➢Charge distributed in Whole Volume.

𝝆𝒓 𝑲𝑸𝒓 𝑲𝑸 𝟑 𝟏 𝒓𝟐
Ein = = Vin = [ − ]
𝟑𝝐𝒐 𝑹𝟑 𝑹 𝟐 𝟐 𝑹𝟐

Eout = Vout =
𝒓𝟐 𝒓

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Figure shows three Conducting Concentric Shells of radii (a < b < c) having
charges QA, QB and QC respectively. Find Potential at Surface of A, B and C

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) Three concentric metal shells A, B and C of respective radii a,b and c ( a<b<c)
have surface charge densities +σ , -σ and +σ, respectively. The potential of shell B
is [JEE MAINS 2018]
𝛔 𝐛𝟐−𝐜𝟐
a) 𝛜𝐨 𝐜
𝛔 𝐚𝟐−𝐛𝟐
b) 𝛜𝐨 𝐚
𝛔 𝐚𝟐−𝐛𝟐
c) 𝛜𝐨 𝐛
𝛔 𝐛 −𝐜𝟐
d) 𝛜𝐨 𝐛

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3) A solid conducting sphere, having a charge Q, is surrounded by an uncharged
conducting hollow spherical shell. Let the potential difference between the surface
of the solid sphere and that of the outer surface of the hollow shell be V. If the
shell is now given a charge of -4Q, the new potential difference between the same
two surfaces is [JEE MAINS 2019]
a) -2 V
b) 2 V
c) 4 V
d) V

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) A hollow uncharged spherical conductor has inner radius ‘a’ and outer radius
‘b’ . A positive point charge +q is in the cavity at the centre of sphere (fig). Find
potential at distance ‘r’ from centre, where
(i) r < a (ii) a< r< b (iii) r >b

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) Two conducting shells A & B of radii R and 2R are given charges 2Q & 7Q
respectively. If they are connected with a wire, Find:
(i) new charge on each shell
(ii) Potential at Surface of A.

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) A metal sphere of radius ‘a’ is charged to potential V. What will be its
potential if it is enclosed by a spherical conducting shell B of radius ‘b’ and the
two are connected by a wire.

a) (a+b)V
b) (b-a) V
c) (b/a)V
d) (a/b) V

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q7) In figure, if the inner shell has charge Q and the outer shell is earthed, then
a) determine the charge on the outer shell.
B) Find potential of the inner shell. (Both Shells are Conducting)

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) In the previous problem if outer shell is given a charge +Q and inner shell is
earthed, then
a) determine the charge on the outer shell.
B) Find potential of outer shell.

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q9) There are four concentric shells A, B,C and D of radii a,2a,3a and 4a
respectively. Shells B and D are given Charges +q and –q respectively. Shell C is
now earthed. The potential difference VA-VC =?
a) 𝟔𝐚
b) 𝟑𝐚
c) 𝟐𝐚
d) 𝐚

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q10) Three concentric conducting spherical shells have radii r, 2r, and 3r and
charges q1 , q2 and q3 , respectively. Innermost and outermost shell are earthed
as shown in figure. The charges shown are after earthing. Select the correct
a) q1 + q2 = -q3
b) q1 = -q2
𝐪𝟑 −𝟏
c) 𝐪𝟐
d) None of these

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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30-06-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Introduction to
Electric Potential Energy

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

𝑬𝑷 = 𝟐

𝑼𝑷 = 𝟎

Electric Potential Energy is defined for system of two or more Charges.

U for single charge is Zero.

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

In Physics, Difference in P.E is defined

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Finding Potential Energy of two charges at
separation ‘r’

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
∆𝑼 = 𝑼𝒇 − 𝑼𝒊 = 𝑾𝒆𝒙𝒕 = −𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄


01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electric Potential Energy of a System of
three Charges

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q1)Three equal charges q are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of
side ‘a’. Find out potential energy of charge system.

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2)In the previous question, Calculate work required to decrease the side of
triangle to a/2.

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3)In the previous question, If the charges are released from the shown position
and each of them has same mass ‘m’, then find the speed of each particle when
they lie on triangle of side 2a.

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) Consider the configuration of a system of four charges each of equal +q. Find
the work done by external agent in changing the configuration of the system from
Fig.(I) to Fig.(II)

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) Two identical particles, each having a charge of 2.0 x 10-4 C and mass of 10g,
are kept at a separation of 10 cm and then released. What would be the speeds
of the particles when the separation becomes large?

a) 200 ms-1
b) 400 ms-1
c) 600 ms-1
d) 800 ms-1

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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01-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Potential Energy of Charges in

an External Field

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

We have Studied
∆𝑼 = 𝑼𝒇 − 𝑼𝒊 = 𝑾𝒆𝒙𝒕 = −𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Three Charges Q, +q and +q are placed at the vertices of a right angle
isosceles triangle as shown below. The net electrostatic energy of the
configuration is zero, if the value of Q is [MAIN 2019]

a) -2q
b) 𝟏+√𝟐
c) +q
− 𝟐𝐪
d) 𝟐+𝟏

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Potential Energy of Single Charge in an
External Field

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
If Charges move in External Electric Field

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Find the change in Potential Energy of an electron when it moved through a
Potential difference of 1V.

