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Interchange of words

Able (Adj) সামর্থ্যবান - He is able to do the work.

Ability (N) সামর্থ্য- He has ability to help the poor.

Enable (V) সক্ষম করে তোলা-

The amount will enable him to buy a car.

Accept (V) গ্রহণ করা- We accepted his proposal.

Acceptance (N) গ্রহণ- The new laws gained much acceptance.

Adopt (V) অবলম্বন করা- Students should not adopt unfairmeans in the examination.

Adoption (N) অবলম্বন- Ado, ton of unfairmeans in the examination is not desirable.

Agree (V) রাজী হওয়া- He agreed to my proposal.

Agreement (N) চুক্তি They signed the agreement. মিল

Agreeable (Adj) সহনীয় Today the weather is agrecable.

Acquit (V) খালাস পাওয়া- He was acquitted of the charge.

Acquital (N) খালাস- The criminal was granted acquital of the charge.

Approve (V) অনুমোদন করা- The Principal approved the proposal.

Approval (N) অনুমোদন The Bill received the President's approval. Accident (N) দূর্ঘটনা- The
accident took place before my eyes.
Accidental (Adj) দৈবাৎ His death was accidental.

Accidentally (Adv) দৈবৎক্রমে- The two friends met each other accidentally.

Achieve (V) অর্জন করা- He achieved success by dint of hard work.

Achievement (N) কীর্তি , কৃ তিত্ব - He passed the S. S. C with great achievement.

Admire (V) প্রশংসা করা- Everybody admires an honest man.

Admiration (N) প্রশংসা- An honest man wins admiration of all.. Abolish (V) বিলোপ করা/উচ্ছেদ
করা- Corruption should be abolished.

Abolition (N) উচ্ছেদ- Abolition of corruption is not an easy task.

Ambition (N) উচ্চ আকাঙ্খা- He has high ambition in life.

Ambitious (adj) উচ্চাভিলাষী- He is ambitious of power.

Anger (N) রাগ- Anger is compared to fire.

Angry ( Adj) রাগান্বিত- He was angry with the old man.

Angrily (Adv) রাগান্বিতভাবে- He spoke angrily.

Attract (V) আকর্ষণ করা- He attracted my attention.

Attraction (N) আকর্ষণ- He drew my attraction.

Attractive (adj) আকর্ষণীয়- The lady was not attractive.

Amuse (V) মজা করা We amused ourselves.

Amusement (N) মজা - We had much amusenent in the pienic.

Announce (V) ঘোষণা করা- The Principal announced the name of the first boy.

Announcement (N) ঘোষণা She came after the announcement of the programme.

Appoint (V) নিয়োগ করা- He was appointed Principal of the college.

Appointment নিয়োগ- The appointment of the Principal was legal.

Apply (V) দরখাস্ত করা- He has applied for the post.

Application (N) দরখাস্ত The boy showed me an application.

Assume (V) অনুমান করা- I cannot assume his age.

Assumption (N) অনুমান- His assumption was right.

✓ Base (V) ভিত্তির উপর স্থাপন করা- This novel is based on historical facts.

✓ Basis (N) ভিত্তি- This agenda will be formed on the basis of our next meeting.

Basic (Adj) মূল- His basic pay is not handsome. Basically (Adv) মূলতঃ- Basically he is very
Bath (N) গোসল 1 take a cold bath every morning.

Bathe (V) গোসল করা- We bathe in the river.

Bathed (Adj) সিক্ত- Her face was bathed in tears.

Bear (V) বহন করা- I can not bear such an insult.

Bearable (Adj) সহনীয়- The climate is bearable.

Bearing (N) আচরণ- Her dignified bearing charmed him.

Beauty (N) সুন্দর She is a beauty.

Beautiful (Adj) সুন্দর She is a beautiful girl.

Beautifully (Adv) সুন্দরভাবে- The car is running beautifully.

Beautify (V) সুন্দর করা- They beautified the room with paintings.

Begin (V) শুরু করা- He began the work.

Beginning (N) শুরু- I missed the beginning of the programme.

Behave (V) ব্যবহার করা He behaves well with his customers.

Behaviour (N) ব্যবহার He was punished for his bad behaviour. Ban (V) নিষিদ্ধ করা- The censor
board has banned the play.

