Ku Giti Tss

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Rubengera Technical Secondary School

P.O Box 106 Karongi

Rubengera- Kibuye
27th October2013 www.rubengeratss.wordpress.com

Re: Information letter

Dear friends in Jesus Christ and partners,

I would like to write you this letter on behalf of RTSS family, in order to greet you all and to let you know how much we
are thankful to God that on 25thOctober 2013 we have closed the first academic year.

We closed it with a simple party that started with a devotional and then we sang a lot of songs, we played, heard
different speeches, gave thanks to God each of us about the last year, distribuiting the school marks reports, giving
rewards to the best performing students in differents areas and then sharing lunch.

In the devotional on Matthew 28:18-20 Katja reminded us that Jesus is giving us the mission, he came to us, He has been
given the all authority and he promises us to be with us always. Let us be happy and proud to be Christians and to serve
Him without fear, we have the Messiah who has the all athority.

Dear friends, the bignning of this year was hard for all of us, as it contained a lot of work and thoughts but we felt the
presence of our Almighty God, he supported us by his love and his strengh. We have really experienced what God says
in Matthew that He will be with us always and also we thank God that we have a very good motto in Philippians 4:13 I
can do everything through Christ who strenghen me.

It is the starting of the long holidays for our students which will take two months and we think to restart the next
accademic year in January, it will depend on the schedule of the Ministry of Ecuation.

We thank God that the students - as the main people we focus on - are very motivated and they really like what they are
doing. Most of them succeded in Practice as a main professtional course. Five students will resit for exams they have
failed in order to be promoted to the 5 year. The staff are working well in general and we all learn how to improve step
by step.

Rubengera TSS is part of

Community of Protestant
Rubengera Technical Secondary School
P.O Box 106 Karongi
Rubengera- Kibuye

This year we have been blessed to have many visitors from inside the country as well as from outside the country. All of
them - including some of you - have helped us, encouraged us in many ways. We have been very happy to have the
German Ambassador visiting us as he partipated in the groundbreaking for the construction of the Center of Study that
has been inaugurated on the 21st of July this year. We have been also happy to be visited by the Dutch Ambassador.
This year Minister Nsengiyumva Albert as well as the General Director of WDA visited us. The honorable Minister came
back to join us in the inauguration ceremonies of the Community Pavillion and the Center of Study as the guest of honor.

Dear friends, before closing this letter, on behalf of our school, I would like to thank you a lot for your support in
differents ways, in material way and in your prayers. We are really thankfull to you, we love you and wish you many
blessings from God.

Dear friends, we still having some topics we would like to join us to pray for:

- Till now the Center of Study is not yet equiped, we are looking forward to find the amount for that.
- We still need two technicial teachers
- One student is very weak in studing
- One student has a serious payment problem
- Tim and Katja who are going to Germany for a month.
- The students in holidays
- The community of sisters to be witnesses of Kingdom of God in the area.

Yours sincerely, Sister Marie-Louise Niyonsenga

School Director of RTSS.

Rubengera TSS is part of

Community of Protestant
Rubengera Technical Secondary School
P.O Box 106 Karongi
Rubengera- Kibuye

Rubengera TSS is part of

Community of Protestant

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