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In modern day, it is becoming increasingly common for people to purchase things

and only use them for a short time before discarding and replacing the products,
contributing to the appearance of the “throw-away culture”. This habit has resulted
in a range of serious consequences, which will be outlined in the essay below.
First of all, one of the main cause of this phenomenon is consumerist behaviours
and lack of awareness. Consumers, often unaware of the negative environmental
impacts, prefer cheap, easily non-reusable goods. Secondly, a number of
companies are trying to advertise their products for higher profit without
considering its potential damage to the enviroment. A highlighted example for this
is the fast fashion industry, where clothes are created for runway performances and
then thrown away after a single use. Unlike clothing that is designed to be reused
for its intended purpose, these disposable items harm the environment. As a result,
this constant pursuit of convenience production has created an overload of
landfills, polluted ecosystems, and strained natural resources.
Despite the harm that consumerism has caused to the environment, it is almost
undeniable that this belief has created some certain benefits. For instance, the fact
that people buy and use a large quantity of goods and services is not only an
integral part, affecting individual companies but also has a great impact on the
economy of many countries worldwide. However, this does not mean that
environmental protection can be ignored, the cleanliness of a country is always an
indispensible criterion to evaluate its development. Thus, it is crucial that
businesses as well as the government take action to reduce damage to the
environment for better growth in general.
To sum up, while the "throw-away culture" driven by consumerism has some
economic benefits, its environmental consequences are severe and cannot be

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