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Chapter-1: Computer Languages

1. What do you understand by a programming language? Define machine language.

Answer: A language which is used to write the program is called programming language. It is
used to develop instructions that enable a computer to do a particular task.
Machine language is the only language that a computer directly understands. It is also
known as low level language (LLL). This language uses binary digits 0 and 1 to represent

2. List the advantages of assembly language.

Answer: Advantages of assembly language are,
 It uses English words which make it readable by human beings.
 It is easy to locate and fix the errors in the programs written in assembly language.

3. What is the difference between source code and object copde.

Source code Object code
This is a program written in high level This is the code generated by machine
Source code is easy to modify Object code is difficult to modify
Written by programmer Generated by machine
Source code is the input to compiler Object code is the output of the compiler

4. Define the term translator. How is an interpreter different from a compiler?

Answer: A translator converts the instructions into machine language to make it a computer
understandable language.
The differences between interpreter and compiler are as follows
Interpreter Compiler
Interpreter scans one line at a time. Compiler scans entire program at once
Interpreter is slower than Compiler. Compiler is faster than Interpreter.
Lists one error at a time Gives complete list of error at once

5. What are the characteristics of the fifth-generation languages.

Answer: The characteristics of fifth generation languages are as follows.
 These are the advanced high-level languages used in artificial intelligence research.
 These languages are designed to make the computer solve a given problem on its own
without interference of the programmer.
 Its goal is to make computer think and react like human beings.
 The programmer only dictates how the solution should appear and then computer
searches for a suitable solution.

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