Ban (N) নিষেধাজ্ঞা The government has put a ban on the import of alchohol.

Believe (V) বিশ্বাস করা- Nobody believes him.

Belief (N) বিশ্বাস- He has deep belief in God.

Believable (Adj) বিশ্বাসযোগ্য- What you said is not believable.

Belong (V) This book belongs to me.

Belongings (N)- He lost all his belongings in the train.

Benefit (V) লাভবান হওয়া- He has benefited much from the experience.

Benefit (N) লাভবান This new regulation will be of great benefit to us all.

Better (N) I expected better of him

Better (V)- The director hopes to better the condition of the workers.

Better (Adv) He sings better than 1.

Better (Adj)- The weather couldn't have been better.

Bite (V) The dog has bitten him in the leg.

Bite (N) The dog gave him a playful bite.

Black (Adj) কাল He bought a black shirt.

Blacken (V) কলঙ্কিত করা You should not have blacken his character.

Blackness (N) The crow is known for its blackness.

Betray (V) বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা- He betrayed the country.

Betrayer (N) বিশ্বাসঘাতক- I hate him because he is a betrayer.

Blame (V) দোষারূপ করা- A bad work man blames his tools.

Blame (N) দোষারূপ- He incurred blame for his misdeed.

Blaze (V) তীব্র আলোক ছড়াইয়া জ্বলা- When the fireman arrived, the whole building was blazing

Blend (V) মিশ্রন- It is a blending of sugar and milk.

Bless (V) আশীর্বাদ করা- May God bless you.

Blessing (N) আশীর্বাদ- Let God's blessing be upon you.

Blessed (Adj) সৌভাগ্যবান- Blessed are those who are happy.

Blind (Adj) অন্ধ- He is blind.

Blind (V) বিচারবুদ্ধিহীন করা- Lust for power blinded him to differentiate between right and

wrong. Blindly (Adv) অন্ধভাবে- We should not support anything blindly.

Blindness (N) অন্ধত্ব- Typhoid was the cause of his blindness. Bloom (N) প্রস্ফু টন The roses have
beautiful bloom

Bloom (V) ফু ল ফোটা Roses bloom in all seasons.

Blow (V) প্রবাহিত হওয়া- The wind is blowing hard tonight.

Blow (N) কিল, ঘুষি বা অন্য কিছু র মাধ্যমে আঘাত- He received a severe blow on the head.

Boil (V) তরল পদার্থ উত্তপ্ত করে ফোটান She is boiling eggs in water.

Boiling (Adj) ফু টন্ত- Don't touch the noiling water.

Boil (N) ফু টন্ত অবস্থা- Give the water a good boil before you drink. Book (V) যানবাহনে আসন
রক্ষণ করা- He booked a seat in the train for me.

Booking (N) আসন সংরক্ষণ You can not expect any more booking.

Bookable (Adj) সংরক্ষণ যোগ্য- All seats are bookable in advance.

Born (N) জন্মগ্রহণ করা He was born in England.

Born (Adj) জন্মগড়- He is a born artist.

Break (v) ভেঙ্গে ফেলা The child broke the glass.

Breakable (Adj) ভঙ্গুর- Earthen things are easily breakable items.

Breakage (N) ডাঙ্গন- He packed the parcel carefully to prevent breakage.

Brute (N) পশুতু ল্য- You look a real brute

Brutal (Adj) নিষ্ঠুর- The brutal attack of the enemies caused a great damage.

Brutally (Adv) নিষ্ঠুরভাবে- The robber killed him brutally.

Build (V) তৈরী করা-Rome was not built in a day.

Build (N) সাধারন আকৃ তি বা গঠন- They are of the same build. Building (N) ইমারত- His father
built a big building in the town.

Burn (V) পুড়িয়ে ফেলা- Don't burn your finger while cooking.

Burning (Adj) জ্বলন্ত- Population control is one of the burning issues of the day. Busy (Adj) ব্যস্ত-
He is a busy man.
Busy (V) ব্যস্ত থাকা- He busied himself watering the garden.

Busily (Adv) ব্যস্তভাবে- He finished the work busily.

Business (N) ব্যবসা- He started a new business.

