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Command and Staff Training Institution


NO 107-111 JC&SC
History of CSTI
Junior Command and Staff School (JCSS) was established by the then Chief of Air Staff AVM
Khademul Bashar, Bir Uttam, Tbt in 1976. Later in 1980, Individual Studies School (ISS) was
established to conduct the promotion exam of junior officers of BAF. In 1983, JCSS and ISS
were brought together under Command and Staff Training Institute (CSTI) with the motto of
‘Protiva Proshikkhon Progoti’. As one of the leading training institutes, CSTI conducts
different courses for all branch officers include ISS Part-I and Part-II, Junior Command and
Staff Course and Squadron Commanders’ Course. Since its formation, this Institute has
educated more than one and a half thousands military officers through more than hundred
courses. It has so far trained more than 200 overseas officers and 60 Army and Naval officers.
Through this, this Institute has travelled beyond the academics to an endless friendship with
friendly services and nations.

Over the period CSTI has modernized its appliances and developed its courses. It has
digitalized ISS courses, has established an Aerospace research Centre and Library and has
conducted various workshops at joint and combined (bi-national) levels. This Institute is
thereby proudly known for its contribution to prepare the future leaders with enhanced
command and staff capabilities who can serve the nation with dignity and honour. On
recognition, Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman Serniabat, BBP, OSP, ndu,
psc has awarded the Institute with ‘Bangladesh Air Force Colour’ on 07 July 2019 at BAF
Base Bashar.

Group Captain Muhammad Mushtaqur Rahman, BPP, afwc, psc, ADWC, Officer Commanding, CSTI is receiving
BAF Colour for CSTI from Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman Serniabat, BBP, OSP, ndu, psc.

OC, other members of CSTI and BAF colour parade

OC CSTI receiving crest from COAS participants joining photography with COAS

(NO 107-111 JCSC)
NO 107, 108, 109, 110 and 111 JCSC commenced on 14 th
February 2018, 20 May 2018, 03
September 2018, 20 January 2019 and 05 May 2019 respectively. Each course started with the
welcome speech by Officer Commanding CSTI, Gp Capt Muhammad Mushtaqur Rahman, BPP,
afwc, psc. He started his speech by welcoming everyone in CSTI. He apprised that, the aim of
the course is to improve effectiveness of the participants by exposing them to fundamental
knowledge of command and staff works being followed in the Armed Forces. JC&SC has 06
modules namely Air Power, Staff Duties, Administration, Leadership and Management,
Reinforcement and Mil Op other than War. The thirteen weeks course tenure was wrapped
with academic classes, lectures, presentations, small group discussions, written exams,
exercises, staff assignments, mock trial, video comprehension and book reviews. Later on,
the Chief Instructor briefed the student officers about the detailed curriculum of the course.
OC CSTI called a meeting and briefed all in-house and part time DSs about successful
completion of the courses. Day ended with administrative activities for the course.

OC CSTI welcoming all students to CSTI All DSs and students are attending the
inauguration ceremony

OC CSTI conducting meeting with all in-house and part time DSs

107 JC&SC

There were total 20 student officers participated in 107 JC&SC from different branches of
BAF including 01 Indian Air Force, 01 Sri Lankan Air Force and 02 Royal Saudi Air Force

108 JC&SC

There were total 20 student officers participated in 108 JC&SC from different branches of
BAF including 01 Indian Air Force, 01 Sri Lankan Air Force, 01 Royal Malaysian Air Force, 02
Royal Saudi Air Force and 01 United States Air Force Officer.

109 JC&SC

There were total 21 student officers participated in 109 JC&SC from different branches of
BAF including 01 Indian Air Force, 01 Sri Lankan Air Force, 02 Royal Saudi Air Force and 01
United States Air Force Officer.

110 JC&SC

There were total 21 student officers participated in 110 JC&SC from different branches of
BAF including 01 Indian Air Force, 01 Sri Lankan Air Force, 01 Pakistan Air Force and 01
Nigerian Air Force Officer.