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) Calculate the change in potential energy of a particle of charge +q that is
brought from a distance of 3r to a distance of 2r in the electric field of charge –q?

a) Kq2 /r
b) -Kq2 /6r
c) Kq2 /4r2
d) -Kq2 /4r2
e) Kq2 /r2

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) Two point charges Q and –Q are fixed at a distance of 3x as shown. A dust
particle with mass m and charge q starts from rest at point ‘A’ and move in a
straight line to point ‘B’. What is its speed ‘v’ at point B.

𝟐 𝒌𝒒𝑸
a) v=
b) v=
c) v=
d) v=

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) Find the Self-Energy of a Charged Spherical Shell having charge Q and radius

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Potential Energy of a system of two charges
in an External Field.

02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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02-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Potential Energy of an Electric Dipole

in a Uniform Electric Field

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

We have studied

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

∆𝑼 = 𝑼𝒇 − 𝑼𝒊 = 𝑾𝒆𝒙𝒕 = −𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

If dipole is rotated from θ1 to θ2

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Position of Zero Energy θ=90o

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Stable & Unstable Equilibrium

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Work Done in Rotating a dipole from θ1 to θ2

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Find the amount of work done in rotating an electric dipole, of dipole
moment 3.2 x 10-8 Cm, from its position of stable equilibrium, to the position of
unstable equilibrium , in a uniform electric field of intensity 104 N/C.
a) 6.4 x 10-4 J
b) 3.2 x 10-4 J
c) 4.8 x 10-4 J
d) 12.8 x 10-4 J

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges each of magnitude 1μC,
separated by 2 cm . The dipole is placed in an external uniform field of 105 NC-1
intensity. Find the
(a) maximum torque exerted by the field on the dipole, and
(b) work done in rotating the dipole through 180o starting from the position θ=0o

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3)An electric dipole of length 4 cm, when placed with its axis making an angle of
60o with a uniform electric field experiences a torque of 4 𝟑 Nm. Calculate the
Potential energy of the dipole, if the dipole has charges of ± 8 nC.

c) 8J

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) What is the potential energy of the charge and dipole system shown in

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q5) An electric dipole is held perpendicular to a uniform Electric field as shown .
If the dipole is released & free to rotate about it’s centre, find the angular velocity
of dipole When it is at 60 inclination with Electric field.
(mass of each charge = m)
a) 𝐦𝐥

b) 𝟐𝐦𝐥

c) 𝐦𝐥
d) 0

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Thank You
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notes of this lecture right after
this session.

03-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Solution of DPP - 01 & 02

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) At a point due to a point charge, the values of electric field intensity and
potential are 32 NC-1 and 16 JC-1, respectively. Calculate the
(a) magnitude of the charge, and
(b) distance of the charge from the point of observation.

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) Two charges 3 × 10-8 C and – 2 × 10-8 C are located 15 cm apart. At what point
on the line joining the two charges is the electric potential zero? Take the
potential at infinity to be zero.

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) A charge q = + 1𝜇C is held at O between the points A and B such that AO = 2
m and BO = 1m, as shown in Fig. (a). Calculate the potential difference (VA - VB).
What will be the value of the potential difference (VA - VB) if position of B is
changed as shown in the Fig(b)

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q9) Charges of 2.0 x 10-6 C and 1.0 x 10-6 C are placed at the corners A and B of a
square of side 5.0 cm as shown in Fig. How much work will be done in moving a
charge of 1.0 x 10-6 C from C to D against the electric field?

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) Uniform electric field of magnitude 100 Vm-1 in space is directed along the
line y = 3 + x. Find the potential difference between points A (3, 1) and B (1, 3)

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) Uniform electric field exists in a region and is given by 𝑬 = 𝐸0î + 𝐸0𝑗̂. There are
four points A (-a, 0), B (0, -a), C (a,0), and D (0, a) in the xy plane. Which of the
following is the correct relation for the electric potential?

b) 𝑉𝐴 = 𝑉𝐵 > 𝑉𝐶 = 𝑉𝐷
c) 𝑉𝐴 > 𝑉𝐶 > 𝑉𝐵 = 𝑉𝐷
d) 𝑉𝐴 < 𝑉𝐶 < 𝑉𝐵 < 𝑉𝐷

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) The potential of a point B (-20 m, 30 m) taking the potential of a point A (30
m, -20 m) to be zero in an electric field 𝑬 = 10xî – 20ĵ NC-1 is

a) 350 V
b) -100 V
c) 300 V
d) 3500 V

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q9) At a distance r from a point located at origin in space, the electric potential
varies as V = 10r. Find the electric field at 𝒓 = 3𝑖̂+ 4𝑗̂− 5𝑘 ̂.

a) √2(3𝑖̂+ 4𝑗̂− 5𝑘 ̂)
b) −√2(3𝑖̂+ 4𝑗̂− 5𝑘 ̂)
c) −√3(3𝑖̂+ 4𝑗̂− 5𝑘 ̂)
d) None of these

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q10) A uniform electric field of 100 Vm-1 is directed at 60° with the positive x-axis
as shown in figure. If QA = 2 m, the potential difference V0-VA is

a) -50 V
b) 50 V
c) 100 V
d) -100 V

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q11) A uniform field of magnitude 𝑬 = 2000 N/C is directed 𝜃 = 37° below the
horizontal. Find:
a. The Potential difference between P and R (VP-VR).
b. If we define the reference level of potential so that potential at R is VR = 500 V,
what is the potential at P?

