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Input and Output:

Figure: Output of drawing circle using build-in function

Input and Output:

Figure: Output of drawing line using build-in function

Input and Output:

Figure: Input of Bresenhams algorithm

Figure: Output of Bresenhams algorithm

Input and Output:

Figure: Input of translation

Figure: Output of translation

Input and Output:

Figure: Input of drawing circle using mid-point algorithm

Figure: Output of drawing circle using mid-point algorithm

Input and Output:

Figure: Input to apply rotation to 2D shapes

Figure: Output of rotation

Input and Output:

Figure: Input to apply scaling to 2D shape

Figure: Output of scaling

Input and Output:

Figure: Input and Output of Sutherland Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm

Source Program:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Point {
int x, y;
bool inside(Point p, Point win_min, Point win_max) {
return (p.x >= win_min.x && p.x <= win_max.x && p.y >= win_min.y
&& p.y <= win_max.y);}
Point intersection(Point p1, Point p2, Point win_min, Point win_max)
Point intersect;
if (p2.y - p1.y == 0) {
intersect.y = p1.y;
intersect.x = win_min.x;
} else if (p2.x - p1.x == 0) {
intersect.x = p1.x;
intersect.y = win_min.y;
} else {
float m = (float)(p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x);
if (p1.x == p2.x) {
intersect.x = p1.x;
intersect.y = win_min.y;
} else if (p1.y == p2.y) {
intersect.y = p1.y;
intersect.x = win_min.x;
} else {
if (m < 0) {
if (p1.y < win_min.y) {
intersect.y = win_min.y;
intersect.x = p1.x - ((p1.y - win_min.y) / m);
} else {
intersect.y = p1.y - m * (p1.x - win_min.x);
intersect.x = win_min.x;
} else {
if (p1.y > win_max.y) {
intersect.y = win_max.y;
intersect.x = p1.x - ((p1.y - win_max.y) / m);
} else {
intersect.y = p1.y - m * (p1.x - win_max.x);
intersect.x = win_max.x;
return intersect;
vector<Point> sutherlandHodgman(vector<Point> polygon, Point
win_min, Point win_max) {
vector<Point> clippedPolygon;
int n = polygon.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int k = (i + 1) % n;
if (inside(polygon[i], win_min, win_max)) {
if (!inside(polygon[k], win_min, win_max)) {
polygon[k], win_min, win_max));
} else if (inside(polygon[k], win_min, win_max)) {
polygon[k], win_min, win_max));
return clippedPolygon;
void displayPolygon(vector<Point> polygon) {
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); i++) {
cout << "(" << polygon[i].x << ", " << polygon[i].y << ") ";
cout << endl;}
int main() {
int n;
vector<Point> polygon, clippedPolygon;
Point win_min, win_max;
cout << "Enter the number of vertices of the polygon: ";
cin >> n;

cout << "Enter the vertices of the polygon (x y):" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Point p;
cin >> p.x >> p.y;
cout << "Enter the minimum coordinates of the clipping window (x
y): ";
cin >> win_min.x >> win_min.y;
cout << "Enter the maximum coordinates of the clipping window (x
y): ";
cin >> win_max.x >> win_max.y;
clippedPolygon = sutherlandHodgman(polygon, win_min, win_max);
cout << "Clipped polygon:" << endl;

return 0;
Figure: Output of car animation using adobe animate cc
Input and Output:

Figure: Tools and Properties Panels

Figure: Library and Color panels

Figure: Timeline and Layers

Figure: Stage

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