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YEAR 2023-24

Unit 1 Semester 1
Time allocated: 1 x 40”
Communicative Competence (alokasi waktu)
Strategies In Various Speech Scope & Sequence no: 1
Situations (alur tujuan pembelajaran)

Expected Student Outcomes: (profil lulusan)

● Develop skills foundation of Christian leadership and share it with others. (2.2.E2)

● Give an example of how a social justice issue might be taken into account. (4.2.E1)

● Individual and group artwork, as well as individual creativity, produce aesthetics.


● Become a citizen of that country and contribute to the fulfillment of long-term

development goals. (4.3.E1)

● Collaborate with people and/or other institutions to respond to needs and solve
problems. (4.3.E2)

Learning Focus: (indikator) [elemen Learning Objectives: [tujuan

capaian pembelajaran] pembelajaran]
 discuss the functions of communication;
● Recognize that communicative  identify the speaker’s purpose(s);
competence requires understanding  watch and listen to sample oral
of speech context, speech style, communication activities;
speech act and communicative  use verbal and nonverbal cues that
strategy each speaker uses to achieve
communication purpose;
● Demonstrates effective use of  comprehend various kinds of oral texts;
communicative strategy in a variety  identify strategies used by each
of speech situations speaker to convey ideas effectively; and
 evaluate the effectiveness of an oral
communication activity.
 define speech acts
 distinguish types of speech act

YEAR 2023-24

 recognize that communicative

competence requires understanding of
speech acts
 identify the various types of speech
 use the types of speech context in order
to communicate
 list down a communication situation in
a different speech context
 appreciate the importance of
understanding the different types of
speech context

Biblical Worldview Integration:

Effective communication requires strategic thinking and discernment. The Bible
encourages believers to be wise in their speech and to seek godly counsel in decision-
making (Proverbs 15:22, James 1:5). Christians are called to communicate with humility,
seeking to understand others before being understood (James 1:19). This involves active
listening, empathy, and a willingness to adapt our communicative strategies to promote
understanding and reconciliation.

Resources: (referensi)
Balgos, Anne Richie G. and John Philippe F. Sipacio. Oral Communication in
Cotext for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2016.

Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russel, J. & Smaldino, S. (1999). Instructional Media and
Technologies for Learning, 6th ed. NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Column Five. How to Create Engaging Motion Graphics in four steps. Retrieved from

YEAR 2023-24


Meeting 3 (1st August - Corinth & Semester 1

2nd August - Philippi) Time allocated: 1 x 40”
Watching and Listening to Sample [Alokasi waktu]
Oral Communication Activities

Learning Objectives: [tujuan pembelajaran]

● watch and listen to sample oral communication activities

Instructional Methods: [kegiatan pembelajaran]

 Review: Ask the students to discuss the functions of communications.
 Ask the students to find a comfortable place where they can watch and listen to the
sample oral communication activities without distractions. Instruct the students to
have their speakers or headphones ready for the audio component. Provide the
students a worksheet to jot down any observations or thoughts during the activity.
 Display or provide access to a selection of pre-recorded oral communication
activities. These can include TED Talks, speeches, presentations, or debates.
 After each sample activity, allow a brief moment for students to jot down their
thoughts before moving on to the next.
 Facilitate a class discussion based on the sample activities.
 Ask the students to share their observations and thoughts about each activity.
 Encourage the students to provide specific examples from the videos to support
their points.

Evaluation of Learning: [penilaian]

● Q and A
● Work Sheet

Balgos, Anne Richie G. and John Philippe F. Sipacio. Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2016

YEAR 2023-24

Meeting 4 (8th August - Corinth & Semester 1

9th August - Philippi) Time allocated: 1 x 40”
Comprehending and Evaluating Oral [Alokasi waktu]

Learning Objectives: [tujuan pembelajaran]

 comprehend various kinds of oral texts;
 identify strategies used by each speaker to convey ideas effectively; and
 evaluate the effectiveness of an oral communication activity.

Instructional Methods: [kegiatan pembelajaran]

 Review: Ask the students to discuss the functions of communications.
 Distribute the handouts with transcripts of different oral texts.
 Instruct the students to read through the transcripts individually, paying attention
to the main ideas, supporting details, and any strategies used by the speakers to
convey their ideas effectively. After the students have read the texts, facilitate a
class discussion
 Divide the students into small groups. Provide each group with a specific oral text
transcript and ask them to analyze it further. In their groups, instruct the students
to identify and discuss the strategies used by the speaker to convey ideas
effectively. After the group discussion, ask each group to share their findings with
the class. Facilitate a whole-class discussion, highlighting the different strategies
identified by each group and encouraging students to provide examples and
 Introduce an oral communication activity, such as a short student presentation or a
recorded speech. Have the students watch or listen to the activity individually or in
pairs. Provide evaluation rubrics that focus on specific criteria such as clarity,
organization, use of supporting evidence, and engagement with the audience.
 Instruct the students to evaluate the effectiveness of the oral communication
activity using the provided rubrics. After the evaluation, ask the students to share
their feedback and discuss the strengths and areas for improvement in the activity.