111 JC&SC

There were total 19 student officers participated in 111 JC&SC from different branches of
BAF including 01 Indian Air Force, 01 Sri Lankan Air Force and 01 Royal Malaysian Air Force

Student officers are attending different modules of JC&SC


The Junior Command and Staff Course stimulate personal growth and improve the
effectiveness of the student officers. Local and outstation visits form an integral part for the
course and are aimed at giving a varied exposure to the student officers. The visit was aimed
at familiarization with the management and functions of Military a large scale civil

With the aim to observe functions of a base, all students of No 107,108,109,110 and 111 JCSC
visited BAF Base Sheikh Hasina led by OC CSTI. On that visit student officers visited BAF Base
Cox’s Bazar and Cox’s Bazar Radar Unit as well. This visit enabled the student to learn about
basic functions a base and radar unit which will help them to have better idea about Air
Force as a future leader. It also gave an opportunity for all to enjoy the coastal area of
Bangladesh – the longest unbroken sea beach in the world.

No 107 JCSC:

Visit to Beximco Pharma, Tongi, Gazipur

Visit to ADOC, OC CSTI handing over a token of memento to OC ADOC

No 108 JCSC:

Visit to Space Research and Remote Sensing Org (SPARRSO)

Visit to Officers’ Training School (OTS) BAF

No 109 JCSC:

Visit to Bangabandhu Aeronautical Centre and 214 MROU, BAF BBD

Visit to Bangladesh Army Artillery Center & School

No 110 JCSC:

Visit to School of Infantry and Tactics (SI&T) Sylhet

Visit to Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO)

No 111 JCSC:

Visit to Senakallyan Sangshtha (SKS)

Visit to BAF Base Sheikh Hasina (Cox’s Bazar)

The Dining-in Night is the traditional way of welcoming the new students. The dining in
nights of No 107-111 JC&SC were held in BAF Officers’ Mess, Tejgaon. All the student
officers, Chief Instructor, directing staffs were present during these event. Social evening
was also arranged in every JC&SC course to interact with CSTI family. Chief Guest for all the
programs, Gp Capt Muhammad Mushtaqur Rahman, BPP, afwc, psc meet with everyone and
shared some of his memorable experiences with the student officers and families. He
expressed his thanks to all for making those moments eventful as this is a traditional event
that is cherished for long time. After the formal dinner, the foreign officers spoke a few
words. The program ended with course photography in front of the mess.

Faculty members and student officers are OC CSTI handing over a token of
joining in Dining-in-Night memento to a overseas student officer

Group photography with Chief Guest after Group photography with Chief Guest after
Dining-in-Night Social Evening

On 30 Apr 18, Students of 107 JCSC conducted a seminar at CSTI premises. The topic of the
seminar was ‘Technology and air warfare’. The students were divided into two syndicates:
Syndicate A and Syndicate B. Air Cdre HNM Ehtesham Mahmud, ndc, psc, AOC, BAF PKP
attended the seminar as Key Note speaker for the first session. Topic of the first session of
the seminar was ‘The impact of technologies in most recent air war/battle’. For the second
session Air Cdre Shahjahan, BUP, ndu, psc, OC, 214 MRO(U) attended as the key note speaker.
Topic of the second session of the seminar was ‘Need for indigenous engineering for air
forces’. Syndicate B presented on the topic. After an interactive question answer session
the seminar ended at 1330.

Student officer delivering presentation Group Photography with Key Note Speaker

On 01 Aug 18, Students of 108 JCSC conducted a seminar at CSTI premises. The topic of the
seminar was ‘Importance of Electronic Warfare in Air OP’. The students were divided into
two syndicates: Syndicate A and Syndicate B. Air Cdre Md Shaukat Ali, BUP (BD/8368), Engg
attended the seminar as Key Note speaker for the first session. Topic of the first session of
the seminar was ‘Developing Electronic Warfare capability for Air Force’. For the second
session Air Cdre Md Shafiqul Alam, BPP, ndc, psc (BD/7954), GD(N) attended as the key note
speaker. Topic of the second session of the seminar was ‘Emerging Reqr for Cyber Sy for
own Air Force’. Syndicate B presented on the topic. After an interactive question answer
session the seminar ended at 1330.

Interactive Session Key Note Speaker delivering presentation

On 13 Nov 18, Students of 109 JCSC conducted a seminar at CSTI premises. The topic of the
seminar was ‘Impact of Social Media on Military profession’. The students were divided into
two syndicates: Syndicate A and Syndicate B. Air Cdre Md Shafiqul Alam, BPP, ndc, psc
(BD/7954), GD(N) attended the seminar as Key Note speaker for the first session. Topic of
the first session of the seminar was ‘Impact of Social Media on military working
environment’. For the second session Air Cdre Md Sharif Uddin Sarker, GUP, BPP, psc
(BD/8303), GD(P) attended as the key note speaker. Topic of the second session of the
seminar was ‘Impact of Social Media on Personal life in military’. Syndicate B presented on
the topic. After an interactive question answer session the seminar ended at 1330.

