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- Goal > Establish and maintain a conversation with a stranger

- Vocab > Dependent Preposition Verbs
- Grammar > Questions

1. Have you ever started a conversation with a stranger? What happened when you did?
2. Read the text below and answer the following questions. What did the author do on
Monday and Tuesday? What happened as a result?


Not convinced? Studies show that conversing with strangers increases happiness,
fosters creativity, and lowers the risk of heart attacks. Despite my own social anxiety,
I've chosen to face my worries and engage in conversation with others. After all, I have
nothing to lose.

Monday: I lied. I did have something to lose. Self respect! On Monday morning, I was
sitting in a coffee shop with my laptop when a mother and young girl walked in. The
young girl had dropped her doll, which looked like a little fairy. I saw this as an
opportunity and picked it up for her while asking, “Where did you get your little magical
fairy?” I said while I smiled. As she took the fairy from me, she looked at me like I was
crazy. “My mom got it for me. And I don’t think Magic is real, so my fairy isn’t magical.”
Just as she spoke, her mom called her over from where she was standing in line. “What
did I tell you about talking to strangers?” She said to her daughter.

Tuesday: I was taking the bus on my way to work. It was unusually empty, and there
was one other person on the bus. I saw this as an opportunity to try again. I noticed he
was wearing a cap that said, “TCZ.”
I put a smile on my face and asked him what the initials stand for. He rolled his eyes.
“What do you want?”
“Oh, I’m just wondering what TCZ stands for.” I responded.
“How would I know? I borrowed the hat from my sister.”

Wednesday: The day after the bus incident, I was doing my weekly grocery store trip. I
saw an older gentleman reading a bottle, seemingly examining the ingredients on the
label. “There’s so many chemicals in those things, huh?!” He didn't even turn his head
to look at me. I was beginning to feel discouraged. However, with the discouragement
came the determination. I decided to change my approach. While standing in line, I
noticed the lady in front of me had a book sticking out of her bag.

“I’ve read that book! It totally changed my perspective on things. What about you?!” I
asked with excitement.

“Oh my gosh, yes! It’s so hard to put down, I have to remind myself to take breaks!” She

“Yes, it's so good!” I said. I didn’t know what else to say, but I was so excited that I
finally got a positive response. In truth, I had never even read that book, I just
recognized it.

Thursday: As I began my work day on Thursday morning, there was only one other
person in the elevator. It was a professional looking man carrying a bouquet of
flowers….another opportunity.

B. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What are the benefits of having a conversation with a stranger?
2. Why do you think the young child on Monday has a negative response?
3. Is it surprising that she sat next to the only other person on the bus? Why or why
4. On Wednesday, she told a lie. What was the lie that she told?

3A. Work with a partner on the following questions.

1. The writer saw an opportunity on Thursday. What do you think she said to start a
2. What kind of reaction do you think the writer would get in your neighborhood?
3. The writer found a new way to approach strangers. What do you think of this?

Turn to page 166 and check your answers.

4. Look at the bolded verbs below in the article. Which preposition follows the verbs?

5. Choose the correct choice below.

- The universe is most likely infinite. What do you think about that?
- It makes my day when someone smiles at/at/about me. Is it the same for you?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- What are you working on/in/about? You look busy!
- In the summertime, hay fever has higher cases. Do you suffer from hay fever?
- When the environment is noisy, do you find it hard to concentrate on your tasks?
- I found a wallet. Does it belong to/for/at you by chance?
- When it comes to examinations, how do you deal with stress?
- It seems like when you're relying on/from/for your phone, something happens! My
battery is dead.

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