Common Errors in The Use of Pronouns

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Common Errors in the Use of Pronoun


Amajd Butt
Pronoun Case
Case is the special form of word that shows how it functions
in a sentence – that is, whether it functions as a subject, as
object, or in some other way.
Subjective Objective Possessive
1st Person I, we me, us my, our
2nd Person You you your (yours)

3rd Person He, she, it him, her, it his, her, its, their
they them (his, hers, theirs)
Pronoun Case
Subjective Case:
• They and we have arrived. (Subject of a verb)
• The real criminals are we ourselves. (Subject complement)
• She admires Kashif more than I. (after than & as)
• He talks about food as much as she.
Pronoun Case
Objective Case:
• Faran visited them and us. (Direct object of a verb)
• Waseem sents us a package. (Indirect object of a verb)
• Every one came but him. (Object of a preposition)
• Let them join us. (after let & between)
• The profit will be shared between you and me.
Pronoun Case
Possessive Case:
• His dog is smarter than your dog. (Before a noun)
• Everyone liked his telling the story. (Before a gerund)
Pronoun Case
• Ask yourself a question deciding between who and
whom used as the adjective clause marker.
• If the verb of adjective clause has a subject or not?
• Yes: Whom
• Not: Who (in this case who is the subject)

• I forgot who won the 1988 World Cup.

• I forgot whom the panel declared as the winner.
Pronoun Case
• There was a time when he and me were great friends.

A. Whom can I trust, if not him?

B. Whom can I trust , if not he?
C. Who can I trust, if not he?
D. Who can I trust, if not him?

• Because he lives in our street, he is acquainted to my

brother and I.
Pronoun Case
A. You must be thankful to me because it was me who
warned you.
B. You must be thankful to I because it was me who
warned you.
C. You must be thankful to me because it was I who
warned you.
D. You must be thankful to me because it was I whom
warned you.

• You should not boast of your skills as There isn’t much

difference between you and I.
Pronoun Case
• Because it was raining , no one but he was present.

A. I always wanted to trust you but you were never so

reliable as her.
B. I always wanted to trust you but you were never so
reliable as she.
C. I always wanted to trust you but your were never so
reliable as she.
D. I always wanted to trust you but yours were never so
reliable as she has been.
Pronoun Case
A. He asked me with who I had discussed the matter.
B. He asked me with whom I discuss the matter with.
C. He asked me whom I discuss the matter with?
D. He asked me with whom I discussed the matter.

A. The coach disapproved their lifting heavy weights.

B. The coach disapproved them lifting heavy weights.
C. The coach disapproved them lifting heavy weight.
D. The coach disapproved their on lifting heavy weights.
Pronoun Order
• Two pronouns in a sentence should generally be
arranged in the following order.
(2 1)
(2 3)
(3 1)

• You and I must work together.

• You and he must mend your ways.
• He and I are old school friends.
• He and I can never pull on together.
Pronoun Order
• In case of three pronouns the order must be the order
may be
• 1 3 2 (For bad purpose)
• I, he and you will harass him
• 2 3 1 (For good/neutral purpose)
 You, he and I are very good friends.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
• Pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.
For example:
John is absent, because he is ill.
• The Antecedent of a pronoun is a word to a
which a pronoun refers. For example:
(Antecedent) (Pronoun)

Even an animal has its own territory.

Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in
• number
• gender
• person
For example:
• All passengers must show their tickets.
• A man must bear his own burden.
• Each of the girls gave her own opinion.
• Actors often forget their (not our or your) lines.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
• Adnan and Raees couldn’t perform because he lost their

• After martial law, both Judiciary and Parliament played

its role quite effectively to mitigate the suffering of people.

1. Two or more antecedents joined by and are referred

to by a plural pronoun.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
• A good man and useful citizen lived their days in misery
and passed away last night.

In case the two antecedents joined by and denote one

person or thing a 3rd person singular pronouns follows.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
• Each boy and girl in this class had her own notebook and
new pencil.

• Every magazine and book in the library had their specific


• Each of the members of the band enjoyed themselves in

the concert held for the aid of flood victims.

2. The antecedent preceded by each, every, either or neither

take 3rd person singular after it formally but to determine
gender use his/her.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
• Neither the package nor letters reached its destination.
Neither the package nor letter reached its destination.
Neither the package or letters reached its destination.
Neither the package nor letters reached their destination.

• Either you or your friends wasted your time in oblivion.

Either you or your friends wasted his time in oblivion.
Either you or your friends wasted their time in oblivion.
Either your friends or you wasted their time in oblivion.

3. In case of two antecedents joined by or, nor the real

antecedent is the later.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
• Everyone in this company did a good deal of job
around their office even during the slump time.

• No one in the Latin class could focus on their test

even for a single minute.

4. A singular indefinite pronoun as an antecedent

takes 3rd person singular pronoun after it. to
determine gender use his/her.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
A. Both did a good job in his school.
B. Both of them did a good job in his school.
C. Both did good jobs in his school.
D. Both did a good job in their school.

• One can never be too careful about what he says in


5. After a plural indefinite pronoun use 3rd person

One is followed by one/one’s.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
A. The news lost much of their sting after a week.
B. The news lost many of their sting after a week.
C. The news lost many of its sting after a week.
D. The news lost much of its sting after a week.

A. People love to talk about himself.

B. People love to talk about itself.
C. People love to talk about themself.
D. People love to talk about themselves.

6. A singular noun with plural form as an antecedent takes a

3rd person singular pronoun after it. And a plural noun
with singular form takes 3rd person plural.
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