Buy (V) ক্রয়করা - He bought a new shirt.

Buyer (N) ক্রেতা- He is a buyer of raw materials.

Choose (V) পছন্দ করা-He has not chosen his plan yet.

Choice (N) পছন্দ- The choice of a profession is difficult.

Comfort (N) আরাম- Man wants comfort.

Comfortable (Adj) - The journey was comfortable.

Comfortably (Adv) আরামদায়কভাবে- I reached home comfortably.

Compare (V) তু লনা করা- Anger is compared to fire.

Comparison (N) তু লনা- The poet draws a comparison between human life and the daffodils.
Courage (N) সাহস- They praised his courage

Encourage (V) উৎসাহ দেওয়া- His parents encouraged him in his studies.

Courageous (Ad)) সাহসী- Jerry was courageous. Create (V) সৃষ্টি করা- Allah has created the

Creation (N) সৃষ্টি- Man is the best creation of Allah. Creative (Adj) সৃজনশীল- The boy has a
creative mind.

Consider (V) বিবেচনা করা He considered my case.

Consideration (N) বিবেচনা- The matter is under consideration.

Considerable (Adj) প্রচুর - He spends considerable amount of money for the welfare of the

poor. Collect (V) সংগ্রহ করা- The bee collects honey from flowers.

Collection (N) সংগ্রহ- Our college library has a rich collection.

Confess (V) দোষ স্বীকার করা- The boy confessed his guilt.

Confession (N) দোষ স্বীকার- The boy made a confession of his guilt.

Compete (V) প্রতিযোগিতা করা- 1 shall compete for the prize.

Competition (N) প্রতিযোগিতা- There was a keen competition between the two teams.

Competitive (Adj) প্রতিযোগিতামূলক We should have competitive mind./He failed in the

competitive examination.

Corrupt (V) কলুষিত করা- Corruption corrupts society.

Corruption (N) দূর্নীতি- Corruption should be eradicated from society.

Decide (V) সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া- He decided to go abroad.

Decision (N) সিদ্ধান্ত- This is a wise decision.

Develop (V) উন্নত করা- Bangladesh is developing day by day.

Development (N) উন্নতি- The development of our country depends on agriculture.

Difficult (Adj) কঠিন- It is easy to say but difficult to do.

Difficulty (N) কঠিন অবস্থান We faced many difficulties,

-Differ (V) ভিন্ন হওয়া- I differ with you on this point.

Different (Adj) ভিন্ন- They were different in their opinion.

Difference (N) ভিন্নতা- There are many differences between the two boys.

Distribute (V) বিতরণ করা- The Headmaster distributed the prizes among the students.

Distribution (N) বিতরণ- Distribution of wealth should be equal.

Describe (V) বর্ণনা করা Describe the story. Description (N) বর্ণনা- He gave a description of the
sufferings of the flood affected people.

Descriptive (Adj) বর্ণনামূলক He wrote many descriptive essays.

Deep (Adj) গভীর- The river is very deep. Depth (N) গভীরতা- His depth of knowledge charmed
us all.

Deepen (V) গভীর করা The death of the only son has deepened the sorrows of the mother.

Deeply (Adj) গভীরভাবে- Della loves Jim deeply.

Danger (N) বিপদ- Smoking is a great danger for health.

Dangerous (Adj) বিপদজনক- Smoking is dangerous for health.

-Endanger (V) বিপদাপন্ন করা- He endangered his life by disobeying an order of the captain.
Discover (V) আবিষ্কার করা Columbus discovered America.

Discovery (N) আবিষ্কার- The discovery of the cause of malaria made Ross great.
Destroy (V) ধ্বংস করা- Floods destroy our houses and crops.

Destruction (N) ধ্বংস- Floods cause great destruction to our life and property. Destructive (Adj)
ধ্বংসাত্মক- Students should not take part in destructive politics,

Depend (V) নির্ভ র করা- Our economy depends on agriculture. Dependence (N) নির্ভ রশীলতা- Our
dependence on fate should be removed.

Dependent (adj) নির্ভ রশীল Our economy is dependent on agriculture.

Direct (V) নির্দে শ দেওয়া- The officer directed the peon to do the work.

Direction (N) নির্দে শ- The peon works according to the direction of the officer.

