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9d6 Quest Play Sheet

Hero Name: Finished Missions:

Hero Class: Glory:
Mission Progress: Treasure Points:
Extra Dice:

Fresh Dice
Every fresh die that rolls a 1 becomes tired. Move it to the tired box below.
If you have ANY fresh dice, you MUST roll these before you can roll any other dice.

Tired Dice
Every tired die that rolls a 1 becomes wounded. Move it to the wounded box below.
At the end of a successful combat, move 1 tired die to the fresh dice box.
If you encounter multiple foes in a row, in a single event, only refresh 1 die after the final battle.

Wounded Dice
Every wounded die that rolls a 1 is killed. Move it to the dead box below.
A wounded die can be healed for 2TP and be moved back to the fresh box.
Healing may only be performed in villages (max 2 dice), towns (max 3 dice) and temples (max 4 dice).
In a temple you can heal 1 die for free if you succeed at a D6 Persuasion roll.

Dead Dice
Dead dice are out of the game.
If all your dice are dead at the same time, your hero dies and you loose the game.
Between missions, you may spend 2TP per dead die to move them to the fresh box.
All remaining dead dice are then moved to the wounded box.

Items: (max 5, no duplicates) Class Abilities: Spells learned:

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