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Thank You

04-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Solution of DPP – 03 & 04

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4)If the electric potential of the inner metal sphere is 10 volt & that of the outer
shell is 5 volt, then the potential at the center will be

a) 10 volts
b) 5 volts
c) 15 volts
d) 0

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q6) The electrostatic potential on the surface of a charged solid conducting
sphere is 100 volts. Two statements are made in this regard
Statement - 1: At any point inside the sphere, electrostatic potential is 100 volts.
Statement - 2: At any point inside the sphere, electric field is zero.

a) Statement - 1 is true, Statement - 2 is true and statement - 2 is correct

explanation for statement - 1.
b) Statement - 1 is true, Statement - 2 is true and statement - 2 is NOT correct
explanation for statement - 1.
c) Statement - 1 is true, statement - 2 is false.
d) Statement - 1 is false, statement - 2 is true.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q7) Three concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R, 2R, 3R, are given charges
Q1 ,Q2, Q3 respectively. It is found that the surface charge densities on the outer
surfaces of the shells are equal. Then the ratio of the charges given to the shells,
Q1: Q2: Q3, is
a) 1 :2: 3
b) 1:3:5
c) 1:4:9
d) 1:8:18

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Four charges +q, -q, +q, and -q are placed in order on the four consecutive
corners of a square of side a. Find the work done in interchanging the positions of
any two neighbouring charges of opposite sign.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3) Charges +q and -q are located at the corners of a cube of side as shown in
figure. Find the work a done to separate the charges to infinite distance.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) Two charged particles having charge 1𝜇𝐶 and —1μC and of mass 50 gm each
are held at rest while their separation is 2 m. Find the speed of the particles when
their separation is 1 m.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5)A 100-eV proton is projected towards a large metal plate that has a surface
charge density of2.2×10−6𝐶/𝑚2 . From what distance must the proton be
projected, if it is to just fail to strike that plate?

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) A particle (A) having charge Q and mass m is at rest and is free to move.
Another particle (B) having charge q and mass m is projected from a large distance
towards the first particle with speed u.
(a) Calculate the least kinetic energy of the system during the subsequent motion.
(b) Find the final velocity of both the particles. Consider coulomb force only

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) A particle (A) having charge Q and mass m and another particle (B) having
charge q and mass m are initially held at a distance 𝒓 = apart.
Particle B is projected directly towards A with velocity u and particle A is released
simultaneously. Find the velocity of particle A after a long time.
Consider coulomb force only.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q9) Two-point charges A and B of values + 15𝜇𝐶 𝑎𝑛𝑑 + 9𝜇𝐶 are kept 18 cm apart
in air. Calculate the work done when charge B is moved by 3 cm towards A.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q10) Two charges, of magnitude 5 nC and — 2 nC, are placed at points (2 cm, 0, 0)
and (x cm, 0, 0) in a region of space, where there is no other external field. If the
electrostatic potential energy of the system is -0.5𝜇𝐽 , what is the value of x

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q11) Three-point charges + q, + 2q and Q are placed at the three vertices of an
equilateral triangle. Find the value of charge Q (in terms of q), so that electric
potential energy of the system is zero.

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Thank You

06-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal
Introduction to Capacitors

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Capacitors (sometimes
known as Condensers) are
used to store electrical
energy and supply it at
once when required.
Capacitors are widely
used in televisions, radios,
camera flash etc.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

▪ A battery also stores electrical energy and supplies it when

▪ Battery :
𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚

▪ But a battery releases energy very slowly through

a circuit; sometimes (in case of quartz watch )
it can take several years.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

▪ Many a times , we need large amount of electrical energy at once.

▪ A camera flash requires about 25A of current (very large)

to produce huge burst of light.

▪ To start a cooler fan we need sudden high current (to overcome

static friction ). That is why You can see condenser attached to it.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

To provide such huge Electrical Energy at Once ,
Capacitors are used.
Capacitors are also used in :-
i. Filtering a signal
ii. Tuning of a radio
iii. Flicking Channels on your T.V etc

Note: Electrical Energy is stored by storing electric charge.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Capacitor: Stores Electrical Energy
Stores Electrical Charge

Capacitors are basically Conductors

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Note: C does not depend on Q and V

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Units and Dimensions of Capacitance

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Capacitance of a Spherical Conductor or

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Find the radius of a spherical conductor whose capacitance is 1 Farad.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) An isolated sphere has a capacitance 50 pF.
(i) Calculate its radius.
(ii) How much charge should be placed on it to raise its potential to 104 V ?

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) Twenty seven spherical drops of radius 3 mm and carrying 10-12 C of charge
are combined to form a single drop. Find the capacitance and the potential of the
bigger drop.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) Two uniformly charged spherical drops at potential V coalesce to form a
larger drop. If capacity of each smaller drop is C then find capacitance and
potential of larger drop.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Energy Stored in a Spherical Capacitor

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Energy Stored in a Capacitor
𝑸𝟐 𝟏 𝟏 𝟐
𝑼= = 𝑸𝑽 = 𝑪𝑽
𝟐𝑪 𝟐 𝟐

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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this session.

