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So much to infer from 2023.

But one thing that can be seen as my outstanding

move is Think Live LESS MORE @ In other words, less overthinking. Of course, just
less, not totally eliminate it . . One day, it suddenly dawned on me that its no use
sitting n thinking without acting. Letting my mind wandering does nothing other
than draining myself 😔, not least releasing my negative thoughts to others and
drag them into the endless hole ⛳= of negativity and burden. So this is not only
burning myself out but also others. I feel like im the root of the prob and the only
one to be blamed. . . . The turning point day was when i was enlightened that
nothing in this world is the matter of life and death. So, look on the bright side.
Think less, bcs everything is predestined. U are no match for God, he is the
premier powerful, and its no use to resist. Well, so what overthinking might bring
about? Actually nothing. Not only cant change the result, but also drain ur mind.
So, how come overthinking? Just stop it. Live more, enjoy more, and u may find
out, u deserve better

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