Determine (V) সিদ্ধান্ত করা- I have determined never to do it again.

Determination (N) দৃঢ় প্রতিজ্ঞা- Determination is the key to success.

Dead (Adj) মৃত- He saw a dead man on the road.

Death (N) মৃত্যু- Man has no escape from death.

Enjoy (V) উপভোগ করা- We enjoyed the picnic.

Enjoyment (N) আনন্দ- Life is not only meant for enjoyment.

Enjoyable (Adj) উপভোগ্য- The play was enjoyable.

Earth (N) পৃথিবী- The earth moves round the sun.

Earthen (Adj) মাটির তৈরি- Earthen pots break easily.

Earthly (Adv) পার্থিব- A saint does not run after earthly pleasures.

Explain (V) ব্যাখ্যা করা- He explained the reason of his being late.

Explanation (N) ব্যাখ্যা- He gave an explanation of his being late. Experiment (N) পরীক্ষা-
Marconi was successful in his experiment.

Experimental (Adj) পরীক্ষামূলক- The technique is still at the experimental stage.

Establish (V) পিন করা- My father established a high school.

Establishment স্থাপন- He spent a lot of money for the establishment of the school.

Expend (V) ব্যয় করা- He expended a lot of money for his son's education.

Expense (N) খরচ- My father is unable to bear my educational expenses.

Expensive (Adj) ব্যয় বহুল- The car is very expensive.

Evaluate (V) মূল্যায়ন করা- Evaluate the achievement of Sher-shah.

Evaluation (N) মূল্যায়ন- He made a wrong evaluation of Muhammad Bin Tughlak.

Education (N) শিক্ষা- Man can not prosper without education.

Educational (Adj) শিক্ষা বিষয়ক- My father can not bear my educational expenses.

people by 2000.

Educate (V) শিক্ষিত করা- Our government has chalked out a programme to educate all the

Examine (V) পরীক্ষা করা- The teacher examined the answer scripts.

Examination (V) পরীক্ষা- Our annual examination is near at hand.

Estimate (V) হিসাব করা- He estimated the cost for the construction of the building.

Estimation (N) হিসাব- His estimation was wrong.

Exaggerate (V) অতিরঞ্জিত করা- He exaggerates everything.

Exaggeration (N) অতিরঞ্জন- Exaggeration of anything is bad.

Economy (N) অর্থনীতি- Our economy depends on agriculture.

Economic (Adj) অর্থ সম্পর্কীয় - His economic condition is sound.

Expect (V) প্রত্যাশ্যা করা- The writer expected the lady to be young.

Expectation (N) প্রত্যাশ্যা- The result was not up to my expectation.

Excite (V) উত্তেজিত করা- His comment excited me.

Excitement (N) উত্তেজনা- The news caused great excitement.

Explore (V) অনুসন্ধান করা- Scientists are exploring the space.

Exploration (N) অনুসন্ধান- Exploration in the space is very difficult to carry.

Exploit (V) শোষণ করা- The lady guest exploited the young writer.

-Exploitation (N) শোষণ- The poor dare not revolt against the exploitation of the rich.

Endure (V) সহ্য করা- He can endure much.

Endurance (N) সহ্য ক্ষমতা- We all should have endurance.

Endurable (Adj) সহনীয় - Today's temperature is endurable.

Fail (V) ব্যর্থ হওয়া- He failed in the examination.

Failure (N) ব্যর্থতা - Failure is the pillar of success.

Free (Adj) মুক্ত- He is free from evil activities.

Freedom (N) স্বাধীনতা- Freedom of speech is man's birth right.

Fascinate (V) আকর্ষণ করা- His personality fascinated me.

Fascination (N) আকর্ষণ- Woman has fascination for gold.

Familiar (Adj) পরিচিত- A post man is quite familiar with us.

Familiarity (N) পরিচিতি- Too much familiarity brings contempt.

Familiarise (V) পরিচিত করানো- His social activities familiarised him in, society.

Fortune (N) সৌভাগ্য- Fortune smiled on us.

Fortunate (Adj) সৌভাগ্যবান- He is a fortunate father.

Fortunately (Adv) সৌভাগ্যক্রমে- Fortunately he passed the examination.