Evaluation of Learning: [penilaian]

● Q and A
● Work Sheet
● Group Work Activity

Balgos, Anne Richie G. and John Philippe F. Sipacio. Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2016

YEAR 2023-24

Meeting 5 (15th August - Corinth & Semester 1

16th August - Philippi) Time allocated: 1 x 40”
Understanding Speech Acts and [Alokasi waktu]
Communicative Competence

Learning Objectives: [tujuan pembelajaran]

 define speech acts
 distinguish types of speech act
 recognize that communicative competence requires understanding of speech acts

Instructional Methods: [kegiatan pembelajaran]

 Motivational Activity: Begin by asking the students to think about a time when
they said something and achieved a specific purpose or effect through their words.
 Introduce the concept of speech acts, explaining that they refer to the actions
performed through language. Engage the students in a brainstorming activity by
asking them to share examples of speech acts they are familiar with (e.g., requests,
apologies, invitations). Write down the student examples and discuss their
intended purposes or effects.
 Distribute handouts with examples of different types of speech acts. Instruct the
students to read the examples individually and categorize them into groups based
on their intended purposes or effects. Facilitate a class discussion to compare their
categorizations. Discuss the different types of speech acts.
 Let the students explain that communicative competence refers to the ability to use
language effectively in various social contexts. Emphasize that understanding
speech acts is an essential component of communicative competence because it
allows individuals to navigate social interactions and convey their intentions
 Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Provide each group with index cards or
slips of paper containing different speech act scenarios. Instruct the students to
read the scenarios and identify the type of speech act performed in each situation.
Encourage them to discuss and justify their choices within their groups.

Evaluation of Learning: [penilaian]

● Q and A
● Work Sheet
● Group Work Activity

Balgos, Anne Richie G. and John Philippe F. Sipacio. Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2016

YEAR 2023-24

Meeting 6 (22nd August - Corinth & Semester 1

23rd August - Philippi) Time allocated: 1 x 40”
Understanding and Using Speech [Alokasi waktu]

Learning Objectives: [tujuan pembelajaran]

 identify the various types of speech context
 use the types of speech context in order to communicate

Instructional Methods: [kegiatan pembelajaran]

 Motivational Activity: Begin by asking the students to reflect on the importance of
context in communication. Facilitate a brief class discussion.
 Introduce the concept of speech context, explaining that it refers to the
circumstances or situation in which communication takes place. Engage the
students in a brainstorming activity by asking them to share examples of different
speech contexts they are familiar with.
 Distribute handouts with examples of different speech contexts. Instruct the
students to read the examples individually and categorize them into groups based
on their characteristics. Facilitate a class discussion to compare their
categorizations. Discuss the different types of speech context and the language
features, tone, and behavior associated with each context.
 Explain that using the appropriate speech context is crucial for effective
communication. Discuss how different speech contexts require adjustments in
language, tone, style, and behavior. Emphasize the importance of considering the
audience, purpose, and setting when determining the appropriate speech context.
 Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Provide each group with index cards or
slips of paper containing different speech context scenarios. Instruct the students
to read the scenarios and identify the appropriate speech context to use in each
situation. Encourage them to discuss and justify their choices within their groups.
 Conclude the lesson by addressing any remaining questions and providing
additional resources for further exploration of speech context.

Evaluation of Learning: [penilaian]

● Q and A
● Work Sheet
● Group Work Activity

Balgos, Anne Richie G. and John Philippe F. Sipacio. Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2016

YEAR 2023-24

Meeting 7 (29th August - Corinth & Semester 1

30th August - Philippi) Time allocated: 1 x 40”
Exploring Different Types of Speech [Alokasi waktu]

Learning Objectives: [tujuan pembelajaran]

 list down a communication situation in a different speech context
 appreciate the importance of understanding the different types of speech context

Instructional Methods: [kegiatan pembelajaran]

 Motivational Activity: Facilitate a brief class discussion on the challenges and
nuances they encounter when communicating in various contexts.
 Introduce the concept of speech context, explaining that it refers to the
circumstances or setting in which communication occurs. Engage the students in a
brainstorming activity by asking them to share examples of different speech
contexts they are familiar with. Write down the student examples to create a list of
speech contexts.
 Divide the class into small groups. Each group should brainstorm and write down a
communication situation that occurs within the selected speech context (e.g., giving
a persuasive speech in a formal setting, having a casual conversation with friends).
Encourage the students to think about the specific characteristics, expectations,
and language features associated with their chosen speech context.
 Ask each group to present their chosen communication situation and explain the
unique features and considerations that arise within that speech context.
 Reflect on the discussion and guide the students to appreciate the importance of
understanding the different types of speech context.
 Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson, focusing on the
importance of understanding different speech contexts and the influence they have
on effective communication.

Evaluation of Learning: [penilaian]

● Q and A
● Work Sheet
● Group Work Activity

Balgos, Anne Richie G. and John Philippe F. Sipacio. Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2016

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