07-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Parallel Plate Capacitor

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

We have studied
Capacitance 𝑪=
S.I Unit = Farad
Common Units: μF, nF, pF

Spherical Conductor
𝑪 = 𝟒𝝅𝝐𝒐𝑹

Energy Stored in Spherical Capacitor: 𝑲𝑸𝟐 𝑸𝟐 𝑸𝟐

𝑼= = =
𝟐𝑹 𝟐(𝟒𝝅𝝐𝒐𝑹 ) 𝟐𝑪

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Problems with Spherical Conductor
1. Capacitance is very low

2.Energy is NOT Bounded

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Increasing Capacitance

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Parallel Plate Capacitor

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

How to give charges ‘+Q’ & ‘-Q’ to plates

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Conditions for Parallel Plate Capacitor
1. Area of both plate must be same (shape may be different)

2. Distance between plates must be small (so that plates behave as ∞ plate)

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Capacitance of Parallel Plate Capacitor

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
𝝐𝒐 𝑨
Factors on which the Capacitance of a parallel plate Capacitor

1. Area of Plates ( C 𝜶 𝑨 )
2. Distance between Plates (𝑪𝜶 )
3. Permittivity of medium between the Plates (𝑪𝜶 𝝐)

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) A parallel plate air capacitor consists of two circular plates of diameter 8 cm.
At what distance should the plates be held so as to have the same capacitance as
that of a sphere of diameter 20 cm.

a) 2 mm
b) 4 mm
c) 6 mm
d) 8 mm

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) A parallel plate capacitor has a plate Area ‘A’ and distance between two
plates ‘d’. The Capacitor is connected to a 4V battery. If the separation between
the plates is reduced to half, (battery remains connected), what extra charge is
given by battery to the positive plate?
𝛜𝐨 𝐀
a) 𝐝
𝟐𝛜𝐨 𝐀
b) 𝐝
𝟒𝛜𝐨 𝐀
c) 𝐝
𝛜𝐨 𝐀
d) 𝟐𝐝

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) A parallel plate capacitor has capacitance C . If the charges of the plates are Q
and -3 Q, find the
(a) charges at the inner surfaces of the plates.
(b) potential difference between the plates.
(c) charge flown if the plates are connected.

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Energy Stored in a parallel plate Capacitor

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Energy Stored in a Parallel Plate Capacitor

𝟏 𝑸𝟐 𝟏 𝟐
𝑼= = 𝑸𝑽 = 𝑪𝑽
𝟐𝑪 𝟐 𝟐

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) Two parallel plates, separated by 2mm of air have a capacitance of 3 x 10 -14 F
and are charged to a potential of 200 V . Then without touching the plates, they are
moved apart till the separation is 6 mm. Find the work required to do so.

a) 5.4 x 10-10 J
b) 6 x 10-10 J
c) 12 x 10-10 J
d) 9.8 x 10-10 J

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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this session.

08-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &
Today’s Goal
Energy Stored in a Capacitor - Numerical

Energy Density of an Electric Field

Force between the Plates of a Parallel

Plate Capacitor

Spherical Capacitor & Cylindrical Capacitor

We have studied
Capacitance of Parallel Plate Capacitor

𝝐𝒐 𝑨

Energy Stored in a Parallel Plate Capacitor

𝑸𝟐 𝟏 𝟏 𝟐
𝑼= = 𝑸𝑽 = 𝑪𝑽
𝟐𝑪 𝟐 𝟐

Note: The expression for Energy stored is true for Spherical

and Cylindrical Capacitors as well.
Q1) Two parallel plates, separated by 2mm of air have a capacitance of 3 x 10 -14 F
and are charged to a potential of 200 V . Then without touching the plates, they
are moved apart till the separation is 6 mm. Find the work required to do so.

a) 5.4 x 10-10 J
b) 6 x 10-10 J
c) 12 x 10-10 J
d) 9.8 x 10-10 J
Q2) A capacitor with capacitance 5 μF is charged to 5 μC. If the plates are pulled
apart to reduce the capacitance to 2 μF, how much work is done ? [MAINS 2019]

a) 6.25 x 10-6 J
b) 2.16 x 10-6 J
c) 2.55 x 10-6 J
d) 3.75 x 10-6 J
Energy Density of an Electric Field
Force between the Plates of a Parallel Plate
Spherical Capacitor
➢ A spherical capacitor consists of two concentric spherical
conducting shells.

➢The outer shell is Earthed and the inner shell is given a charge ‘+Q’.
Cylindrical Capacitors
➢ A cylindrical capacitor consists of two coaxial long cylinders.

➢The outer one is Earthed and the inner one is given a charge +Q.
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notes of this lecture right after
this session.
Electrostatic Potential &

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Combination of Capacitors Basics

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Series Combination of Capacitors

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Special Cases
1. For two Capacitors C1 & C2 in series

2. If ‘n’ Capacitors of equal capacitance C are connected in Series

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Noteworthy points about Series Combination
1. Equivalent Capacitance is always less than any of the individual

2. Charge (Q) on each capacitor is same Potential (V) is divided

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Find (i) Ce (ii) ‘Q’ released from Cell (iii) ‘Q’ on each Capacitor
iv) ‘V’ in each Capacitor

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

2. Parallel Combination of Capacitors

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Special Cases
1. If ‘n’ Capacitors of equal capacitance C are connected in Parallel

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Noteworthy points about Parallel Combination
1. Equivalent Capacitance is always greater than any of the
individual Capacitance.