Generous (Adj) উদার- Mohsin was very generous.

Generosity (N) উদারতা- Mohsin is famous for his generosity. Grow (V) জন্মানো/বড় হওয়া- Man
grows quickly to meet decay.

Growth (N) বৃদ্ধি- The growth rate of our population is very high.

Glory (N) গৌরব- Dr. Yunus is the glory of our country.

Glorious (Adj) গৌরবমন্ডিত- We congratulated him on his glorious result.

Glorify (V) গৌরমন্ডিত করা- The generosity of Mohsin has glorified his character.

Greed (N) লোড- Man has greed for money.

Greedy (Adj) লোভী- The lady guest was greedy.

Greedily (Adv) লোভাতু রভাবে- The writer took the bait of the lady guest greedily.

Health (N) স্বাস্থ্য- Health is wealth.

Healthy (Adj) স্বাস্থ্যবান - The boy is healthy.

Heart (N) হৃদয়- I respect him from the core of my heart.

Hearty (Adj) আন্তরিক- The leader was given a hearty welcome.

Heartily (hav) এও রিকভাবে - I addressed him heartily.

Hunger (N) ক্ষু ধা- Man has hunger for food.

Hungry (Adj) ক্ষু ধার্ত - The beggar is hungry.

Hungrily (Adv) ক্ষু ধার্ত ভাবে- He ate the rice hungrily.

Hard (Adj) শক্ত- It is a very hard work.

Harden (V) শক্ত করা- Sorrows and sufferings hardened him.

Hardly (Adv) কদাচিৎ- He hardly comes to our house.

Humiliate (V) অপমান করা- We should not humiliate a respectable man. Humiliation (N)
অপমান- The guide book saved him from many humiliations.

Honest (Adj) সৎ- An honest man is respected everywhere.

Honesty (N) সততা- Honesty is the best policy.

Honour (N) সম্মান- Everybody pays honour to an honest man.

Honourable (Adj) সম্মানীয় - He is our honourable guest.

Important (Adj) গুরুত্বপূর্ণ- The matter is very important.

Importance (N) গুরুত্ব- He did not give importance to my adivce.

Intelligent (Adj) বুদ্ধিমান- The boy is very intelligent.

Intelligence (N) বুদ্ধি- He has so much intelligence that he can get a good job.

Invite (V) নিমন্ত্রণ করা- I invited him to the party.

Invitation (N) নিমন্ত্রণ- He accepted my invitation.

Immortal (Adj) অমর- Man is not immortal.

Immortality (N) অমরত্ব- Mohsin has achieved immortality through his kindness.

Immortalise (V) অমর করা- The kindness of Mohsin has immortalised him.

Imagine (V) কল্পনা করা- Jerry imagined the authoress as his own mother.

Imagination (N) কল্পনা- His writing lacks imagination.

Imaginary (Adj) কাল্পনিক- Jerry told lies about his imaginary mother.

Improve (V) উন্নতি করা- His health has improved much.

Improvement (N) উন্নতি- There is no improvement in his studies. Inspire (V) অনুপ্রেরণা দেওয়া-
My father inspired me to write a book.

Inspiration (N) অনুপ্রেরণা - I got inspiration from my father.

Illiteracy (N) নিরক্ষরতা- Illiteracy is a curse. Illiterate ( Adj) অশিক্ষিত- Most of the people of our
country are illiterate.

Ignorance (N) অজ্ঞতা- Ignorance is similar to darkness.

Ignorant (Adj) অজ্ঞ- Most of the people of our country are ignorant.

Intend (V) ইচ্ছা পোষণ করা- I intend to go abroad.

Intention (N) ইচ্ছা- I have no intention to go abroad.

Joy (N) আনন্দ- Life in the midst of nature is full of joy. Joyful (Adv) আনন্দপূর্ণ- He is in a
joyful mood.

Joyfully (Adr) আনন্দপূর্ণচিত্তে- They passed the summer vacation joyfully.

Jubilant (Adj) উল্লাসিত- The players are in a jubilant mood.

Jubilation (N) উল্লাস- The captain expressed great jubilation at the victory of the team.
Juice (N) রস- I like orange-juice.

Juicy (Adj) –রসালো bought some juicy oranges.

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