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Reviewer for Mathematics 10

• Likert Scale is widely used to measure attitudes and opinions with a greater degree of distinction
than a simple “yes/no” question.
• Likert Scale typically use 4 or 6 choices and avoid odd number choices to avoid central tendency
bias or the state of being neutral.
• Type of data:
o Categorical data - refers to a form of information that can be stored and identified based
on their names or labels
o Continuous data (e.g. height, weight, distance)
o Nominal data (assigning value to a choice, e.g rating scale, Likert scale)
o Ordinal data(Rank and position, eg. 1st , 2nd, 3rd)
• Choices in Likert scale usually represent level of agreement or disagreement.
• Tally mark in tallying data represent a response option chosen
• Tally mark is indicated by a vertical line (I)

Advantage and Disadvantage of using Likert scale

Using Likert scales in survey questionnaires has several advantages and disadvantages:
• Ease of Design and Implementation: Likert scales are straightforward to create and easy for
respondents to understand and use.
• Quantifiable Data: They provide quantitative data on subjective attributes, making it easier to
analyze and compare responses.
• Sensitivity to Variance: Likert scales can detect varying degrees of opinion or attitude among
respondents, providing a nuanced view of responses.
• Standardization: Facilitates comparison of results across different groups or time periods due to
a consistent scale format.
• Versatility: Can be used for a wide range of topics including customer satisfaction, employee
engagement, and personal beliefs.
• Facilitates Statistical Analysis: Numerical data derived from Likert scales can be easily used in
statistical tests to validate hypotheses.
• Central Tendency Bias: Respondents may avoid extreme categories and tend to choose middle
options, leading to bias in the data.
• Acquiescence Bias: Some respondents might agree with statements as presented without truly
considering their own opinions.
• Limited Depth of Insight: The scale may not capture the full complexity of respondents’ feelings
or reasons behind their choices.
• Interpretation Variability: Different respondents may interpret the scale points differently,
leading to inconsistencies in data.
• Over-simplification: Important nuances and subtleties of opinion may be lost when complex
views are reduced to simple scale points.
• Scale Construction Issues: Poorly constructed scales (ambiguous or biased items) can lead to
misleading results.

Advantage and Disadvantage of tallying data

• Simplicity: Tallying is an easy method to understand and implement, requiring minimal training
or specialized knowledge.
• Cost-effective: It is generally inexpensive as it does not require sophisticated tools or
• Quick Visualization: Tally marks provide an immediate visual representation of data, making it
easy to perceive patterns and totals at a glance.
• Versatility: Tallying can be used in various settings, from observational studies to inventory
counts, making it adaptable to different needs.
• Real-time Data Collection: It allows for real-time data collection, which is useful in environments
where immediate data capture is needed, such as observing behaviors or counting items during
an event.
• Limited to Quantitative Data: Tallying is only suitable for counting and does not capture
qualitative aspects or nuances of data.
• Prone to Human Error: The accuracy of tallying heavily depends on the observer’s diligence and
can be prone to errors, especially with large counts or over long periods.
• Scalability Issues: Tallying can become cumbersome and inefficient with large datasets or
multiple variables to track simultaneously.
• Lack of Depth: Tallying does not provide insights into causes, reasons, or underlying mechanisms
behind the data.
• Data Over-Simplification: This method can oversimplify complex phenomena by reducing them
to mere counts, potentially overlooking important variations or patterns.

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