2. Potential (V) on each capacitor is same Charge (Q) is divided

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Find (i) Ce (ii) ‘Q’ released from Cell (iii) ‘Q’ on each Capacitor
iv) ‘V’ in each Capacitor

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Find equivalent Capacitance across points A and B

a) 6 μF
b) 3 μF
c) 9 μF
d) 1 μF

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3) Find equivalent Capacitance between points A and B

a) 6 μF
b) 5 μF
c) 4 μF
d) 3 μF

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) In the given circuit , the charge of 4μF capacitor will be
[MAINS 2019]

a) 5.4 μC
b) 9.6 μC
c) 13.4 μC
d) 24 μC

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) In the figure shown below, the charge on the left plate of the 10 μF capacitor
is -30μC . The charge on the right plate of the 6 μF capacitor is
[MAINS 2019]

a) + 12 μC
b) +18 μC
c) -12 μC
d) -18 μC

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) In the circuit shown, find C if the effective capacitance of the whole circuit is
to be 0.5 μF. All values in the circuit are in μF .
[MAINS 2019]

a) 6/5 μF
b) 4 μF
c) 7/10 μF
d) 7/11 μF

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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notes of this lecture right after
this session.

10-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Combination of Capacitors:
(Part II):- Pre- Advance

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B

a) 1/ 3C
b) 3C
c) 3C/2
d) 0

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B

a) 4C
b) 5C/3
c) 3C/2
d) 0

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3) Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B

a) 2C
b) 3/2 C
c) 3C
d) 0

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B

a) 3C/4
b) 4C/3
c) 5C/3
d) 3C/5

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) Find the equivalent Capacitance of the infinite ladder shown in figure
between the points A and B.

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Wheatstone Bridge

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) Find the equivalent Capacitance between A and B

a) 1.25 μF
b) 2.25 μF
c) 1.5 μF
d) 0.25 μF

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q6) Find the equivalent Capacitance between X and Y

a) 2.5 μF
b) 5 μF
c) 10 μF
d) 7.5 μF

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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11-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Solution of DPP-05 & 06

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3) Eight identical spherical drops, each carrying a charge 1 nC are at a potential of
900 V each. All these drops combine together to form a single large drop. Calculate
the potential of this large drop. (Assume no wastage of any kind and take the
capacitance of a sphere of radius r as proportional to r).

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) N drops of mercury of equal radii and possessing equal charges combine to form
a big drop. Compare the charge, capacitance and potential of bigger drop with the
corresponding quantities of individual drops.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) A capacitor of unknown capacitance is connected across a battery of V volts. The
charge stored in it is 360 𝜇C. When potential across the capacitor is reduced by 120 V, the
charge stored in it becomes 120𝜇C Calculate:
(1) The potential V and the unknown capacitance C
(2) (ii) What will be the charge stored in the capacitor, if the voltage applied had increased
by 120 V?

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q3) A charge of + 2.0 x 10-8 C is placed on the positive plate and a charge of —1.0 x
10- 8 C on the negative plate. of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 1.2 x 10-3 𝜇F.
Calculate the potential difference developed between the plates.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) The negative plate of a parallel plate capacitor is given a charge of -20 x 10-8 C.
Find the charges appearing on the four surfaces of the capacitor plates.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) Figure shows the variation of voltage V across the plates of two capacitors A
and B versus increase in charge Q stored in them. Which of the capacitors has
higher capacitance? Give reason for your answer.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) A solid conducting sphere of radius 10 cm is enclosed by a thin metallic shell of
radius 20 cm. A charge q = 20 𝜇C is given to the inner sphere. Find the heat generated
in the process. The inner sphere is connected to the shell by a conducting wire.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) Two conducting spheres of radii 6 cm and 12 cm each, having the same charge 3 x
10-8 C, are kept very far apart. If the spheres are connected to each other by a
conducting wire, find
(i) the direction and amount of charge transferred and
(ii) final potential of each sphere

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q10) The thickness of air layer between the two coatings of a spherical capacitor is
2 cm the capacitor has the same capacitance as the sphere of 1.2 m diameter. Find
the radii of its surfaces.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Solution of DPP-07

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q5) Find the equivalent capacitance of the combination of capacitors between the
points A and B as shown in Fig.. Also calculate the total charge that flows in the
circuit when a 100 V battery is connected between the points A and B.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) Seven capacitors, each of capacitance 2 𝜇F are to be connected in a
configuration to obtain an effective capacitance of 10 /11𝜇F. Suggest a suitable
combination to achieve the desired result.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) Calculate the equivalent capacitance points A and B of the circuit given

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) If C1 =20 𝜇F, C2 =30 𝜇F and C3 =15𝜇F and the insulated plate of C1 be at a
potential of 90 V, one plate of C3 being earthed. What is the potential difference
between the plates of C2, three capacitors being connected in series?

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q9) In the circuit shown if the point C is earthed and point A is given a potential
of +1200 V, find the charge on each capacitor and potential at B.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q10) Four capacitors are connected as shown in figure to a 30 V battery. Find
the potential difference between points a and b.

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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after this session .

7/12/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Combination of Capacitors –
(PART III) Advance

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) Find Equivalent Capacitance between A and B.

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) Find Equivalent Capacitance between A and B.

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Kirchhoff's Rules for Finding Equivalent Capacitance
• Step 1: Connect an imaginary battery across the Terminals about
which Ce is to be calculated.

• Step 2: Take out charge ‘+q’ from +ve terminal of battery and ‘-q’
from –ve terminal of battery.

• Step 2.1: At any junction, Charge divides as

q= q1 + q2
Junction Rule

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

• Step 3: Distribute charge on each Capacitor keeping in mind that
opposite plates have equal and opposite charges and net charge on
isolated plates will be ZERO.

• Step 4: Choose a cyclic path in closed circuit. In a Closed Circuit, the

algebraic sum of potential gain and potential drop is ZERO.
∑∆𝑽 = 𝟎 Loop

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
• Step 5: Using Step 4 Find charge on each Capacitor.

