R002 - Boost The Ranking of An Existing Page On Search Engines

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[RECIPE] Boost the ranking of your

existing content on search engines

Last Updated / Reviewed: May 17th, 2022

Goal: Increasing the ranking of a specific page on search engines by fixing On-Page
SEO issues and launching a link building campaign to increase Page Authority.

Prerequisites or requirements: You should have performed keyword research already

to know which keyword you want to optimize for. If you haven’t already you can follow
SOP 011 here.

Why this is important: Optimizing your existing content is a low-hanging-fruit approach

you should take to grow your traffic from search engines since it does not require you to
create new content.

When this is done: When you have a piece of content that you want to rank better.

Who does this: The person responsible for SEO or content marketing.
❏ Step 1 - Perform an On-Page SEO Audit on the page that
you want to optimize

Click here to view this SOP

Outcome: Your SEO Audit Worksheet has been completely filled out.

❏ Step 2 - Go through each of your On-Page

optimization opportunities on that page and fix

Click here to view the Yoast SOP / Click here to view the RankMath SOP / Click here to
view the SEO Press SOP

Outcome: Your SEO Audit Worksheet is now passing all relevant tasks.

Special Instructions: Use the SEO Audit worksheet that you’ve filled out on the
previous step as a reference to know which sections of this SOP you’ll need to follow
and work on. As they are fixed, update the SEO Audit Worksheet with the new score for
each task along with any relevant notes.

Optional: If you want to keep a before and after version of the audit, copy the
initial audit that you’ve done on Step 1 and work on top of that copy instead.
❏ Step 3 - Find link building opportunities and launch
a scalable link building campaign

Click here to view this SOP

Outcome: You have sent relevant, bulk-outreach emails to publishers that were linking
to your competitor’s content, and provided them reasons to link to your content instead.

Special instructions: If you are ranking a single page, you will only be adding one blog
post to your Link Building Opportunities Worksheet.

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