Student officer delivering presentation Group photography with Key Note Speaker

On 02 Apr 19, Students of 110 JCSC conducted a seminar at CSTI premises. The topic of the
seminar was ‘Space and Beyond’. The students were divided into two syndicates: Syndicate
A and Syndicate B. Air Cdre Md Sharif Uddin Sarker, GUP, BPP, psc (BD/8303), GD(P)
attended the seminar as Key Note speaker for the first session. Topic of the first session of
the seminar was ‘From Air Power to Aerospace Power’. For the second session Air Cdre Sade
Uddin Ahmed, BUP, ndc, nswc, psc (BD/8310), Engg attended as the key note speaker. Topic
of the second session of the seminar was ‘Cyber Technology’. Syndicate B presented on the
topic. After an interactive question answer session the seminar ended at 1330.

Key Note speaker, OC CSTI and DSs Group photography with Key Note Speaker
attending the seminar

On 07 Jul 19, Students of 111 JCSC conducted a seminar at CSTI premises. The topic of the
seminar was ‘Capacity building of Aircraft overhauling Projects of BAF’. The students were
divided into two syndicates: Syndicate A and Syndicate B. Air Cdre Sade Uddin Ahmed, BUP,
ndc, nswc, psc (BD/8310), Engg attended the seminar as Key Note speaker for the first
session. Topic of the first session of the seminar was ‘Analyze the Capability of Existing
Repair and Overhauling Works of BAF’. For the second session Air Cdre Mohammed Khair Ul
Afsar, psc (BD/8383) GD(P) attended as the key note speaker. Topic of the second session of
the seminar was ‘Prospect of a Model Aircraft Overhauling Centre for Bangladesh’.
Syndicate B presented on the topic. After an interactive question answer session the
seminar ended at 1330.

Key Note speaker delivering presentation Student officers participating in the

interactive Session

Jt Wksp on Leadership and
Behavior by CSTI and CLABS
CSTI provides professional military training to mid-level
officers of Bangladesh Air Force including officers of
sister svc and foreign countries in order to educate
them both in command and staff appointments. To
educate the student officers on leadership and CLABS conducting a session in Jt
behavior, joint workshops were arranged at CSTI on Wksp
Leadership and Behavior in January 2018 and June 2019.
The workshops were jointly conducted by Bangladesh
Air Force and Indian Air Force. Working sessions were
conducted jointly by Centre of Leadership and Behavior
Studies (CLABS) of Indian Air Force and Bangladesh Air
Force Core Group led by CSTI.

The team conducted a good number of Psychometric Test

amongst the participants. Student officers as well as the
observers from BAF Bases have also interacted with the
CLABS DSs during the course of presentation. All
OC CSTI attending the joint
participants expressed their gratitude to BAF authority for
arranging CLABS members present before them with such workshop
expertise on leadership. The Officer Commanding of CSTI
BAF Group Captain Muhammad Mushtaqur Rahman, BPP,
afwc, psc, ADWC was responsible for the overall
conduct of the workshop. CLABS team was consisted of
five (05) specialist officers (03x Group Captain & 02x
Wing Commander) and BAF formed a core group led by
CSTI for this purpose. Air Headquarters (Air Secretary’s
Branch) detailed three (03) members Core Group led by
Officer Commanding of CSTI BAF. Air Headquarters also
detailed four (04) members of BAF resource persons to
assess the working sessions with a concluding remark at OC CSTI handing over a token of
the end of each session. CSTI made up the Core Group memento to the team leader of
led working session equally to the task of CLABS. BAF CLABS (India)
Core Group contributed to this workshop with a
different yet related issues and dimension. They
covered both theoretical and applied approach on
leadership study. The Chief Instructor JC&SC moderated
the working session and the Chief Instructor ISS worked
as prime recorder of joint workshop. Three members
from the Core Group were consisted of Officer
Commanding CSTI and two other outstation officers
from Air Headquarters and ISSB, who presented BAF
Working Session in the workshop. Officer Commanding
CSTI started the session with ‘Professional Military
Ethics: A Critical Purview of Leadership’. Group Photography with CLABS
15 team
Jt Wksp on M Air Op by CSTI and BN
In order to supplement the course curriculum, ‘Jt Wksp on M Air Op’ was conducted by DSs of
CSTI and Guest Lecturer from BN for 107,108,109, 110 and 111th JC&SC courses. Nominated
officer from BAF bases and Air HQ also attended the wksp. CI JC&SC has introduced the jt
wksp with its obj exposed. While the SO’s from Naval HQ’s has deliberated M op and Amph
op, the DSs of JCSS wg have unwrapped those in classes of TASMO proc as well as Amph def
zone and counter amph op. OC CSTI has presented the key note paper on Air Def and Airspace
mgt at sea. These wksp heavily contributed to enhance the understanding of participating
officer regarding the modalities of BN-BAF jt op in time of peace and crisis.