• Step 6 : Move From +ve terminal of battery to –ve terminal of

battery and calculate sum of ∆𝑽. Equate this ∆𝑽 with , where ‘q’
is total charge taken out from battery in Step 1.

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) Find Equivalent Capacitance between A and B.

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) 12 number of capacitors each of capacity C are arranged along sides of a cube
as shown in the figure. The equivalent capacitance between points A and B is :

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q5) Find Equivalent Capacitance between A and B if each capacitance is C.

a) 7/8 C
b) 8 /7 C
c) 5/8 C
d) 8/5 C

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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13-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Dielectric in Capacitors

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Problems with parallel plate Capacitor
1. Both plates attract each other.

2. No support to plates

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

➢ A Dielectric (or Dielectric material ) is an electrical insulator.

➢Unlike Conductors, Dielectric materials DO NOT have any loosely

bounded or Free electrons.

➢When a Dielectric material is placed in an Electric Field , Electric

Polarization occurs. Examples – ruber , wood , glass , mica , air

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Dielectric Slab between plates of Capacitor.

➢ Due to external Electric Field ( 𝑬𝒐 ) of

plates, charge separation occurs in
dielectric (Polarization)

➢Induced charges are developed at ends

of dielectric

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

➢ An induced electric field ( 𝑬𝒊) is generated
opposite to original Electric Field.

➢ The Resultant Electric Field between

plates decreases.
Enet = Eo - Ei

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Dielectric Constant:
On placing a dielectric slab in an Electric Field, the net Field is
decreased .
The net electric field is

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Calculation for Induced Charge density σi

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Potential Difference between Plates of Capacitor
Without Dielectric With Dielectric

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Capacitance of parallel plate Capacitor with Dielectric

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Without Dielectric With Dielectric

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Purpose of Dielectric:
1. Provides stability (support) Capacitor.

2. Prevents the plates from sticking to each other due to force of

attraction between them.

3. Increases Capacitance of Capacitor

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

If a ‘Metal’ or ‘Conductor’ is used in place od Dielectric Slab

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

When dielectric is partially filled

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Alternate Method

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Find Capacitance of arrangement shown:

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q1) A slab of material of dielectric constant k has the same area as the plates of a
parallel plate capacitor of Capacitance Co but has thickness d/2, where d is the
separation between the plates. Find the expression for the capacitance when the
slab is inserted between the plates.
a) 𝐤+𝟏 o
b) 𝐤+𝟏 o
c) C
𝟐(𝐤+𝟏) o
d) 𝐤+𝟏 o

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) A parallel plate capacitor is of area 6 cm2 and a separation 3 mm. The gap is
filled with three dielectric materials of equal thickness ( see figure) with dielectric
constants k1 = 10, k2= 12 and k3 = 14. The dielectric constant of a material which
give same capacitance when fully inserted in above capacitor , would be
a) 4
b) 36
c) 12
d) 14

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) A parallel plate capacitor of area A, plate separation d and Capacitance C is
filled with three different dielectric materials having dielectric constants K1, K2, K3
as shown. If a single dielectric material is to be used to have the same capacitance
C in this capacitor then its dielectric constant K is given by:
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
a) 𝐊
+ +
𝐊𝟐 𝐊𝟑
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
b) 𝐊
𝟐 𝐊𝟑
𝟏 𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟐 𝟐𝐊𝟑
c) 𝐊
𝟏 𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟑 𝐊𝟐 𝐊𝟑
d) 𝐊

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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14-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal
Dielectric Inserted with Battery
Connected or Disconnected

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Case I : When Battery is disconnected and then Dielectric is
Inserted ‘Slowly’
Before After

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Potential Energy कह ॉँ गई ?

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Wext force = -Welectric force between capacitor &dielectric slab =
𝑸𝒐𝟐 𝟏
∆𝑼 = ∆𝑼𝒇 − 𝑼𝒊 = ( − 𝟏)
𝟐𝑪𝒐 𝑲

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q1) A parallel plate capacitor having capacitance 12 pF is charged by a battery to a
potential difference of 10 V between its plates. The charging battery is now
disconnected and a porcelain slab of dielectric constant 6.5 is slipped between the
plates. The work done by the capacitor on the slab is
[Main 2019]
a) 560 pJ
b) 508 pJ
c) 692 pJ
d) 600 pJ

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q2) A capacitor of capacity C1 is charged upto potential V volt and then
connected in parallel to an uncharged capacitor of capacity C2 . The final potential
difference across each capacitor will be [CBSE AIPMT 2002]
a) 𝑪𝟏+𝑪𝟐
b) 𝑪𝟏+𝑪𝟐
c) (1+ )V
d) (1- )V

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) The parallel combination of two air filled plate capacitors of capacitance C
and nC is connected to a battery of voltage, V. When the capacitors are fully
charged the battery is removed and after that a dielectric material of dielectric
constant K is placed between the two plates of the first capacitor. The new
potential difference of the combined system is [MAIN 2019]
𝒏+𝟏 𝑽
a) (𝑲+𝒏)
b) (𝑲+𝒏)
c) V
d) (𝑲+𝒏)

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Case II: When Battery remains Connected and Dielectric is
Inserted ‘Slowly’
Before After

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Potential Energy कह ॉँ से आयी?

