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Artist Statement

I'm not an artist, but I feel like I borrow their eyes sometimes.
I'd rather think of myself as an observer that likes storytelling,
whichever form that takes. Art, music, writing, film, there are alot
of mediums in which stories can be told, part of me feels like the
storyteller on stage and the other half is in the audience watching.
Both seem necessary for a story to be told.

What's my work about?

I'm still exploring and it's mostly depending on my mood, but
there does seem to be a general theme. I'm curious about
different worlds that exist, I'm generally troubled by God and
where we stand, as well as politics and war, which I was raised to
think could happen at anytime.

I'm interested in psychology and philosophy, I have experiences

as patient and crisis worker with mental health that have both
healed me and scarred me. My work is often a reflection that the
dark and light side of people are not ignorant of each other, and
are allowed to co-exist. Each piece of art heals a shadowed part of
me, but also brings another piece to light.

For the series of my final, I decided to do a work on the Jungian

archetypes, Jung believed that these archetypes are reflective of
human behaviour patterns and are part of the unconcious. I see
these archetypes often in films and decided to use them as
characters in my art.
The orphan depicts a girl solitary, looking on as a group of nuns
worship at an altar. The altar is decorated with roses, however as
the rose petals meet the earth it turns to blood. Above looms a
beautiful but terrifying eye. The orphan looks on in envy and pity
with a wish in a bottle beside her, there's a nun that appears to be
looking behind the altar, as if she looks for something or is headed

The lovers depicts a landscape of a man sitting beneath a tree

transfixed on a woman he sees in the stars. The woman dances
unaware of her light or the halo that surrounds her, oblivious to her
admirer on earth below.

Intent for Bachelors

I have a passion for storytelling, and I have a love for the art
community, I want to bring my skills of healing and community
engagement to my artworks and future as a creative art therapist.
For fine arts and photo media I plan to expand on my past
experiences film making, and all knowledge I have gained in fine
arts level 4. I have stories upon stories to tell, and using my art to
tell these stories as clearly as possible to a large audience that can
understand and feel from my artwork, is my personal goal. I like
using chalk pastel and oil paint, and hope to create my stories all on
a large canvas for my final. For now I've been using photography
and mixed media, I hope to create alluring compositions and works
that tell more stories.

My influence has been life experience. I was raised on

movies, music and conflict. There was a lot of this in my
rearing years that's left an impact. An artist I look up to is Nela
Dunato, her art seems to be what I feel most days. Her art is
mostly unreal portraits using paint and coloured pencil, and
digital art. My favorite of hers is the piece "Sharp tongue" and
"Crusify II" and "Unholy Visions" Her artwork is dark and
classic, and for me I relate to it most. However a lot of my
influences are film related, such as films from Stanley
Kubrick, Guilermo Del Toro, Kim Jee Won and music from
Faozia, Manal and Ofra Haza.

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