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Loveland: Constitutional Law, Administrative

Law and Human Rights 8e: Online Casebook

Table of Contents Blackburn v Attorney-

A. Acknowledgments General [1971] 2 All ER
B. Chapter one: Defining the constitution 1380
C. Chapter two: Parliamentary sovereignty
D. Chapter three: The rule of law and the separation
LORD DENNING MR: In this case Mr
of powers Blackburn - as he has done before - has
E. Chapter four: The royal prerogative
shown eternal vigilance in support of the
law. This time he is concerned about the
F. Chapter five: The House of Commons
application of Her Majesty's government to
G. Chapter six: The House of Lords
join the Common Market and to sign the
H. Chapter seven: The electoral system Treaty of Rome. He brings two actions
I. Chapter eight: Parliamentary privilege against the Attorney General, in which he
J. Chapter nine: Constitutional conventions seeks declarations to the effect that, by
signing the Treaty of Rome, Her Majesty's
K. Chapter ten: Local government
government will surrender in part the
L. Chapter eleven: Parliamentary sovereignty within
sovereignty of the Crown in Parliament and
the European Union
will surrender it for ever. He says that in so
1. Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse
doing the government will be acting in
Tariefcommissie (case 26/62) [1963] ECR
1. breach of the law. The Attorney General
has applied to strike out the statements of
2. Costa v ENEL (case 6/64) [1964] ECR 585
- ECJ claim on the ground that they disclose no
reasonable cause of action. The master and
3. Costa v ENEL (case 6/64) [1964] ECR 585
- Italian Constitutional Court the judge have struck them out. Mr
Blackburn, with our leave, appeals to this
4. Franz Grad v Finanzamt Traunstein (case
9/70) [1970] ECR 825 court. He thinks it is important to clear the
5. Politi SAS. v Ministry for Finance of the
Italian Republic (Case 43-71) [1971] ECR
Much of what Mr Blackburn says is quite
correct. It does appear that if this country
6. Internationale Handelsgesellchaft mbH v
Einfuhr- & Vorratsstelle fur Getreide &
should go into the Common Market and
Futtermittel (Case 11/70) [1970] ECR sign the Treaty of Rome, it means that we
1125; before the ECJ will have taken a step which is irreversible.
7. Syndicat Generale des Fabricants de The sovereignty of these islands will
Semoules [1970] CMLR 395 - (French thenceforward be limited. It will not be ours
Conseil d'Etat) alone but will be shared with others. Mr
8. Internationale Handelsgesellchaft mbH v Blackburn referred us to a decision by the
Einfuhr- & Vorratsstelle fur Getreide & European Court of Justice, Costa v ENEL in
Futtermittel (Solange I) [1974] 2 CMLR;
February 1964, in which the court in its
(German Federal Constitutional Court)
judgment said: "the member-States, albeit
9. Minister for Economic Affairs v SA
within limited spheres, have restricted their
Fromagerie Franco-Suisse 'Le Ski' [1972]
CMLR 330; before the Belgian Cour de sovereign rights and created a body of law
Cassation applicable both to their nationals and to
10. Administration des Dounaes v Societe themselves".
Cafes Jacques Vebre Jacques Vabres
[1975] 2 CMLR 336 - before the French Mr Blackburn points out that many
Cour de Cassation
regulations made by the European
11. Frontini v Minister delle Finanze [1974] 2 Economic Community will become
CMLR 372 (Italian Constitutional Court)
automatically binding on the people of this
12. Blackburn v Attorney-General [1971]
country; and that all the courts of this
2 All ER 1380
country, including the House of Lords, will
13. European Communities Act 1972
have to follow the decisions of the
14. Van Duyn v The Home Office (case 41/74)
European Court in certain defined respects,
[1974] ECR 1337.
such as the construction of the treaty.
15. Walrave v Koch (case 36/74) [1974] ECR
I will assume that Mr Blackburn is right in
16. DeFrenne v Sabeena (case 43/75) [1976] what he says on those matters.
ECR 455
Nevertheless, I do not think these courts
17. Administrazione Dealla Finanze dello Stato can entertain these actions. Negotiations
v Simmenthal (case 106/77) [1978] ECR
are still in progress for us to join the
Common Market. No agreement has been
18. Minister of the Interior v Daniel Cohn- reached. No treaty has been signed. Even if
Bendit [1980] 1 CMLR 543; (before the
French Conseil D'Etat)
a treaty is signed, it is elementary that
these courts take no notice of treaties as
19. Macarthys Ltd v Smith [1979] 3 All ER 325
such. We take no notice of treaties until
20. Garland v British Rail Engineering Ltd
they are embodied in laws enacted by
[1982] 2 All ER 402
Parliament, and then only to the extent
21. Marshall v Southampton Area Health
that Parliament tells us. That was settled in
Authority (case 152/84) [1986] ECR 723;
[1986] 1 CMLR 688.
a case about a treaty between the Queen of
England and the Emperor of China. It is
22. Von Colson and Kamann v Land Nordrhein-
Westfalen (case 14/83) [1984] ECR 1891
Rustomjee v R. Lord Coleridge CJ said
((1876) 2 QBD at 74):
23. On the Application of Wunsche
Handelsgesellschaft (Solange II) [1987] 3
"She [ie the Queen] acted throughout the
CMLR 225; before the German Federal
Constitutional Court making of the treaty and in relation to each
and every of its stipulations in her
24. Marleasing SA v La Commercial
Internacional de Alimentacion SA (case C- sovereign character, and by her own
106/89) [1990] ECR I-4135 inherent authority; and, as in making the
25. Francovich and Bonifaci v Italy (cases 6/90 treaty, so in performing the treaty, she is
and 9/90) [1991] ECR I-5357; [1993] 2 beyond the control of municipal law, and
CMLR 66 her acts are not to be examined in her own
26. Duke v GEC Reliance Ltd [1988] 1 All ER Courts".