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 90 pF is connected to a a battery of emf
20 V. If a dielectric material of dielectric constant K = 5/3 is inserted between the
plates, the magnitude of the induced charge will be
[2018 Main]
a) 0.9 nC
b) 1.2 nC
c) 0.3 nC
d) 2.4 nC

15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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15-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal
Problems Involving Plates

Circuits Containing
Resistance and Capacitors

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Problems Involving Plates
Q1) Three identical metal plates are arranged in air at equal distance ‘d’ from each
other. The area of each plate is A . A battery of EMF ‘V’ is connected across three
plates as shown. Find the equivalent capacitance.

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q2) Four identical metal plates are arranged in air at equal distance d from each
other. The area of each plate is A. A battery of emf V is connected across plates 1
and 2. Find the capacitance of the system between points 1 and 2 if the other two
plates are connected by a conducting wire as shown in figure.
𝟓 ∈𝐨 𝐀
a) Ceq=
𝟐 𝐝
𝟏∈ 𝐀
b) Ceq= 𝐨
𝟐 𝐝
𝟑∈ 𝐀
c) Ceq= 𝐨
𝟐 𝐝
𝟐∈ 𝐀
d) Ceq= 𝐨
𝟑 𝐝

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q3) Four identical metal plates each having area A, are arranged as shown in
figure. Find the equivalent capacity of the structure between A and B

𝟓 ∈𝐨 𝐀
a) 𝟐 𝐝
𝟏 ∈𝐨 𝐀
b) 𝟐 𝐝
𝟑 ∈𝐨 𝐀
c) 𝟐 𝐝
𝟐 ∈𝐨𝐀
d) 𝟑 𝐝

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q4) Five identical plates each having area A, are arranged as shown in figure.
Find the equivalent capacity of the structure between A and B

𝟓 𝐀𝛜𝐨
a) 𝟐 𝐝
𝟓 𝐀𝛜𝐨
b) 𝟑 𝐝
𝟑 𝐀𝛜𝐨
c) 𝟓 𝐝
𝟐 𝐀𝛜𝐨
d) 𝟓 𝐝

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Solving R-C circuit in Initial State (t=0) & Steady State (t → ∞)
➢ We will deal with circuits containing capacitors as well as resistors.

➢We will do only two cases here, i.e t=0 t → ∞

➢The detailed study of R-C circuits will be done after completing

Current Electricity

➢We assume that you know

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

After some time t=t

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

After a long time 𝒕 → ∞

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Two States of Capacitor
1. Initial t=0

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

2. Steady State 𝒕 → ∞

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

1. Initially t=0 Current flows through Branch containing Capacitor.

2. Steady State t→ ∞ , NO Current Flows through Branch containing


16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q5) Find the current flowing through two resistors
(a) initially t=0 (b) Steady State 𝒕 → ∞

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) Calculate the current flowing through the capacitor branch in the circuit
shown in figure, initially and finally.

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) Calculate charge on capacitor in steady state

a) 50 μC
b) 30 μC
c) 45 μC
d) 60 μC

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) In the circuit shown in figure, R1= 10 Ω, R2= 20 Ω, C1= 1μF, C2= 2μF, and E= 6V.
Calculate the charge on each capacitor in the steady state.

a) 12 μC, 4 μC
b) 4 μC, 12 μC
c) 12 μC, 3 μC
d) 12 μC, 2 μC

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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this session .

16-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Electrostatic Potential &

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Solution of DPP-08 & 09

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

7/19/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q4) In the given circuit, a charge of +80 𝜇C is given to the upper plate of the 4𝜇𝐹
capacitor. Then in the steady state, the charge on the upper plate of the 3 𝜇 F
capacitor is

a) + 32𝜇C
b) + 40μC
c) + 48μC
d) + 80μC

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) Four capacitors of equal capacitances are connected in series with a battery
of 10 V, as shown in Fig. The middle point B is connected to the earth. What will
be the potentials of the points A and C?

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q7) For the network shown in Fig., find the potential difference between points A
and B, and that between B and C in the steady state.

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) Three uncharged capacitors of capacitance C1, C2 and C3 are connected to one
another as shown in figure. Find the potential at O.

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q9) Six plates of equal area A and plate separation as shown (figure) are
arranged. The equivalent capacitance between A and B is

∈𝐨 𝐀
a) 𝐝
b) 𝐝
c) 𝐝
∈𝐨 𝐀
d) 𝟒𝐝

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q11) A 2 𝜇F capacitor is charged as shown in the figure. The percentage of its
stored energy dissipated after switch S is turned to position 2 is

a) 0%
b) 20 %
c) 75%
d) 80%

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
7/19/2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q1) Voltage rating of a parallel plate capacitor is 500 V. Its dielectric can withstand
a maximum electric field of 106 V/m. The plate area is 10-4 m2. What is the
dielectric constant, if the capacitance is 15 pF? (Take, 𝜖0 = 8.86 x 10−12𝐶2/ 𝑁 − 𝑚2)

a) 3.8
b) 8.5
c) 4.5
d) 6.2

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q6) A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a certain potential difference. When a
3.0 mm thick slab is slipped between the capacitor plates, then to maintain the
same p.d. between the plates, the plate separation is to be increased by 2.4 mm
Find the dielectric constant of the slab.

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q8) A parallel plate capacitor with plate separation 5 mm is charged by a battery.
It is found that on introducing a mica sheet 2 mm thick, while keeping the battery
connections intact, the capacitor draws 25% more energy from the battery than
before. Find the dielectric constant of mica.