GL, DSs and student officers are participating the Jt Wksp on M Air Op

Wksp on OPR
CSTI carried out a half day wksp on OPR for 110 and 111th JCSC. This included the
understanding of Soft Skill, Performance BAF F P-57, impending points for raising an ACR/OPR
and hand-on training for raising OPR and counseling form on a given profile. Through this
wksp student offrs were acquainted with the salient pts iro OPR. In addition to in house
faculties, specialized senior offrs of Air HQ/Bases also participated in this wksp.

GL, DSs and student officers are participating in the Wksp on OPR
Jt Air/Land btl ex ‘shokto-ghati’
CSTI organizes Joint exercise with Bangladesh Army named ‘SHOKTO GHATI’ for 03 days in
every JCSC course. Two officers from SI&T, Sylhet and DSs of JCSS wg conducted the session.
On the first day they gave detailed mission brief. On that exercise Bangladesh was divided
into two parts along the western border. There was tension going on between ‘Wolfland’–
enemy forces and the ‘Greenland’ – friendly forces regarding the IB. The mission was to give
air support to GL Army. It was table top exercise in which Both syndicate ‘A’ & ‘B’ made their
plan, prepared operational map and gave presentation with detailed support plan on 3 rd day.
This exercise helped the student officers learn ‘Army Scheme of Maneuver’ and the air power
aspects of Air/Land operation.

GL, DSs and student officers are participating in the Jt Air/Land btl ex


The purpose of book review was to enhance student officers’ knowledge on different
literature specially related to military and leadership. The book review session was held at
the library of CSTI. Student officers from 107-111 JCSC participated in the session with the
review of books which they have studied and analyzed. The session certainly grew interests
amongst the students to read and study the vast collection of CSTI library books. The
Directing Staff emphasized and requested all student officers to grow more reading habit and
read all kind of books. Especially as man in blue, he advised the student officers to grow
more interest on reading air power and war related books to enrich their knowledge.

Student Officers are participating in Book review session at CSTI library

Games and sports are integral part of any military institute. Likewise despite having
demanding study and classes student officers of JC&SC from home and abroad participates in
various games and sports such as volleyball, football etc. Student offrs are divided into two
Syn A&B. Competitions are arng for Football and Volleyball. Best players and winner syn are
given trophy and medals. Besides student officers regularly joins in PT and Parade. These
activities took them out of classroom monotony and helped them to maintain physically fit.

OC CSTI interacting with players Student officers are playing football

Student officers are playing volleyball Student officers attending PER test

Chief Guest distributing prizes to the recipients Group photography with the Chief Guest

No 107 and 109 JCSC had the opportunity to listen from our Liberation War hero
Group Captain (Retd) Shamsul Alam, BU, psc. The Great War hero fought valiantly in the
operation ‘Kilo Flight’ during the Liberation War. In recognition of that, he received National
gallantry award, ‘Bir Uttam’ for his bravery and leadership displayed on battlefield. After the
Liberation War, he was given the responsibility to raise first Transport Squadron of BAF and
he dedicated himself to reconstruct and reorganize BAF and effectively became one of the
founding fathers of BAF. The war hero discussed his practical war experiences in ‘Kilo Flight’
which was the first operation of Bangladeshi pilots during our War of Liberation in 1971. It
was a great interactive session among the students and the war hero.