27. Litster and others v Forth Dry Dock and

Mr Blackburn acknowledged the general
Engineering Co Ltd and another [1989] 1 principle, but he urged that this proposed
All ER 1134 treaty is in a category by itself, in that it
28. Factortame Ltd and others v Secretary of diminishes the sovereignty of Parliament
State for Transport [1989] 2 All ER 692 over the people of this country. I cannot
29. Factortame Ltd and others v Secretary of accept the distinction. The general principle
State for Transport (No 2) (Case C-213/89) applies to this treaty as to any other. The
[1991] 1 All ER 70 treaty-making power of this country rests
30. R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex not in the courts, but in the Crown; that is,
parte Factortame (no.2) [1991] 1 All ER 70 Her Majesty acting on the advice of her
(House of Lords)
Ministers. When her Ministers negotiate and
31. Thoburn v Sunderland City Council and sign a treaty, even a treaty of such
other appeals [2002] EWHC 195 Admin;
paramount importance as this proposed
[2003] QB 151; [2002] 4 All ER 156
one, they act on behalf of the country as a
M. Chapter twelve: The governance of Scotland and
whole. They exercise the prerogative of the
Crown. Their action in so doing cannot be
N. Chapter thirteen: Substantive grounds of judicial challenged or questioned in these courts.
review 1: illegality, irrationality and proportionality
O. Chapter fourteen: Procedural grounds of judicial Mr Blackburn takes a second point. He says
review that, if Parliament should implement the
P. Chapter fifteen: Challenging governmental treaty by passing an Act of Parliament for
decisions: the process this purpose, it will seek to do the
Q. Chapter sixteen: Locus standi impossible. It will seek to bind its
successors. According to the treaty, once it
R. Chapter seventeen: Human rights I: Traditional
perspectives is signed, we are committed to it
irrevocably. Once in the Common Market,
S. Chapter eighteen: Human rights II: Emergent
principles we cannot withdraw from it. No Parliament
can commit us, says Mr Blackburn, to that
T. Chapter nineteen: Human rights III: New
substantive grounds of review extent. He prays in aid the principle that no
Parliament can bind its successors, and that
U. Chapter twenty: Human rights IV: The Human
Rights Act 1998 any Parliament can reverse any previous
V. Chapter twenty-one: Human rights V: The impact
of The Human Rights Act 1998
We have all been brought up to believe
W. Chapter twenty-two: Human rights VI:
that, in legal theory, one Parliament cannot
Governmental powers of arrest and detention
bind another and that no Act is irreversible.
X. Chapter twenty-three: Leaving the European Union
But legal theory does not always march
alongside political reality. Take the Statute
of Westminster 1931, which takes away the
power of Parliament to legislate for the
dominions. Can anyone imagine that
Parliament could or would reverse that
statute? Take the Acts which have granted
independence to the dominions and
territories overseas. Can anyone imagine
that Parliament could or would reverse
those laws and take away their
independence? Most clearly not. Freedom
once given cannot be taken away. Legal
theory must give way to practical

What are the realities here? If Her

Majesty's Ministers sign this treaty and
Parliament enacts provisions to implement
it, I do not envisage that Parliament would
afterwards go back on it and try to
withdraw from it. But, if Parliament should
do so, then I say we will consider that
event when it happens. We will then say
whether Parliament can lawfully do it or

Both sides referred us to the valuable

article by Professor H W R Wade in the
Cambridge Law Journal ([1954-55] CLJ at p
196) in which he said that 'sovereignty is a
political fact for which no purely legal
authority can be constituted'. That is true.
We must wait to see what happens before
we pronounce on sovereignty in the
Common Market.

So, whilst in theory Mr Blackburn is quite

right in saying that no Parliament can bind
another, and that any Parliament can
reverse what a previous Parliament has
done, nevertheless so far as this court is
concerned, I think we will wait until that
day comes. We will not pronounce on it

SALMON LJ: Whilst I recognise the

undoubted sincerity of Mr Blackburn's
views, I deprecate litigation the purpose of
which is to influence political decisions.
Such decisions have nothing to do with
these courts. These courts are concerned
only with the effect of such decisions if and
when they have been implemented by
legislation. Nor have the courts any power
to interfere with the treaty-making power
of the Sovereign. As to Parliament, in the
present state of the law, it can enact,
amend and repeal any legislation it pleases.
The sole power of the courts is to decide
and enforce what is the law and not what it
should be - now, or in the future.

I agree that this appeal should be


STAMP LJ: I agree that the appeal should

be dismissed; but I would express no view
whatsoever on the legal implications of this
country becoming a party to the Treaty of
Rome. In the way Mr Blackburn put it I
think he confused the division of the
powers of the Crown, Parliament and the
courts. The Crown enters into treaties;
Parliament enacts laws; and it is the duty of
this court in proper cases to interpret those
laws when made; but it is no part of this
court's function or duty to make
declarations in general terms regarding the
powers of Parliament, more particularly
where the circumstances in which the court
is asked to intervene are purely
hypothetical. Nor ought this court at the
suit of one of Her Majesty's subjects to
make declarations regarding the undoubted
prerogative power of the Crown to enter
into treaties.
This selection (c) Oxford University Press, 2012. Copyright in the
individual extracts as listed in the acknowledgments.

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