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INTJ Personality Test

Evaluation Sheet

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Questions Focusing On Primary
Introverted Intuition

1. Do you feel as if you find answers to abstract questions without

having to put much thought into them?

• (Strong Ni): Yes, this is something I experience all the time. (3)
• (Medium Ni): I feel that this occurs sometimes, but I have to put in some
thought to find solutions to problems most of the time. (2)
• (Weak Ni): I rarely have such an experience. (0)

2. When socializing with friends and family, do you tend to go along

with the flow, or do you sit out and tend to analyze the situation
before speaking?

• (Strong Ni): I am always analyzing the situation and thinking before I speak.
• (Medium Ni): I do this sometimes when I am in an unfamiliar situation, or
with new people I have not met before. (2)
• (Weak Ni): I tend to always go with the flow, whether it is with new people I
have just met or with friends and family. (0)

3. Do you feel that you suppress your true feelings when socializing
with people?

• (Strong Ni): Yes, I do feel that I bundle up my feelings inside when

socializing. (3)
• (Medium Ni): It depends on the situation, and whether or not I am with
people I trust. (2)
• (Weak Ni): I rarely do this, I am very open and express myself freely to
people. (0)

4. Do you feel that you are constantly lost in your own thoughts, and
zoned out of the present situation?

• (Strong Ni): Yes, I am often thinking about solutions to many problems, at

the cost of paying attention to the present situation. (2)
• (Medium Ni): This happens sometimes, although quite frequently I am
paying attention to the present situation. (1)
• (Weak Ni): No, I am constantly paying attention to present situations and
get caught up in the moment. (0)

5. Do you come across as a reserved and closed off person to others?

• (Strong Ni): Yes, people have constantly told me that I do not talk about my
private life as much. (2)
• (Medium Ni): For certain situations that I am not comfortable in, I do
become closed and reserved. (1)
• (Weak Ni): I am extremely open, and talk about every aspect with my life
to people. (0)

Questions Focusing On Auxiliary
Extraverted Thinking

6. When you have a task to complete, do you make clear steps and
instructions for yourself to follow for the successful completion of
the task?

• (Strong Te): Yes, I meticulously plan every step of the way until the finish
line. (3)
• (Medium Te): I create a rough plan and schedule to follow, but nothing is
set in stone. (2)
• (Weak Te): No, I like to complete my task by taking on whichever parts of it I
feel like working on during the day. (0)

7. If you see someone who clearly needs support, are you more likely
to provide them with practical steps to solve their problem or
provide emotional support?

• (Strong Te): I rarely provide emotional support, my main strength is drawing

solutions for people and this is what friends and family know me for. (3)
• (Medium Te): I tend to do a bit of both. (2)
• (Weak Te): I am terrible for providing logical steps to friends and family. But
I am always there as a support system for them whenever they need me. (0)

8. Do you come across as too opinionated or bossy to your friends

and family?

• (Strong Te): Yes, I am always getting into arguments with people over my
opinions and beliefs. (3)
• (Medium Te): I am strongly opinionated, but also concede on many things to
people and can see things from their point of view. (2)
• (Weak Te): I don’t have a particular set of beliefs that I am greatly
passionate about, and am open to seeing other people’s points of views. (0)

9. Do you feel that you can set aside your feelings on a subject to
formulate an objective decision about it?

• (Strong Te): Yes, I am well known for this, and people often come to me
for help in making objective decisions. (2)
• (Medium Te): Sometimes I can let my feelings get in the way of making
objective decisions. (1)
• (Weak Te): I do not feel that I can set aside my feelings, and can be really
biased towards something. (0)

10. Do you find it difficult to cope with an unforeseen change to

your schedule or routine?

• (Strong Te): Yes, any change to my routine is hard for me to cope with. (2)
• (Medium Te): It does annoy me, but I feel that I can sufficiently handle
change. (1)
• (Weak Te): It does not bother me at all, and I am very good at adapting to
any situation accordingly. (0)

Questions Focusing On Tertiary
Introverted Feeling

11. Do you feel as if you cannot divulge your true feelings to others,
due to the potential criticism towards your feelings and thoughts
that you may receive?

• (Strong Fi): Yes, I have been reprimanded before by people for

my feelings. (3)
• (Medium Fi): Although people have sometimes raised eyebrows when I have
cited my feelings, I still try to be as open and honest as possible. (2)
(Weak Fi): No, I am not afraid to be open and cite my honest views on
things. Besides, people tend to be in agreement with my views. (0)

12. Do you always question widely held societal expectations and

activities that, to you, everyone seems to participate in?

• (Strong Fi): I am always looking to see the logic behind the social
activities everyone participate in, and if they clash with my personal
beliefs, I refuse to participate myself. (3)
• (Medium Fi): Sometimes I analyze widely accepted social activities, but I
still participate in most, since I enjoy them. (2)
• (Weak Fi): I do not really look into such things. If I find an activity fun,
then I will participate. (0)

13. Are you able to empathize with other people and understand their

• (Strong Fi): Yes, I feel a great deal of empathy for others, and seek to
provide solutions to solve their problems. (2)
• (Medium Fi): I can empathize with other people, but feel that I do not
usually provide sufficient enough solutions for them. (1)
• (Weak Fi): I can empathize with other people, but my main form of helping
them is through providing emotional support. (0)

Questions Focusing On Inferior
Extraverted Sensing

14. Do you enjoy participating in activities that are highly impulsive

and exhilarating?

• (Strong Se): No, I prefer more calm activities and prefer to think before
making an impulsive decision. (3)
• (Medium Se): Sometimes, when I am with friends and family. (2)
• (Weak Se): I love participating in thrilling activities. (0)

15. Do you feel that you tend to over analyze situations?

• (Strong Se): Yes, I tend to put a lot of thought into something before I
take action. (3)
• (Medium Se): It depends on the situation, but for important issues I will
analyze it carefully. (2)
• (Weak Se): No, I tend to go with the flow. (0)

16. Do you feel like you exude an air of confidence which makes it
clear to others that you are sure in what you want?

• (Strong Se): Although I am sure of what I want, I do not communicate this

with confident body language to other people. (2)
• (Medium Se): I am not always sure in terms of what I want, and when I am
not, this is seen through my nonverbal language. (1)
• (Weak Se): I am very confident and can even act like it when I am not sure
about something. (0)


Total Score Available: 42. Rating scale:

Points Evaluation
29+ Most likely an INTJ
15-28 Possibly an INTJ
0-14 Probably not an INTJ

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