OC CSTI introducing War Hero to the OC CSTI handing over a token of

class memento to the War Hero

No 108 and 110 JCSC had the opportunity to listen from our Liberation War hero
Group Captain (Retd) Shaukat-Ul-Islam, psc. He was graduated from the PAF Academy,
Risalpur in 1963 as a Pilot Officer in GD (P) branch. He took part in a 23 days war in 1965
between India and Pakistan as a Flying Officer with about 400 hrs of total flying hours. He
flew 19 operational missions in the F-86 F fighter aircraft and finally ended up as a Prisoner
of War (POW) in India after an air battle with a Hunter aircraft. After the War of Liberation in
1971 he joined Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) in early March 1972. The war hero discussed his
practical war experiences, fighting with his aircraft, shooting down enemy aircraft, shot by
the enemy and then become POW. It was a great interactive session among the students and
the war hero.

Veteran War Hero is sharing his OC CSTI handing over a token of

experience to the class memento to the War Hero
No 111 JCSC had the opportunity to listen from a Great War hero
Squadron Leader (Retd) Liaqat Ali Khan BU. Besides the course members, officers from
other Bases were fortunate to get opportunity for attending the lecture program. The Great
War hero fought valiantly along with the soldiers and officers of the 1 st E.Bengal during the
‘Liberation War’. In recognition of that, he received National gallantry award, ‘Bir Uttam’ for
his bravery and leadership displayed in battlefield. He rejoined BAF in February 1972 and
dedicated himself to reconstruct and reorganize BAF and effectively became one of the
founding fathers of BAF. It was a good interactive session among the students and the war
hero. All the participants will treasure this propitious memory throughout their life.

OC CSTI handing over a token of Group photography with veteran War

memento to the War Hero Hero


On successful completion of JC&SC course, Certificate award ceremony was arranged:

107 JCSC
On 14 May 2018 in CSTI. Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Ops) AVM Masihuzzaman Serniabat, BBP,
OSP, ndu, psc (Now Chief of Air Staff; Air Chief Marshal) graced the occasion as the Chief
Guest. Directors from Air Headquarters, Directing Staffs and guests from base joined the
program. Sqn Ldr Syed Abdullah-Al-Mamun, GD(P) received COAS trophy for overall best
performance in the course.

Chief Guest is delivering his speech Best student receiving COAS trophy

108 JCSC
On 16 Aug 2018 in CSTI. Air Vice Marshal Ehsanul Gani Choudhury, OSP, GUP, ndu, psc
Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Plans) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Directors from Air
Headquarters, Directing Staffs and guests from base joined the program. Sqn Ldr Kazi Istiaque
Zaman, GD(P) received COAS trophy for overall best performance in the course.

OC CSTI is delivering his opening speech Best student receiving COAS trophy

109 JCSC

On 29 Nov 18 in CSTI. Air Vice Marshal M Abul Bashar, BBP, OSP, ndc, acsc, psc Assistant Chief
of Air Staff (Operations) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Directors from Air
Headquarters, Directing Staffs and guests from base joined the program. Sqn Ldr Parshant
Kumar of Indian Air Force received COAS trophy for overall best performance in the course.

Reception committee receiving guests Best student receiving COAS trophy

110 JCSC
On 18 Apr 19 in CSTI. Air Vice Marshal M Abul Bashar, BBP, OSP, ndc, acsc, psc Assistant Chief
of Air Staff (Operations) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Directors from Air
Headquarters, Directing Staffs and guests from base joined the program. Sqn Ldr Nafiz
Saleheen Tamal, GD(P) received COAS trophy for overall best performance in the course.

Chief Guest with AOC BAF BSR and OC Chief Guest handing over certificate

111 JCSC
On 01 Aug 19 in CSTI. Air Vice Marshal M Abul Bashar, BBP, OSP, ndc, acsc, psc Assistant Chief
of Air Staff (Operations) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Directors from Air
Headquarters, Directing Staffs and guests from base joined the program. Sqn Ldr Farzana
Sarmin, Engg received COAS trophy for overall best performance in the course.

Diplomats, civil and military guests are Best student receiving COAS trophy
attending the CAC

The Chief Guests in their speech congratulated the graduating students while advised them to
use and enhance their professional skill with the knowledge acquired from the course and
practice leadership. All CACs were resumed by the speech of OC, CSTI; in his speech he gave
a brief resume on the Training and academic curriculum of the course. Among others, Air
Officer Commanding of BAF Base Bashar including senior BAF Officers and diplomats were
present in the ceremony.


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