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Summary of Issues/Concerns and Challenges in Barangay Park Area, Wao, LDS**

### A. Economic and Agricultural Sectors

**1. Poverty**

Many people in Barangay Park Area are living in poverty, which means they struggle to afford the basic
necessities of life such as food, shelter, and clothing. This situation creates a cycle of hardship, where
families find it difficult to improve their living conditions. The lack of resources and opportunities means
that many children grow up in an environment where they are unable to access proper nutrition,
healthcare, and education, further perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

**2. Unemployment**

Unemployment is a significant issue in Barangay Park Area, with not enough jobs available for the
people who need them. Many residents are either jobless or engaged in work that does not pay enough
to support their families. This leads to financial instability and makes it difficult for families to meet their
daily needs. The lack of employment opportunities also discourages young people from staying in the
area, as they move elsewhere in search of better prospects.

**3. Limited Access to Markets**

Farmers and small business owners in Barangay Park Area face challenges in selling their products
because the markets are far away or there aren't enough buyers nearby. This limited access to markets
affects their income and sustainability. Without the means to transport their goods efficiently, they
often sell at lower prices or are unable to sell at all, leading to wasted produce and financial losses.

### B. Infrastructure Sector

**1. Poor Road Conditions**

The roads in Barangay Park Area are often in poor condition, making it difficult for residents to travel.
Bad roads can lead to increased transportation costs, vehicle damage, and longer travel times. This
affects not only daily commutes but also access to essential services like schools, markets, and
healthcare facilities. Poor road conditions can also deter investment and development in the area.
**2. Distance to Healthcare Facilities**

Healthcare facilities are far from Barangay Park Area, which makes accessing medical care challenging
for residents, especially in emergencies. The long distance to hospitals and clinics means that people
cannot get timely medical attention, which can lead to worsening health conditions and even
preventable deaths. This lack of accessible healthcare services contributes to the overall health
challenges in the community.

**3. Educational Infrastructure**

Schools in Barangay Park Area often lack proper buildings, materials, and resources. This results in
overcrowded classrooms, insufficient learning tools, and a lack of qualified teachers. These conditions
make it difficult for students to receive a quality education, which affects their ability to succeed
academically and limits their future opportunities. Improving educational infrastructure is crucial for the
long-term development of the area.

### C. Social Sector

**1. Education Challenges**

Students in Barangay Park Area face several challenges in their education. Many schools lack qualified
teachers, necessary school supplies, and adequate facilities. Additionally, the long distances that some
students have to travel to reach school can be a barrier to regular attendance. These factors contribute
to lower educational outcomes, reducing the chances for children to break out of the cycle of poverty
and limiting their future career opportunities.

**2. Health Issues**

Health issues are a major concern in Barangay Park Area, with common problems including malnutrition,
infectious diseases, and lack of access to clean water and sanitation. These health challenges are
exacerbated by the distance to healthcare facilities, making it difficult for residents to receive timely and
effective medical treatment. The lack of proper healthcare and sanitation facilities contributes to the
spread of diseases and affects the overall well-being of the community.

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