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q11) Two identical parallel plate capacitors of capacitance C each, have plates of
area A, separated by a distance d. The space between the plates of the two
capacitors, is filled with three dielectrics of equal thickness and dielectric constants
K1, K2 and K3. The first capacitor is filled as shown in Fig. I, and the second one is
filled as shown in Fig. II. If these two modified capacitors are charged by the same
potential V, the ratio of the energy stored in the two, would be (E1 refers to
capacitor (I) and E2 to capacitor (II)
𝐄𝟏 𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟐𝐊𝟑
a) 𝐄𝟐
(𝐊𝟏+𝐊𝟐+ 𝐊𝟑)(𝐊𝟐𝐊𝟑 + 𝐊𝟑𝐊𝟏+𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟐)
𝐄𝟏 (𝐊𝟏+𝐊𝟐+ 𝐊𝟑)(𝐊𝟐𝐊𝟑+𝐊𝟑𝐊𝟏+𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟐)
b) 𝐄𝟐
𝐄𝟏 𝟗𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟐𝐊𝟑
c) 𝐄𝟐
(𝐊𝟏+𝐊𝟐+ 𝐊𝟑)(𝐊𝟐𝐊𝟑 + 𝐊𝟑𝐊𝟏+𝐊𝟏𝐊𝟐)
d) none

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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this session .

19-07-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


06-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal



06-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Consider an uncharged capacitor ‘C’
connected to a resistance R , through a
battery of EMF ‘V’
After a long time (t → ∞) , capacitor is fully charged
Let at any time t (0 < t < ∞) , charge on capacitor q and
current in the circuit be i
Time Constant or Capacitance time constant ( 𝝉)
Graph for Growth of Charge
Now, lets find how current changes with time
during charging of Capacitor
Graph for Current during Charging of Capacitor
CHARGING : Summary
1. 𝒒=𝒒𝒐 (𝟏−𝒆−𝒕/𝝉)

2. i=i𝒐 𝒆−𝒕/𝝉
Q 1) A resistor with resistance 10 MΩ is connected in series with a capacitor of
capacitance 1.0 μF and a battery with emf 12.0 V. Before the switch is closed at
time t=0, the capacitor is uncharged.
(a) What is the time constant?
(b) What fraction of the final charge is on the plates at time t=20 s?
(c) What fraction of the initial current remains at t=20 s?
Q 2) An uncharged capacitor is connected to a 15 V battery through a resistance
of 10 Ω. It is found that in a time of 2 μs, potential difference across the capacitor
becomes 5 V. Find the capacitance of the capacitor. Take ln(1.5)=0.4.
Q 3) A 4μF capacitor and a resistance of 2.5 MΩ are in series with 12 V battery. Find
the time after which the potential difference across the capacitor is 3 times the
potential difference across the resistor. [Given, ln(2)=0.693]
[IIT 2005]

a) 13.86 s
b) 6.93 s
c) 7 s
d) 14 s
Consider a Charged Capacitor C
connected to a Resistance R
After a long time (t → ∞) , capacitor is fully discharged
Let at any time t (0 < t < ∞) , charge on capacitor
be ‘q’ and current in the circuit be ‘i'
Graph for Decay of Charge
Now, lets find how current changes with time
during discharging of Capacitor
Graph for Current during discharging of
1. 𝒒=𝒒𝒐 𝒆−𝒕/𝝉

2. i=i𝒐 𝒆−𝒕/𝝉
Q 4) A capacitor charged to 50 V is discharged by connecting the two plates. The
connections are made at t=0. At t=10 ms, the potential difference across the
plates is found to be 1.0 V. Find the potential difference at t=20 ms.
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after this session .

06-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21


07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Today’s Goal

Equivalent Time
Constant in RC Circuit.

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

We have studied:
Charge stored in Capacitor at
any time ‘t’ is

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Meaning of ‘qo’

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Meaning of ‘𝝉’

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q 1) For the given circuit diagram , find
(i) qo ( Charge on Capacitor at steady state)
(ii) 𝝉 (Capacitive time Constant)
(iii) Charge on Capacitor at time ‘t’ if switch is closed at t=0

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Find Charge on Capacitor at time ‘t’ by using
kirchoff’s Law

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q 2) For the given circuit diagram , find
(i) qo ( Charge on Capacitor at steady state)
(ii) 𝝉 (Capacitive time Constant)
(iii) Charge on Capacitor at time ‘t’ if switch is closed at t=0

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q 3) Find the time constant for the given RC circuits in correct order (in μs).
R1 = 1 Ω , R2=2 Ω , C1= 4 μF, C2= 2μF
[IIT 2006]

a) 18,4,8/9
b) 18, 8/9, 4
c) 4,18,8/9
d) 4,8/9,18

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

• R1 = 1 Ω , R2=2 Ω , C1= 4 μF, C2= 2μF

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

• R1 = 1 Ω , R2=2 Ω , C1= 4 μF, C2= 2μF

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

• R1 = 1 Ω , R2=2 Ω , C1= 4 μF, C2= 2μF

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

• R1 = 1 Ω , R2=2 Ω , C1= 4 μF, C2= 2μF

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

• R1 = 1 Ω , R2=2 Ω , C1= 4 μF, C2= 2μF

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

Q 4) In the given circuit, the switch S is closed at time t=0. The charge Q on the
capacitor at any instant t is given by Q(t)= Qo(1-e-αt). Find the value of Qo and α in
terms of given parameters as shown in the circuit in figure.

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
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notes of this lecture right
after this session .

07-08-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21

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